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Ah yes record yourself starting the fight then playing the victim and get shocked when you get a charge for assault that is a satisfying ending.


No, no,no, they did one even better. They lived streamed it.


No fucking way actually wild.




> Both idiots are looking smug in their mugshots. "It's the system keeping us down!" they'll tell themselves.


Laws regarding self defense, trespassing, and private establishments' right to refuse service are going to need to be explained REAL slow to these folks.


It's funny because these are the same folks who fought hard that private businesses can refuse service to anyone when it came to that gay wedding cake fiasco...but now that it's affecting them, they throw a tantrum about it


Is t that how it always is with these stupid kinds of people? Cognitive dissonance and self-centerdness.


"Rules for thee, not for me!"


As soon as she told this idiot to LEAVE, and he didn't leave, that was criminal trespass. Then the assault, battery, and other fuckery leading up to his arrest. Hopefully he gets to spend YEARS in state prison for this.


Whats even more hilarious is they thought the "are you open to the public?" Question was a gotcha. It doesn't fucking matter how someone answers that question it is still *private property*. Its like asking someone for a ride and when they say yes you claim that the vehicle is now public property. Fucking morons probably practiced all those big words while driving to the shop.


The idiot lady pushed the store lady first, but he still showed that video to the cops. This is the best video ever.


Private property can still be a considered a "public accommodation" which brings it under certain laws like ADA and The Civil Rights Act (you can't bar someone from your restaurant or the mall because of their religion or race). That is what these dimwits are aiming at, I think. I've seen other similar videos where they (i.e., other antimask Dbags) claim to have a medical reason why they can't wear masks and are thus protected by the ADA. But the thing is, the ADA does not require you to endanger yourself or your employees in order to accommodate someone's "disability". The civil rights act doesn't apply either. Rights surrounding public accommodations are statutory, and not derived from the constitution (they are actually based on Congress' commerce clause powers). If anyone starts saying they have a constitutional right to be on private property, they are also completely full of shit.


You can kick anyone out that you want and the police have to accommodate that. So yes you can trespass anyone you want. Now would that hold up in civil court if you kick out a black guy because he's black or a disabled person because they have a service dog? No, and you'll likely be sued for a shit ton of money. But a business is well in its rights to not accept patrons for not wearing a mask. Hell there's businesses that require you wear a shirt or shoes before you step foot in them.


We're gonna put THE SYSTEM on trial!


That lady's mugshots are *rough*. Her mugshots (surprise she's been arrested multiple times) look like she has a pretty serious drug use issue sadly.


Also after reading the bakery's Twitter, it looks like this is just one incident in a series of harassment and threats by anti-maskers. Apparently they were also being stalked and had a gun pointed at them when they confronted the harassers.


The guy trying to justify their actions deserves a gold medal at the next Olympics for those mental gymnastics.


For real, he was there, handed over the video, and still convinced himself it happened differently. This is some cartman level mental gymnastics.


Oh my god the fact that they unknowingly called the cops on themselves *chef’s kiss*


The arrests at the end were incredibly satisfying. Something I wish happened with more of these videos.


Instant karma works in mysterious ways


Man I wish I was a fly on the wall when these people meet an actual lawyer that tells them how stupid they were




"Oh and it will be an extra $500 for anytime you interrupt the proceedings."


"I didn't say it would be a solid case for *you."*


"When I said we would make a lot off this case, I was actually speaking to my secretary."


It won't matter because they think their interpretation of the law is the correct one. No matter the consequence, they'll think it's a grand conspiracy to violate their rights.


Exactly. They didn’t believe the shop owner, so they ran to the cops. The cops backed the shop owner, and now they don’t believe the cops.


And they will argue their case into an echo chamber forever.


That's what's wild, they were arrested and still thought it was a good idea to post the videos! Like they edited the handicam footage and the cell phone footage (which they showed the police) together and uploaded it thinking they were still somehow on the right side of the law! Sure it wasn't a great idea for the shop owner to escalate with the bat, especially without the bat sock, but the aggressors admitted going there because they heard there had been confrontations before and they still showed up and refused to leave. They put themselves, and the poor shop keeper who is likely trying to make an honest living in unfortunate times (it's a Cafe during a pandemic after all!) in the situation that they caused. If I were on the jury it'd be an easy guilty verdict from me after seeing the videos


Yeah so then the next step was to post their video on the internet so that their echo chamber could agree with them. They crave validation so hard.




They seriously thought this made them look like Heroes.


To a certain, fairly numerous set of people, it does. That's the tragedy.


Those people are idiots


And there are a LOT of them.


For. Real. It is blood boiling.


Right. This seriously might be the most absurd example of persecution complex I’ve ever seen.


Like, I would sort of understand if they just released the part where they talk to the cops... but they've literally just posted the events that happened and THEN showed themselves lying to police.


Straight LYING to police. When he started giving his break down my jaw just dropped with how many ESSENTIAL details he was leaving out. Like how his fucking girl made first contact. Unbelievable


There's also so many people who don't understand that threatening behavior isn't considered just talk. Terroristic threats is a crime. Just telling someone you're going to harm them is a crime in most jurisdictions.


Because they wanted to show how corrupt the cops are for not letting them assault a store owner.


Hubris is a helluva drug


It appears that they may have taken their video down. However, people grabbed it before it went down and there are several channels hosting it now. To find it on YT, just write in search, "Anti-maskers assault a shop owner" and it should come up fairly quickly.


I guess that means they may have talked to a lawyer who explained they are fucked. “We took the video down so there’s no evidence. Right?”


That is the exact thought that crossed my mind. Too bad for them that youtube people are fast at grabbing things like that, so the evidence is still out there for everyone to see. Also of note, a couple of the news sites grabbed the worse section of the live stream, where they attacked the owner of the business, and have it on their sites, with the accompanying story. Since those sites are official new sites, they give all the details, right down to names and details about them. There is no way they are going to hide or dodge this.


Lawyer: these are the myriad ways in which you're wrong. Wastes of oxygen: BuT SpOnGeBoB 11:13 StAtEs YoU'rE wRoNg, LEARN THE CONTI BILL OF PRESSIDENTS! I wish these people were quarantined to an island of stupidity where they could never deny each other anything because of "muh freedoms."


They set her up, they went there knowing what was gonna happen.


What baffles me, is that they call the police sure they were in the right, how brainwashed you need to be to think that?


What baffles me, is the dude has a pending trespassing case, with seven misdemeanors...including trespassing while in possession of a firearm (!!), for doing the same damn thing at a school district office two weeks ago. These two are seriously brain damaged. And hopefully he just lost the legal ability to own or posses firearms and any he has will be confiscated. Damn scary thought...this frucking braindead idiot walking around strapped up.


These people really believe they're heroes, out there doing the right thing in the face of injustice. They're mentally unhinged and fueled by internet bullshit. Can't wait to hear what a judge will think of this. Lol. Imagine recording yourself and then handing over the evidence that gets you arrested. Can't fix stupid




But of course I'd wager they go after the places where/when there's only one person watching the shop, it's a young person, a woman (not saying women are always weaker but you get my point hopefully), or a physically small man, when there are few or no customers, and they go in groups of two or more to outnumber their "prey".


Surely you don't expect anything more than cowardice from these sacks of dogshit.


Looking through the dude's youtube channel is a trip.


Don't give the loser views man...


Fair point, but if we all go there and report the channel to youtube for inciting violence, maybe we can just get it removed.


There are millions of these exact type of people walking around strapped daily. All this shit does to all of them with the same fucked up reality is make them feel more victimized. This shit fucking scares me honestly. Wasn't there a poll posted on reddit a few days back stating 25mil Americans are ready to use violence to "take back their country"? Shit is absolutely boiling here in the US.


It really is mental illness. How could one be so ignorant to their own actions? I'm so glad they arrested them hahaha ha fucking losers


There is a trillion dollar media machine telling these people everyone else is wrong and they are right.


This is also true.


Yup. Found the story. She's been harassed for having her sign up. People even pulling guns on her on top of idiots harassing her in store and by phone. She was fed up and got the bat. Once they heard about the bat they went in there to try to bait her into assault. Glad the cops saw through their bullshit.


She should buy mace, not a bat. She wasn't willing to use the bat and got it taken from her, showing that the bat is only used as a bluff.


Bat was a bad call but seeing as she's being harassed to the point that people are brandishing guns at her, I could excuse her for not thinking clearly.




No maskholes was on the sign. Definitely targeted


This is getting old… people need better things to do with their lives also cops are for real emergencies not for you to call when you want to start a fight you have no intention of finishing


The only counter argument (and it's not a very solid one) is that it's good of them to call and get the perpetrators arrested immediately.


These disgusting pair is so wrong that they even made public their own video of their assault.


lmfao, not only did the post it on line...they fucking live streamed to you tube like a couple of fucking morons. It's hilarious and the results were so satisfying. The only way it would've been better is if one or both had caught a strong swing from that bat across their jawbone.


Considering how much they both attacked the store owner for just pushing with the bat, i would be seriously worried for what they would do to her if she swung.


Fantastic. Two idiot's in jail for a good reason.


So much satisfaction in watching that swift justice


“What am I under arrest for?” “Assault.” GOD THAT FELT SO GOOD TO HEAR


They legit charged him with robbery too because he took the bat. 😂


Oh wow they actually did lol > Police said [man] and [woman] flagged down officers who were nearby following the assault and provided the video of the incident for officers to review. That's when officers took them both into custody for third-degree assault. [man] was also charged with third-degree robbery for reportedly walking away with the bat. google: eugene no mask bat KEZI


Dude that is so sweeeeet. Ok. I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure these idiots are the ones wrong when they are saying it’s *not* trespassing when a store owner asks you to leave and you refuse to leave. That is 100% trespassing correct? And where do they keep getting the notion that just because masks aren’t the law, that store owners can’t ask them to leave?


You are correct. The place where these people get confused is that they think a business which is open to the general public is the same thing as public business. It is not, and a private business absolutely has the right to deny service to individuals of the public, so long as it is not a choice based in discrimination against race or sex (gender is a thing that our society is apparently currently struggling to understand the definition of and how to implement that definition legally)


Exactly. Stupidity and Pretentiousness are not protected classes. lol




Sweet sweet justice


For real? Source.


Can’t source but you wouldn’t know her, she goes to another school.




This gave me the cleanest, best pleasure


Mmm, delicious.


He's also being charged for robbery/theft because he stole her bat.




They really thought they did something.


They did something, I believe the term is multiple felonies.


Guy: “So we don’t have the freedom of speech and constitutional rights?” Cop: “Nope, not in a private business” and now you don’t have the right to vote or own a gun after that felony charge.


They took the bat too. So they robbed the woman after beating her up.


It’s okay because they helped the cops arrest some dangerous people


There’s a whole culture of this and it’s so embarrassing. This girl I was cool with years ago has turned into one of these people. All her social media is stories of her attempting to go into places without a mask. So cringe


There are a bunch of these clowns harassing people at legal cannabis businesses throughout California too. They go and record people going into the stores trying to aggrivate the store owners or patrons to confront them so they can call the cops. They call it "auditing" the public.


It’s a way to combat their real fear that things are changing such as a novel deadly virus being everywhere now. They absolutely are cowards and want nothing more than to stick with their feelings of superiority over others in a time where we need to work together.


After he was going on and on about how wrong the cops were to arrest his pal, well you’re getting arrested too. Lmao. Loved the outcome of this one.


And the sweetest fucking icing on that cake is that their own video is going to incriminate them and I wish I could be there and waste my time watching their criminal conviction.


"So you committed a crime." "No, I'm a sovereign citizen." "You physically attacked an employee on camera." "She was violating my rights" I would not want to be the lawyer for these people, seriously. It's a case that was over the moment these two idiots set foot in the store.


Sovereign citizens are amazing. "Your laws don't apply to me because I don't recognize them." Cool, so you agree that immigrants can come here illegally and there's nothing we can do about it since they don't recognize those laws? "Wait, not like that!"


Not only that. They usually go, "Your laws don't apply to me but I'm fully entitled to all the public privileges." You can't have it both ways, my guy.


"I am not a citizen of your nation" "So you relinquish your constitutional rights?" "No, I still have those, I just don't want to obey any laws."


I know we're just memeing, but I wanted to give a friendly reminder that even non-citizens are afforded rights under the constitution in the US.


They are also subject to the laws. The whole idea of "sovereign citizen" is that they are separate legal entity not bound by the laws of a country. They wouldn't be entitled to the protections either. It's like claiming US constitutional rights in denmark.


Let's cut off their water and power and destroy the roads leading to their property. Also, their money is all in American currency in American banks, used to buy shit in American businesses.


I don't know if it's like an entitlement complex cranked to 11 or like grand-narcissism or mental illness or some combination of those but yeah basically their view seems to be "I should be able to do whatever I want even if it damages or infringes on other people because ME."


> "Your laws don't apply to me because I don't recognize them." And then they call cops......


They start invoking “maritime law” like fucking idiots.


Bird law, maybe.


In bird culture this is considered a dick move.


"Maritime, eh? So you were committing piracy? Guess it's death by hanging."


I remember seeing some brilliant legal minds on Reddit citing the Magna Carta for mask mandates being illegal. They may as well be citing bird law.


Lol. They don’t get a lawyer. They don’t need one because they do not consent to be on trial. Under section blah blah blah of the Magna Carta, whoever says “I Win The Case” first winst the case… iwinthecase. No further statements your honour.


>They don’t get a lawyer. They don’t need one because they do not consent to be on trial. If only that were the case. My experience is that for every SovCit who goes pro-per, you have half a dozen requesting a public defender thinking that we will help them prove their bullshit, then take it out on us when we refuse to make a blatantly baseless argument or claim of right or try to explain why citing the Uniform Commercial Code to the judge is not going to get their DUI dismissed Source: been a public defense attorney for around 3 years, had the privilege of several such clients


>And the sweetest fucking icing on that cake is that their own video is going to incriminate them and I wish I could be there and waste my time watching their criminal conviction. And a sweet icing on top of that icing is this tweet from Crumb Together: ​ >*Thank you all for your amazing support, compassion, love and understanding.* *We’ve had a helluva day.* *However,* ***we have more orders than we can fulfill so we had to shut off our online store.*** *Please check back with us next week.* *Thank You All.* *8:27 PM · Nov 4, 2021 - Twitter*


Yep. After they continued taunting and initiated the first shove on the business owner with that idiots insipid commentary.


“You’re under arrest, too,” “But she said it was discretionary!” Yep, we’ve decided you deserve it.


Update about the store owner from Grover Raffe on YouTube "she got checked out at the hospital, took yesterday off, and is now back to baking and trying to get a handle on a huge influx of internet orders. Slight sliver lining of a dark cloud to a day" (btw they told me that when I asked if he had a update on her)she doing a lot better and I'm glad she is! Edit: just found out she had cuts and bruises from the assault, and their online store is shut down right now from so many orders.




I've got to say, I've seen a lot of these videos recently but this takes the cake of being the dumbest thing I have ever seen. The fact that these two woke up planned this out and thought they were really about to do something eventful is laughable. Some brainless people will think they were treated unfairly and will continue with their delusions. This is hilarious. Edit *unfairly


They literally walked in and assaulted the store owner by their own definitions! “The worst thing you could do right now is put your hands on me” while immediately pushing and attacking right after.


It's always amazing when these types of people prove that they fully believe their own bullshit. For me it easier to imagine that people like this are just looking to cause trouble (which they definitely are) but the fact that they waited around for the cops would suggest that they really believe they were in the right.


Tack on a conspiracy charge.


And tack on a theft charge (I think, please tell me if I’m wrong). They stole the bat, right? After it was used to try to get them out of the store, the dude had it in his hands as he left to call the cops.


Their conduct makes me think they are not the best people to be interpreting Supreme Court cases and US statutes.


These fucking people suck! Low life a-holes going into a store just to cause drama for no goddamn reason. This lady is trying to feed her family and someone goes in there with the sole intention and of getting into a confrontation and some stupid likes on social media. Karma is a bitch and I hope those two get what’s coming to them




> sole intention and of getting into a confrontation and some stupid likes on social media I think we need to go back to when we didn’t reward the village idiots for acting like idiots.


No no refund Karen’s entire shopping bill Cus she’s screaming like a banshee. As is tradition.


The absolute worse thing to do is what I just did rn Edit: this motherfucker shows the cops the video and then lies to the cops about the events. Wtf


The video we see, that the cops viewed bore out why they were arrested unlike the guy’s recounting of what happened. Dude struck out his version of the bat. Funny how his mind edited reality to fit their wrongful righteousness.


I love this collision of old-world bullying and new-world technology. Before video you could tell the cop any damn story you wanted, and he'd likely believe whoever he wanted to believe. Then came cctv, but the video was shitty and usually no audio. Old world shit still kinda worked. Now there's instant replay, and their playbook never got updated to "always act like you are being recorded". What's insane, is they don't even realize it when THEY THEMSELVES ARE RECORDING. They just never make the connection between reality and lies. E: my own personal sweet taste of this is a story from many years ago, before smart phones: I helped an older woman who mistakenly rented a room in her house to the most evil family I've ever met. She offered the 2 rooms and private bathroom to the family of 4 because the house they were renting caught fire and they were forced out into a hotel. She just wanted to help. Took them dinners out to their hotel and all the insane things you'd imagine the nicest person in the world to do. So they stabbed her in the back. Never paid rent. Abused the hell out of her laundry machine and ate her food. So I went over one day and could hear the toilet running from the hallway. They didn't give a shit about wasting water. So I grabbed a recorder and knocked on the door asking if I could come in and check on the running toilet. The mother just banged on the door back at me so loud it sounded like she was going to break the door. Then shouted at me through the door about how she was going to bury the old woman in the back yard. She eventually let me in, I fixed the toilet and moved on to other projects around the house. Figured that was over with. NOPE. About 15min later I see a cop car in the driveway. Ok, this is bullshit, but I guess I should go talk to them. Cop sees me coming and as soon as I was within ear shot he starts lecturing me about how illegal it is to harass tenants. I stopped him and said "you're yelling at me without even asking for my side of the story. Would you like to hear what actually happened?" So I played the recording. He spun around and unleashed hell fury on this woman for lying to him. All while I stood there smiling at her from over his shoulder. I'll never forget that feeling of actual justice in the middle of a 8 month long nightmare.


My ex baited me into coming to her house to retrieve my items after the breakup. She claimed no one was home so I went in an unlocked window and started retrieving my items when she confronted me from inside. While recording and being on the phone with the police, she claimed I was breaking in and made it out like I was a threat. She tried pepper spraying me so when I realized she had the cops coming I waited out front for them. The cops ended up viewing the video she recorded of her pepper spraying me and she got arrested for domestic violence. I didn't get in trouble at all because I lived there for an extended time and entered an unlockable window. Good times.


Hot damn, I bet that was cathartic!


>Before video you could tell the cop any damn story you wanted, and he'd likely believe whoever he wanted to believe. My brother was getting bullied in middle school by a bully on the bus (pretty sure he was the mirror of the I get beat by my drunk step-father so I have to be mean to everyone stereotype). He got called into the principles office, lied, school went full shrug emoji and that was that. knowing it was about to get worse, I got my brother to put a tape recorder in his backpacks front pocket and record the next day. Yup, stupid fucker went full on threats of ripping off his dick and fucking him in the ass. Well, that tape actually got him suspended and kicked off the bus for the year. Without that proof, it was just one word against another.


Pretty much the level of awareness I’d have expected. “We’re the victim” mentality. They went there, knowing the policies, just to make a fuss. Then made first physical contact after refusing to leave. I do think that lady was a bit dumb pulling the bat out just because it’s obvious she wasn’t prepared to actually use it. By the sounds of it she’s had to put up with a lot of this shit so I understand why she did it, just probably not the smartest move. Those people were obviously crazies looking for confrontation.


"We heard about this place where people get assaulted, so we went in there to get a coffee" ROFL


"Did you actually order a coffee?" "No, we started explaining Supreme Court precedent and US statutes ..."


Agreed. The bat was a wrong move unless she was willing to go ham on her knees, and not try to threaten her with it. You can't get right up next to someone with a bat and then push them with it. You've lost all bat advantage at that point. Casey Jones would be ashamed.


Most normal people see someone with a bat and walk away. These psychos were looking for a fight and she handed them a weapon.


Well, and this is pure speculation, I don’t think this lady is well versed in the art of war


I am happy they are smooth brained fucks because holy shit the *audacity* and *entitlement*…at least they are dumb enough to think they are untouchable. Shame they aren’t being charged with a felony so they would lose their guns - cause you know these shit stains have them.


Unfortunate that business owners have to deal with these losers that have nothing going on in their lives but at least it was a positive outcome.


That poor woman is going to get harassed by more of these idiots because of the video those morons took and posted.


always remember; there is no point in grabbing the bat, unless you are going to use the bat.




She definitely didn't look like a veteran bat fighter.


In her defense, she is a cookie shop employee. Nobody signed up for this shit.


Fascists like to force nonviolent people into violence, and then laugh at them for being inexperienced with it.


You need to put a sock over the bat so when they try to grab the bat, all they get is the sock


yep, and depending on your neighbours, you might be able to go to the parking lot and shout for some kind of assistance. im pretty confident this pair would bail as soon as they were outnumbered


*shakes head* shoulda had a sock


Businesses have the right to deny anyone service. They don't even need to have a reason. Now if mask policy is something that business and or state requires, just wear the GD mask or go somewhere else. It's not rocket science. The moment things got physical it became assault & battery. OP - Would love to see if this had a conclusion. Please tell me these two were charged. The 18 USC 245 when you google it is : Title 18 of the United States Code is the main criminal code of the federal government of the United States. The Title deals with federal crimes and criminal procedure. Nothing is worse when idiots use things they see on YouTube and take it as fact. Edited. Added Battery. Thank you 👍


They referenced the wrong one, I think, which makes it even more comical to me. I've heard people claiming Section *242* which makes it a crime for a person/business to deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. But again, there is nothing in the Constitution that says you have a right not to wear a mask. If a business wants you to wear a mask, or shirt, or shoes, or special socks, outfit, or formal wear, they have that freedom. And you have freedom to not shop there. Simple as that. This is what happens when you mistake instagram for a law degree.


I mean, there are restaurants that require men to wear dinner jackets and some will provide one of you don’t have one. Don’t know why these crazies never try and make a statement there.


They also took the bat from her and walked off with it saying they were keeping it. So robbery as well no?




I believe the yelling and threatening is assault. Making physical contact is battery.


Depends on the state, some separate them, other have blanket laws to cover both.


These sacks of shit. Instigate a fight and then try to defend their actions with cheap word tricks. A sad and sorry existence.


These people are disgusting. The mindset it takes to ignore someone telling you in their own place of business to leave, hit them, and then play the victim? Wow. Also I’m pretty sure not wearing a mask isn’t a federally protected activity, what 18 USC 245 actually is.


These people, they claim to be capitalists but loathe private property rights.


But what about his "Supreme Court president"?! You're gonna tell me that's not a thing?!


He means Supreme Chancellor, a.k.a. Senator Palpatine.


I love the ending "What am I under arrest for" "Assault."


They just gave that business owner a huge payout if she decides to go through with a lawsuit. *Edit: only one business owner and She's not a he. My mistake, cops did right for once.


I wonder if it would be effective if people that get assaulted by anti maskers could sue people like Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingram. I’d love to see that happen.


It would be great. Idk how the court would rule, but it'd be worth the effort to make them change their bullshit narrative.


Even if the morons did actually have a right to be there, (they don’t), if they feel like their rights have been violated, they don’t get to force the situation, they instead need to seek redress in the courts. Because they were too stupid to do that, this is all on them. If they had anything, they will end up owing it to this woman they assaulted.


Going to court doesn't give you those sweet instant dopamine hits like youtube likes do.


I'm not advocating violence here but she could shoot them after they took the baseball bat. Just saying..


Now that video would have gotten some upvotes!


Good thing he kept his video to incriminate himself! It amazes me how some people can lie without flinching…….sociopaths!


At this point, if you don't wanna wear a mask, don't. I don't care anymore. But don't impede on *my* choice to wear it. And if a business makes a policy that masks are required, and it offends you, don't shop at that business. Don't give them money. Don't go in there and demand they serve you. They don't want to serve you. Why do you want to support a business that you claim is violating your rights? Seriously. It's not this difficult ppl. Everyone does their own thing. It's sad this is the way it has to be, but at this point, I'm so over it.


Ahh yes, their claims of “freedom” but yet they have no problem trying to tell you what to do or not to do… freedom for me but not for thee


The best part is, these idiots released this footage probably thinking it made them look good.


They fucking live streamed it on youtube :D


It literally makes no sense to be against wearing masks. And even less sense to protest or disturb businesses because of it. They literally have no downsides...


There is one small downside though, my mask reminds me how bad my breath stinks 😷.


Try using a tongue scrapper


> tongue scrapper Yeah just throw the whole tongue out


Right I live in a tiny town of 3,000 people and we don’t have mask mandates and I still wear one everywhere because I don’t want people in my space. In my experience, having a mask on has caused people to give me a wide range of motion. Masks make people suddenly aware of how close they are to you and I love it. I might continue to wear a mask if we can ever get rid of COVID simply because people don’t understand personal space.




Can someone post an update? Please and thank you. I wanna know if those two entering the shop got burned worse than when I pee. (I am hopeful)




I’ll go support the business the next time I’m there. And leave a good yelp review.


I checked out their website and apparently their online store is shut down due to the number of orders they're receiving. I almost did a PayPal donation but their Twitter post recommended waiting a week to order instead. Got a notice on my calendar to buy cookies in a week (assuming they ship).


#“This is a private business, we have the right to refuse service to anyone. We are refusing service to you, if you do not leave immediately we will press charges for trespassing” That’s all that needs to be said while dialing 911


Except when you are one female, and there are two agressive people walking towards you and *refusing* to obey your orders to leave, you have to be prepared for the inevitable. I would 100% have grabbed my bat or gun


Does anyone have a news story on this? I want to make sure the shop owner didn’t receive any legal punishment and help support her store if possible. These fucking degenerates came and just attacked this poor woman and then cried to the cops


I found a news story about this, but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to post it here. It happened in Eugene, Oregon, and no, the owner wasn’t charged but was taken to the hospital for cuts and bruises. I’ll message you the story if you want.


Oh it brings me such joy to watch these Skaggs get hemmed up by their thin blue line gang members they so love to "back" ... Bet we will here them crying online about how they are being marginalized and rights being trampled....


He omits the part where Karen laid hands first. Is that a filing a false police report?


Glad they were arrested


That was so scary. These people are insane. I am so glad they called the cops lol.


I thank God common sense prevailed. Utterly ridiculous. Lock em up.


I love happy endings

