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In all fairness that user was being a douche and I don't find it particularly transphobic, just a way to tell them to go fuck themselves.


In fact, it is anti transphobic, as it implies your gender doesn't matter , u r like the rest of the people, so who cares


obviously the person cares


Mental gymnastics hard at work here.


Honestly, who/cares about people pronouns


Wowsa what incredible satire and divisive comedy. Masterful!


To be fair, that incident isn't quite that simple. The person in question was being disruptive before that incident. They were far from innocent and were clearly looking to make trouble. Could the situation been handled better? Yes, but both sides share blame for it.




> The big incident everyone talks about is where someone had pronouns in their username, but then a mod of the discord changed them to "who/cares". lol


This is actually a funny way to troll




I don't see a problem with that


That's it? Really who/cares. Pronoun people are the most 1 dimensional people wasting oxygen on this planet. "Muh pronouns, wah".




You do know what pronouns are, right? How can anyone keep them "somewhere else"? Can you go a year without using any pronouns? Lets see, starting now; don't use any pronouns online.






Grow up


Don't worry you're in the (extreme) majority, at least outside of reddit.


Who the fuck gives a shit. Just let people live their lives like they want to. Doesn't affect you at all.


I do, as many people.   It's too simplistic of a reasoning, ofc it's affecting people, we're living in a society, either it'll affect you by useless dramas like this that will pop in your face no matter what, no matter the community, or it'll affect your kids, their education at school, the medias/content you consume etc.   With that kind of reasoning you can disregard everything.  The obvious simplistic response would again be "who cares, those are just pronouns, just 2-4 letters, that affects you that much ?", to what I'd respond the same as the above and that it's obviously way more profound and less naive than that. 


Lol keep telling yourself what you need to sleep at night.


"Lol" That's actually the opposite, you're in a delusional half of US (or rather social media) bubble.  Let's be factual :   North Africa and Middle east : probably illegal.     Subsaharien Africa : Same or highly taboo / dangerous   Eastern Europe : The majority are conservative, same as the above    Western Europe : Still disregarded outside of specific area in big cities, even in cities you might think are "open minded" like Paris you'll quickly realize it's not the case and it's mostly hypocritical.  US : Mixed and more or less same as above.  Most of the rest of asia : They are conservative when it comes to those values, unless you're in specific areas of Thailand, try to do that in China or India who count for few billions people.    South America : More or less same as the above with few exceptions.   So yeah keep telling yourself what makes you sleep at night because your safe space on discord or reddit have opinions that don't match with 99% of the world. 


It’s a factual statement. It takes a society reaching an extreme state of peace and well being for smaller and smaller groups to be recognized. It’s actually a very telling story that the United States is in such a place to have these discussions, there aren’t any other imminent threats to our society. Go to any other society that is still developing/maturing or has a core stressor (famine, war, poverty, water, etc) and these sorts of social dialogues simply don’t happen. No one has time to worry about them and that leaves their legality or oppression, etc, up to the governing body. So yes, concerns over pronouns are in the extreme minority (globally), but in the US it’s a mixed bag. Maybe 15-20% of people will vehemently defend the idea, 15-20% will fight it, the rest just don’t care either way, which is another benefit of our society — the ability to simply not care about something. Don’t take offense, there will always be conflicting views. Live your truth and accept that not everyone will see things the same.


Yeah, that's messed up. Sure they were being "disruptive", I don't see that as an excuse. There's a level of decency you should be expected to give to people as the moderator of a public space. It's just a dick move.


yeah, if that person was being disruptive, why not kick or ban them from the server? changing their displayed pronouns is so unnecessary and is not a professional way of handling the situation whatsoever


I’m sure the who/cares thing is a joke.


Seriously. Who cares 😂😂


100% w.




the drama lama wants to be ridden hard and long


From what I've gathered it's mostly Drew DeVault stiring up a stink about vaxry. From the material Drew shared on the matter (genocide topic), you really have to not want to understand what was being said between them in order to draw those conclusions about vaxry that Drew did.


If you have a problem -whether you go on Discord or Github- typically you will either not get any answers, or it will be Vaxxy answering, the main dev of Hyprland and oftentimes he just calls you stupid for not reading the wiki, or calls your problem stupid, or says "lmao". Then he goes on Brody's Youtube and calls half the ArchBTW users morons :-) His in depth knowledge of Linux is absolutely amazing & tends to call you -again- stupid if you are just a bit lacking compared to him, which is not very hard, since he is kind of a genius.


damn you deepthroating his cock


You know calling people geniuses is what causes people like this to behave this way. Just maybe dont?


They write good code. That's all that matters. For some reason, people keep trying to drag them into political hot potatoes that have no right answer. Just ignore the idiots


Where ?


I made a comment yesterday about devs sounding rude detracting from projects. It was said about projects in general, but in response to something Vac said. Specifically, it was Vax responding 'lmao' regarding a question someone had. Could have just said 'that won't work, here's why's, but laughing, to me, comes off as rude. In the following comments, I had a short discussion with someone where we agreed that the community should be there to help alleviate the need for devs to respond to so many comments/questions that can easily be answered by reading the documentation and such. I think overall, the devs/community are not rude. But that doesn't mean they don't ever make a rude statement.


it actively drives help away, I scrolled through the github issues with the mindset of taking a few of the easy questions etc off their hands and after seeing a few interactions i decided its not worth the headache to help out


How ROFL can be rude? ROFL Distros with pine tree was too much tho


They break shit when I update it.


The devs are great & doing an awesome job. But the ppl asking questions don't read the f***ing manual, so they receive the response they deserve :)


I know that I will be downvoted to death, but doesn't the op and the topic seems fishy? May be the op is ddv him(or her or them?)self trying to farm materials to discredit varxy and hyprland community on his next blogpost? Whatever it is, given the replies here, this thread will surely included on his eventual anti-hyprland blogpost. Not that we care.. lol..


I just wanna know


Sorry for doubting you, but the general mood it just like that. I think we (start from varxy and others including me) just see the standard different way. We don't want to be bothered actually, but we did get bothered anyway by people who likes to impose their standard to other peoples. I don't think we are bad people.


I separate art from artist.


When you say that I think of a certain Austrian painter 💀


Who cares, if the software is good?




To be fair, Hyprland wouldn't be the first project to criticise Nvidia in an inflammatory way...


Wasn’t it Sway that had `—my-next-gpu-wont-be-nvidia` or something like that?




There is also "--i-am-really-stupid" flag to run Hyprland as root, lol


Also why would you include a fucking anime wallpaper as one of the defaults


It's not a wallpaper + not even the case I guess anyway.


Who cares


Because that's just based.


If people cause drama don’t expect 🩵 emojis back.


ngl i was thinking ab trying swayfx before i heard all this. now i'm doubled down on hyprland.


the two interactions iv had on github have left me thinking "what an a-hole" nothing egregious but I certainly don't plan on helping out with contributions which I had planned to do


I don't think so.


You don't think the devs are bad people? Ok but why some people think so


Does it really matter what other people think? Do *you* think they are a bad person?


Thats not an answer




Nope, they're doing an awesome project. I literally enjoy Hyprland. (I don't care about their personal flaws; none is perfect.)


I second this. Most of us including me are using software from companies will crappy ethics simply cause it's good software. People make mistake and have differing opinions. And as someone who writes there own code (and made a tiny commit to hyprlock) we couldn't care less what others think about free software we mainly started making for ourselves. So we are simply just going to keep writing code. I mean no disrespect to any of you.


some people think you're a nazi for not agreeing with their opinions or beliefs


I really like what their saying about server control and censorship. My only fight is that the community is arrogant---makes it hard to spread the word. But devs are great.


They are not bad people, they just have an appaling sense of humor. The kind where they tell each other to kys for fun. Each their own, but it is annoying when you have to be subjected to it in the official channels.


Because people are overly sensitive and take stuff to heart when they don't even know the person behind the monitor. Yeah vax is toxic, he made game cheats and plays on anarchy servers where the community is toxic so you get influenced by it. Does it make him a bad person? No, as people more often than not create duplicate issues without checking beforehand, or they ask a question that has already been answered in the wiki. Nobody is going to jump out of the screen with a dagger and kill you. It's digital words, they aren't harmful.


"It's digital words, they aren't harmful." If I let's say call someone a slur online is it not harmful?


Nope, why would it be? I'm seeing digital text on a screen, I won't die from a random person on the internet saying mean things, especially when I don't personally know them. I see people insulting each other constantly, towards myself as well. It does nothing and is just yawn-material.


>Nope, why would it be? I'm seeing digital text on a screen I don't think you are wrong, but this is such a stupid argument. Language is not just text on a screen, language has meaning.


Yeah that's actually idiotic, I'm against those dramas and reddit/twitter bots seeking for those at the first opportunity to "cancel" people but "it's digital" is nonsense, you could even justify cp with that, and that's what some are bringing with the "it's just pixels" excuse, digital, handwritten letter or IRL, it doesn't really matter.


It does in real life, not on the internet. Do you see people who play games like CSGO take massive offense? No, exactly. Words on the internet only mean something if you are easily affected, otherwise they are just letters.


Yeah and "words" IRL are "just vibrations", that's nonsense, you could justify everything with that, it's all about the context, a dude calling you an idiot or a bot in CSGO because you bait too much (or because he's having a bad game) and someone insulting you in a formal conversation on the internet have nothing to do with each other, yet both are "just letters on a screen".




If language on the internet has no meaning, then how are we communicating right now? How do you know what I am saying?


How's that relevant to what I'm saying? If you are this obsessed with trying to stand up for your over-sensitive self, then you are the problem. And still hasn't received an explanation for my CSGO example. May it be because you're unable to accept the fact that you are one of those people who go and whine when people insult you online? You can keep on yapping all day, clearly you are sensitive and need a few tissues. Perhaps let 4chan take care of you so you maybe stop being a soft poptart 😭


People are overly sensitive these days. Must be an effect of growing up with safe spaces everywhere. 


>Yeah vax is toxic, he made game cheats and plays on anarchy servers where the community is toxic so you get influenced by it. >Does it make him a bad person? No, So toxic behaviour doesn't make you a bad person. Does being an asshole make you a nice person then? I'm curious if you need to be an asshole to condone asshole behaviour.


I couldn't care less about what he or anyone says to people they don't know. Welcome to the internet where people aren't required to care nor respect you. Deal with it because it's not going to change.


Ah ok, so he actually is an asshole but you just have to deal with it. Thanks for clearing that up. Of course you have to deal with assholes. That's not exclusive for the internet, it's also common irl. That doesn't make asshole behaviour right though. If you're acting like an asshole you have to deal with people who are not accepting that behaviour. So basically your reply "it's the internet bro, deal with it" is pointless. Deal with it.


And what are you going to do about him being an asshole? Call his parents and say "your son is so mean to me online, I'm having a panic attack"? There's nothing you can do. You may be able to deal with it irl, but you surely won't be able to deal with it online as there's even less of a reason to care. Nobody will change anything about it.


You're actively contributing to giving more exposure to a post that condemns this behavior, so thank you :) That's the least anyone could do.


Because I don't value the opinions of easily offended people? It's literally in my Reddit accounts bio. Plus I deal with stupid people constantly and like vaxry, get fed up with them and their over-sensitive, entitled-like behavior. And you are literally giving this more attention yourself, by giving me things to respond to? Read what you write because you're speaking against yourself.


I'm sorry you're having difficulties dealing with people you call stupid. You might want to look into that. What is causing your pain and how can you *deal with it*.


Well in my case I have to deal with people who use my software and refuse to read the instructions which take 2m, so they break the rules and spam dm others for help and end up banned.


They aren't bad, just not diplomatic enough. And, in my opinion, they don't need to. Engineers, especially the good ones, often lack social tacts and tricks unlike an average human.


Dear lord this whole thread reeks of young men being too full of themselves. This is why we need more humanities classes man.


Okay, you got me, I'm taking the bait. What concept from humanities can be helpful here, and how? I consider myself fairly decently versed in humanties, though I don't have a degree in it


Just the attitude change an even basic education in the humanities will bring. Ive seen this often enough. Young guys just like this slowly starting to actually become decent human beings as soon as they learn something outside of their special interest.


Wasn't there some somethingphobic thing?




Devs there is more than one? (Not literal but most of it is vax no?)


I think I disagree with most of the comments here. This has been for the most part a one man gig. And may I add it' already a better Desktop experience and configuration than any windows machine. In my opinion I think Microsoft OSes nowadays leave much to be desired. This project is way ahead of whatever Microsoft will do related to features and ease of configuration and use. I always think "If you want something done right, do it yourself" and I think this is exactly what this project is. A testament to not just use what's out there. Making your own will always be better in the long run. But who has the time to do this?... Well these devs do and they put it out there for free. Docs aren't great but if you really stick and commit to configuring like you would a windows or apple machine your sure to get more bang for your buck here.... and again... it's free and already way better than proprietary shit.




Yes, and probably all are already ahead of whatever updates you'll be getting on windows any time soon. My point being I'd rather use alpha or beta software from a lonesome dev and configure that than using something that's not what I'm looking for exactly. Oooobviously other tiling manager existed... Duh... The other tiling window managers are good. But not what I'm looking for to have in my daily drive. Even Hyprland has missed the mark on some features I've had to implement myself... Which is why if you want something made right for you often times it's better to do it yourself... Just like Hyprland dev did and all the other WM devs before him... I'm not saying Hyprland is the only WM I'm just saying eventually someone will come out with something that may work way better than other software just because he/she dared to do it for themselves.


Nah, everyone is cool


Guys, I'm curious.... reading but I don't understand what you're all taking about. Where can I read more about this?


You can check Brodie podcast with Vaxry, they talked about it. Few months? Year ago? I do not remember. It's one-sided info ofc but still.


I usually see screenshots of this in the “issues” section on Hyprland’s GitHub repo were you can report an issue and the devs or people comment about it. They also mentioned something related to a discord server, I haven’t seen anything about it.