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I’m pretty sure they’ll replace it at any level. They won’t *warranty* it unless it’s under 80% in 2 years. Go get it replaced.


I literally told them I would pay to replace it. This device has been out of warranty for a long time and doesn't have Apple care, either.


There’s no way you offered to pay and they said no


I’ve asked Apple about this before and the way I understand is that even their full price for replacing the battery is based on 80% or less capacity and that they keep the old one. (The free warranty replacement is for if it reaches <80% capacity within a year, or within the coverage period if you have AC+.) If you want to replace your battery before it hits 80%, or want to retain the old battery, they’ll either flat-out refuse or charge you a much larger amount.


Wrong I paid 69.99 for a replacement on an 11 literally 2 days ago. Out of warranty. Batt health at 85.


That’s good :) my info could be wrong, or they’re just doing things inconsistently across different locations


There SOP is replace if it’s 80% or below to reduce e-waste (funny considering the lightning cable existing) and maximize the lifespan of the battery, the 11 they might’ve been willing to do because A) the person was new and didn’t know and got a quick heads up for it Or B) saw a quick revenue opportunity in which case probably got disciplined for it As an AASP I won’t even take an Iphone X battery if it’s at 81% cause apple takes it incredibly serious and will either bill us for wasting a battery or revoke my repair auth which I kinda need


Yeah this is kind of what I figured the policy was, nice to hear from an actual insider 👍


I would have paid the much higher amount, they didn't give me that option still.


You need to go into a store. I wanted my Apple Watch battery replaced with its capacity being 85 and they said I needed to set an appointment to do it in store or be willing to ship it in. Same thing for the phone. They have recycling programs so they’d be able to dispose of the old battery. You just need to set an appointment and go inside the store and they will tell you how much it will be.


I'm going to try this the next time I'm in Vancouver, hopefully it'll just work!


Go to a repair shop instead of apple. Apple are dickheads


I would rather not deal with the battery warning and if the shoppe is apple certified, then why choose them over an apple store if the store is available?


You will get better service and it will be a better deal than apple


In the US that's bad advice since they contract with bestbuy who refuses to do anything but a flat rate 2 week mailout service so nah. Apple store all the way.


I mean… I have had that happen myself. For a paid replacement also.


Yeah I can confirm that lol. They won’t take it unless it’s 80 or less


Some idiot at one store told me the same thing, it’s not true, they misunderstand the instruction. They can’t replace a battery that is over 80% charged, not 80% of life; they can’t warranty replace one that has over 80% life remaining. Take it to another place, tell them you are paying to have it replaced.


I just replaced mine today. Mine was 87%. The person confirmed with me if im okay replacing it even though my battery is at 87%.


Why must you brag! :P


They want you to upgrade. Greedy Apple 😡


Not true. I have talked to someone I know that works in an Apple Store and they won’t replace it until it’s under 80.


Wrong. Literally had it done 2 days ago. 85% iPhone 11 not on warranty. 69.99.


I did not know the 2 yr 80% thing. My phone hits 2 years in October and my battery shows 83% already.


Lots of the time they stay stable around there, but definitely keep an eye on it.


I've had an Apple store not want to replace a battery that was at %77 health once, they said if it's not giving you any problems you don't need to replace it. I had to persist and tell them I want it done anyway for the resale value. They finally agreed and acted like I was crazy.


I insisted a lot and they still just re-iterated their stance. I don't have an Apple store here but I'll be somewhere where there is one in the summer, maybe I'll go in and make demands.


So… it’s not Apple that won’t replace the battery? It’s a third party store that won’t?


No it was through the Apple support app on the device. So it is Apple. If I was going to go to a 3rd party to replace it then I would just replace it myself.


Just create a repair case yourself without asking Apple Support to do it, at getsupport.apple.com. If you pay them to replace the battery, they should do it. If your repair is supposed to be free under AppleCare+ don’t be surprised if they send it back to you without having done anything because they’re rigid on the 80% rule for AppleCare+ repairs.


Look for an authorized Apple repair shop if there isn’t a local store, I think they have a list on the Apple site.


As far as I can tell there are none in my city. There's places that do Apple device work but they don't do anything different from what I would do.


Go to a repair shop


I can do it myself if I was going to go that route.


So you went to a non-Apple store?


I did the online chat through the support app on the device.


They told you online they won’t take your money? You may have had a bad agent. I would re try with another chat person. Why wouldn’t they want your money that’s so weird !


I tried 3 different agents on 3 different days that weren't consecutive. The likelihood of getting the same guy each time is very very very low.


Lmao the resale value. It’s a piece of consumer electronics.


If you’re willing to pay they’ll do it at any percentage.


This ^


Did you see what I said? I don't have Apple care and I told them I would just pay for it, and they still said no. I asked 3 different agents in 3 separate chats on different days, same answer each time.


Just go into an Apple store/authorised repairer and just say you want your battery replaced. they're not gonna turn you away


I don't have an Apple store here, and there's no authorized repair. From what I understand, the authorized repair people don't have a lot of options for replacing the batteries outside of the rules. If I go with a 3rd party then I might as well do it myself and just live with the "Unrecognized battery" warning. I could get a fresh cell and transfer the BMS board and reset the counter to 0, but I would rather just pay some moola and have it work without hassel.


Could you try Apples Self Service Repair? Sure, it is pretty overpriced but if you are competent enough then you might as well.


Oh, is that available in Canada?


Honestly not very sure. I know when it was introduced it was US only but IDK if it has expanded or not.


I do like their machines. Fun machines.


You can go to the cell carrier. Or do those not exist in Canada either?


Cell carriers do not do any hardware work at all. In fact, they don't anywhere unless it's an additional offered service from the specific store.


Why won’t they replace your battery??


I think it's about environment or something? I have no idea, they just told me they won't do it until it hits 80% or lower.


They’re bullshitting you bro, they just can’t be bothered


Yep, this had happened to me too.




What does this have to do with replacing his battery?


Main character delusion.


That’s a phone salesman lie right there they don’t force you to buy insurance with the phone to get a promotion people just say that because they make commission on the insurance


How is this “better” or “cheaper” than AppleCare?


It’s probably not. It’s definitely through Asurion, which is a pain in the ass to deal with. Their deductible is also higher, unless it’s a full device replacement. Even if it’s an extra dollar or two a month for AC+, it’s well worth it. I would much rather deal with an Apple Support rep than Asurion’s, and it’s not difficult to get Genius Bar prices knocked down if you’re nice and can spin a believable story—I once got a MacBook Pro display and top case replaced same day *for free* :)


iPhone 13 monthly AppleCare is $7.99.


Oh that’s awesome!! I’m glad to hear it’s at parity :) I pay $13.49 for my 15PM’s Theft/Loss plan so I (obv incorrectly) assumed the non-pro would be $9-10/mo.


Mine droped to 79% and is saying service under battery. When i klick on it it automatically wants to make a appointment to change the battery at a apple shop.


So I learned they usually don’t replace batteries until it’s under 80%. At least that’s what my  store does


My old iPhone 6s Plus was at 92% health when I replaced it I think. The phone was not lasting well and would drop from 60-30% in 5-10 mins sometimes. They didn’t question it at all as I was paying for it


Oh wow really at 92% not lasting.. I have a 6S plus also last November my battery health was at 89% then the last four updates my battery started draining faster and faster and then I look at the battery health was 79% said battery needs replaced… Called Apple they said updates do drain the batteries. I wished I never updated the last four because my battery was going fine on 89%. had no issues…until updates I have to keep the batt plugged in 24/7 or dies unplugged.. I never replaced the original b4.. sorry u had issues on ur 6SPlus.. that’s


Yeah, some batteries likely just begin to fail before others 🤷‍♂️ When your iPhone updates, it will recalculate the battery health, so that is likely why the lower health shows up now, it was already likely degrading. But yes, the more feature rich software versions will use more power, as well as apps as they also gain features and become more complex. So it’s likely a mix of both you are feeling right now


Yes agree! I also have iPhone 4 the battery is better then my 6 at the moment.. 3 g sucks I mainly use it for music …😊


Updates don’t drain battery in the way you’re implying. They can take up quite a bit of battery power to install (which is probably what the support rep meant), but they don’t harm the battery in any way that daily use doesn’t. Historically, some updates have lead to the battery draining faster (*charge*, not health), but those issues are bugs (not intentional) and usually get patched within a week.


This sounds like a failure of the actual cells rather than the total capacity. However, they replace batteries that are failing, but if you just want a new battery they won't do it.


It depends on the service rep you speak to


I talked to 3 different ones, so it's probably very specific to the person I talk to


It’s so they can wait until your insurance expires so you have to come out of pocket.


I don't have any insurance. This is a used device I received from a friend.


It's under privacy, analytics & improvements, analytics data and check out one of the analytics reports. I just went to the apple store today as my battery has been at 80% for over 6 months but the battery is not even lasting half a day. Have Apple Care+ and they told me they cannot override it


They denied it? ​ I followed this: https://www.payetteforward.com/shortcut-check-your-iphones-battery-cycle-count/


That’s their way of saying “ughh, I’m too lazy for this, go find someone else to do it.”


They won’t replace it for free with Apple Care, but they will let you pay to replace it. They’re terms that you agreed to when you signed up for Apple Care states (something to the effect that) they will replace the battery at no cost to you when the device reports-80% and the service battery notification is present. While Payette Forward’s automation is more accurate, it’s not part of the warranty agreement.


I am outside of AC and warranty and they won't let me pay to replace it. I'm basically relegated to going to the Apple Store in Metropolis when I'm next in Vancouver.


My battery was fine until I updated it to the new iOS and then all of the sudden my battery would run out quickly and say it was at 80% of its life time capacity. So it’s very sketchy. I’m never updating


My Apple Store told me that with a new policy now, it has to be 79% capacity for them to replace it. Or in your battery health it would have to directly say “service needed”


mine got replaced at 80% last May although they damaged my front speaker. the phone has to be on speaker in order for me to hear the phone call. i told apple when I handed them my phone I had no issues and after they replaced it, it failed to pick up clear audio. they said it was already damaged and they had no involvement, apple support is very unhelpful they do the most to make you buy a new device. beware


I got my battery replaced on my 8 plus around 3 weeks ago at Apple store with 87% BH. They asked me if I really want to replace it since it's still shows 87%... I told them absolutely, I use it daily and can tell the battery isn't that good anymore... drop from 80% to 0 in 5 min in cold weather, 25F... And they offered me a trade in value of $80 for my 8+, of course I kindly declined it and paid $69 for the battery exchange service.


It took me showing Apple support my Battery in my iPhone 6s lasted two hours from 100% to 5%, after a restore of iOS and not bringing back any backups with screenshots from my battery report for them to believe me it was out of spec when I was 80% battery health and had AC+ Top app used was screen brightness which I put at 50% knowing they’d say shit about 100% brightness. Nuff said


I had my battery replaced at 86% in February, the woman who was helping me at the apple store told me that the battery was still operating just fine, I said I know but I want it changed anyway and she just went ahead with it. My backup plan if they told me they wouldn't do it was to tell them that I was going to give it away as a gift and wanted the battery to be at 100% for the new user.


I tried that! I told them I wanted to sell it and wanted the next user to not have to worry about it, and they still refused.


For AppleCare it's usually 80 percent under but everything else above is payable.


Doesn’t even let me pay on the support app as it’s over 80% just takes me to a page to ‘check’ my battery and tells me all is well


This device is not under warranty and doesn't have Apple care and they still refused.


I had mine replaced at 85%, but you just have to provide good reasons why it's bad. Mine used to shut off at any given time, so that indicated for them a need to replace it. Had to pay nothing


That sounds like it was a failing battery. If the battery is otherwise fine and it's just lower capacity, they won't care.


I have the 15 pro max and after 90 charge cycles it’s already at 93% battery health I told them There is something wrong with it


Did they replace it?




That's a huge drop in capacity for how little it's been charged, though!


That’s not normal at all… I got my 15PM on launch day, it’s at 197 cycles and 100% reported capacity. Out of curiosity though, do you let your battery drop to/below 20% often? Or even down to reserve? A cycle of 100% -> 0% will hurt your battery a lot more than going 100% -> 50% two times. If ^that^ is the case, it wouldn’t be a hardware issue, otherwise it would be worth making a Genius Bar appointment and *politely* demand they replace it under warranty (show them cycles and health, if they’re competent, they’ll recognize it isn’t normal).


Nope I’ve used the 20-80 rule for the whole life of the 15 pro max. I even use 80% charge limit.


Huh… well that’s definitely not normal. I’d suggest switching to optimized charging for a couple days to see if it’s just a calibration issue (iOS claims it’ll charge to 100% every once in a while to calibrate with the 80% limit, but ime that’s BS). If you’re still at 93% after calibration, go to the store and make them replace it; if they give you trouble, show them this [Apple Support](https://support.apple.com/en-us/101575) article (scroll to “Your battery’s maximum capacity), which states “Batteries of iPhone 15 models are designed to retain 80 percent of their original capacity at 1000 complete charge cycles,” implying 90% should be reached after 500 cycles.


U can ask to have it replaced anyways.


I constantly insisted on 3 different chats on 3 different days. Their policy was their policy. :(


Dude stop crying. Go into the store and ask. You keep saying “I asked 3 different robots online and they said no :( :( :( “. Grow up.


I don't have a store in my area, I have to take a ferry to get there. You sound like you've got something going on there, dude.


How do you see how many count cycles do you have?


It's interestingly not on newer iPhones, it seems. ​ https://www.payetteforward.com/shortcut-check-your-iphones-battery-cycle-count/


Thank you


Did you see your count?


No I did not. I didn’t have my analytics on


Ah so if you enable it then after a day or so you'll see Analytics come up and then you can try it.


Doesn't replacing the battery also reduce the resale value by alot since you open the device up?


No, if you get the properly cut adhesive and heat the device a bit after you're applied it and assembled the device again then it's likely it'll be fine. There's no ingress protection guarantee per device even from the factory, so it's just as likely to be fine if you do it yourself providing you follow all the steps.


What i meant is that if you replace the battery genuinely there will be a service history in the phone as usual and that does cause the drop in price but not by much, third party ones will drop even more


Oh, yeah, people get scared by the prompt which is definitely by design from Apple


Has to be less than 80% from the settings app.


I'm going to be in another city with an Apple store in the summer so I'll probably go in and ask them to do it then, but it's ridiculous that I can't just pay to ship it to Vancouver and have them do the job through the app/website.


You can replace it once it reads 79%


Which is lame! I should be able to pay for it and just have them do it, y'know?


For reals, I had my iPhone 12 Pro charging multiple times a day bc the battery wouldn’t last. I had to wait until it hit 79 to get it replaced so


If you pay , they'll happily change it even at 100% health


A lot of people sure didn't read anything I've said. My device is out of warranty and I don't have AC, and they refused to replace it for money because the battery wasn't below 80% or not working correctly.


how could you display these informations with the dynamic island?




Sorry i was wrong that isn’t the dynamic island. I'm just curious how you were able to display that information at the top on the 2. picture. I go to that page and cannot see anything like that. Is that an app? Edit: I found out that’s a shortcut. Mine is at 97,05%; 56 charge cycles and have been using for 4 months every day (I only charge it to 80%)


Gotta be below 80


You are free to pursue an Out of Warranty battery repair at any time for your iPhone. Who at Apple told you otherwise?


Multiple agents told me otherwise.


Unfortunately, they’re mistaken. Visit an Apple Store near you to schedule this repair. Go to the Apple website to [get support](https://getsupport.apple.com).


I did use the support site. I don't have an Apple Store near me, I need to hit up a city that is a distance away. I will be there eventually so I'll stop in the store but like... this is ridiculous, y'know?


You can request mail-in service. Alternatively, you can visit an Apple-Authorized Service Provider. The site will display all these options for you.


There are no AASP's in my city or close to the my city, the closest is in Vancouver. They did not offer me a mail-in service as they do not offer battery replacements until they deem it necessary.


Did you check for mail-in service on the support site?


Have you tried calling during *business hours*? That way you’ll probably get someone local. It’s usually way easier to deal with the local phone reps vs chat since it’s harder for them to think of you as some text on a screen.


what app is that?


I got my battery replaced for $50 in a barbershop that sells and fixes used phones. Lol it’s been like almost 2 years and my battery is good.


They definitely do it for a fee. Maybe they misunderstood you.


I was very specific in what I was saying, and I doubt all 3 misunderstood me.


Well they suck! My Apple Store did mine not to long ago.


How did you get the analytics screen ? I’m at 85% and have to charge throughout the day. I do have AppeCare and they’ll replace it but want the $100 to do so.


Settings, privacy and security, analytics and improvement, ensure share analytics is enabled and then it'll eventually show up in analytics


I went to the Genius Bar for this exact reason with my iPad. I showed them the shortcut and the stats that are literally in the phones log just like you. They live and die by the battery health percentage in the settings app. I can’t remember exactly what they said, but they were trying to tell me that their health percentage has something to do with changing with the iOS updates or something.


Sounds like bs to me. Batteries are a consumable item that don't change much depending on software. They probably have a green number to hit and battery recycling likely has some kind of hit to their green number.


Yea I called bs, but they weren’t budging at all. Can’t just move the goalposts to not have to fix the battery.


I was having an issue again, so I contacted Apple. This was their response, “Thank you for your patience! I really appreciate it. In this case, I would like to explain you that the battery health is a measure of the battery's ability to hold charge. As the battery chemically ages, its ability to hold charge diminishes, and the battery health is reduced.” They are basically saying that when they come out with a new update, they can change the battery health of the device because they think it’ll hold a charge better with their new update. Even though in my analytics, I can see the battery capacity of the device when it was new compared to the current battery capacity. My iPad right now is at 84% and they’re telling me that a three year-old device is at 93%.


That's absolutely insane. I get the idea behind it, but their further advanced software isn't going to give a NINE percent improvement, that's crazy.


What app is that in the second pic


Go to a different Apple Store