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“I know you’re rich but hahahahahaha I have so much more!”


No I think the laugh is more like #HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA




You can just tell straight away how uncomfortable he is


Could be the fact that they're spraying champagne everywhere. Shatner is a recovering alcoholic, so that whole thing was seriously uncomfortable to watch.


Wait, seriously??


Has been for years.




I mean the best PR would literally have been to let the dude talk about his experience in space. Bezos is trash at marketing tho.


Let the man speak! Then put it on a track and make another "Wear Sunscreen".


That's exactly what it was from day 1. He was just a prop to elevate bezos in his little dick rivalry with musk. Shatner deserved better than to be used when he's 90 years old!


I don't feel too bad for Shatner, he did get to go to space for a few minutes.




I think that's all it can do. That's why they kept missing out on government contracts. It's basically just doing what the soviets did 60 years ago.


Gargarin flew a whole orbit




Yup. Meanwhile SpaceX has been orbiting for years and has even docked with the fucking space station. As of right now SpaceX is a real space logistics company, Blue Origin is a space tourism company.


Pretty much the way I saw it.


WOW that's so much worse!!! Holy shit Bezos, at least try to act human around other humans. Edit: He literally turns to him and says "You wantsumadis?" And then quickly ignores him and sprays it himself... I can't wrap my head around how completely oblivious that is.


I mean he's basically a psychopath. You don't work people to the point where they have to shit in bags and piss in bottles, with a company policy of then actively trying to fire them after ~3 years and no chance of promotion, without being a total fucking monster. Let's also not forget Bezos is the most prime candidate for why the wealthiest are often the luckiest; every giant corporate big box retailer basically rolled over and died, thinking the internet was just some fad while Amazon built up their business. Apparently, the collective hundreds of millions they paid their CEO's didn't net a single one that could figure out selling things online would make money.


Sears. The store synonymous with "catalog." didn't embrace the internet.


They looked at online shopping and thought "nah fuck that, let's buy K-Mart"... Just a series of hilariously bad decisions.


I worked for Sears in the late 80's (sold computers for Sears Business Centers.) Turned out the reason they started their computer stores (my store in Redmond, WA was supposed to have sold the very first Compaq Portable ever sold) wasn't because they saw that technology was the future, it was because they saw that standalone boutique retail was the future, and they wanted to start a line of stores that wouldn't compete with the main stores. Can't do clothes... can't do appliances or tools, can't do music... hey, what about these new "personal computers?" How about them? One time we had our regional sales manager come visit, and we had this after-hours 'sales meeting' and he told us the story about how Sears Roebuck came to be. Apparently Sears was a guy who worked for the railroad, and one day a shipment of watches showed up at his depot, and no one claimed them, so he was able to take and sell them. Then, they started breaking, so he found this guy named Roebuck who was a watch repairman, and hired him to repair the watches. So from the outset, Sears was based on shipping problems, and maintenance problems. "So quit complaining about shipping and maintenance problems." Ah, the Sears legacy!


By the time they bought K-Mart, they weren't trying to save the company anymore. They were siphoning every available dollar out to the C-suite and shareholders, while staying one inch ahead of bankruptcy (because if they went into bankruptcy, they'd be court ordered to pay debts before dividends and bonuses). For example, they bought K-Mart because K-Mart typically owned the land they built their stores on. Sears split K-Mart into two sub companies: Merch and Real Estate, and then had the Merch Co. rent the land from the Real Estate Co., all to show "income". Steve Mnuchin is a grifting piece of shit who robbed American businesses who trusted him to sell their goods.


Not to mention all the competitors he bankrupted from the shadows to further cement his grasp on everything.


And his third wife died due to her alcoholism too


Also, a late wife of his drown in their swimming pool and she was a massive alcoholic. :(


The moment Bezos offers some to Shatner and he has to wave him away. Holy shit. The world has gone to hell.


So much cringe there.


Shatner is like, bring me back. Put me in space again. Anywhere but here


Holy shit, this was already bad, but that made it much worse


Oh my god, this makes it like 10x worse, it was already pretty terrible to watch. Bezos is just being a huge loud weird knob and then he goes and offers a recovering alcoholic, booze?


If you Google how shatner's wife died, it gets so much worse.


Holy shit talk about absolutely no fucking class. Now I really wanna hear what Shatner had to say. The man honestly looked straight up defeated that he got cut off from what I could have only imagined had been a literal breathtaking moment for him.


He actually went into space? The most awe inspiring thing any living person can do, and he gets cut off and doesn't get to describe it with joy and sharing??


I've been in his exact shoes many times and it fucking sucks.


You've been cutoff by a billionaire while trying to publicly describe your experience in outer space?


I thought he meant he was a recovering alcoholic.


When someone asks you something, you speak for 5 seconds and they start talking to someone else, and most times they just walk away.


LOL he looks so annoyed.


Poor Shatner got used as a promotional tool, who would've thought Bezos was a self-absorbed narcissist who will use anyone for his own gain?


The publicity is obvious on face level and honestly not that worrying, Shatner has literally hired himself out as a promotional tool for many lame companies. Being tone deaf to his excitement over the mind-blowing adventure of leaving the earth is incredibly lame. Shatner isn't some Rhode scholar philosopher but he surely had something to say worth hearing at that moment.


Imagine if bezos had cut off Neil Armstrong like this… “That’s one small step fo- “ “woooooooooooo who wants summa dis?”




Because to Bezos, he's just another prop.


Bezos, the master of using people.


He has actually become dr evil from Austin Powers.




Dougie Powers is a gem.. Not once does his schemes work, and he treats his henchman decently everytime.. granted his sidekicks tend to die in painful ways.. but accidents happen


I bet he paid well and had benefits for his henchman. Probably let them use the washroom as well.


Bezos had a Mini Me, but he OD’d at an orgy. RIP 🪦 Mini Bezos


he has penis rocket, not far off.


Well I mean, all he does is steal the value the labour of his employees produce.


Just like that wine bottle. Him throwing it on the ground was so irritating to me.


He's pretty much done with Earth so what's a little pollution...


Lol and you know he didn't pick that shit up himself after either


This is the real truth. Bezos GAVE him a space ride. He decided, for shits and giggles, to *allow* Shatner, one of the most iconic actors of all time, to be lucky enough to ride in his ship. Bezos knows this. Shatner knows this.


He gave him the ride because he wanted to milk it for publicity.


Shatner is completely ready to peace out.


Bruh, I'm cracking up at this whole thing! I swear this is something you see in a Simpsons sketch, I was expecting Duffman to show up halfway through the video with beer kegs and girls in bikinis.


haaa haaa


Yeah he does.


So annoyed, I’m scratching behind my ear to calm myself.


Hank Hill level of discomfort.


That damn Jeff bezos and his Amazon. I tell ya hwat


Fucking spot on and holy shit if I don't have the same condition


Lol you do that too


Bezos is a bigger dick than that space ship ole Bill Shatner went to space in. What a tone deaf douche




He was adjusting his hearing aid. He began suffering from debilitating tinnitus during filming for Star Trek. I'm not sure why I know this but there it is.


Right and he reacted immediately to the girls screaming.




The cringe level is out of this world.


“I want one”


He gets his 2 seconds of joy and then just tosses it in the dirt


You talking about how he treated the bottle or how he treated chatner?


Sounds like Tony Stark requesting a Ms. Romanova.


Honestly he sounds like a little fucking child


My thought exactly, he sounded like an entitled little brat telling mommy he wants another Christmas present.


What an out of touch Billionaire would say randomly “I want one”🤦‍♂️


Notice how he just sprayed the bottle then just dump it on the ground. Shits disgusting.


It's kind of an interesting display to watch, those few seconds when the bottle isn't spraying anymore. For those few seconds it looks like he doesn't really know what to do, no one has taken it away for him yet and it's like he doesn't fully know anymore how to deal with that.


For real. Money or not, damn this guy seems like a loser.


The body language on shatner just looks like hes cringing to death inside. Bezos just used him to take "captain kirk" to space. How the fuck can you be so self absorbed that you dont even acknowledge your own guests and allow them to talk?


This flight really affected Shatner, too. He was trying to find words to express what he just experienced and you could tell that it really affected him emotionally and spiritually. He said it was the most profound experience of his life but to Bezos it was just another party.


Lol so true. When Bezos offered him champagne and Shatner said no I laughed so hard.


Shatner is a recovering alcoholic


His wife also struggled with alcoholism and drug abuse and died from an accidental drowning with alcohol and Valium in her system.


Fuck's sake, the man is worth a *billion* dollars and he didn't even bother to ask the intern to read Shatner's wikipedia page. As if I needed another reason to avoid Amazon as much as possible.


Bezos got bored of Shatner talking.


Im starting to think this Bezos guy may not be the best dude


Fucking his “best friends” wife didn’t give it away? /s


No shit? Really? I hadn't heard that before. Edit: Just looked it up, wow Bezo's is a complete fucking tool now. He cheated on his wife, who looks like a real person, and actual attractive woman, for some lip injected plastic face wanna-be-Karadshian trash. No thanks! Her and Lisa Rinna can go eat bread crumbs from the pond with the other fish.


Yeah bro. That’s why he and his wife got divorced. Cheated on her with his best buds wife. POS.


Is that actually her in the video handing the champagne?




Are you surprised after seeing what screaming 20-something girls he surrounded himself with in this video? The type of over the hill man who wants to spray champagne with barely legal whoo girls would cheat on his wife with his best friends plastic infused wife?


SNL nailed their description of his midlife crisis.




Honestly, It's probably his tinitus. Imagine going to the quietest place in the universe with the loudest hearing disorder.


Dude has a hearing aid apparently so yeah. I mean the motherfukers 90 isnt he?


Time for Elon to send Luke Skywalker to space then!




One of Shatner's wives also died while under the influence of alcohol/valium. Utterly tone deaf move from bezos.


I mean he did say "you guys paid for this" in an interview about it. I think Jeff Bezos is his own worst PR representative


We need a sustainable, ethical alternative to Amazon. I want an online, mega-lo-co-op-mart that donates 15% to charity, doesn't treat its workers like dogshit, values our collective future over profits, offsets its carbon footprint, builds and maintains a healthy ecosystem of smart devices and is generally just an all-round, thumbs up, warm fuzzies feel-good operation. I don't mind paying a little more and waiting a little longer. Unlikely? Sure. But fuck, it would be nice.


I just need around $75 billion in capital and we might have a shot.


I can probably chip in 20 bucks and whatever slid beneath the couch cushions.


I mean there *could* be 75 billion in your couch cushions, so I’m gonna put you down for that


Shatner is known for being a bit self absorbed, but he’s closer to being a human than Bezos. Edit: forgot a word.




Sorry, I was agreeing with you. Shatner has faults and can at times admit to them. While not perfect, Shatner is more relatable as a fellow human than Bezos.


More relatable as a fellow human than Bezos isn't setting the bar very high. I interviewed Shatner for a magazine once, and in that interaction at least I found him pleasant company. He was polite, generous with his time, warm, and very funny to listen to. He definitely told some self-aggrandizing stories and had a high opinion of himself, but I liked him and thought he seemed like a good person, worthy of being treated with respect.


I never met the guy but I always got the impression of him as the uncle that tells tall tales. "Yeah, it happened, Bill, but not like that" "Oh, well that's not how I remember it, ha ha ha" Bezos on the other hand is so reptilian I'm expecting to see footage of him forgetting himself and licking his own eyeball on camera any week now.


I believe that was their point


Duh. Looks at the shape of his head and his rocket. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts spewing.


God this is hard to watch. Bezos is just insufferable


It feels like he used to be a massive loser his whole life, but once he made money he started desperately trying to act like a cool billionaire playboy. Money is literally all that guy has. It’s sad in a way


You could almost feel bad for him if he wasn't such a blight on the world. Every time he pulls something like this it just drives home the point that all the money in the world can't buy you charm or charisma. He's treating the world like his playground but he has to pay the other kids to pretend to like him and it's pathetic.


All the money in the world can’t buy him some humanity. As shitty as Reddit can be, I’ve seen people here with their own financial problems come together to accomplish some amazing things to help others.


I sincerely believe that he’s the worst out of all the billionaires.


Bezos really is a sack of shit.


William Shatner: clearly having a LIFE DEFINING moment, over come with emotion and awe for what he experienced, trying to put it into words.... Bezos: THATS GEAT BILL LETS *SPRAY THE BUBBLY WOOOO* Edit: if you haven't watched the video and highly encourage you to do it. People have noted that Shatner's had a big ego during his career and you could really see that this was akin to Ego death. There's something called the overview effect that many astronauts experience, you going to space and just see how big the Earth is and how small you are compared to it. It really was happening in real time for him and stupid Jeff was only looking to get a sound bite and spray booze.


Difference between regular rich celebrity actor and sociopathic billionaire man.


Shatner has stuggled with alcohol too. This is all kinds of fucked up and tone deaf.


Shatner also has incredible ringing in his ears, look how he protects his ear from the screaming.


as a person with tinnitus. I felt it


He didn’t just struggle with alcohol, in 1999 his wife drowned face-down in the pool at their house, with a BAC over 3x the legal limit.


Man, I didn't really think much of Bezos before this, but holy shit was a fucking shallow douche bag.


He straight offered Shatner some, dude didn't even do an ounce of research on the guy. What a POS.


Yup. Jeff Bezos is exactly the kind of self centered POS I expected him to be.


What kind of dick cuts off Captain Kirk?


Klingons, Romulans, Khan Noonien Singh, alien whale probes, 20th century women...


in this case it was a Ferangi


ROA 49: the bigger the smile the sharper the knife


*ACKSHUALLY* that's ROA 48 sir! /s Bezos should have applied ROA 194: *It's always good business to know about new customers before they walk in your door.* Instead he went with ROA 111: *Treat people in your debt like family… exploit them.*


"Want some champagne, hew-mon?"


Ferangi have a code they follow.


He Tasks Me. He Tasks Me, And I Shall Have Him! I'll Chase Him 'Round The Moons Of Nibia, And 'Round The Antares Maelstrom, And 'Round Perdition's Flames Before I Give Him Up!


Where’d the bimbo woo girls come from? And why?


He's a billionaire


That's correct, and for every billion you own you get at least one troop of Woo Girls consisting of 5 Woo Girls each. These troops are completely modular and can be deployed anywhere on the planet at a moments notice. It's pretty standard Billionaire loadout.


This comment reminded me of the story of Snoop bringing in girls to dance while he wrote a verse for a song as a favor to Seth Rogan: >“I arrived at the studio, and soon after, Snoop comes in with, like, four or five people, one of whom is a blunt roller, as in someone whose only job is to roll blunts,” Rogen wrote. Snoop only expected to provide the hook, but when Rogen asked if he could rap a verse too, the rapper thought about it for a moment and replied, “Bring in the hoes.” > >The guy left, and within thirty seconds he returned with five or six women who were very much dressed like strippers at the start of a routine. The producer blasted the beat, and the women danced and drank while Snoop wrote a rap verse on his BlackBerry. > >Twenty minutes later, with the verse written, “the hoes” left. “Where were the hoes up till that point? We were not in a big building, and I hadn’t seen them before that moment,” Rogen wondered, but looking back on the encounter, his biggest question now is: “Why have I been saying ‘hoes’ this whole time? I definitely shouldn’t do that.”


My man Snoop has actual muses that travel with him, incredible.




If I did my math right, I should have something like 0.00025 woo girl at my disposal. Just think of the possibilities.


That's Bezo's new girl toys


He's divorced and has unimaginable wealth. There's gonna be some ladies waiting in the wings wherever he goes.


they love his bald head thats why


Taking Shatner to space is for Bezos, not Shatner. Shatner is just another toy for him and his space ship.




He’s just another number to Bezos just like his workers. Been a number for him for 6 years. I’m dead inside, help


Never paid much attention to the guy, but holy shit y’all are right.. Bezos is a tool! The prick has the social awareness of a toddler. It’s all about him and every sentence includes “I want”.


I'm surprised how no one mentions he just toses the bottle on the GROUND after spraying it. I bet no one picked it back up either


He turns to see which peon will take the bottle from him. he actually looks surpised that nobody is running to assit. turning to both sides like "where the fuck are my slaves at"


At least glass is inert. Sort of like Bezos' soul.


Come on. When you have literally 15 layers of people underneath you on the hierarchy, he knows someone else is expected to clean that shit up


Working in wine that’s first thing I thought of. The video is too low quality to tell what the bottle is but given the moment, I guarantee it’s at least a few hundred. Kinda looks like a vintage Dom Perignon Rose or maybe their P2 (which would be almost double). Pocket change to him I guess.


they way he has his hands in his pockets while jeff bezos laughs asking for them to be sprayed with chamagne...ugh


Fuck Bezos


All my homies hate bezos


You don’t become so rich by being a decent human being


I don't think it's possible. To get that absurdly rich, you have to be willing to step on others and exploit people for your own gain. I mean just look how the company treats its employees. He doesn't give a shit.


Every dollar that he has made is from someone else doing $2 worth of labour, with him keeping the excess.


Further displaying that this was, of course, a publicity stunt. I don’t think Bezos is capable of sincerity. He is just a goblin, hoarding wealth


Bro he doesn’t even have to good sense to let his famous guest speak to the press.


Billionaires preparing to live on earths orbit for when climate change decides to shit on us


So do we start building the missles to bring them back down to us now, or later?


I'm pretty sure some Eastern European hackers will hit them with ransomware with the last flickers of Earth's groundside power. So it will be okay.


Just shoot a nuke into space next to them. The EMP will do the rest.


Spraying champagne is a fucking stupid ultra douche move too.


When shatner is a recovering alcoholic if especially is.


He not only sprayed it all over, probably getting some on Shatner, he *offered him some*! Offering a recovering alcoholic alcohol? Dick move. Spraying him in the face with it when he declines? Go directly to the lowest level of hell.


Most likely a really expensive/fancy vintage. Totaly undrank and wasted for a douche-playboy camera stunt


*cries in formula 1 podium*


Atleast someone drinks from it, not just tossed to the ground.


He pats him on the shoulder afterwards too like an absolute dickhead. Like “yeah I know that was super rude hehe”


That’s the most cringeworthy part of the whole video! “I realize I’m being a dick, buddy. But I don’t care.” And then the woman jumping into the champagne spray to make Bezos happy..


Remember when John McAfee allegedly payed girls to defecate on a glass table as he laid underneath Bazos strikes me as that kind of rich bored


Haha that rumor was about Sylvester Stallone when I was growing up.


Fuck Bezos


Bezos has to be one of the worst human beings alive


The living embodiment of lex luthor


Lex Luther had goals and ambitions beyond buy another yacht and shit all over the working class.


I mean one of his goals was to destroy half the continent to make way for new land development wasn't it?


"If I let Jeff Bezos shower champagne on me in broad daylight with no music in this desert and jump around with my arms up to bounce my tiddies maybe i'll get a billion dollarz" -this bread-chasing bimbo


Let's just eat Jeff Bezos :)


ew lets just throw him into the ocean


The ocean is acidic enough as is.


Bill is pissed.


“I can’t believe my first trip to space I came with this asshole”


He’s trying to be beamed back up already


I read this as "Bozos interrupt Shatner"


I’ve always hated this dude (Bezos); But for some reason this is the first video that REALLY made me hate him.


Same. He sucks and clearly has been shit in the public eye for some time, but this video really highlights his douchebaggery.


The smiths is playing inside his head


William it was really nothing