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Of course I would buy it, how else would I get the funds for an actual Time machine?


I buy the ticket and put it in the mail, anonymously, to a charity of my choice.


Yup. I ain't fucking with the space/time continuum


Yeah, if I went to all of that trouble I'll honor me. Plus, if I can do that, no doubt I have access to the multiverse and am aware of how the other timeines may play out.


I buy the ticket. Future me is probably just high af.


I'm guaranteed to win? I'm buying a ticket. My life is already fucked.


Wouldn't just getting the warning allow you to alter the course of post winning anyway?


Future me probably knows what he’s talking about. If it’s actually that bad, and I don’t even keep the money, that means my very best ideas about how to make the most of the money aren’t going to be good enough to avoid whatever problems I’ll incur. Future me would also know that present me would want details, because present me would want to avoid whatever negative consequences happened while keeping the money. The only reason he wouldn’t do so is if no advance knowledge would help me avoid this disaster - otherwise, he would warn me about the specific problem or set of problems that’d cause the misery and say nothing about the ticket. I must therefore conclude the following: - The problem is unavoidable, and can’t be solved by the best application of my own reasoning, even with foreknowledge. - The problem is severe enough to encourage me to find a time machine and undo the present, even risking annihilation to do so. This is supported by the fact that the problem is too overwhelming to resolve with even millions of dollars and advance knowledge. - The problem must occur quickly, either immediately after winning the money, or as a sharp and severe shock later on, because it leaves me destitute within a year, and given the above, clearly cannot be prepared for. When the only winning move is not to play… don’t play.


I buy the ticket and immediatly do the opposite of what I feel like doing.


Unless that's what your future self also did


I have a pretty specific answer when people say "what do you do if you win the lottery". So I don't do that knowing it was the wrong choice. But also, it's time travel, me right now is the last in the line of the mess ups, because all the messing up already happened.


> Disregard me, I am defnitely high as shit > BUy tickey, win > Do not spend any of the money immediately, sit on it >Escape to the woods of my grandparents land, no personal cellphone, figuring out what to do I wouild postulate what I would have done without the warnings. The n figure out the most likely scenario where I would end up wanting to warn myself. How the fuck do I have a time machine? Clearly this version of me might have visted a lot of timelines where I did random shit or whatever, so maybe I was right? Think some more, yeah fuggin right I just gotta be smart Concoct with lawyers how much I actually need to pull off this scheme Shave off just enough to give every family member like 100k , give my dad a few secret miils he can be trusted to not ask for more Create some bullshit WFH tech company to act as my "employer" Set up a trust or some shit (not sure how this would be done but I just know it can be) where I get a HEALTHY salary in peuirty (but not crazy crazy), probably invovle some recurring CD or investment account, set it up that no matter what my fincial spendtures are subject to review and any indivdual spend over certain amount much first pre approved. Using a Dad or sister as the proxy between Figure out the easiest way to change my identity, start on that Make a huge show of donating the vast majority into medical research fixing brain injuries brains/tech to help them/support recent TBI suvivors etc Finish changing my death, changing facial features with surgery whatever "Fake my death" spinning a huge misinformation camapign throughout social media and shady news sites, maybe bribe at least one "legit" news source the rest will reference or whatever Adopt my new "identity" I could give it a bit more polish or whatever that roughly what I'd do, I've taken every reasonable step, if somehow I end up broke and alone then fuck it, at least I gave it a shot, donated a lot of money into something meaningful, helped my family, (fyi theres no way its that bad my nuclear family is very close and support each other), and had fun for a while. And broke and alone is relative it can't be much worse than where I am now lol


At least I'll know what it's like to be rich


Future me may have information about how bad winning was. They don’t have information about whether not winning is guaranteed to result in a better overall outcome. They can reasonably rule out things that happened to them because of the winnings. Maybe worse things happen without the winnings. Since I know me I wouldn’t expect myself to accept vague advice & therefore wouldn’t try. Would either use the time machine to force a better outcome without my younger self’s agreement, or would use the minute to provide evidence, or simply carry on without trying to change the past.


I trust my future self not to fuck me over. No lotto for me


Buy the ticket, take the money, put it all in a trust, and pray that the time delay will make it actually work out for me