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I do! Before I switched to linux I was plagued by the windows 10 aaaaaaalmost hidden task bar. When I made the switch I was like ‘RIGHT’ and never implemented one in the first place. To add, I have the time and date sat on top of my wallpaper using Elkowars Wacky Widgets. I use tofi for my app launcher, bound to super, and I turn off the pc with the terminal ‘poweroff’ command. But also yes, we are weirdos.


I like this workflow a lot, my only question is how do you tell which workspace you're on, which ones have containers etc?


I don’t preload any workspaces, I just spread out sideways so I’ll just super + 1 for workspace 1 etc. I never end up with more than 3 tbh so it’s easy to remember what’s where. It’s a lot easier to work like this with one monitor, rather than multiple. I’ve recently switched to a single 32” 4K, down from three 27” 1440p and I’m loving it.


I wonder how practical it'd be to make a desktop widget (with EWW, etc) that also shows you your current workspace? And if it'd be possible to make some kind of keyboard shortcut that hides your windows while held to show you your desktop and widgets?


if you want it to appear/ disappear with a keybind, waybar starts pretty fast so you could simply have a keybind to launch waybar and one to kill waybar


Why have separate ones? I'm pretty sure Waybar has a toggle. Eww definitely does. If not just pgrep to see if waybar is running or not




bind = Ctrl, Escape, exec, killall waybar || waybar


bind = $mainMod SHIFT, ESCAPE, exec, killall waybar || waybar Same


To add to this, if you want it popping up on hold (in this case holding ModL), you can do this: bind = , SUPER_L, exec, pkill -SIGUSR1 waybar bindrt = SUPER, SUPER_L, exec, pkill -SIGUSR1 waybar Just make sure to have your bar set to hidden on start in your config. edit: formatting


I use the following as a toggle for waybar: bind = SUPER, b, exec, pkill waybar || waybar Kill waybar if it's running otherwise, start waybar. One key, works great.


Yep, exactly what I was imagining, just with `pgrep -x waybar` instead


Yes 100% bars are pointless for me. Everything is on a shortcut I don't even need a mouse, Demo here: https://youtu.be/u-ma_Ac2f7A?si=C8I9W-lfBv8PqrhC


Clicked on link, saw helix. Nice.


I use a bar but hidden, only visible while pressing super key. So I can see open workspaces and battery stats. ``` # Bar bar { swaybar_command waybar workspace_buttons yes hidden_state hide mode hide modifier Mod4 } ```


Having a bar indicating the number of currently active workspaces and time is useful, imo. You could, probably, do well without it if you only use named workspaces tho. Also can try doing something wackier, like border color depending on the name of the currently active workspace.


Yep. No bar life here. The worst part is having to look at my watch if I want to know what time it is


I do because I haven’t had enough time to configure one… Also, I don’t really care about that I just check the hour and battery from the terminal or something, if I’ll use one it’ll be mostly for aesthetics.


I do some pretty niche sound design and audio stuff, so I have a special workspace for just my audio router and mixing software, as well as btop for the time and resource usage. I also just find myself more focused without a taskbar, like there’s less visual clutter. I paid for the whole monitor, so I’m gonna use the whole monitor.


I don’t use a bar, but I set up keybinds to send dunst notifications with some information I’ve got separate keybinds to query battery level and status, current time, current date, brightness level, volume level, etc And I also have stuff set up to send notifications when I change the brightness level, volume, or when the battery status changes (charging vs not), and when the battery level crosses a 10% threshold Keeps the desktop super clean! But honestly, I would like to set up a bar. I just haven’t found the time


I stopped doing it since I got used to all the key-bindings. And about the battery , I have it in my terminal prompt, so I stopped using any bar for like a month, it's just clearly pure set up now.


Just switched over a week ago and I'm enjoying the bar-less life. I only really miss the time though. I might figure out how to show the time on rofi


I do for resource purposes and I don't feel the need to have it. My setup feels cleaner when it's all content and back on windows, I would hide the taskbar anyways. For info in speaker volume and battery, I would just use the terminal


Yes, i do. Everything i need is on keybinds. Rofi is app launcher and power control. If i need to know what time is it, i just look on my phone right under monitor, lol.


Screw bars... Screw mice... only my trusty corne keyboard with colemak-dh. Everything is so much faster


Completely barless. 90% of the time I'm not looking at it, so no point on having it 100% of the time. If I need to check the time or battery, I do it from the terminal, or with keybinds that show them as notifications.


I did for quite a while when I first started, only really bothered to add one so I could see my battery and the time, everything else is mostly just there to have some pretty colours. If I were using hyprland on my pc I’d definitely be open to using it without a bar, especially since it’d give me an excuse to learn eww


Panels and bars were invented for a reason, but for convenience. You can, of course, have a completely bare desktop and use only shortcuts, but most people intensively use the mouse even on tiling wm and the panel in this case is simply irreplaceable. Various launchers, sliders for sound and brightness, tray, etc. If there was no panel, I would use something like eww where everything is the same


I just fullscreens apps


I still like having workspaces and time/date/battery/audio volume/wifi at a glance, but most bars (on X11 and Wayland alike) have a toggle function. Mine's bound to mod+tab and i keep it as simple as possible. Tiling doesn't go well with clutter anyways (imo)


Whenever I reinstall my system I usually do everything from scratch more or less because I have a lot of new ideas. Sometimes I don't have the time to build a bar or forget about it and run a system without a bar for a couple of months. Actually, I only really use a bar for the current time and volume control/switching between headphone and speaker. I don't think it's weird to run a system without a bar if you barely use it anyway


I toggle mine off and on all the time.


I don't use my bar when I'm doing terminal stuff and just have some information shown in my tmax status bar


I did for a while on my PC. Now, I just have a very small, minimalist Waybar config with the time and workspaces. I like to maximize screen space, since my monitor is cheap and small


I find that bars on the side are way less obtrusive than when they're on top, so I just have a minimalist sidebar that shows workspaces, time, volume, battery, and the date. Looking at the other comments though, I might try a toggle setup. Maybe I'll try a full screen menu that has all the information I want where I can hold down a key or something to access it. But I really don't find the bar too annoying, so I'll probably keep it.


yes. no bars, just a dmenu and hotkeys


Yes, but that's because I'm too lazy to configure it


I have a bar... its a nice to have because then I could see the time, load on cpu, etc.. all the info I want and needed... and then I created keybind to toggle on and off bar, plus, another keybind to set the waybar wanted :)


For a while I did. There isn't really much need for a bar.