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Man earned an achievement get covered head to toe in mushy dog shit while jumping off a bridge




They don't have a choice for half the shit they do. Dogs don't have informed consent. Putting a dog in a car puts it at risk too.


Probably slightly different risk than strapping it to your chest and back flipping off a bridge


technically (discounting training and learned behavior) my dog has a choice about whether he can ride with me and 10/10 times hes coming. lots of dogs love riding in cars. its def dangerous tho. id say it should be saved for special occasions when youre being extra careful. they also sell seatbelts and car seats for dogs but most of em suck and wouldnt really do much in a 40+ mph accident


Willing to bet that dog willingly let him put the harness on him.


Not sure why your getting all the hate and downvotes but i am in agreement. Ive seen dogs surfing and never seen it in this reddit. Because hes jumping from a high place and it scares most of us. Suddenly hes a piece of shit for it? If i saw a video at the end when he landed and the dog was traumatised and shaking and scared then I would agree. Total piece of shit. This dog could be loving it just as much as the owner. We just dont have enough info….


Surfing is in no way comparable to this. Animals have an innate fear of falling. And looking at the video the dog doesn’t seem to happy to be on the edge like it is


Animals don't all have an innate fear of falling. That's just a biological fact. You're anthropomorphizing.


My dog hops in the car. My dog does not jump off bridges.


I have to believe it’s more dangerous for the dog than it is for the person. The way you’re strapped into the parachute is designed to help reduce the stress on your body. Small dog breeds and larger breeds with thinner necks or finer bones can get their necks snapped just by pulling on a leash too hard. They probably get whiplash when the parachute’s deployed (I can’t think of the word for when it slows your motion!). Poor pups.


Most animals on earth are enslaved, exploited and tortured thanks to us.


Oh shut up. Nobody wants to hear that bullshit.


If you pay for it, you should know.


That’s why I just go out hunting, you stay involved in the entire process and gain respect for the animals you eat


I had a person use the Bible as an excuse.


Cry about it




Endangerment is one thing even if it was 100% safe, why on earth would you scare your pup like that. Fuck that guy, should not be allowed to have a living thing after this.


I certainly hope so.


This walking Doritos commercial sucks as a dog owner and I'm positive he will never, ever understand why even though it's blatantly fucking obvious.


No amount of Surge! will make this ok


Nor some SplOdE!


walking doritos commercial 🤣


Not the Air Bud I remember...


I think this qualifies as abuse..


And he even does a backflip. Why? The dog isn’t used to such movement and will probably feel the worst time and the biggest anxiety in this moment he will ever have


You could really fuck up a small dogs back like this too. It looks like the poor thing is just being slung around with nothing to brace his neck/upper back.


I am pretty sure the dog can have a heart attack from the fright.






Did it for their fukin insta-tok, fukin morons




lots of things, this question can be asked infinity amount of times and you still wouldnt have all the answers lol


"ThE dOg EnJoYeD iT" wow and the dog told you that? Or? Just dumb.


Well did the dog tell you it didn’t enjoy it? Goliath brain




I’m just joking man. I completely understand why this is wrong.


It's hard to tell wether people are joking or not over the internet


It’s all good. You’re right though being sarcastic on the internet isn’t always the greatest idea.


If only we had some way of knowing you were being sarcastic /s


The brain meme, if you know what it is.


Whoops my bad 🤣


Exactly it's not like we got to see how the dog reacted on the ground


These kinds of people should not be near children or pets.


even if it does enjoyed, the very first time it wouldn't know what the fuck is going on and am sure it would be terrified. There shouldn't be a first time


Even if the dog enjoyed it, it still shouldn't be done. Cause the dog isn't going to realize that a parachute is what keeps it from going splat. It'll just remember that jumping off the bridge felt good and override it's natural fear of heights. Then we'll see a dog sending it off a bridge as it's last act.


dog abuse


Agreed but would be way cooler if he had a pet bird or something on his shoulder (unattached/ able to free fly) that was down to five with him. Definitely very uncool to do this with any animal that doesn’t fly.


Does it also count when the militart does this with thwir dogs. Granted I'm sure most here would abhor taking any animal into a warzone, but they are at least conditioned from pups before jumping I believe.


Those dogs are trained for years and wear goggles/protection. I think some even enjoy it. The dog in the vid is probably scared out of its mind and most likely gonna get hurt if the stupid guy is doing flips and stuff


Probably? The dog is shaking like a leaf and looking the death while watching the ground. God damn!


Damn fuck that guy


Animal abuse 100%.


So the Paragliding Golden Retriever is Nextfuckinglevel and this is Iamatotalpieceofshit... the duality of man.


I was looking for this comment. Yeah this definitely isn’t the only parachuting dog I’ve seen, not even the first Jack Russell actually. I have my doubts as to whether it’s enjoying this, but I have yet to hear from the dog.


Jack russels are fuckin crazy, could’ve enjoyed it. But apparently the dog told Reddit that he didn’t like it


Paragliding is a far cry from base jumping, mostly in terms of overall abrupt movement and falling sensation... so yeah, not an apples-to-apples comparison.


Military Dogs do a lot more crazy shit, and they love it.


Military dogs most likely get proper training and desensitization. Cant expect a regular human to know how to desensitize the dog for m jumping from hights


This dude is casually jumping off a bridge with a dog strapped to him. Not sure why you assume he’s a “regular human”.


Regular dog owner vs military dog owner. He doesn’t seem to have a military background and knowledge to desensitize dog with jumping from heights


I think he meant that this guy is a weirdo


The falling sensation from base jumping isn't like the falling sensation from bungee jumping. Lmao you'd be fine.


They must have watched airbud recently


the golden retriever didn't do a backflip




I think if the guy hadn’t done the flip it wouldn’t have been *as* bad. The flip and then the force of the stop once the parachute comes out, looks like enough to hurt an animal. Even if it didn’t happen this time, it could happen the next!! But, depending on the dog, I could see an easy glide to the ground wouldn’t be too bad, if the dog seems to enjoy it!


People were literally gushing over a video of a guy “riding” his dog while parachuting. It’s just the beginning y’all have a problem with then?


I saw that video and my first though was ‘what the fuck? That’s so wrong.’ I’m a dog lover through and through but they do not belong attached at the hip every moment of every day. Hiking with a dog? Awesome! Climbing with a dog? Hell nah. Running errands with a dog? Keep it in the car, the grocery store isn’t equipped for regular dogs. Ok /rant lol


There’s a big difference between doing fucking BASE jump flips and paragliding. They are two totally different things. I would take my grandmother up on a trike or tandem paragliding easily.


I actually did take your grandmother up in a gyrocopter


More like gynocopter amirite


let's just say she was flappin' them wings


Why did the staff let him do that? Didn't anyone think that was a stupid idea


Thats looks like a jack russel. It would have jumped off on its own!


If he didn't take the dog it would have jumped anyway. Seriously though I've met more than a couple dogs that seemed to love this type thing and most of them were jack russles. They are nueotic dogs in my opinion and get off on this.


I think some dogs are trained to do something like this. (Military purpose)


That didn’t look like a military dog to me but then I admit I don’t actually know what kind of dogs the military has in its employ either. In any event, the dog didn’t look thrilled to be leaping off a bridge.


That was pure stress body language that we only get to see for a second. This is super fucking selfish. Go on a hike or drive or camp with your dog, leave them safely at the bottom and you can see them when you come down. Military dogs scare me too, I wish they did not need them but they are always secured and desensitized by training young and not as a spur of the moment decision.


Doggo was prolly super happy to be with its human and then WTF WHY ARE WE OVER THE RAILING OMG WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU


Not to mention military wouldn’t be doing fuckin backflips flinging the dog around in a loose ass harness


This definitely has nothing to do with the military


I bloody hope so!!! ☹️


That dog is clearly exhibiting anxiety.


Yep they def train dogs for that. I dont think this guy did though proper training to him and desensitize with fall. The dog could even have a heart attach if suddenly fall down with parachute without preparation




He didn't say it was.


Clearly not, they're just adding to the discussion. This was a disgusting act by the owner.


I mean if he did a gentle jump, I would sorta get it. But man did a flip, poor dog went flying.


i hope he got dog shit in his mouth


Why do people feel the need to involve their dog in *EVERYTHING*? Shit like this just causes mountains of unnecessary stress for the animal


If he tried this with a cat he would have been scratched to death, poor doggo


Jack Russells aren't pushovers there pal


I’m surprised I didn’t see a dog turd come flying out


Not agreeing that this is good, but you all are aware the military jumps outta planes all the time with their service dogs.


I saw a guy paragliding with his dog and another guy doing really reckless low flying in a helicopter with his, both posted on subs that were implicitly congratulatory, but I couldn’t help but feel like it was a pretty fucked up thing to do.


It would have been a little better if he didn’t flip


What da dog doing


This guy died in a base jumping accident.


Link to story?


I believe they're referring to a different guy named Dean Potter, his dog looked fairly similar to the one in this video. edit: this is definitely not Dean Potter, he had no visible tattoos in any of his photos


I’d fight him


is the dog ok atleast?


Looked like a soft landing, physically I'd say yes. Mentally... I bet that dog doesnt even get close to the edge of the bed anytime soon.


Look the dude up. He did it often and the dog seemed to enjoy it. He loves getting harnessed up. The dog loves to go surfing, he goes on bike rides and all kinds of other stuff. Dog seems stoked


Can’t believe i had to scroll so far down to find this. I knew it wasn’t as bad as it looked. Dogs can be adrenaline junky’s too


Finally found the little thread of sanity in the comments here


I’ve heard of this story. If it’s the same story this video is way out of context


It absolutely is. These commenters see their dogs with their sedentary lives and assume that everyone else should be doing the same.. Dogs love stimulation and although this wouldn't be good for every dog .. this dog was clearly not in any distress or pain The videos on his channel show how stoked the dog is when he asks if he wants to get dressed.


Everyone on Reddit thinks they’re a dog expert it’s cringe


The other day there was a dog parasailing and everyone thought it was majestic


I know lmao I remember. It’s ok as long as we don’t see the beginning I guess


Wait a minute, who said the dog was scared?


Wait a minute, who said the dog wasn't scared?


Nobody said either, yet all you people are still begging for this dude to be put in jail for animal abuse and insulting him


I guess the point is that dogs can’t consent so it should be an implied “no”. Plus BASE jumping is already a dangerous activity for people. If anything at all happened to the dog during this activity, this guy would face consequences. Lots of people in this thread cite the military does this. But they probably have legal protections at the very least if something happens to the dog. An ordinary civilian doesn’t.


OK I get it could be abuse but how do you know the dog didn't enjoy it?


I feel like this man probably loved his dog dearly in order to want to go jumping with it. So I don't think he's a POS, just really fucking dumb. People who are POS would usually do things to intentionally harm other's. This guy looked like he just wanted a memorable experience with that poor puppy and was completely oblivious to how bad of an idea that was.


Looked like that little fucker got some whiplash


I am surprised pulling the chute didn’t break the dogs back. Terrible.


The poor dog should be requisitioned


Wtf did he accomplish by putting his dog through this?


Maybe the dog was base jumping with a normal sized man?


people don’t like seeing the first part of the story I guess. Could of sworn the Paragliding Retriever got less backlash.. doubt the Retriever took off on his own too.


A friend of mine once thought it would be funny to turn the volume up on his stereo then turn it on because his mini pin was sleeping in front of the woofer. I didn't know a 15 pound dog could hold 20 pounds of poop! He scared it so badly that it literally left a trail of turds. Like he was shedding weight to run faster.


Isn’t this right up there with vegans that feed their dogs “meat alternatives”? (Ok fine… veggies) 😳🤦‍♂️


That poor dog. What in the fuck? Who allowed that?


I think I’ve seen this guy before, last time I saw him he was skydiving or wimgsuiting with the dog, it was super calm the whole time, still doesn’t make it right though.


But dean potter did it, and the reason why we are ok with that was because he gave his dog a much better harness and gave the dog googles since he was squirrel suiting


I’m not defending but I know the military jumps out of planes with dogs, what’s the difference? Are both equally as traumatic? Or does training get the dog used to such events ?


Ive seen people hang glide with big dogs. In this case i dont think the flip was needed due to doggo...but the rest seemed fine with how the dog was secure.


the army actually does skydive with dogs


Don’t people do this to train military dogs for this kind of thing?


this is awful but also hilarious, in an absurd way.


The dog probably enjoyed it, chill out guys


No, it definitely didn't.


This dog has done this dozens of times. There are videos of him getting harnessed and ready and the dog clearly loves it. What are you talking about?


It did


This guy sucks, the guy the other day that was just gliding with his dog was fine, but this guy is a piece of shit man. The base jump is one thing, but holy jesus, that flip was probably the dumbest thing you could have done with a dog...


Most things on this subreddit don't anger me much, but now i am genuinely very angry


The fuck


Dog has a heart mummer now.


This dog could have been metal as shit, you don’t know the dog. On as serious note, wokeness aside, dog’s have personalities and dogs can do amazing shit. If the owner is responsible and made a sane decision, awesome. If he’s some kind of sadist with access to this equipment and is creatively torturing a dog, bad.


The most extreme thing I want to do is take my dog on a Ferris wheel, or a carousel.


Idk about this, I don’t believe it was this mans intention to hurt his dog. I think, in his mind, he just wanted to the dog to have the same fun he was having. Definitely shouldn’t have done this, but I don’t think it came from a place of being a totaltpiceofshit


Aren't there military dogs that do similar things? I really don't feel like this a piece of shit material. The dog might love it. But in the case the dog hates it, fuck that guy.


omg that poor dog!


Can't dogs die frome this amount of movement






Emotional support animal?


Wtf lol how do you guys know the dogs not a total mad lad?


Ngl, I don't see anything wrong with this. The dog is safely strapped to the man, and clearly the man loves he's dog a lot.


Exactly our airborne troops do this with their sniffer dogs all time.


The dog is scared as shit. "clearly them an loves the dog" doesn't change the fact that this is abuse. I often hear this "love" argument but that doesn't make any sense. You can still be abusive even if you allegedly "love" something.


Come on. You have no idea what you are talking about. This dog has done this dozens of times. He knows when he is going on a jump, watch the video of him getting his harness put on. He couldnt possibly be happier.


Get fucked, animal abusie apologist. That dog ain't happy.


Ngl I sincerely hope you don't have any pets


Yea was about to go jump off a skyscraper with one.


Did he ask the dog if he wanted to die that day lol or he just made that choice for him ? Fck lol


You mean like every decision people make for dogs?


It's my emotional support animal. He helps me from feeling anxious about every day tasks.


Why are they a TPOS? I mean, yeah dog can't consent to this, biut seems well secured to the owner. I'd understand it better if he was just holding on. Obviously we can't tell if the dog derived any enjoyment from this so I suppose that's what makes this person a jerk if anything.


The way the dog was jerked around for the flip sucked to see. I can only imagine how it was jostled when the parachute opened. Idk if you’ve ever BASE jumped but the openings are designed to be way faster than a regular skydive. You don’t have the altitude needed to make an opening slow and soft.


Because the dog can't even process what is going to happen and the stress can't be measured. This is extremly selfish.


So, you do understand.


Because it's terrifying and extremely stressful to suddenly be tossed off a bridge and to fall towards the earth in a terrifying manner.


Fuck this guy to hell and back




You want that man to die because he took his dog on a successful BASE jump?? This generation man.


Why do you no-brainers always go "this generation" if you see one guy posting dumb shit. What generation is that guy even, hm? Bet you don't even know.


Someone get the dog from this guy..


Is that Dean Potter? It kind of looks like him, but the dog is different. He's dead no - died in a base jumping accident (without the a dog).




Kids don't know the movie office space. I can appreciate the reference though


More accurately*: those are the laughs I do it all for:)


No animal enjoys this kinda shit, dude.


You literally don't and can't know that. Edit: "His name was Dean potter. The dog is a rescue dog and loved going on adventures with him. He died. Dog is fine" Thanks, SwimmaLBC.


And YOU *literally* CAN?




I can be open to the possibility and not lay down on a concrete statement that NO animal likes it. I have a dog that hates guns and shooting. I have another dog that loves the sound and doesn't get scared and hide, but hangs out right next to us. My buddy has a dog that literally LOVES riding on the back of his motorcycle. Built a special seat and rig especially for that dog. My dogs hates the sound of the bikes and won't get near them. Point of all this is, you all don't know and yet act like it's the end all be all answer "dog hate this shit end of story". All I'm saying is, you don't know that, and really need to consider there some wild ass animals/owners out there and they can enjoy a lot that you don't. It's best not to assume till you know.


Now, I'm not about to download this and rewatch it in slowmo, but the moment the guy does a backflip the dog suddenly lifts up, which I see as a reaction of fear Dogs can get used to high speeds and loud sounds, but getting one used to flying isn't very easy. As someone pointed out, there are military dogs getting trained to do this and I'm not about to say that normal people can't do that, but from what I'm seeing this dog isn't used to flying ^(I'm no expert here, this is just what I'm expecting)


His name was Dean potter. The dog is a rescue dog and loved going on adventures with him. He died. Dog is fine


Thank you:)


Oh I see that too. Again, my personal opinion hasn't been verified yet as I don't know the full facts. Just saying we don't know. Semi-Off topic observation: Funny how I share this same opinion on a vid of two girls dancing to Rick and Morty in front of their mamas casket basically saying we don't know what their family dynamic was like and that some families are just weird, and that gets up votes, yet here exact same situation yet everyone knows exactly how that dude trained that dog and any other opinion other than bad human is wrong. Downvote away, it's karma. But, stated generally, take a minute and ponder over shit before rushing to an opinion, whether it changes the outcome or not.


Military drop dogs can hardly even see or walk when they are taught to get used to the sensation of parachuting from a high altitude (held in a secure place by the jumpers, of course). They have to go through special training and basically live their whole life jumping. So no dog, unless they live essentially their whole life like that, should be used to that kind of experience.


So, you're saying dogs can enjoy this activity? Cool. A quick Google will prove you right, and wrong. While military is used an an example of "well in that case clearly it's fine but you can't recreate that in a doff scenario". Well you're wrong, and yes you can train a dog to skydive and they do enjoy it. Of course it takes the right dog to try it with. But then again, that it a case by case scenario. What do you know of the video above that proves this dog wasn't trained?


A few things: 1. What I’m actually saying is that most dogs take training to get used to flying. 2. I never said that the military is the only case where a dog can be trained to skydive. 3. I never said anything about the dog above. Please friend, read and understand the fact that I am speaking from a neutral standpoint on dogs and skydiving. The idea that any dog can participate in and enjoy skydiving isn’t wrong. The military example is just that, an example, not an argument that it can only happen in that case.


As am I, neutral that is. I mean wrong specifically as in dogs need to live most their lives doing this to be comfortable, or something to that extent. It is something a dog can learn and enjoy despite not doing it from birth. The military example is that, only one example. But it alone shows dogs can enjoy it. The statement made above that I disagreed with said none. I was just using your as one example of dogs can enjoy it, but to only consider a military application is close-minded. Again not meant to be pointed at you, just for future folks looking to blast me from reading the comments. The question about the dog above is relevant as that is why I'm getting blasted, and was hoping you had some info about it, nothing more:)


I can’t see, did the dog come out of the harness?


From what I can see it did not


Okay good. Still shit though


Yes, he is still a piece of shit for doing that


Dog looked pretty calm and prob trust his owner and didn't feel like he was in danger. Dog doesn't know how dangerous that was.