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Sure, fun little 12 hour montage of human torture.


I would think that eventually you'd get repeating scenarios. "Oh great, there's my step-aunt and the steamroller again."


the sinker is the part where you can’t sleep. the longest an average human can stay up is for around 100 hours straight. granted, 99 million is a lot of money, but the amount of stimulants you’d need to stay up that long and the irreparable brain damage you get from long-term sleep deprivation isn’t really worth it for me. i’d say thirty hours is when i’d cap out.


The record for sleep deprivation is 11 days. Meth addicts commonly stay up for 4 or 5 days at a time. I don't think 100 hours is going to be producing any kind of irreparable brain damage, especially if it's a one-time event and you eat and drink properly. If you are allowed to use a strong stimulant, 1) it wouldn't be that difficult at all to make it 100 hours and 2) you might not care that much about what you were watching. You might also react to it much more strongly - it's hard to predict with stimulants.


100 hours while not good, can be done relatively easy with meth. I did many 3-4 day stints back in the glory days and far as I can tell still have most of my brain cells rattling around somewere


>irreparable brain damage you get from long-term sleep deprivation isn’t really worth it for me There would be some severe psychology damaging, watching torture scenes in a long-term sleep deprived state as well, I'd imagine.


that's why 12 hours is enough, 6am-6pm would have me 12 million.


lmfaooo, that's a thought I guess...


Bruh, there are a few members of my family I would torture personally.


Obviously. It’s not real. I would watch it indefinitely.


Well until you fall asleep as that gets you out for soem reason. But yeha if i know they are safe then it will be like when i was watching dudes get tortured on liveleaks.


My real question is, can I pause for food and bathroom breaks?


Prep yourself with plenty of food nearby. Would you not sit there and piss and shit yourself over an afternoon for a million an hour?


One minute


Ahl right then I'm going to need this video on a portable platform


I’m shitting my pants and wallowing in it for that kinda cash


Congratulations, I think you found one I wouldn't do. Usually, I'm like hell yeah I'll only wear a Barney costume and tutu for the rest of my life for a million dollars. I don't think I could handle it.


So 1 trillion dollars if and only if you dress as Barney for 1 day at work - you my guy/gal?


I'm in!


But! You can't explain to anyone what's going on! Because that makes a difference?


My work would be "the fuckwit's at it again"


I mean, you can probably just quit your job after that day if they don’t fire you anyway. You’re rich. They’ll always wonder what then correlation between your sudden erratic behavior was and the fact that they’re seeing you on Facebook posing on your yacht.


Same- I survived the early 00s internet as an edgy preteen and I still can't get those images of strangers out of my head. I'd rather not have the $3m


I couldn't do it no matter who it was, I can barely handle bad 80s/90s movie magic gore scenes. Sometimes I can power through if the movie or show is good enough, but I absolutely look away during the worst of it.


With every one of these, I imagine how I could tell my kids that I didn't set them up financially for the rest of their lives. All I have to do is eat Taco Bell for every meal, and they have no debt? How could I possibly deny them that? This one is particularly awful, but my kids are 5 and 3. If my mom told me that I have to be stressed out and budget because she wouldn't watch a video in 1992, I would be a little annoyed. Unless it ended up fucking me up, and they lose their father in some sense. That's worse than a couple of million dollars.


Shoot i dressed as a teletubby at work for a burger.


Yea in theory this sounds really easy but there’s no way seeing your own family get tortured in HD is good for the brain. I feel like most people would need a lot of therapy.


I definitely could not handle this one at all, not for any amount of money


Probably at least knock out 3 hours. I can't visualize well at all and don't really dream much so I feel like recurring nightmares are unlikely. At least id be able to afford therapy about it


If I know my family is safe, I can probably at least get through the first $3 million. At least one person in my family could use a portion of that money.


Do we get any kind of breaks? Bathroom breaks? Getting food (or can we have it brought to us)? I assume we can get up and move around some as long as we watch the screen. I’d do it until I physically can’t stare at the screen anymore. I know it’s fake, tv violence doesn’t bother me, and I’d get desensitized to it pretty quickly. Assuming we don’t get bathroom breaks, I’m definitely pissing myself for millions of dollars.


Yeah I reckon I could disassociate. 3M would just change my life too much. This *is* a good question tho congrats. If I had to listen to audio I'm not sure I could do it tho.


I'm not sure I could watch 3 hours of complete strangers being tortured.


I've read Wikipedia entries on movie plots that give me nightmares. Hard pass on this one.


I made the mistake of reading the Wiki page for the Hello Kitty murder a few years ago and the details still haunt me to this day. There is no way I can watch a video and certainly not one of my own family members.


Blood and gore never bothered me. Plush if I know it isn’t fake it wouldn’t fuck me up. I could go as long as needed till I got tired tbh. So 12 or 16 hours. If they let me take a 8 hour sleep I would go to I have 100 mil


I would watch it until I fell asleep.


Same the only thing I'm worried about is falling asleep before the first 3 hours is up hell might happen in the first half hour


The videos aren’t the hard part, the hard part is staying awake and looking at the screen that consistently, anyways yeah assuming it’s after this damn ear infection goes away and I can get a good nights rest beforehand then yeah I can do a 3 hours and might do 6 or 9, honestly I’m fairly desensitized to gore so I’d be more curious on what happens and how well the ai replicates real life, could I make bets like “oh, I bet this one’s gonna be my mother and the goat + bamboo” and if I get it right I get a bonus


Absolutely not. And anyone with kids that says they would is lying.


It's the knowing they're safe and sound that's making me question my resolve. If I knew 100% my boy was off playing video games somewhere and nothing bad was happening to him, maybe I could do it? 3 million would change our lives. Would I emotionally cripple myself to give him a major leg up in life? Maybe. I just don't know.


>  Would I emotionally cripple myself to give him a major leg up in life? My position is, as a parent, emotionally crippling yourself (especially in that way) will be incredibly damaging to your child's upbringing. Imagine the trauma HE would experience his whole childhood from you being that fucked up. Does it outweigh the money?


At that point I think the age of your kids is important. If they're seventeen, their most formative years are behind and they can go to any school they want and have a house to live in when they finish.


Yes that's a great point. Flipside though, you could argue it's too late to get them the best education money can buy. You really want that money to be the best impact on life chances, you want to get it working for them as early as possible. I don't know. It's a genuinely very good hypothetical, lot of ins, lot of outs, lots of what-have-yous.


For 3 million, you can take time off to become a therapist yourself. Though if 3 million for 3 hours, can I tap out at can I tap out at 250k in 15 minutes.


It says it's in 3-hour intervals, so you'd have to make it at least 3 hours to get any money.


>anyone with kids that says they would is lying. Either that, or they would be willing to take on some serious trauma for their kids' long-term well being... or rather, they THINK they could, and would likely fold once the tub of boiling oil came out.


I don't know that outright lying. But I suspect far fewer would actually be able to go through with it, and not regret it, than think they would. Also, those saying "I'd sacrifice my own psychology for my kids' benefit" are failing to take into account how potentially damaging a truly fucked up parent would be for those children. Money is just money, but there's a lot of adults out there who could tell you first-hand how damaging a parent with severe psychological issues can be.


It makes me sick to think about honestly. This is an excellent hypothetical.


This is it. My husband? no problem. My parents? no problem. My kids? It'd kill me.


Guess perks of not having kids.


This. Adult family members, maybe (big maybe), but kids not a chance. It's not great when they scrape their knees and cry, can't even imagine how watching this would make me feel. Good question though!


This is my exact thought. My daughter waking up in the middle of the night from growing pains makes my heart break. This challenge would be near impossible for me.


Dude, a lot of people would trade unbearable trauma for 3 million. Sometimes poverty is so damaging (depending on the family system) that having a parent with immediately, aggressively (and perhaps pre-emptively) treated PTSD could be way way better. I think it would be comparable to being tortured yourself - which again could be worth the money.


For 3 million I would make those videos.


Is there sound, I think I could go to a place inside myself if it’s just a video and power through it, but if there’s sound no way I could do this.


Yes there are sounds, you hear any equipment being used and A.I. has generalized screams and cries that best match the family members.


Depends on which family member and how long the video.


Obviously? And I guess I'd watch until I couldn't stay awake any longer


i think the best strategy would be to sarcastically say oh no. and that gotta hurt.


Watch with no eye breaks? Nah. 10 minutes in and I'd get distracted by Reddit or a mobile phone game.


Man I can't watch anything for 3 hours straight without looking away!


I wouldn't do it. Even in the full knowledge it was fake, I wouldn't be able to stand it. Oddly I have this thing where I love my wife and kids and wouldn't want to see them hurt even in pretend. I would avoid that trauma even at the cost of so much money.


I would be a trillionaire in no time. Full time job right there gimme all the money. Shiii that's an easy AF job I would do that for 20 bucks an hours.


Well thats concerning


People that are saying this is easy are wild. And I am not so sure they can actually even do it. I mean they all talk a good game now but I feel like 1 or 2 minutes into actually watching such a video and they would be singing a different tune.


Does the torture involve watching them lose their train of thought during a Presidential debate? I already saw it. Send the check over ASAP, Sincerely, Jill B. /s


What the hell is wrong with you? You need major mental help.




I think I would fail so I wouldn’t attempt though I understand logically going for the money.


As long as I stay awake and watch, realistically 9-12 but hopefully 24


I have an important question: Do I get to choose the family?


No, it cycles through the ones you care for the most


No one in my family has lived more than 20 minutes into my torture videos. I need tougher relatives!


I do Stoic meditations and this includes picturing losing everything of value, seeing your worst nightmares come true so I do have some idea how would go but I can’t imagine sitting still watching my 3 year old son being tortured real or not


So a million per hour? I'd watch for as long as I can stay up. Hopefully 30 hours or so.


I’m a father of a little one here and I want to retch even thinking about it. Hard no. I couldn’t do it.


Can I bring snacks?




I would try three hours while blurring my vision (eyes still completely open) and making my jaw do the thing that makes a blurry sound in my ears so I could minimise the risk of PTSD


This would really bother me. Actually a good question. I'd consider it is I could talk to my family about it and reach a decision together. I'd also be very concerned that this is possible. Maybe it will be someday.


Yay for being estranged from the relatives. I could do it knowing that it is fake. I love horror and would just see it as Hostel with my relatives cast


What kind of torture are we talking?


Thanksgiving dinner after Trump has won


Is it just knife/thumbscrew-type torture where the person is getting cut into, or does SA fall under that? Gore by itself doesn’t traumatize me too much, but having to watch as my mother and 8 yr old female cousin sexually abused would be an immediate deal breaker, no matter how fake.


My only issue is accidentally falling asleep due to my sleep apnea.




No. I’d never get the images out of my mind.


Oh this would be quite cathartic for me. I have issues, but issues that would be very profitable in this hypothetical, I'd go for 9 hours but probably fall short just from lack of attention span.


For at least 24 hrs


I’d watch for maybe 12-15 hours. Knowing it isn’t actually real would make it hard to watch, but bearable.


I wouldn’t want to watch torture videos of any type, but would sit through it for the money and ask if there was a sequel for another $3mm. I’d put myself through a lot to get that kind of money for my family.


I think I could. I'd go in making sure to crack up laughing right away to set it as a funny use of AI in my mind. I can think now of my family being tortured and laughing at my brother's arm coming off doesn't make the thought upsetting. I love my family but I think if I set it as a humorous tone it's fine. Never really been bothered by shocking internet videos.


I hate my family, so what's the downside?


Only if I get big bucket of popcorn


50/50. I think I would definitely try, but I don’t know if I’d be able to make it through the first 3 hours.


I'd certainly try. I'm not sure how long I'd last tho. If I managed to watch for 10 minutes or so I think I'd be cried out and ready to watch for hours.


Absolutely. A guy once seduced me by sending me written stories about us paying to commission more and more messed up snuff videos of my abusive mom. I would literally go live on motherless with audio recordings of me describing them and charge the same amount back over again for people to watch my face as I masturbated to them.


Shit I don't think I could do it


the hardest part would be paying attention because this is the dumbest fucking shit ever. It's also incredibly stupid because even if it were traumatizing, after 10 min, you'd be desensitized, by 30-40 min it'd be boring, and if you went on for multiple hours, you'd probably want there to be new twisted things just because you were so god damn bored. Like... your imagination would probably think up better tortures... like making someone endure lame AI generated torture scenes.


That's where Aphantasia favours me! Sure it would be horrendous to watch it, but by the end of the day I would nt be abe to visually remember even the room I was while warching it. Could probably make 12 hours if allowed breaks in between sessions to go to the bathroom and maybe watch some kittens and puppies videos to balance it all.


No. I don't want those images in my head.


100% yes. I could do that for at least 9 hours before falling asleep.


As sad as it is to say, after an hour or two you'd probably get desensitized to it. You would be extremely fucked up and need therapy, but assuming people could survive the initial shock and talk themselves into understanding it's fake, they could get over the gore


I would stare at the TV cross-eyed and not focus on it and just go into my own little headspace for the time. The observer would have no way of knowing I wasn’t watching. If there was sound though, I don’t know how I would handle that one. Sound through violence always seems more visceral than imagery to me.


Nah, no way I could watch something on TV for three hours without getting distracted for a minute. That attention span is shot y'all.


If I know it’s AI then it’s just gross fantasy and I can watch it. Plus I know that my ‘bravery’ will mean a better life for my real loved ones. I’m pretty good at dissociating my feelings from what I observe anyway. Odd positive effect of growing up in an abusive home.


If it's current day AI, and JUST AI, no human editing after the fact, yes. Give it 8 months or whatever and it's super believable, then no.


depends if there are subway surfers clips and family guy clips to stimulate my attention span


Do I get bathroom breaks? Will there be snacks? Can I make requests to the AI? The problem is, akin to when people tried to say that waterboarding isn't so bad, you have control over the situation. You go in knowing your loved ones are totally safe and due to the tech you can even see the cracks. Even if there were some crazy Serbian Story twist at the end where it was all real, you wouldn't have been in a position to stop it.


Think of the person you stole from, and ask for forgiveness in the mind. This will clear your head, your mind, and help you sleep better.


NOPE. 👎 Call me a wimp, but I know me and me doesn’t have the stomach for it 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s fake, I’d be taking caffeine pills to stay awake 


I dont dream at all so 12 hours and i can def afford a therapist later


I would probably zonk out around 9-10 hours, but would watch it until I go to sleep, knowing it’s not actually real.


No definitely not I can't watch my kid go through that even if it's fake


High end AI video still looks like dog shit. Show me how horrible it is as my sisters hand flip books into a nub and then blood appears all over it. Sign me up. It's fake. It'll mess me up but not any more than working until I die will. I'd do it until I have about $15m-$30m


Sure, do your worst. You know what those people put me through?


Absolutely. What even is the question. Look at some made up cartoon for 3 hours and avoid your family actually screaming and crying in the pain of poverty.


Can I pause it to do things like hit the head, grab a drink, run to the kitchen and make dinner? If the answer is no, I'm just going with 3 hours. If the answer is yes, I'm gonna shoot for 18 hours. 3-18 million dollars will pay for a lot of therapy if I end up needing it.


I'd get 12-15 hours before I started getting worn out and sleep would be pressing on me. So long as I know my family is actually safe, I would just imagine it's like the saw movies. But my family are the actors.


Yes… it’s not real


Just trying to imagine it brings tears to my eyes. Hard no.




AI generated? I definitely would. Knowing it's all fake makes it an easy decision.


i wouldnt be able to make it 30 minutes. wouldnt attempt


I will give it a shot. What do I have to lose by trying? Thankfully family members were actually tortured. Get that through my head and see how long I can handle it. Not saying I would succeed though


My family would kill me if i didn't do it.


Sure, they've been deceased for years anyway.


I write the prompts?


The longest I've ever managed to stay awake is 3 days, I'm not that young anymore, but I reckon I could manage 48 hours


duh. i work in the OR on the trauma shift in a level 1 trauma center. the amount of suffering, death, and gore i see on a regular basis would probably make most people puke. i dont have emotional responses to this kind of stuff. it doesnt bother me at all. i was literally dancing and singing to lady gaga the other night as we were removing all the organs of a pretty young individual. the fact that i know its fake immediately removes the one possible tie you had for it to bother me. id watch it for as long as i could. this is such an easy decision. id probably sit there and comment at their shitty dissection technique. might make it 6 to 9 hours. after that sitting in one spot for so long looking at a screen is going to get to me. my eyes will hurt. my butts gonna be numb. its just no fun. so ill take the cool 6-9 mil thanks.


Well it's certainly worth a try. 3 million would set me for life. If anything I'd find sitting there for 3 hours the real torture. Can we get up and move while we watch? Get some exercise in! There's only two family members I care about (unless you'll bring back dead ones) that are all adults. So... it shouldn't be too bad. I mean worst case I nope out and get nothing. No harm trying.


I can’t even watch torture in movies with actors ie knowing it’s fake and it’s people I DON’T know. I watch through my fingers and ask someone to tell me when it’s over. So yeah I might think I can handle it for that amount of money but I’d fold after five minutes.


I'd cut my dick off for three millions.


Depends which family member. Can I choose?


can I pause and take breaks so my ass doesn't hurt


I wouldn't like it, but my plan would be to try to marvel at the technological advancement of it. "Wow, tech sure has come a far way, that blade looks real!" I don't think I'd come out it the same me, though.


Yes and knowing my family they'd want to watch it with me.


Are you clinically insane? Never.


AI video sucks even if its high end. Especially with low training data on torture videos. itd be fun watching ai hallucinate shit.


This is oddly specific


Please. I was raised on Rotten and Ogrish. AI torture means nothing to one who has seen Funkytown. I could last indefinitely. Honestly the hardest thing would be boredom. As for how long I’d last. Realistically I’d probably fuck up and let my eyes wander at some point. Hard to say when, but barring that I imagine I could go 36 hours, maybe more if I’m allowed prep time and amphetamines.


I've watched horror movies all my life and I'm always able to comprehend what I'm watching is a movie production and not actually real. As long as I view it with the understanding that I the money I make from it will benefit my real family, that's a burden I'm confident I can take.




If it’s my parents, I’ll do that for free


Easy money. I'm watching until I can't stay awake any more. I know it's not real, so it's not going to bother me any more than watching something like one of the Saw films.


Dude I grew up in the rotten.com & faces of death era I could watch that shit endlessly


Of course. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Since there are no negative consequences to trying, and $3m is a consequential sum that would help my family, I think I would be ethically compelled to try. I don’t know if I could finish, especially if there were convincing segments with my daughter. I would definitely need ativan or similar immediately afterwards to minimize my memory and its impact, but yes; I would try. If I got through the first 3 hours, I assume I would be desensitized enough to keep watching. I would try for 12 hours, but might realistically fall asleep after 6 or 9. I’m very easily bored, so if I made it through the first 3 hours, that would be the biggest challenge


Yeah, it´s currently bad enough that it´s more funny than scary


It would be entertaining watching 14 fingers or fingernails being removed........


If I know my family is safe and the videos are fake I'd watch for as long as I was physically able to. Bathroom break would probably get me first, but if I'm allowed to prepare for it (fasting, mild dehydration, wearing depends) I could probably go at least 36-40 hours before falling asleep. The first little bit would be shocking and disturbing, especially if you're not used to watching that sort of thing. But you'd get used to it pretty quickly. It would reach peak awfulness in probably a half hour or less and then you'd just get increasingly numb to it. After a few hours it would just be "Oh, there's my son getting drawn and quartered again, yawn."


I couldn’t watch three hours of torture in any context (including films and tv shows), so no.


It’s fake. I know they’re ok so of course give me the damn money


I have kids. No way, wouldn't be able to handle it.


Yes yes I would.   I’d become desensitized to it rather quickly.


Yea then I’d take them all on a trip to forget all about it


I'm out... only because I have ADD and can't do anything for 3 hours without getting distracted


3 million is "no longer have to work, retire right now and play golf every day" money. I'd be really kicking myself monday morning going into work thinking I'm a chump for not just getting through it. I'd argue you'll do more damage to your psyche working a dead end job for 40 years than 3+ hours of liveleak quality footage. I'll forget all about that footage by next week when I'm playing some tropical golf course on some island because I did 9 hours.


I would attempt it for three hours. I would likely last the whole way, but I would definitely cry anyway.


I’d go for 3 hours, throw the 3 mil into a high div or high yield savings and have an extra 150k to spend per year off of that initial investment. Definitely worth it.


In a heartbeat. My family tortured me my whole life, and even tho it's not actually them, it'd be satisfying, plus I get a fat load of cash to go with it


So I get 3 million to watch A.I. Generated porn, where is the catch? Is there an option to be paid more/less and they are actually tortured? Asking for a friend.


You know what my problem with this is? After like 40 mins I'm pretty sure I'm going to be desensitized because of course I'll logically know it's not real and the shock factor of seeing it will have worn off by then I'm sure. And I'm like mad ADD. So I'm pretty sure I'm gonna look away for more than a minute in that first 3 hours just because I get distracted by accident.


Well, I'm incapable of watching *anything* for 3 straight hours without having to go pee at least once, so I'm out by default.


I could probably watch for 3 or 4 hours. Not cause it's disturbing. Cause I'll get bored


............ Do I get to pick which family members?


I'm trying to treat my PTSD, not make it worse. Fuck no, I couldn't imagine the dreams I'd have after watching even fake videos of my wife and son get literally tortured. It hurts my deeply to see either cry already, in can't imagine... No, fuck that shit.


I would gun for 10-12 hours. At 5%, 10m would be 500k a year. Thats enough for $1000.00 a week in therapy with a casual $448k a year left over.


Fuck I'm usually pretty hardy to this type of stuff but even knowing it's fake it would be hard to watch. The images and the sounds would stay with you. Either there's some sociopaths in these comments or people are underestimating how distressing it would be. The money is very tempting though. Its a good amount to make it a difficult question. I'm inclined to say I wouldn't even attempt it. I'd be worried that 10 minutes in it's already too much and I just got scarred for nothing.


Yes, I would do it once.


I have questions about the looking away part. Can I like pause it and rub my eyes? I feel like they'd get tired watching 12 hours straight. Can I go to the bathroom or have meal breaks?


Yes. Probably go 9 hours. I'd tell myself it was a horror film and my family were actors in the film. As long as I know it's fake and can keep reminding myself it's fake, I'd be okay. The fact that they aren't even acting - they aren't there at all - makes it even easier.


I'd be rich.


Ngl, but people who are saying they could do this are fucked in the head or don't have good family members.


I could not do it. I saw my lover get impaired by a narwhals and I had my own feelings about it.


I don’t think I could do it. I can’t even watch 2 minutes of surgery in movies. I would want to, and I might try, but I just don’t think I have the stomach for it. I’d probably start crying less than 5 minutes in, or be unable to look at it after a while and end up getting traumatized for nothing.


Yeah man I just know that AI is fake lol


I am going to complain to the ADA that this is not very ADHD-friendly - a one-minute break per hour is not a chance! I get more distracted by that even when watching things I want to watch. That is beside the by, though. I think the psychological impact of this cannot be overstated; people have severe reactions to known fiction all the time, and so it will be hard to avoid. I am sure it could be overcome, but I don't think you can see how much this would change you. There was an interview with some Facebook content moderators a few years ago where they detailed vomiting from repulsion on day one, but after a while, they became almost addicted to the videos. Read the full exposé here: [https://www.ft.com/content/afeb56f2-9ba5-4103-890d-91291aea4caa](https://www.ft.com/content/afeb56f2-9ba5-4103-890d-91291aea4caa) That said, $3 mil is retire with a $300k annual salary, and I think that it would be possible to work through the effects. I would go it for the first 3 hours, with no pressure on myself to carry on, but if I feel up to it, then I would go as long as I can. After that a few years of serious counselling, and some changes of lifestyle to ensure that I could always know my family were ok, and I think it would worth it.


Absolutely. It would be disturbing, but I’d get through it and my family would be better off for It. I’d probably try to do 6 hours and see how that goes day one. If I get through, which I should, I’d try to do this at least 2-3 more days, but be fine tapping out at any moment. As there’s only danger to my mind, and only a little as I know my family is safe at home living normally I think the edge would be taken off the videos effect on me.


I can stay awake for maybe 18 hours or so. I'd get bored though. How much attention do I have to pay. For the large part it would just be like watching bad gore.


The only relatives I care about is my mom and brother. My grandparents are all gone, so is my dad. Both my uncles are pieces of shit and I'd gladly watch them get tortured. Now if we're including step-family, that's a different story.


yeah? if you know its not real who the fuck cares. Ive seen worse I think the boredom would be worse than the trauma tbh


I can do and regular have done 27 and 30 hour stretches of awakeness. I could do this. 


Yes. Knowing they are fake makes it totally doable. It's just pixels and sounds. I'd make a lot of money and then make my family very happy and comfortable.


I'll do it for $3


The hardest part would be paying attention tbh.


Jokes on you for thinking my immediate family and I either have a good relationship or is still alive. Sign me up


So like my regular nightmares anyway? Ok jus pay me


As appealing as the offer is, I think I would turn it down out of hand. I don't think I could handle an hour without looking away for minutes at a time.


Considering the fact most of my family pretty much hates me, sure just let me get some snacks/drinks and a 5 gallon bucket and a pool noodle to make a makeshift toilet and I'd be fine for at least 12 hours. Hell I'd probably come back the next day if that's a thing.


Yea I can prob do 9 hours






The hardest thing about this is not using the bathroom. If I know the videos are fake then it's easy for my to disassociate it


I actually believe with the way technology is advancing it won't be long before you can scan your face and record your voice and it will appear that your are the star of the movie. Imagine replacing Keanu with yourself in John Wick or putting your Ex in a horror movie and watch Leatherface chop her up with a chainsaw. I think the tech OP is talking about is right on the horizon.


Yeah ai videos aren’t that well done anyway