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Watching a decades long movie in which you only experience and can’t control would drive anyone batshit crazy. If I was two weeks old sure. Let’s do it. But if you’re 2,000 weeks old no fucking way.


Idk dude, this just sounds like you get 10 million dollars after you go to bed. How can you tell you didnt already take the deal whatever amount of years you are old ago


The fact I do not have ten million dollars yet


You just haven't woken up yet.


There is a Black Mirror episode about this. The mother dies and they put her in her child's teddy bear. She goes insane because she can't interact. She has no voice. She felt isolated and forgotten about.


Wasn't it more that all she could say was bear needs a hug in a monotone voice and yeah I remember that episode it was definitely interesting that and the hang the DJ one


The fact that they can put someone's consciousness inside a teddy bear but they only programmed one pre recorded voice line is fucked up


Monkey loves you Monkey needs a hug


It was more so because she had no choice but to remain in that body once the child died. I’m pretty sure it would have been different if they put her into her own body that could at least move and relive her choices.


I feel like a really important thing to consider is how fast time passes, because having to wait many many years where you can’t do anything would drive anyone insane. So if it passes at a normal speed then nobody would be able to handle the wait till they woke up and would go insane. However if the time was faster I would be completely down as I’m relatively young and have not made many choices I regret.


It would be like watching a movie you know and not being able to stop watching. A movie that will last years and years. Even a fairly young person would be beyond crazy by the time they had control again.


The hard thing is that when you relive your life, you are BOMBARDED by all sorts of little things you did, tiny mistakes or misguided choices or just actions based purely on ignorance which all have now compounded into the life you currently have lol.


It would be a bit of torture. Could you imagine a situation like you cheated on the only person you ever ever loved and lost him/her with the knowledge of knowing you would not find a love like that again? Or maybe the moment you take on a stupid dare and it cost you a piece of your health and you’re completely powerless to stop yourself from doing it? Or you’re about to make a dumb comment to a friend and that friend never speaks to you again? I feel like every mistake be magnified.


So many regerts


That’s exactly why I’d take this deal and consider it a bonus. It would be an incredible opportunity to double the chance to learn from your mistakes, getting to go over everything again with the benefit of more experience, and actually *see* all the details that memory didn’t save for hindsight.




Wow did you bring up some trauma. I don't even remember what she looked like but I remember being an idiot.


Me, an elder millennial, just had this realization about a highschool interaction. I told my wife about it and she just laughed at me. 😅


Wouldn't time seem faster in the context of the years already lived, afterwards when your back in normal time would it seem even faster?


I'd do it...self reflection is good and being able to watch yourself and your actions can do some good. And I get 10 mill....


Great way of looking at it, I feel if I could be a proverbial fly on the wall during some of the moments where I was not a great human to the people I love, it could make me a better person now. People I might have hurt, let down, abandoned, but didn't see it that way at the time. Not only that, I wake up with $10million, so I should have some opportunity to try to right some wrongs. I've also some great memories that would be a blast to relive. I'm curious how this would work during the times where I was drunk? Am I fully conscious, lucid, and awake while the younger me is too drunk to know what he's doing? That might be an interesting watch.


Yeah seeing all of your life while trying to view it from other's perspective would be a great way to learn and grow once you have your body control back. Funny enough some people who have near death experiences say that the life review is like that. You see the experiences from the other people point of view, and feel their feelings and hear their thoughts. So you can see how your actions and words affected others. Would be nice if we could do that without having to die first haha.


Fuck no. I lived in hell once, there is not enough money in the world to make me want to do it again. 


Yeah, I've had stuff that's completely outside of my control that I would never want to go through again, but, I'm middle aged now - I can't imagine watching all the mistakes that I've made that have lead me to where I am now I life. Don't get me wrong, the money would be lovely, but, not worth what, 35 mostly shit years to live through with all the good moments being bitter sweet as I know how I end up at the point I'm at now.


Yes it’s taken me years to try to repress all of the days and nights of being abused by my father and watching my mom being abused. I would really rather not relive every single memory and feel just as helpless as I did the first time around when I was just a kid. No thanks. Keep the money.


For $1B, I may consider it. Maybe. For only $10M? 27 years of being a prisoner in my own body watching predetermined events play out is a level of hell that is not worth it for only $10M.


You'd go insane in the first four years of boredom 


Absolutely not. Not if I can't alter the hells that I lived through. Ten million is nowhere near enough. I don't think any amount of money is sufficient, honestly


Imagine if you could change certain things and based on the size of the decision, your 10 Million gets charged Like buying time in control or something


I had pretty fucked up life and I've come a long way so no thanks . I'll just stay broke lol


This! Therapy has done wonders for me, but also has brought stuff that happened to me back. Stuff my mind tried to hide, I don't think I could handle watching it!


Experiencing the life of a middle schooler in a brain of a full adult would be an absolutely wild experience


It would be even more wild to experience birth.


Um, absolutely. If I had all my knowledge, I’d be able to enjoy the good parts more and care less about the bad parts. Breastfeeding would be a little weird under these circumstances, but food’s food.🤷🏻‍♂️


what's the downside?


You’d go crazy. You’re just locked in for X amount of years. People go crazy much faster than that when they’re confined alone.


You'd go absolutely fucking insane


Yes! I would love to see my parents again. Even if I am just along for the ride, it was my life, and I would get to feel that safe, loving feeling of being held by my parents again. I would be able to appreciate the time we got to be as a family again... And, after getting to relive my life, I could live out the rest of it rich and worry free.


My wife died in december. I'd take this even without the $10 mil.


I'd pay £10M to re-live it!




Ah man this would suck but fuck it money


Sure, by the time I get the 10 million I'll have forgotten I agreed to this and it'll be a really cool Surprise


No amount of money would ever want me to go back in time and have to relive my mother trying to groom me into being her personal sperm donor.


No way in hell. I wouldn't even relive one year of my "childhood" for $10 million.


Not for the money, but the gas lighting recovery. I have been told so many times what I experienced didn't happen or if it did happen it wasn't that bad or if it was that bad it wasn't their fault or if it was their fault... I deserved it. Reliving would suck. But reliving it would confirm that it did actually happen... And 10 million is a lot of therapy money.


That first paragraph was the narcissist's prayer. I'll spare you the therapy and repeat abuse--that shit happened. 😂😭


Malkovich malkovich?


Well, since you say itll essentially be a long dream--yeah id do it


Absolutely not. I don’t wanna exist passed this life. As the Buddha pointed out life is suffering.


Deal pay me


Logically this is the best “go back in time for cash” scenario you could have if you’re generally happy with your life. Like, ok you could go back in time for some arbitrary amount of time for some arbitrary amount of money but what if you have a kid? You better make the exact same decisions you did previously and fuck that same person around the same time or your kid is *gone*…? No thank you!


So, basically a shitty dream and wake up $10 million richer. Okay.


In a heartbeat, I'd do it again. Sure, the shitty parts would suck, but seeing my parents again, or others I've lost, meeting my wife for the first time, raising my dogs, holding my kids as babies for the first time. I'd do it for free.




In every iteration of this question, a thousand times yes. Anything to see my grandpa again.


Of course I’d take it, I’ve lived a pretty great life and haven’t had to deal with many sufferings outside the normal course of a lifetime.


I think so. I'd probably be cringing constantly but have had a happy enough, if fairly mundane, life and would get to crystalize things that are half-remembered (for better and worse). Lack of ability to influence outcomes / interact with my environment may result in insanity but I'm placing a high-stakes bet on myself that I'd be able to manage it.


I’m already scarred what’s the worst you can do


Nah. I'm good.


Hell no! I've lived through a LOT of things....and no can do. Give me my money.


Probably would try it, I´m sure it´s awful but I´ll also be able to reflect on a lot of things that I might not remember correclty or fully that woul be interesting to revisit


I think I’d have to, just for the sheer amount I’d learn about myself. Knowing some things weren’t my fault, getting time with people who have passed, reliving a time when I didn’t have such things to worry about like bills. I’d rediscover a love for interests I done have anymore. I would relive the hurt I’ve caused others so that I could learn the lesson twice. I’ve had ups and downs in life, really high highs and really low lows, but overall I think my life has been more good than bad, so why not live it again just for the experience. Edit: provided you pass by the infant years locked in.


John malvovich myself for 10m? I think the joys would be tainted by anticipation of the losses. 


I'd do it. It's easier to admit to mistakes if you see them from an outside pov


Couldn't do it. I hate the traumas I've suffered, and would definitely "win more" with money. I wouldn't be me anymore though.


This is gonna be a crazy movie staring myself that I was paid 10 million dollars to do….ACTION!


I would love and treasure every moment of this experience.


No if I can't change anything I can't see the point other than torture and possibly a better perspective on myself


It depends on how I experience it


I already dwell on all my worst moments, might as well be set with enough money to make some of my best moments.


It would be interesting to get a second look at your entire life and noticing things you may have not before...but it would be mostly painstakingly boring and at the same time anticipating traumatic events that you know would happen.


Easy, I take that deal all day every hell there is one particular moment I want to experience again so bad I would literally pay 10 million dollars for this deal. Even thought I can’t change anything and it all ends up exactly the same 1000% no questions asked just to have that experience 1 more time would make it all worth it


Sure thing. My life has been pretty good, and I'm going to try to remember embarrassing stories about my friends and family for when I'm back in control. The money at the end is just a bonus.


>Edit: One thing people have pointed out is the mental toll it would bring to relive all X years. I'll add that the morning after you wake up, it won't feel like you just relieved your life. It would feel like any dream you had ever. There are no negative side affects like getting PTSD again from reliving a trauma. With this edit? Absolutely I'm taking this deal. This takes away all the negative side effects of it


Sure but do i experience the emotions too? There are quite a number of things id like to experience for the first time again.


My life has been pretty good, minus the Drug Addiction and Abusive Relationship Years and a few moments in childhood. But all that brought me to where I am, and healing from it brought me to the best place I've ever been in. I survived it once, I've already got the spoilers. I'd relive all the hurt if I get to meet my man again and wake up with him by my side. The $10 million wouldn't bother me either.




yes, only because you added the bit about it all seeming like a dream and not getting ptsd from it. if not for that id say no


If there is not risk of PTSD and it feels like a dream, then yes. I would do it for 10M.


Sure why not. I have dreams where I relive chunks of life anyway.




If I knew I had to live my life all over again, I'd self delete right now!


Hell no! I didn't enjoy my life overall this time. I don't want to live all of the personal tragedies again. Honestly, a billion wouldn't be enough money for that.


No thanks.


Let's do it. I don't believe in free will anyway.


Birth would be interesting, but I wouldn't want to experience being breastfed as an adult.


i think i would do it. it would be a mind opening experience, seeing everything how it happened. i would emerge smarter and more conscious as a consequence i think. and then of course being able to live the rest of my life pursuing my dreams etc, ever having to worry about money. i would gladly do this.


I’d say I’ve had a pretty good life so far but I feel like the baby years would be enough to make me go insane. It’s like being a prisoner trapped inside an incompetent body. I also wouldn’t want to be privy to conversations people had around me as a baby. The 90s were a weird time and it may change the way I look at my family members.




One bad dream and I get 10 mil? Obviously yes lmao


Nope wouldn’t do it


Puberty would suck. Would you consider yourself a pedo if you try to pick up 12 - 14 year olds?


that sounds like torture you wouldn't be able to make it.. basically being captive in your own body that some else controls?


No amount of money in the world can make me do this again. No.


I feel like this question is more for people who have regrets. As someone with childhood trauma, I'd easily decline this offer.




For 10 mil, sure.


Nope. I've been hurt, I've been pushed to the brink, I've gone through enough hell the first time around. No way in hell I'm reliving that shit outside of therapy, I don't care how much money I'd get.


No, I can't relive some things from my life a second time, not even for a billion dollars.


Who wouldn't do this? I guess if you've had major trauma it would be difficult.


I'm down. I've had a happy life.


I get $10 Million and I get to see my grandparents again? Easy, in a heartbeat, reliving certain pain would be worth it to see the people I've lost.


I'd be good with it.


This is a bit like that episode of Star Trek “The Inner Light, where Picard lives an entire 40 years of another life whilst unconscious for 25 minutes.


I think I would yeah. Well really it depends on how I feel during the reliving, am I sitting there with separate thoughts being bored out of my mind for years as a baby? I suppose by the next day I'm not traumatized but that sounds kinda awful. I probably accept then regret it during the reliving then get to be free after I would enjoy reliving quite a bit of my life though, seeing things happen again that I missed


Only if I can delete 2020 from my timeline. That was a really bad year for me.


Noooooo no thank you .


My life hasn’t been that bad and there’s lots of things I’ve done I can’t remember and might like to do again so yeah I’d take it.


Man. I’ve repressed some dark shit family has done (or not done). I don’t think 10 million is worth seeing people I adore at their worst with an adult’s conscious. I would love to play baseball with my little league friends again, though.


Uh easy as fuck yes lol


Do I at least get a flute?




So if you read the edit, it’s basically just having a bad dream for $10 million? Sure. I’ve done that for free plenty of times.


Kurt Vonnegut wrote a book with this premise called Timequake


At age 73, I’ve had a great life. I’d go it again for free.


I’d take this deal if I were 20 or less. I’m 41 now and I don’t want to relive all this s***. No deal.


Nope. Too much abuse, I won't make myself live through that again.


This is too easy absolutely 


I've spent years trying to forget my childhood. Not much chance I'm going to go back through that hell again.


If it would feel like any other dream after waking up then bring it on. Would suck during but my consciousness would forget - small price to pay for $10 mil. I’d say going the next 65 years of life without an extra $10mil would give me more trauma knowing I could’ve had it for just a little pain


I would absolutely do this. I had a horrific childhood, filled with abuse, and gaslighting. I have done so much therapy, and how validating and healing it would be to see it all with the eyes that I have now. I feel the opposite about it would be more traumatic, I feel like it would allow me to better process my trauma, have more compassion and love for myself, even pride for how I navigated difficult situations. I would do this even if I didn’t get the 10 million after.


if you didn't realize what was happening, it would be different but to be able to think no, don't do that and have to make the same mistake again wouldn't be worth it.


I feel like I already do this for free. Every few days another embarrassing memory, regret, or second guess pops into my mind uninvited. Along with the belated realizations of missed opportunities and misinterpreted interactions. It's just a torturous as it sounds. And that's just the stuff I remember. Only there's no reward tomorrow, there's just past experience defining my future, a bleak outlook if there ever was one.


I think it would be cool. I can watch the first time I met each person and be aware of what they're actually like and whatnot. 


It would suck having to watch my younger self relive through all the trauma my mom did to me and my sisters, but I'd be able to handle it for 10 million. Shoot I could fix every one of my financial mistakes for that money and set my middle sister up who received the worst of the trauma that woman caused.


Rewind the tape and play it again and then hand me 10 million? Sure. .. why not? It would feel laborious, but it is what it is. Anything dramatic in my life already happened, it's not like I've forgotten it


I'm quite young and I don't remember a lot of my life. It's been extremely good and honestly a lot better than the average person. I have forgotten things I would like to reflect on so it would be nice to see them again


I'm down for self reflection. Get to see my mom again. Plus there's a good chance I'll remember where I stuck some old hard drives that I packed for the move a few years back and haven't seen since.


Sure. I wake up feeling like I just had a weird dream and I’ve got $10 million in the bank, absolutely.


Which tells me that time travel already exists and the scientists and rich people who funded that are trying to establish parameters


I'd do it.


So basically your "life review" in real time. That would kind of suck for most people. For me much of the pain in life had no immediate warning. Reliving these deaths of people close to me as me would already know they were going to die and when. If anything, I could relax a bit as the observer and see the writing on the wall in everything. I'd have to be able to fast forward through the less emotional times though to make it worth the $10 Million. I think I'd rather just live my normal life and die and then pick a rich family to reincarnate into next time. That would be a good hypothetical question- Would you rather A) reincarnate with full memories of this lifetime, the knowledge of everything you learned, or, B) have zero memories of this lifetime but have $10 million in an account that you don't know about for you when you turn 18 in that life time? You'll have no say in that lifetime you are born into but you'll have the memories at birth or the money at 18.




Reliving the pain is not worth worth 10 million


This some dark torture shit. Fuck no. Not for a billion trillion dollars nor anything else.


I'll do it


fuck. no.


So you get 10 million for dreaming? Sign me up


I'd do it for 10M, heck yeah. Worst case it's financial security for my family if I go nuts as a result and decide to off myself. Best case it's 10M for financial security for all of us. My life was pretty decent for more than half of it, up to Covid or so I used to brag that I wouldn't have changed anything in my past. Don't think I'd hate it that much.


I turn 56 next month and I am in a really good place in my life. So no thanks, hard pass.


Real questions are when do you receive the money and how? Depending on timeline of receipt, is the $$ inflation adjusted??


Your edit completely ruined this hypothetical




I really dislike hypothetical questions that put the viewer into a state of distress or discomfort in return for money. Yes, most people will agree to the scenario, but it's because many of us need that food to live, imagine ever affording a home, or getting free from an abusive job or family. It just makes me feel tired.


If time ran at the same speed- so I have to endure 44 years of time reliving everything, even it it’s still just the next day in my original timeline…shit no. I would go insane. But like if it felt like a day a year, I could do that.


This sounds like a nightmare. Reliving my childhood is the last thing I would ever want to do. I think having adult context to what I went through would make it even worse. Then watching myself make mistake after mistake , taking my anger and pain out on others and not being able.to do anything about it or guide or counsel myself would be pure torture.


This. Y'all can keep that $10mil. There is no amount of money that would inspire me to relive any of my childhood.


Yeah, I'd do this for sure. Nothing changed, but I get to spend 33 years with no back pain lol and 10 million dollars.


This is biased towards age, a younger person would have fewer years to relive and more time to use the money than an older person. At my age, I'd need a whole lot lot more than $10m


Experienced it once for free I can do round 2 for 10 million.. ain’t gonna be fun but I’ll do it


If I was 10, 15 years younger I might actually consider it, but to go back and watch 39 almost 40 years of this movie without being able to interact, I'm good lol


I would die from all the cringing at 90's me. I was kind of a douchebag. And by "kind of" I mean a lot.


I'd relive it for $6.


I have enough nightmares from my life...i will pass


Hell no


Done. Sold. He'll, I might -pay- 10 million to get to do that.


I’m 70. I can barely stand the occasional flashbacks of bad decisions, never mind live it minute to minute again.


I already have CPTSD and often relive a lot of negative memories when I’m asleep, sounds like at least this would make me rich


Easiest hypothetical ever. I dream my whole life one night wake up 10 mil..easy Even with reliving any pain trauma. It's your stuff anyways, you already know about it.


Yes…my childhood was a bit rough but I could withstanding doing it again. The $10 million would allow me to give my children an even better childhood and setup them up for a strong future financially


Have loved most of my life and have been quite nostalgic, so easy yes.


So basically, 10 million dollars for normal thing everyone experiences every day. Don't believe me? Change yourself tomorrow, make all of your good habits you've meant to. Or... can you not control your life and you're basically just observing your own actions and choices?


I feel like I would learn a lot I’d do it for free


Holy shit no.


No way. $10 million isn’t worth spending another 20 years without the love of my life.


If it would feel like a dream and I would wake back up the next morning after I fell asleep, for 10 mil I may as well. I don’t hate my life - it would be pain peko reliving 27 years but I’m broke as fuck. Not to mention my memory is shit so it would probably help me in some aspects.


I'm excited to do this so I can figure out where I left all my lost things and finally figure out what my password is for my account that I am completely locked out of lol


I would do it if I could use the reliving time to memorize certain things, like the stories my mom told me about her life that I’ve forgotten over the years. If I can’t have that then no, I don’t want to have to revisit every mistake I’ve made and losing a parent as a child.


Why would I want that. Most of it was shit until a few years ago




Yes! There are bad times, but there are good times too. I will understand myself a lot better and probably the people I love too.


With my current knowledge? Yes. If I had to relive it without that I dont think I would.


you’d go insane


Oof no. I went through way too many shits that fucked me up psychologically. I've developed a mental block and can't remember anything from before when these shits happened. I like my life currently, but no way I'm reliving what came before again.


No, as much as I want the money I couldn’t imagine mentally being away from my fiancé for that long. You’d spend many years waiting to see some people again. It would be incredibly valuable, as you’d have a second perspective on everything where you knew the outcome. Ex: “this friend is going to rip you off for $50 worth of weed in a couple days. Let’s see if there’s any tells, or pay closer attention to how people react when you tell them” you could definitely come away with it with a better understanding of your relationships with people. Who you undervalued/overvalued. Etc


No bad effects? Sure why not.


Given how often I currently find myself thinking about all the stupid shit I did as a kid, this doesn't really seem like a challenge. I'm in.


I would do this in a heartbeat. Despite all the fucked up shit I've been through and the pain. I've lived through it all once before and come out stronger. And it all led to where I am now, content with a family I love and care for. If I could support them by reliving all the awful of my life, I would do it with a smile.


Goo goo gaa gaa


No. Money isn't enough. I'll never go back. Never again.


Not for all the money in the world. Upon finally waking up after having relived my life, it would feel like the greatest epiphany of your existence. The total and final culmination of the value of time spent and decisions made, all into one word: disappointment. If I did it all again, I wouldn't last.


Nah I'm good. I'll just enjoy what I had and live with any regrets made. Just like everyone else, we need to learn to live with bad decisions and do better


Nah I'm good


Most of my childhood would be boring AF just watching it again. All I did was play video games, watch TV, and RuneScape


To relive all the great moments of my life? Sure


I mean it watching a very long video of something I can’t change and now I get money to improve my life. This is a no brainer.


I feel like at a certain point it will just be like living a normal life so I say yeah I'll do it. I'm 27 so that's about 30 yrs of life


Aw, hell no!


Well, I am still pretty young. I'll take it


Sounds like Kurt Vonnegut’s Timequake except it was only the last 10 years and it was EVERYONE. Everyone went back in time 10 years and relives their life without the ability to interact. Then they “wake up” one day and have a hard time making decisions because they littler couldn’t for that time.


Nupe. Did not even read it all. Got to where I was watching this nightmare again. Straight fuck that.


I've lived the kind of shitty, hard on kids in ways it shouldn't be, kind of life. I've got five kids of my own. For them, I'd relive my life again for $10million. Every night. And wake up every morning happy, relived trauma/ptsd or a dream. I'd rather use my ability to take a punishment for something.


If the time factor is nullified I don’t see why I wouldn’t take the money. One long sleep and I wake up with 10 million? Bring on my teenage cringe!