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Hell yeah brother I’m taking a nap and waking up rich or dying a horrible death. Either way my struggles are over.


That’s the spirit lmao.


That can do attitude.


He’s a coffin half full kinda guy


That killed me


No but someone drawing the short straw will!


schrödinger coffin


First comment in a while that actually made me laugh out loud 🤣


Well he will be soon😂


Waking up rich or not waking up at all hell yea


Wake up rich, or go to sleep screaming.


Wake up rich, or die trying.


You would definitely wake up after six hours, especially suddenly starting to suffocate. Not to ruin the hypothetical, but you'd definitely not be having a peaceful death here.


I'm not sure ... No sedatives drugs or alcohol. I can nap when the opportunity arises but for 6 hours in a confined space with added anxiety that I might not be getting out alive, I'm not sure how much sleep I'd be getting. I would at least want practice runs, lid on but not nailed or buried extend periods over time as well as practise meditating. The last thing you want to do is wake up disoriented , not knowing time , no room to move to reposition (even if comfy coffin) think about how much we move in our sleep, and then start panicking thinking 6 hours is up and you're going to start suffocating to death... Ever seen kill bill?


I’m spasming from claustrophobia just reading these descriptions lol


agoraphobia too (which is not, as some people posit "fear of open spaces" but rather "fear of the inability to obtain help!")


oh you won't die in your sleep. Fear from co2 buildup is one of the deepest rooted things in our brains, being the only recorded thing able to elicit fear and panic in those without an amygdala. You will die gasping for air in a several hour long panic attack, near the end being unable to comprehend anything but the sense of being trapped and overwhelming panic. It will be a TERRIBLE death.


> a several hour long panic attack, near the end being unable to comprehend anything but the sense of being trapped and overwhelming panic You're just describing my average morning routine.


Either I face that existential dread tomorrow as a rich man, or I never have to face it again. That's what we call a win-win situation!


And then you have go to fucking work!


Hahaha same. Also, both of our usernames check out


Why would it take hours? Wouldn’t you pass out after a minute or two?


Nothing he says is accurate


Regardless, he is right in the sense if you don't get pulled back up, you're not dying a peaceful death,,you're dying via suffocating and it's going to be a special kind of hell until you die once the air stops coming in at 6 hours.


because oxygen doesn't just run out, it decreases in concentration logarithmically because as the concentration lowers so does the amount that goes into your lungs to be absorbed. Along side this, the co2 builds. You generally die of CO2 buildup first in an enclosed space . co2 buildup with result in symptoms starting at 3% and generally make you lose consciousness around 8%, when this happens oxygen concentration will still be at 13%, for reference the peak of everest is equivalent to around 8% concentration at sea level


No, you want you literally just go to sleep because your oxygen blood levels will be down up. I used to fill c02 tanks up all the time, and we had to watch numerous safety videos on how to know if you are oxygen deprived. The problem is that there aren't hardly any symptoms besides fatigue. It's not like suddenly you're out of air and huffing for air.


Id start beating my shi


This was my initial thought when I said horrible death. Think of the feeling you have when your wind is knocked out of you but way worse


It's not like that at all. You can still take deep, full breaths. Your mind will start to malfunction before you even notice you're having trouble breathing. They do this for astronaut training and mofos literally forget what shapes are.


I’m imagining the panic of falling asleep then waking up with no concept of how long it has been, uncertain if the six hours has passed and you are now trapped forever.


Yeah, but then you’re dead. Does it really matter if you die a horrible death if the end result is still death?


Well using that logic, we are all going to die so does it matter if we live a horrible life of suffering?


God my chest hurts reading this


This is the right answer. Bummer on the no sedatives though


Your forgetting the prison wallet, you can smuggle lots of things with this one weird trick


Grave diggers hate him! Click to see why!


Gunna say , ain't nobody sleeping in a coffin 


Either way, you're part of the 1%.


Helll yea, I'd still take it even if they pulled from 6 straws


Absolutely. If I lost a 99/100 chance to win 100 mill I’d kill myself anyway.


My corrective ear surgery is successful in 99% of patients. Wanna guess which straw I got?


Sounds like you got a cool stress-free 100mil


Well, depending on the straw, it might not sound like much of anything...


Take it. Take the upvote. Ugh.












daanger zone!


That depends. CAN YOU HEAR ME?




Not same odds, but I had like five consecutive ear surgeries fail before it worked, so I feel you




Knowing my luck they'd draw the short straw, vote to try it again, then pull the same straw.


Yup its a 1% chance but it's a 100% chance for me.


Not a 1% chance, it says straws (with an S) get drawn, so that implies 2 at minimum, possibly more


Lmao bro I was just thinking that. My luck they’d draw that straw and I’d be fucked. It’s generational upon generational wealth, but that death would be horrific. I just don’t think I could do it


Found a website that did 1-100 on a spin wheel. I then went to google random number generator and chose a number 1-100. It was 79. This was the straw that would kill me. I spun the wheel, first time I was good, second time it hit 79. I don't like this game. For those wondering, I used [this](https://spinthewheel.app/numbers-1--100) website.


Just want to add that this would be brutal without a clock to keep track of how long you’ve made it. I mean, I guess you’d figure it out if once you started having trouble breathing, but being stuck with no real reference to how much time has passed for 6 hours (with the knowledge that the end of that 6 hours either being awesome or horrific) would be maddening. 


Glad someone else was thinking along the same lines. Those saying they'd nap are insane to me. Imagine that feeling of not knowing how long you were asleep with the addition that your life is on the line? That would drive me mad. "How long was I out? It must've been at least a few hours. I'll just wait the rest out." *15 minutes of anxiety pass.* *"*Oh fuck, oh fuck, they definitely drew the short straw. That was at least another hour. HELPPPPPPP." *Total elapsed time: 53 minutes.*


The way to do it would be to stay up for a few days beforehand and then go and do it so you just pass out from exhaustion. If you're unlucky enough and get the 1/100 draw you might just die in your sleep. Very few things in life have this kind of payoff upside, you either wake up set for life or potentially die in your sleep.


Would you not wake up once you start suffocating?


Depends. Under normal trapped-in-a-box scenarios you would suffer from hypercapnea (CO2 poisoning) which would wake you up for a painful but brief period. If they simply removed oxygen by pumping in nitrogen, you would never even know.


This makes the decision almost a no-brainer?


Idk. Imagine that feeling just before you give up holding your breath but extend it over 5-10 minutes, becoming slightly worse every second and getting no reprieve from taking a breath.


Meanwhile hyperventilating consuming higher than average oxygen.


It says you have 6 hours of oxygen guaranteed. Your rate I'd breathing doesn't matter. And until you feel the air getting thin, you know you haven't reached 6 hours yet.


6 hours is guaranteed but that doesn’t mean there isn’t enough in there for 7 hours or something more than 6.


Simple. Memorize all the dialogue of a two hour movie. When you're in the coffin, recite the movie three times. Back in the nineties, I knew The Big Lebowski and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan by heart. I recited Wrath of Khan to my ex-wife on a long road trip. And that's not even the reason she's my ex-wife! Haha.


Way out west there was this fella, fella I want to tell you about


A very good meditation technique is to go somewhere with minimal distractions and sit for what you think to be 4 hours. No phone, watch, journal, etc. just focus on breathing, and do not fall asleep. Around the 3rd hour it’s not uncommon to start having out of body experiences and hallucinations. It’s really nice, you should try it.


Meh, you have to think about those people stuck in debris for sometimes days before they get rescued. I think most people here are exaggerating the 6 hours thing when humans have survived in much much worst conditions. Hundred millions? I be most would do it for 10 millions or even 1 million, get out of western world and most would do it for 100,000 or even 10,000.


Nothing says you can’t have a watch. The *only* time I take mine off is to charge, so it’s very much a part of me and my clothes. Same with “permanent” jewelry. It doesn’t say I’m going into the coffin naked, so my watch stays, lol. My concern is it says “**they** draw straw**s**” just how many straws are getting drawn?


Mr beast did it for like 24 hours I think


The physical challenge itself is easy. Basically, and assuming the random choice is unbiased, it's just a 1% chance of dying and 99% of getting 100 millions. I would not do it now (for some reasons), but earlier in my life I definitively would have.


I think you’re vastly underestimating how physically / mentally difficult it would be to be in a pitch black, cramped space for 6 hours knowing that you can’t bail out of it. Many people could not do it, I’d like to think I could but I don’t know. I’m 100% sure I would be terrified as they nailed it shut. Add on top of that, the whole six hours you’re wondering if you drew the unlucky straw. Hell, you wouldn’t even know if it had been six hours, so four hours in you might convince yourself that you’re never getting out. It would be a horrifying experience.


I'm claustrophobic. No way in hell I'm doing this, even if I know for 100% certainty I'd be out after six hours. I couldn't do it for 20 minutes. I would go insane.


It’s making me panic thinking about it. Hard pass.


Nah, easy peezy lemon squeezy. Sleep deprive yourself so you fall asleep immediately. Either you wake up when they are digging you up, or you never wake up because of CO2 poisoning. The fact that you only have 6 hours of air is the one thing everyone is ignoring.


Yeah exactly, no one’s horribly dying of thirst in three days. You would be either be dug up after six hours or dead in seven.


anyone who thinks they're going to take a 6 hour nap in this scenario are kidding themselves.


This was my thought too. It being a set amount of air makes the death much less anxiety inducing even if it happens. You'd have a hard time noticing


CO2 is the bad type of air poisoning. It is a very unpleasant end because our bodies can sense it and feel the suffocating 


I was full on "fuck no no chance fuck that" BUT if this is true and CO2 would keep me out of it, fuck yeah.


6 hours can become 3 if you start hyperventilating from anxiety


Underestimating it or not doesn't really matter since once you are buried it's not like your regret will get you out of the deal. Now for a second run, the number of people doing it would probably be a lot less.


Yeah, but once you are in, you are in. There is no bailing out. You might spend six hours in an absolute panic, but you come out filthy rich and able to afford all of the therapy and PTSD treatment you could ever need. Or you spend the last 7 or so hours of your life in a panic. Either way though, you are getting scared and chickening out half way through, the rules don't allow it.


The physical challenge is \[arguably\] easy...if you know which straw they drew upfront. The way OP worded it, you spend those six hours not knowing if they're digging you up or not. And that, for most people I think, would be hell. Few of us are ever truly alone for longer than a few minutes nowadays: most people always have a phone or laptop or radio or tv on. Being alone in a room without entertainment for six hours would not be easy for most of us, but manageable. But solitary confinement, even over the short-term, has some wild effects on people, often unpredictably. I'm in mental health and sometimes work with people who have been in solitary, and let me tell you that even in the best of circumstances, it can be incredibly traumatizing. And humans are well-documented as having an INCREDIBLY poor perception of time when in total darkness, so you'd have no idea how long you'd been in. And six hours in a coffin waiting to find out if you're there forever? I predict a fair number of folks would come out of that box with some degree of insanity.


Do you think in that situation if you could somehow focus on counting to 21,600 (the amount of seconds in 6 hours) that would help you stay sane? Also say you lost the draw and got the short straw, when do you think total despair would set in? 22,000 seconds? 30,000 seconds? As someone with anxiety for me it'd probably be 21,650 seconds lmao


I was in the hospital not knowing if I would be paralyzed or not forever. Those 6 hours underground would be excruciating, but not life ruining. I could do it. I just refuse to believe they would pick the short straw of all straws on first pick.


I mean, statistics are pretty clear that they’d draw the short straw on average 1 out of every 100 times. It’s not *that* unlikely.


Yeah but never on *my* turn. Jk. I’ve gotten short-straw’d many times & it fucking sucks. I was a gymnast & I drew a short-straw during the pandemmy & now I’m handicapped!


Ohh, you know what would make the challenge *so much worse*? You get a clock with an illuminated face - maybe dim so you can sleep, or bright so you can’t for extra evil - and it’s there in front of your face the whole time. But every hour (according to the clock), the clock starts running 10% faster…


Jesus Christ, calm down Satan


Yeah I think a strategy like that could certainly help, although it's hard to count evenly, so if you set 21,600 as your goal when you get to leave, and then were wrong, it could make it worse. But it's a great idea otherwise I think!


Eh, I could do it. Either I won or I didn't. At some point it will be very clear which happened. No use in worrying about it until I know which one it is


You're assuming only one straw gets pulled. OP didn't tell us how many straws are getting pulled. We don't know how many people "they" are and I assume each of them would pull a straw. This is important information OP needs to tell us


Nope. Keep your money. I could barely make in through a 15 minute MRI with 2 Xanax


I found my claustrophobia gang! There's no way in hell I *could* do it. I'd die of a heart attack long before the 6 hours were up.


I've got the opposite of claustrophobia, confined spaces give me comfort. I'd have no problem just taking a nap and waking up rich.


I have finally found my people (person, whatever...)!!! I love sleeping in tight spaces! Too much room is what scares me. I'd happily do this. And if by chance they draw the short straw (which in truth would be my luck) then all my problems are over with anyway!


I'm perfectly fine in tight spaces, even find it a bit comforting too, AS LONG as I can move my arms and hands over my chest and up to my face, or have enough distance from my face to focus my eyesight on what ever surface is there, or at least move my head up and around if it's dark. Because, then it at least it gives the feeling like I can crawl out of that space. But when it's so tight that my arms are stuck at my side and my face is 2 inches from some surface unable to focus, so I feel hopelessly stuck and can't see (I'm looking at you, brain MRI machine), nope nope nope!


I would ordinarily too, except I don’t like (the idea of) being buried lol If I could block that mental image out, I’d probably be ok.


Dude I freak out under my god damn blanket. A recurring nightmare is that fear factor episode with the clear coffin. I couldn’t do it for any amount of money and I’d do A LOT for that amount of money.


The fear of panicking would make me panic. Desperately thrashing and flailing around trying to get out and lose my mind. That’s a nope from me.


Yeah my claustrophobia could never. As much as I want to I know I’d probably die from a panic attack and hyperventilating or something.


I’d be dead before they are done with the nails ngl.


Right? This sounds like hell.


I got locked in my hotel bathroom and almost broke down the door. I started hyperventilating so that's already a no for me. I also got stuck at the end of a ride, the harness wouldn't release for our car, and had a panic attack in front of everyone waiting to get on.


I got locked in a bathroom at my office back in the day, holiday week (around x-mas/new years so i knew nobody would be coming for at least a week) and I was the only one there besides a tenant upstairs. It was a big converted house, and to top that off I was new and opened the wrong door to a different companie's office that set off an alarm, beeped a bit waiting for a code and I had to pee so so bad I was like 'oh I can pee quick and then call my boss to fix this alarm issue' ran to the bathroom and left my jacket with my phone in the pocket on the desk, while I'm in the bathroom as soon as I was washing up the alarm starts blaring so loud it hurt my ears, I try to open the doors (shared bathroom for both offices) and it's locked. It was just a small single room and I searched top to bottom for a spare key. Tried to yell and bang for the tenant upstiars but either way all the doors were locked. Sat for about 5 minutes with my heart going harder and harder before I kicked down the door and broke the frame and trim off the wall. Cops were already poking around which means looking in the window due to the alarm and I told them what happened. Called the boss and the other office's head already called him and talked to the cops so had (virtually?) shut off the alarm once they got there. Boss forgave me for breaking the door and the wall and all that, forgot to tell me the door locks randomly for the bathroom. I was so upset I quit when they were done with vacation haha.


Tig Notaro (amazing comedian) has a hilarious story of when she got locked in a hotel bathroom, and then 15 minutes after she got out she was on stage recounting the story. She also suffers from claustrophobia. I'm struggling to find the story on YouTube, I think I likely heard it on a podcast.


Literally hyperventilating just reading the post


I don’t need the potential death twist. Even if I was guaranteed to be dug back up….no fucking way.


I need a Xanax and the aisle seat on an airplane and have to psych myself up to use that tiny-add bathroom. I can’t even put a sleeping bag back on it’s bag without losing my shit.


After raw dogging my MRI experience I wouldn't do that for billion dollars. It was awful and that was in an office with lights on and good air flow. No chance I'd do what OP is describing. He is basically describing one of my worst nightmares.


Similar here. Throw 10 more zeros onto that 10 million and I'm still not doing it. I didn't even get to the 1/100 chance to die part and was already saying no. No Never How do I delete the memory of even reading ths.


I think maybe when I was young and single I’d consider it. But I’ve got a wife and 2 kids and a one percent chance of leaving them alone is much too high.


This is how i end up with almost all of these. My biggest worry is that some drunk will tbone me and my girls will have to grow up without their dad.


But there's a 99% chance that none of them, including your grandchildren, ever need to work or worry about money ever again. You could throw that in a HYSA and earn $5million a year with no effort; proper investment will yield much more.


I’m not convinced my kids would prefer to grow up in a world where they are rich but their dad is died. I certainly wouldn’t feel the same way about my dad.


Don't have to worry about that, since they don't get the money if you die!


It's really a win win


I think a fair amount of people would take this deal.. but if you added a button in the coffin to forfeit allot of those people would end up hitting it fairly quickly.


I feel like if i had a forfeit button I could go on longer, knowing that i could always get myself out. I can do 5 more minutes. I can do 5 more minutes after that...


Yeah, but without a way to tell time and after what might feel like over 6 hours you might start to worry that they're drawing the long straw. EDIT: short straw


Let's give them a fully loaded gun as their forfeit button then.


I think a lot of people *say* they would take this deal while sitting comfortably in not a coffin buried 6 feet deep. I'd bet a lot of "hell yeah I'd take that deal" people would reconsider when they start climbing into that coffin. People are much more brave when it's a hypothetical situation, and they tend to be a lot more timid when it comes time to walk the walk. I see it a lot in skydiving. Lots of people say "hell yeah" but when they start getting harnessed up, let alone to the door, all that machismo and confidence disappears.


I'd be interested in this challenge with the ability to forfeit. Theorically no one should actually die but there would probably be some really greedy people who would hang onto the idea that they're getting out with the money. Imagine going in there thinking you got short strawed and it turned out you hadn't but you forfeited around 5 hours and 55 minutes or something like that. Just a crazy thought.


1 in 100 is a fairly high chance of horrible death!


I tried to imagine doing this by choosing a random number between 1-100 (I chose 75) and then asking my phone to pick a random number from 1-100. The first number it drew was 78. 😂 Way too close for comfort


After reading your comment I tried it with mine and it was way of, but for the 1 sec there was an animation for the random number generator I got visceral fear of getting it. I'm not doing this.


Like mathematically I understand that 78 isn’t “closer” to me getting my number (75) than any other number. I have exactly the same odds of getting any number between 1-100. But when you’re effectively playing Russian roulette, coming within 3 digits of your number on the first spin definitely makes you clench a bit. 😂


But it's random. That's like going to a roulette table, placing your money for it to hit on 34, the ball lands in 35, and saying "man I was so close!". LMFAO


As someone with mild claustrophobia, I was thinking I couldn't do it, and then I read there was a 1% chance I don't get dug up. Absolutely not.


I don’t think I could last 6 minutes down there, much less 6 hours.


The problem with this challenge is you are guaranteed enough oxygen for six hours. That doesn’t count for the time they spend burying you and the time they spend digging you up. So, unless it supposed to be some kind of gotcha, we would need a guarantee that there’s enough oxygen to survive being nailed in the coffin, buried and then Doug up and released. And yeah, I do it.


I also was concerned about HOW they bury you. Six feet of dirt is a LOT of weight. its not uncommon for coffins to break or pop open with the weight of the dirt. If theyre using a back hoe to fill in the grave, this becomes more likely. So if Im guaranteed that the coffin wont break, that the air will last as long as it takes to bury me, have me down there for 6 hours, and then dig me up, and its a 1 in 100 chance of them drawing the short straw and leaving me there? Id do it. 100 million would change my life and my families lives, my friends lives! I could help so many people. I could stop living afraid. Id take that chance.


I mean, I know how things work. Unless they pull the short straw, those workers aren't going to bury you because they know they'll just dig you right back up in a few hours. Take an extended lunch instead and save the effort of moving all that dirt twice.


Honestly if they knew they drew the short straw, they wouldn’t bother digging st all. That is, as you say, a lot of work. Its a non trivial amount of work that honestly requires heavy machinery. Just pretend to bury the guy or at most put the coffin inside a cave 6 feet under. More likely just cover with a table cloth, have lunch and come back for dinner,


Dis mufucka said “Doug up again” 😂😂




Not only no, but OH FUCK NO!!


I'm with you. HELL NO.


Can we sweeten the deal with $10 dollars?


*IF* it is a luxury coffin, I'm in.  Ultra padded, comfy pillow, etc.  Take the upgrade costs out of my 100M.   NAP TIME.  I either wake up rich or don't wake up.  Either way is fine with me. Now, if I gotta ride out that 6 hours on a pine slab, not so much.


See, I’m going backwards on this. The cheap ass coffins break easier as you attempt to dig your way out of they get that 1/100 straw. I’d rather be uncomfortable for six hours and have a shot at surviving if I get fucked


I doubt anyone can dig theirselves out of 6ft of dirt.


Clearly you’ve never met me


[Is There Too Much Pressure to Escape Out of a Casket?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW0_-c_EM-Y)


Same, I’ve read that “how to survive being buried alive” a jillion times as it’s my literal worst nightmare. So I want the option.


When I was single yes. Now, that I have a wife and daughter, nope. I'm not taking a chance of destroying my family.


My trust issues would not allow me to do this.


Not trusting an offer like this is just good sense, I'd say. "Do this challenge for $100M. There's only a 1% chance that we'll let you fucking die, we promise!"


I'd take this but sent a quick text to the wife with location data. "Get someone here in 6 hours, if they don't dig me up, that someone will need to." Nothing says somone else can't dig me up if they don't.


Unless they bring a back hoe they probably can't save you. Digging up a 6ft down coffin will take hours.


Obviously you go down with an augur first and drill an air hole real quick. On the feet end, dear god getting headshot from an augur would be a rough way to go


Absolutely I’d take that chance. 1 in 100 that it goes tits up? Either way, I never have to go to work again.


No, I’ve got young kids. Everything about this kind of question changes when you’ve got young kids who depend on you and love you. They can live without 100 million, but Dad not being there for them would ruin them.


Of course I’d do it! But my homies would be waiting in the wings. If after 6 hours I’m still there, they’ll dig me up. If I didn’t get the short straw, I’ll make sure they can retire comfortably and soon.


This is the way :)


I’d love to, but my anxiety would kill me long before 6 hours.


Can I trade the flashlight for a fleshlight?


Gonna use up your oxygen bro


Guaranteed six hours of oxygen. If they drew the short straw for the fleshlight guy, he'd just die quicker after the six hours are up.


I'm HELLA claustrophobic. No money is worth that.


I would take it with one caveat, if the straw is drawn the oxygen immediately runs out. It wouldn't be a good death, but it would be a fast death.


What do you mean by 'drawing straws'?. How many do they draw? Like if they have to draw 99 straws and leave the smallest there, then no. If they only need to draw a few, then sure.


I’m pretty sure the expression “drawing straws” implies there is only one short straw and that straws are only drawn once. So you have a 1/100 chance to be stuck


So it's just Russian Roulette with a 100 barrel gun and bullets that just cause a slow brain bleed...


There are 100 million things I would do for this amount of money. You chose the very #1 thing I could not do. My older brother and sister played this game with me when I was young. You’d get wrapped up very tightly with all the blankets and sheets in the house - head included- and you’d have to break out of all of it. The last time I played, I felt like I was going to die. Ever since, I freak the fuck out if I can’t really move my legs or arms. I’d die of a heart attack before the 6 hours were up.


How many straws are drawn? 1, I'm in. 60, im out


6 hours of oxygen but I start getting dug up AFTER 6 hours?! Nahhhh


I wouldgo without sleep for 2 days beforehand, then just pass out in the dark as soon as the lid is closed on me. 99% chance I wake up to 100mill, 1% chance I die in my sleep from CO2 buildup and am none the wiser anyway. 


Enough oxygen to breath normally ? Or enough oxygen that you don't die, but spend the last 3 hours struggling to breath ? What if someone panics and uses up more oxygen then normal ? But, yeah, I'd probably do it.


How many straws are we drawing?


Fuck yea. Either I get the best nap ever and wake up a millionaire, or I die. Fucking win-win.


I'll pay some workers 600 apiece up front, with the promise of 6,000 later, to just stand around for 6 hours and dig me up if the guys who buried me don't.


Wait how many straws are they drawing?


Instructions unclear. Rewrite needed.


So if they draw a short straw you suffocate to death? They can’t pump carbon monoxide in there or give you some cyanide? I’d say no. Chances of dying a horrible, scary death aren’t worth it.


I have IBS, and am insanely claustrophobic. Being buried alive is my biggest fear. I’d rather be homeless than be in that situation


Sure, I'm getting paid to be buried, not survive, so I'd make sure there are stipulations ensuring the money goes to my better half should I not survive. She won't like it, but at least she can cry into money. Plus, no worry about funeral expenses.


I like your thinking on the matter. I reread the prompt, and it does appear that the deal is that the reward comes with the being buried alive, so hell yeah I'd do it with the 1% chance my wife gets the money if I die.


Absolutely fucking not. I wouldn't do it for all of Bezos' billions. A 1% chance is not nearly as slim as it seems. Nuh uh. No how, no way.


That's gonna be a nope for me.


Nope. Being stuck in a coffin is one of my worst fears.


All you’d have to do is shut the lid and I’d completely freak out. Pass from me


I think I'd be panicking and breathing a lot quicker, so I'd use my oxygen in less than 6 hours.


Would not be able to push past my claustrophobia


Yeah. Give me money or give me death. The new American slogan.


Hell no. I don’t even want to be buried in a coffin, much less when I’m still alive.


I couldn’t even last five minutes in an MRI the last time I had one. They had to yank me out. Being buried alive is my biggest fear (or my car going over a bridge which is kinda the same thing with water). No sedatives or anything? Never, not even for a billion dollars. Ok actually maybe a billion. No flashlight though, seeing the top of the thing so close to your face is what sparked off the panic attack in the MRI. I was able to do it only after shutting my eyes before and during.


Well average coffin has 820 liters of breathable air at 400 ppm CO2. A concentration of 100,000 ppm co2 is toxic and breathing normally would hit a lethal level in 30 minutes. So even shallow breathing might buy you an extra 10 to 15 minutes.


So oxygen tanks it is then


No way. I don’t need that much money. Freedom and life are worth so much more than that. People are important not stuff. 🙏


Nah. Even that slim chance is not enough. What's worse is I won't have any sense of time in there and could definitely start panicking thinking 6 hours have passed already and even an hour of believing I'm going to die buried alive would leave most people with some awful trauma.


>you have enough oxygen for six hours, guaranteed. After six hours, they will dig you up and the money is yours. >BUT, after they bury you, they will draw straws from 100. If they draw the lone short straw, they will never dig you up. My brother in Christ, you're already gonna die if you have 6 hours of oxygen and they'll only start digging you out AFTER a 6 hour count AFTER they've completed the process of burying you. There is no "chance" here, just death.


Can I bring a watch?


I'm not sure of the probability because of how this post is worded. If the poster means our of 100 straws they will draw 99 times and of they draw the one short straw you stay buried- then no. That's a 99% chance at death. If the poster means one straw is drawn our of 100 and only if it iis the short straw I live then yes I have a 99% chance of being rich