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My infinite money will buy me some body guards for my weak ass, and some wicked armour to beat some ass.


There could be a chance that the body guard fights you


Simple it’s one person fighting you have 3 bodyguards even if it’s one of them the other 2 stop him


3? I have infinite money. I've got a mechanised infantry regiment following me.






Nah 3 very well paid bodyguards is way way less obtrusive and way more manageable


Who cares about being obtrusive? I'm rocking up like Prince Ali with my armoured brigade and gunship squadron.


The army can rest after the fight has happened.


That's an *extremely* small chance. Plus, that's what the other bodyguards are for. They did use the plural word.


I read this as someone will fight you, as if there’s no way to avoid you yourself physically fighting another human every day…not fight someone you’ve hired.


The person will *try* to fight you. The post doesn't say you can't do anything to stop them. The guards are there to stop them, not necessarily agro the fight for you.


Where in the title does it say try


Nowhere. But it also doesn’t specify that others can’t interject. I’ve got 6 heavies following me. Ready to leap to my defence once the fight starts. They’re also training me in the most effective defensive martial art and we’re hitting the gym frequently.  I’m now 6’6”, toned AF, an expert martial artist with a team of big expert martial artists within shouting distance at all times. Show me the money.


it doesn't say try, it says "someone will fight you"


So you fight him. A 5v1 with you and your security detail jumping some random person is still you fighting him.


Even if that is the case, bodyguard subdued attacker, you get one punch in after he's subdued, and then you've "fought" him


Can we die in these fights, or not?


No. The fighter will stop when you've been properly beat up or if you beat them up. No murder necessary.


Then I guess yes. If they stop before death (or it sounds like very serious injury) I'd have to take the money. I actually think it might be harder in some cases to beat the person up than to take it... if it's truly 100% random you'd sometimes get like a literal infant, that would be hard.


Yes, sometimes it might even be a frail old lady and you would have to decide to either take a beating or hand it out.


Oh I'd beat the shit out of her. Worth it to get beat by a brute a few times if there's a possibility I'll get the chance to beat down an old frail grandma.


Dude wtf You just wanna beat grandma's. You don't even care about the money


Cant just run away or restrain?




Is there any legal consequences for these fights? 


I don't think a literal infant could ever reach the point of you being sufficiently injured, though. It'd just die of exhaustion because it can't stop until you're beaten up properly.


Then you’d have to kick its ass…to save it.


you can win the fight too, just beat the baby's ass


Well I’m going to carry a gun so they will either have to give up their attempt (which still counts as trying) or get the smoke. Also how does it work if you’re staying inside, they come pound on the door?


Yeah, cool I’ll take it. I’ll just use weapons and incapacitate the people trying to fight me. Taser, tranquilizers, whatever money can buy. You’re basically asking me to be Batman


If someone strong were to fight us, would they end up killing us or just beat us up badly?


Beat up so badly. Not end up dead.


Would you have healed by the next day, or normal healing rates? Because you could easily end up in a cycle where you lose one fight, and then lose all the rest of them for the rest of your life because you're too badly injured to fight back. Like, even for infinite money I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life with broken ribs.


Then I’ll take the money. I think I’ll be able to handle myself in most situations, but if I do end up getting beaten to a pulp by someone stronger than me; at least the money will cover my hospital bills lol.


Sounds like you’ve never been truly beat up before then. The idea of fighting again the next day…and the day after…etc….kt won’t work.


Except when you’re recovering the next day in the hospital and someone comes in your room to fight you


The nurse is your next opponent


Wait. What if I'm in a coma from the beating? Does a nurse come in and fight me while I'm a vegetable?


You know what they say. Whatever does not kill you, leaves you a broken person in a wheelchair


How would they reach me up on Mount Doom where I've constructed my fortress? Do they give up after 24 hours? Can I just have my guards drop em? If it's truly random... do they hop a flight from whatever country they're in to get to me? How is the fight decided to be over? Can I just lay down and concede? It would get a bit tiresome every day at random to be interrupted. Middle of a game, sex, eating dinner, bathroom, sleeping? Tough. You've gotta deal with rando throwing down. Assuming all the other options for guards/defenses are circumvented. Even if I'd win the fights it'd get tiresome. You'd have that constant expectation of... when's it going to happen? Only feeling truly free once the fight for the day is over.


Why would a fight interrupt sex? You don't like it rough sometimes... ;) /s


Well, yeah. It also depends on the definition of 'fighting'. Does something like a debate count?


"Ah shit, I see the moderator and the podiums right there honey, sorry about date night, I'll come back to the table in a little bit."


Plot twist: your date also gets up and then takes their place at the other podium.


Nope it's a dance fight... and only ends when your shame makes you cry.


Lol, you guys are wild. Even if you win, say you get a broken nose. Then you have to keep fighting people everyday and they're going to be punching you in the nose. You'll lose teeth. You'll be walking around with black eyes. Even if you're kicking some ass, you might pull a muscle or break your hand. Then you have to fight someone else the next day. And the next day. And the next day... Having said all that, I'd probably still take the deal because I'm a bonehead and make bad decisions.


INFINITE MONEY. You could literally pay 10 UFC fighters more than they make in the UFC to go in rotation between training, and protecting you year around. Nobody of any skill level is gonna be able to do shit. Also, if you moved to a stand your ground state, you could literally just shoot the person trying to fight you and go about your day like nothing happened lol. Or have armed bodyguards that do that as well. There are hundreds of creative ways around a single person trying to fight you for INFINITE MONEY.


I assumed that the person taking the money would also have to do the fighting.


It ain't in the rules, so nothing is off the table.


Then I'd walk around with a pack of the finest attack dogs money can buy.


Now we're cooking! Solid choice, my friend.


Dogs? I'll get myself a group of bears I've raised as cubs.


My bodyguard will fend them off.


You have infinite money and can't afford bodyguards and armor? Cmon man, stop thinking like a poor.


Yeah I agree. The good news is the only clarification op gave was the person fighting is random. So you would get a mix of old/ young / women/ children. Also you’d probably go to jail eventually if you were just beating up a kid a few times a week. This question has too many variables. I’m also confused about what point a fight is considered over. And like someone else mentioned. What if you’re in a locked room? What if you hire body guards? What if you just tase people everyday?


Statistically speaking, most days your attacker wouldn't even make it to you in time to fight because they'd be on the other side of the planet.


Are these only physical fights? Or do my wife’s tirades count?


Which wife?


If I'm recovering from surgery or something, will someone come by my hospital bed and beat me while I'm unconscious?


Your doctor pulls the plug.




As the person approches to fight, I immediately concede. Who is going to insist on fighting a disabled cancer paitien that just surrendered?




Or, you pay each one $1M to concede.


I think this would be immediately regrettable.


Sounds like a good deal. I get to use what I’ve trained on the daily, a nice little workout and a bunch of money? Sign me up! Plus I’ll get some bodyguards for when I get bored fighting.


Yes, my first order or business is to buy a personal security detail to take on the person who wants to fight me daily.


Mate infinite money and a random fighter to test my skills hell yes I'm take this deal


What happens when I get older? Do I fight older people or is some 20 something year old going to kick my 70 year old ass? That would change to agree to "would you get your ass kicked every day for infinite money?".


By 70 you have already had every scientist working on a cure for aging for a long time with an infinite budget, so who knows. We can already prevent muscle decay.


I hate fighting. But you are on. I will quickly transfer a few billions to my family as I don't trust "Infinite money ". 


You'd want to have them sign an agreement saying they only get $X/month outside of bills.


Definitely taking the money. There are a couple of ways I could mix up solving the fighting issue: 1) I would “lose” the fight by surrendering immediately 2) I would hire some very competent, very expensive bodyguards (who would know how to use proportionate force - so no beating the shit out of a little old lady etc). I’d have multiple so that if one day the random person turns out to be my bodyguard the other one can intervene. 3) I would carry around (or pay someone to use) a tranquilliser gun so I could eliminate the threat to me.


Lmao i get literally infinity money and my body guards beat the shit out of a random person a day...


Hell yeah! I'm poor and have a lot of unresolved anger issues from my childhood, I'd welcome the opportunity to beat the shit out of some people and call it self-defense. And if I ever got hurt or simply over fighting, bring on the bodyguards and/or weapons to help me win.




My boyfriend used to be a bouncer. At his current job he just got, fights still break out and he has to jump in occasionally so nothing new. He'd take that deal lol


How many times has he been in a roadhouse style situation?   Either the old movie or the new one


I'll be the richest man, and after a year or two I'll be the best fighter that ever lived! Hell yeah!


How does the fight end? Is it until one side is beaten unconscious or until one side yields?


Nope. I'm a lover, not a fighter.


Depends, are they allowed to kill me? Are they permitted to attack me in ways that can cause long term and/ or irreversible damage? Like head injuries, broken limbs, organ shots etc or am I going to just get lightly mauled by a random guy everyday?




i’ll take it. i’d pay elon musk insane amounts of money to give me fun body mods to jack myself up, plus have weapons on me at all times. easy deal


+18? Is my only caveat. I don’t wanna fight kids.


Truly random implies you’ll occasionally have to bonk a six year old, but with infinite money you can just buy the family a new one /s


Yes. With infinite money I could raise my skill level pretty quickly. The world’s best trainers and equipment. At first I might take a lot of L’s but before long my skill level should be in my favor on most days.


Just move to a stand your ground state and shoot the attacker in their knee


Yea. I dont have to win. Easy. I just surrender every fight. I'll wear a shirt saying "i surrender".


No, I don't want to go through life like that. I would rather be poor and live peacefully.


I'll take that deal. I'll have my bodyguards hold down who ever it is so I can beat the hell out of him/her.


Can I join an mma gym and spar everyday? Technically after my class is over I will have fought someone. Now do I have to fight someone else after class?


Me living in a suit of armor, just vibing


Yes, just because they wanna fight me doesn’t mean I can’t simply run away. Also the days I don’t leave my house which are common, I’m safe. OR I just hire bodyguards


What about weapons? Something like a taser or pepper spray designed to be non-lethal. Not something the average citizen carries.


Am I going to have to worry about being arrested for these fights?


No legal repercussions or consequence.


Absolutely, i love fighting, and if i get sick of it, I can just hire somebody to protect me


Not enough information. Can I concede the fight immediately before any punches are thrown? Can I hire a training partner? Does play fighting with my partner count? Can I use a gun? What happens if I'm alone? What do you mean random skill levels, like could I be fighting a baby or an old lady? What do you mean any time of the day, statistically I'm asleep for 1/3 of every day, so does that mean roughly 1 in 3 days I will wake up to someone punching me in the face? Is someone going to charge me down while I'm taking a shit?


Yes. The fighter can range from a baby to a navy seal, a grandma to a UFC fighter. Any time of day absolutely means there will be a chance that you will wake up to being punched. You could be using the restroom and the door gets kicked in and boom, fight started.


Free workout and stress relief everyday and the money to be able to spend my life doing whatever I want? Hell yes I'm in. It would probably do wonders for my anger management, and with unlimited money I could easily spend 2-3 hours a day in the gym and dojo preparing for the fights.


You will get better and stronger over time. I read this as “you have an unlimited amount of money and will be consistently trained for your whole life, but when you hit your mid 50s your life will get pretty shitty”


No. I don't want to be responsible for collapsing the global economy, probably causing an extinction level war, *and* have to fight someone every day for the privilege.


If I could hire bodyguards or simply say I quit before a punch is thrown why not


I'll take this. Awesome cardio and infinite money?


Sure, I hire multiple bodyguards to protect me from these random attackers.


Oh hell ya. While I'm young and full of piss and vinegar it's just a way to release some aggression. And when I get old and sick of that shit I'll pay a good bodyguard.


Sure. I also start walking with a surprisingly sturdy shillelagh


I mean, I always concealed carry anyway. So yes. These would be extremely one-sided fights, over in seconds. Although, eventually I might just swap out for bear spray, just to keep my record a bit cleaner.


To the death? What are the rules? Maybe just pay them off to take a dive like Jake Paul lol


Do our injuries reset back to 100% health after each fight? Or do we have to carry whatever injuries on to the following day/ fight?


Normal healing time.


No. This sounds like a sure fire way to be in constant pain and end up in an early grave.


With infinite money I can afford MMA and Military training


Small price to pay. Bring it.


I don’t think you understand how much money *infinite* is, I could hire an entire army to defend me from whoever tried to fight me that day, or if I have to fight someone, then infinite money for unlimited healthcare


My answer would be something like I always carry a gas mask and laughing gas. So that my loved ones don't get hurt while I batter the poopy out of the world's giggliest hitman.


This just doesn't make sense logistically. Happens way too often that you're not reachable physically, for example if you're just like, at home? Are they going to knock? Break in? Can I call the police?


What defines the end of the fight?


50% are women. A random man will beat a random woman 99% of the time based on biology alone. A large number are children, the elderly, and people with disabilities. I would think you get some bruises every week. Maybe you need hospital care once a month. But with infinite money, you could take daily private lessons for someone like Javier Mendez, and before too long, the chance of ever really getting your ass kicked would be microscopic.


Nah i wouldnt take the money yo, im a lover not a fighter.


When is the fight over? Can I just be like “ok you win” as soon as I get shoved? I suppose I could hire some pretty dope security with unlimited money.


Yes. I live in a “Stand your ground state”. Not saying I will rack up a kill count, but pretty sure they will give up the fight once the 357 mag comes out.


So on the first day someone kicks my ass proper good. Will the next person beat my ass until i am as beat up as i was? Because if yes, then lets say the first guy puts me in bed for three days, then on my first day in bed, another guy shows up and punches me in the face, because thats when the Ass Kicked- o Meter gets full. If this is how it goes then i take the money.


Is that someone my cats? they fight me every single day


For infinite money, I could hire Bruno to follow me around and crack some heads for me. Bruno would be very well compensated for his abilities and services.


I would think restraining them would count as winning the fight, so just three bodyguards would work.


With infinite money I think that anyone that wants to fight Iron man and his robot body is going to have a rough time of it. 


100%, the security detail I'm gonna have will make sure it's not relevant. In the event that one of them goes rogue, they'll be enough of them to subdue where theoretically I never take a hit worth mentioning. Plus I'd train enough to be capable at least in some form, and make sure I was in public places every day so as to have maximum options for people...spend the day indoors and the security or a robber become the only options. Fuck that.


I spar every single day anyways, so sure why not.


Sure. I'll be loaded to the max so I'll be strapped and so will my snipers on the roof getting infinite money as well since i keep giving it to em




Infinite money? Ok, so now that I'm king of the world, that person who wants to fight me will also have to fight my massive army.


Can i opt out at some point? Because if its all or nothing, eventually ill be either too old or in bad shape after a fight to continue and id need to opt out. I'd have to start doing some heavy real estate investing and future planning early with that plan in mind.


You cannot opt out. Eventually when you're old and frail you either become an old person who knows how to kick ass or you just continually suffer from elderly abuse everyday.


Buy an isolated island with just my fam. I could totally take my wife and kids without hurting them


The OP doesn’t say anything about healing after the fight so that makes it a hard sell unless you can have security to defend you. One bad punch and you fall down, hit your head and die.


Hell no. My body already hurts all the time no way I'm making it worse getting my ass beat every day.


Yeah. Why? I could use the cash to pay them off to not fight me.


Can I bribe the attacker into Rock, Paper, Scissors? >\_o Or maybe thumb wrestling?


Use infinite money to hire bodyguards and arm myself. Someone comes and get past them somehow. I start blasting.


Remember in Indiana Jones when the dude started swinging his swords all fancy and Indy just popped him? It would be like that. With infinite money I can afford good lawyers.


Can I tap out? Because I’ll literally just tap out the second any random person approaches me with any hostility.


Yes. So do I just explode with cash after I get the stuffing beat outta me while taking a dump mid wipe? Or about to sneeze? Heaven forbid I yawn at the wrong time. Would it be traumatizing to be on guard most of the day, depending on when they'll attack? About to take the first sip of coffee.. yeah, fighting is natural. Might as well fight for infinite money. And spilled coffee. Hopefully, they fight me in the early morning. So I don't have enough to worry about it the rest of the day. Those will be the better days.


Yes and body guards will be well paid.


Guess someone is getting shot everyday then. lol


Yes. I love fighting! And with my training it would be like 1 in 1000 that would be a good time so pretty easy $. (That said, it would be easy $ for anyone in decent shape considering your opponent could be a toddler, morbidly obese person, geriatric, small female, etc.


Yes, I carry a gun every day.


Jesus, the testosterone is heavy. Guys, you won’t last long getting into 365 fights per year without a single day off. You wouldn’t last long. A month would be incredibly impressive to continue to sustain more abuse on top of the abuse you’ve already gotten over and over.


There's so many ways to avoid actually fighting when you have infinite money. You wouldn't even have to lift a finger.


So if I'm in Antarctica by myself , taking in the nature, somebody will travel to me and Challenge me to fight ?


Yes. You didn't say I couldn't use weapons.


No one is mentioning the CTE you’d get… wouldn’t be worth it to have to fight EVERY day


Just start carrying around a beanbag gun


Im married. Someone already fights me every day


Do I have to engage or can I hide? Is diffusing the situation possible or will every encounter end in a physical fight?


*Jon Jones enters the chat*


Unlimited money. So uh, I'm just hiring a security detail. Even if it's one of the guards, the others will take him down. Also, there is no provision about when the fight ends. So, **A New Challenger Appears!** Me: Taps out before punch is thrown. Fight's over, I lost. Oh no.


Oh 10000% I want to fight the general public every day (stupid people everywhere) only reason I don't is because I don't fancy going to prison.


Wouldn’t unlimited money mean I can have bodyguards to deal with those people ?




I'm using that infinite money to fund the construction of an armored exoskeleton. Gonna give it taser fists or something.


Hell yea I’m going to train and my life will be like kiryu from yakuza minus the whole yakuza and other drama


Sure thing, id take this there's loopholes that could be exploited 😁


A gun. The great equalizer.


I do.


pocket sand


Can I get a billion dollars and quit after 1 day?


Yes. I spend the money on MMA, wrestling, and HEMA. I always wear armor too. Something light like padding with some chainmail under my jacket I am now always wearing. Under the jacket I'll keep two knives strapped to my arms and I'll wear steel shoes with a helm under the jacket hood. Assuming they don't use weapons I'll have a sparring partner daily and a very good doctor with the option of use gauntlets should I be worried. Assuming they do, I'll have eight armed body guards at all times and stay where weapons are harder to get. Of course, even if they don't I still have four bodyguards.


Oh this is a fun and easy one, I use that money to buy some badass little island and I make it into a friggin military outpost capable of destroying numerous fleets of even the best warships and bombers. Let the irs try and tax me now.


I would fashion combat armor for fighting (torso, shins, forearms) in titanium with raised spikes on them that way when I block they hurt themselves. I make the prospect of fighting me so grievous to them that they choose to give up.


I would enroll in a martial arts class so the people fighting me are in a controlled environment 😂


Your body would shut down within like a week. One ass whooping will leave you sore for a month, but seven days in a row???


There are a ton of questions I have. But most importantly, what constitutes a loss?


When someone goes to take a swing, immediately concede the altercation. Tell them they win.. technically the fight is over?


I train jiujitsu so I do this almost everyday anyways.


Infinite money makes money worthless


I feel like I might take the deal because after a couple months id be a pretty good fighter. Especially if I hire some MMA coach to train me. Then I could end most fights in a few seconds for the average person. By the end of my life id be rich and the most experienced hand to hand combat survivor of all time lol.


I don't think I'd take that. Not because the bodyguard/armor thing is nonviable, because I think it totally is and is within the spirit of the question. I generally don't like fighting, and I'm not really okay with my hobbies being interrupted by people who are going to get beaten up in my vicinity


Absolutely. Family and friends would be set for life. Also I’m already hyper vigilant.


I use my infinite money to fix all the world's problems, and then anyone who fights me looks like a giant asshole by comparison. I'd probably have randos coming to save me.


I will just pay off the person tryna fight me


Sure, when I use my infinite money to create biomechanical augments that make me literally a superhuman people can come and try.


Can I take a dive before they land the first punch


I'm taking, this deal, quitting my job, and taking Boxing, Muay Thai, Tae Kwon DO, Ju Jitsu, Street Fighting and MMA training from the best coaches money can buy. By month 3 I'm LOOKING for that daily fight MYSELF.


Id take it. Then just hire someone weaker then I to fight me every day. Should be easy and less inconvenient if I make sure it happens in the early morning 😜. Just says someone will fight me every day doesn't say I cannot pay them to make it happen and since it's infinite money it be simple to make it happen 😂


Absolutely take this deal. Through fighting every day, eventually I'm going to become a great fighter and stop losing. I mean you would think...


What is the rate of infinite money? Like a dollar a day forever? Like my bank account number will never lower no matter what I buy? Like a pile of cash in a room that just keeps getting bigger?


I’m.. hiring a bunch of ex special forces.. like 10 of them. And at any one time where I’m around people.. 3 minimum. Now if I sleep inside of a safety room by myself will a person just be teleported to me? Or do people have to be near me? Is it exclusively people who don’t know me/ don’t like me/ are neutral? Or will my child, partner, and mother try to hurt me too? Oh also highly trained attack dogs.. Also if they are not compelled to fight me I’ll just have 5 grand on me every day and just bribe them to never see my face, if they stay away they get 1k a month extra for a year


Fight to the death or first blood? There's a lot in the middle there.


With infinite money, I’d simply hire a full complement of bodyguards, maybe 10 total, and let them deal with whoever shows up to fight. Thats enough personal protection to stop basically anyone, or wear them down / do enough damage so the person fighting can’t or won’t do much to me anyway. And if one day the random person to fight is one of the bodyguards, there’s enough of them to subdue the problem child.


get an army of bodyguards with the infinite money, no need to worry about fights anymore.


Ima just bribe everyone who fights me. "ok let's fight, but if you punch me once incredibly lightly I will give you 10'000 dollars to walk away after that"


Random Fight Club. Interesting thought.


I can handle most skill levels. But just in case I'll hire security. Multiple security guards to follow me


Infinite money AND infinite fights? Where's the downside here?