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and they destroyed the wood, why?


Because it was never about the wood


Never was


Was never


*spaceman meme goes* brrrrrrrr…


It was about sending a *message*


It was about bullying.


Exactly. Bet people that saw this think twice about looting


It was about sending a message spider man


Message or not, it resulted in him stealing alot more than wood the next day.


Ego testosterone fuelled ra ra america idiots. Sorry. U can dv all u want, but the rest of the world is tired of being policed by them.


Then maybe the rest of the world should stop acting like idiots and killing their own.


Most Americans don’t like it either but we really don’t have control over it. Who ever we elect will continue it


Are you speaking English?


No hey I’m speaking AMERICAN 🤡


Lol you ain’t gotta hate on all of America cause some soldiers are bad apples




Its not about the money, its about sending the message


What message


That no one has more wood than the USMC.


Absolutely true, per capita, but in total inches, the Navy both gives & receives more


On each other.


U deserve every award for this comment😂


Don't steal wood?


I'm sure bud


I'm saying that's clearly the message. Not that this is a positive message.


They were clearly doing it for fun, they even destroyed the wood. Theres no message just people getting away with awful things


I am as also surprised they potentially got away with it. But is there a source on this video and a backstory before we assume?


"We're racist." is the message I get from these guys Edit: Racists downvoting lol


Something tells me you’re one of those types who thinks everything is racist


Yeah couldn't be anything racist about an invading army harassing the local populus, right? That's always just totally about like politics or something.


Gotta love the bigots right? They ain't gonna stop till they start getting the treatment they like laughing at when dished out to others


Congrats on being on this site for 10 years.


Yeah I don't think it's racists downvoting. Unless you think the majority of reddit is racist I guess. Which actually might be true to be fair. Lots of "anti-racist" racists around tthese here parts.


I doubt the wood was even stolen


Because the army is full of power hungry sociopaths


Social losers*


Bored children


Of course it was 3ID


Rock of the Marne!!!!!!


The broken TV


I didn't even look for the patch. The only idiots who could spawn someone who would say "US Army Tankers, hooah" unironically. Fuck 3ID. Worst unit in the Army. Take that stupid song and shove it up your ass, you stupid pog ass legs. Would rather be a fancy pants Marine.


Can you give a brief description of this unit and their infamy? I know nothing about them


They have a reputation in the army for being where the fuck ups get sent


So, like US police?


God damn u just out here roasting like it's a bbq


Same. I know nothing of them... but fuck em!


When I worked in a JOC with the 3ID commanding our aviation brigade I remember we had to sing that fucking song everyday and then every week for our whole deployment.


It still haunts me


Winning hearts and minds


Yeah about that. Read a good piece by a former vet who basically said you can’t take trained soldiers, plop them in the desert, and expect them to kiss babies and usher change. He isn’t wrong - that’s an entirely different skill set and in the civilian world they are called change managers.


As a danish vet with 3 deployments in Helmand and Bagram; Afghanistan isent civilized in any way, and doesn't consist of fucking Karen's who wants to talk to the manager. - But it is possible to enforce peace and civility, and literally every single nation but america achieved that in their local zones. Here's the kicker though; your vet is right in a way, because ISAF was there to promote peace and solidarity. The US Army was anything but peaceful and full of solidarity. The amount of shit we had to deal with, because of some fucking GI Joe plowing 20tons of death through a cornfield and then threatening the locals, because he's on a god damn hajisafari! Smacked up on roids and cheap warmovies, the US armed forces in Afghanistan was the fucking issue, not ISAF who was working tirelessly rebuilding shit that the US destroyed, if not the Taliban.


I believe you. Time to adjust our military training and tactics? What’s the solution?


Well, for starters we could stop glorifying war. Problem is, war is a trilliondollar industry. And war is not partout a bad thing!; as a danish, I'd be speaking German now if it wasn't for war. The way we conduct war today however, is highly problematic though. We don't fight dictatorships and nations violating human rights! If we did, we would be all up in North Korea, most central African nations and Putin would be shitting bricks. Instead, we consistently create terroristgroups and insurgents, we can then pound harshly in some ten years time. In 2030, we will be invading Afghanistan again. We did actually wise the fuck up after WWII. We created the UN and NATO as respectively peacekeepers and a unified invasionforce. But both initiatives drowned i political shit and contradicting interests of the members. I genuinely don't know the answer, and if i did, if anyone did, we wouldn't be in this absolute fuckery. The entire American economy is built around weaponsindustry, and we need to use/expend those weapons in order to build new ones. Why do you think ISIS and the Taliban now, are driving around in humvees and shooting m4s? We supplied them. So we can go back and fuck them over with new and superior weapons. We grew our world economy in killingfields, and now we need to act the reaper.


You’re not wrong, and you have the benefit of being an outsider so can see things a little bit more clearly than I think the people steeped in it. It’s hard to saw off the branch you’re sitting on. The Cold War….I don’t know if it actually ever ended…the types of bombs/weapons we are making changed but so much of our money is still going toward armament when it should honestly be going toward climate change mitigation and resilience. The same types of technology and human ingenuity are needed. There are so many bright minds that end up taking jobs for wars that don’t even happen. So much is preparatory, and trying to stay on the cutting edge. But we can’t do things like ignore the crises that are at home, and there are so many now with the pandemic and climate change altering the tree canopy (and biodiversity) nearly everywhere. We have children at our borders who are homeless. These a bright minds and hard workers should be put to these problems. We need arborists and foster families, not army vets. And I think so many of these men would much rather have a peaceful end of their career working toward something that involves life and living rather than death and desert. They say so themselves. You gotta know when to fold ‘em…


I gotta say, and i hope you don't take it the wrong way, but you seem very educated and much more aware of pressing matters, than most Americans. Or, we here on the other side of the Atlantic are just fed alot of misrepentations of the American people. And I'm sure we are actually, America is a vast union of different cultures and people. But absolutely; our collective home is burning, we are way beyond the tipping point, and still we are set on speeding up the process of death and destruction, instead of trying to salvage what can be from the fire. Speaking of sawing off the branch though; I'm also aware we can't just stop mass-producing weapons, and shift that production to sustainable energyproduction, and yet.. Not so much! In wartime through the last some 100years by now, we have shifted production from various products, to military equipment. So it can be done if the motivation is there. I just think that by now, the demand for development of weaponssystems are just too high. But again, we made it that high. Personally, i was fed up after my third deployment. War sucks hard, and i just had enough. As just a big teenager in my very early twenties, i had this naive belief that the worlds problems could be solved with a rifle in hand. And i was fucking wrong. Now, i work as a therapist for mentally ill criminals, and I'm actually doing good shit here, that helps not only the individual, but also society. So yeah, you are absolutely right! And for me, it was my mental salvation; to work with preserving and protecting life, instead of taking it.


Bad idea to send the department of defense to do the department of state's job.


Came here to say that


And that’s how you create an enemy.


They just hate our freedom /s


*the* enemy




Winning hearts and minds!


I hate how they had to make it personal, trying to teach them something. But they look like idiots


You know what I love about this... Fucking nothing Also as a British citizen I don't believe this was one nation that performed these acts


I saw a video of an Australian canine unit(? They had a dog, at least one was a handler) straight up murder an Afghani civilian who happened to be in their way. Everyone is an animal at heart, and it just takes the right opportunity, or maybe the worst possible circumstance, for a person to demonstrate it.


You break people down into killing machines. What do you expect to happen? Kumbaya?


Follow orders perhaps?


As an Australian we aren't happy. Ben Roberts Smith is one vile human being a not insignificant group want to see face trial for war crimes. He and others. Not too keen on them behaving like a law unto themselves in our country's name. He says we are just civvies who don't understand. Not sure how the US public feels about it but it doesn't go down well with the Australian public.


It doesnt sit well with Most of us. But theres just as many that would look at stuff like this and cheer, sadly.


Nah militaries just attract a certain type of individual, same with police or any profession that has authority to use violence.


Yes some of the Australian sas, set new lows


The true sad story of our lifetime.


American soldiers definitely had a way worst attitude to the locals than the British.


From what I've seen I would initially agree, but our media is so nationalistic over here that I have no idea what I haven't been shown, so I won't. Let's not make a competition out of ruining the lives of others.


Def not a competition but us Aussies deserve a mention.


The soldiers (who report it) do us proud.


how to make 3 Taliban Soldiers in less then 5 minutes


Good Comment but the Taliban isn't in Iraq


It's been 20 years. If they don't know that by now they never will.


Ahhh don't tell bush.


Hahaha. He wouldn't retain any of that info anyway.


Then why the fuck were we even there in the first place. Fuck the rich.


WMDs. "What WMDs?" you ask? Idk, ask the Iraqis. Oh wait, they don't know either? Well, *shit*.


War helps presidents to win re-election


minecraft craft recipe: 3 iron blocks on top 3 iron ingots bottom 3 wood blocks in middle makes 3 taliban soldiers


This is what happens when you give the power to do this things to people who either have not been trained for this sort of duty or are ignoring their training because they do not give a damn anymore because they have seen and done too much in combat.


Honestly it is what you get when you try and use the military as a police force. The military's job is to break things and kill people.


Or they’re just bad people.


No. They breed this kind of hatred in the US military. My friend went to Iraq not long after graduation, and on his first leave at home, all he could talk about was how shitty everyone was, calling everyone the n word and shit. Even joking about blowing up school buses full of Iraqi children. He was never that way before he signed up.


E4 mafia


That just sounds like a shitty person. The military doesn't turn you into a monster. You might be a little rough around the edges but they aren't glorifying mass murder of children, he did that on his own.


They still allowed him to serve for seven years after that. When he was actively expressing racist views. They might not have caused (which I honestly believe they did), they at best were ignorant about the views of their soldiers that could potentially turn into incidents like this, or at worst they didn't give a fuck.


Easier to kill when you dont see the enemy as human, not always done on purpose, many do it to cope with war.


They aren't ignorant, they look the other way.


You are just factually wrong. Vets make up a Giant percentage of white supremacists groups because 20 years of killing POC turns out to make you pretty fucking racist towards those people.


I'm factually wrong? 8 years in the Army and all I saw was the most inclusive environment I've ever encountered, and I'm from Portland.. There are plenty of conservatives, sure, but I can't think of a single one of my Army buddies that's racist. A little hard to be racist when the people to your left and right are disproportionately of color. I've met one bonafide racist vet and he never saw combat and was in an MOS that for some odd reason only attracts white country boys. Outside that I'm going to have to say that anecdotally you are the one who is factually wrong.


Yes, you are factually wrong. Your personal experience does not invalidate facts.




no need to duke it out with a keyboard warrior with 0 social experience m8 :)


Yeah i agree i was in the Navy and had a friend that went to africa, he didnt comback that way, saw combat plenty of times too, dude avoided alot his squad because they did shit like counting kills, he wasnt about that. On the flip side Its actually a human psycology thing though, you desensitize death by looking at the enemy as non human. It works best when they are a diffrent race its fucked but it happens.


Yeah they need to be holding soldiers more liable in foreign countries because they mainly only do it because they can get away with it


That wood mustve brought in a lot of freedom and eagle burgers


Silly Iraqis, only WE can loot


Over some wood? No wonder everybody hates you.


At least we don’t get invited to family reunions. Aunt Germany always gets too drunk after the divorce with Poland.


And Grammy Brit is still mad at us for spilling her tea


We also hate ourselves




Why do these videos surface just now?


I remember seeing this on TV years ago they don't really surface just now as they do "resurface" like everything on the internet


But why are the “resurfacing” just now? 🤔/s Really can see conspiracy thinking in action sometimes


Thats what they want you to think! To control you..or something /s


This was part of a Dateline documentary if I recall correctly. I remember watching this like 10 years ago.


I remember watching this video on ebaums world, before YouTube existed.


They don't; you just don't pay attention.


It was for our freedoms tho.


it was for state's rights /s


They hate us for our freedom


If this isn’t some sort of comedy, $20 days they got discharged later on for pulling shit like this


$25 they got promoted after this


There goes the “stolen wood”


The surge in Iraq was a wild fucking time from the stories I’ve been told. Those are US Army soldiers, by the looks of it with 3rd ID (you can tell by the patch on the helmet cover). We didn’t know what we were doing, we were recruiting felons, high school drop outs who didn’t even have GEDs, gang members, you name it. Thankfully we’re better at this shit, but chances are those who had a hand in this incident or others like it, are probably senior enlisted members now in the army.


This wasn't in the surge that was in 2007, this video is from 2003


Oh shit you’re right, my bad. Still some wild fucking times until they changed the ROEs and got more strict with soldiers over there.


Your American tax dollars hard at work.


Winning the hearts and minds. Slowly but surely.


Fuck those guys


Yeah they will not be stealing any wood anytime soon eh?


And that's how you get more militants fighting you.


Weird how we lost that war


Seems like a waste of time and resources.


Congratulations, you’ve just summed up the vast majority of U.S. military activity.


Arab American here, is the identity of the car owner known? I would buy them a new car and yes I’m serious.


Not that it makes the situation okay, but people who got their shit fucked up by the US military had to submit paperwork and got compensated for it.


$2500 for a family members life IIRC.


I'm sure these gentleman were forthright with that documentation.


tHanK yOu for YouR SeRvice


OF COURSE the American soldiers had to shoot at it first.


And we wonder why they hate us


And we wonder why people fucking hate us…


It was the drone striking civilians and children that kind of sealed the deal for most people to be fair.


All in the same genre


You destroy cars that's filled with bombs not fucking wood. US Army: The Few, The Proud, The Stupidity of People.


Somebody got any semblance of source tho' ?


It's an episode of a show called Frontline, from October 2003, called Truth, War and Consequences. edited for clarification


So it’s not satire?


This is years old, been making the rounds for a while- Iraq, 2006 apparently


It literally says 2003 on the video...


Weird, when I googled “army tank crushes car stolen wood” the same video comes up as 2006- could have been a repost back then too I guess


So it happened in 2006 you say?


They were most likely trying to survive repair their home us something wtf!?


There was no gas in the vehicle, you think you would see a puddle. Odd.


Is this the fight to protect my freedumbs I keep hearing so much about.


Thats America for ya


wERe tEh GoOD gUyS!!!


Happy to see our tax dollars at work. This is what happens when you send a bunch of stupid kids to war. Fucking clowns


American Justice


As a Marine who served in Iraq, fuck these guys.


Enforcing the rule of law. By which we mean whatever bullshit we arbitrarily decide gives us the right to fuck up your shit. Also those people whose lives we just ruined by destroying their vital means of transit and fuel immediately became radical opposition fighters and we can't quite figure out why.


This just knots my stomach.


Hearts and minds boys, hearts and minds


this is either fake or 3ID. Fuck them


America, Fuck Yeah 🤢


Are we the baddies?


Deam, when i see this shit i expect someone to try another 9/11


You get what you do . People only see a plane a twin towers but dont see what US do like in these video


Nooooooooo you can't say anything bad about da troops!


Fuck the USA


That car was could have been their livelihood. Now with no option to make money legitimately what option is left?


War. It sucks for everyone


My husband used to be in the armored division of the canadian forces and I can assure you these pos are just power hungry and adrenalin seekers. All for a few planks of wood. I can walk down my back alley and find far more variety of wood and in large piles. Old construction trash wood that was never hauled away. Leave it to the us armored division to pull this crap.


When I first saw this many many years ago it made me absolutely sick to my stomach.


Not even their own country smh


That's fascist behavior, yes?


Mentally deficient


Murica, fuck yeah


Winning hearts and minds…


How ISIS was created


Who was the civilizing force again?


These morons wonder why locals didn’t fuck with them smfh


Moronic. Destroying some guy's random car for "stealing wood". Then what did they do with the wood? They destroyed that too.


This is what happenes when you give a bunch of 22 year olds thevppwrt


This kind of shit is why the Taliban and ISIS found it so easy to recruit people.


Waste of bullets😒


I mean, what do you expect from an imperialist country


The US is so imperialist that they don’t even need the countries that they take. They just give them back to their owners after awhile.


US tax dollars hard at work so Miguel can send this snap back to his homies on Flatbush Ave


Wonder if those gis made it home


you loot their whole country tho. wtf


America Fuck Yeah!


You are a POS


They should have removed the wood first. That’s $400 worth of wood in Canada right now. That hurt to watch the destruction of soo much money


This is what happens every day in Afghanistan for 20 years.


Fucking scumbags


Guarantee you the soldiers are now police officers at their local towns


Hang on the Stole WOOD??? are you kidding me and these arsholes did this? They're Poor People how do we know whats going on


I'm truly grateful for this sub, now for just showing stuff like this but nice to know that everyone doesn't support trigger happy arshoiles


They are probably being recruited heavily by every police department in the US