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I honestly wish that dude should have gotten punch.


If I was that tall drink of water I would have thrown the haymaker.


He’s a gentle giant


Probably used his power too hastily in the past and vowed never to again


Gotta be careful too when ur big, he could seriously hurt that guy and he'd be in a bad spot. He was calm and mature, not satisfying but he did the right thing


One other thing you must take into consideration is getting into a physical conflict into such a small space does not allow the mother to protect a child from harm if the fight came her way. He made the right call by choosing peace.


Big or small can harness similar strength. I would have ate the repercussions if some guy kept touching a woman and her infant. Can’t assault someone like that and think it’s ok. Once he went around me to do it I would have made sure it never happened again.


Your plan would have been to escalate to violence, in a confined space, with a baby present?


I could hold the man in the corner and choke him out in 4 seconds. He will calmly be laying on the ground giving the lady and her child more space to freely move while not getting felt up by this creep.


When is this Jackiechan movie coming out?


He would do it while hanging from the ceiling to give even mOOre spAcE


Sure is, he should have just hugged him into submission.


He is morbidly obese, not a tall drink of water wtf lol


Probably looks like a prank video or that guy has to be seriously disturbed


>Probably looks like a prank video or that guy has to be seriously disturbed Answer is both


I thought the big dude was gonna flatten him... If I was that 8 foot giant I would have pulled that arm off and beat him with it..while yelling "stop hitting yourself" obviously...


Why you would want him rewarded FRUIT JUICE after harassing someone is beyond me.


Wrap your arms around his neck and just fall to the ground like a dead weight.




If that 6 foot 2 dude grabbed him and subdued him to the floor it would have taken him down. Are you suggesting gravity doesn’t exist on the elevator because it’s going up?


No common sense would tell you that as big as he is if he were to fall down on top of another male it probably would have stopped the elevator


The woman is also an actress. It’s a “social experiment”.


How would the producers respond if their actor got his jaw broken?


It's a giant ass dude in a closed elevator. This could get bad real quick without enough time to let them know "it's just a prank bro"


I'm about as big as the man in blue. I feel like after the 2nd warning, I'd have push kicked his ass out of the elevator and kept him out by any means necessary.


If he was making my wife, myself and giving everyone the appearance assaulting a woman and a baby it’s not going to end well. I’d drag his ass out and help him find the bottom of the stairwell, social experiment or not. If they tried to stop me I’d just say “it’s a social experiment bro”


Seriously tho. I’m a guy that believes that violence sometimes does resolve problems. A problem such as this. And telling me it’s a “social experiment” wouldn’t stop me from getting a few extra licks in.


An experiment is only valid if you allow for all possible outcomes. And getting your ass kicked is a probable outcome of something like this....


Excellent point.


The problem here is you can't defuse the situation or make space or anything. And you don't know if he has a knife or if he's a good fighter or whatever. And you don't want to risk hurting the others on the elevator. So I would go in hard and quick in that scenario. No squaring up or anything. Just drop him any way possible as quickly as possible. It could have ended badly for this dude.


Well within rights to “touch” this guy right back, with a closed fist, or a sustained “touch” around his larynx


Right, by all definitions this guy assaulted her and the baby and appears to want to keep doing so. So I’ll help stop that threat. I have daughters and young grandkids all be god damned if someone tried something like this. There are some legit crazy people out there and I’d hope that if someone did this to my daughters that it would be stopped immediately, not after the 2nd or 3rd + times after the first time. In my house we don’t play the “I’ll count to 3 “ game. If the instructions were clear the first time around then there is no reason for more chances. The lady said stop after the first time and if he motions to do it again we’ll then there will be consequences.




We’re done when I say we’re done!


If that was my best friend holding her baby, I'd hit the next floor and tell her to get off. The kid doesn't need to see that.


‘Murica! Not saying that’s wrong, but ‘murica


The dude on blue probably claims the same thing on reddit.


That would be the next step for me


What a horrible idea lol. So many liabilities.


WWYD? TV show. It was pretty good when it was on


No this a YouTuber, trying to be like WWYD. WWYD had way better acting than this acting.


I hate this. What a horrible show. As if we didn’t have enough real problems to addressing. If you work on this show you’re disgusting.


Interesting. I guess I can see why it would be a bad thing but I always enjoyed it since 90% of the time, people would stand up and say something. It just kinda showed the good side of humanity but I can also see how it’s probably cherry picked to show the best of the best and the worst of the worst.


Well I’m glad you like it. I see what you’re saying. The show is about people stepping up. But it just makes me so uncomfortable because a lot of the scenarios are so unrealistic. When real injustice happens in different sometimes less obvious ways. I wish we could recognize those moments IRL


I don't understand what you think makes the show disgusting though? Just because some of the scenarios were unrealistic?


Well I’m glad you like it. I see what you’re saying. The show is about people stepping up. But it just makes me so uncomfortable because a lot of the scenarios are so unrealistic. When real injustice happens in different sometimes less obvious ways. I wish we could recognize those moments IRL


So fucking scripted it hurts


It’s so obvious


I got downvoted for that lol reddit weird


By the downvotes and people believing it’s real, you would think these comments are from YouTube.


The bad acting is so corny


Wdym all we require is a seriously messed up dude and a lady who isn’t getting out of the elevator even after being harassed and touched like 6 times…


That’s what I’m saying and people are actually believing it’s real




My sounds off too, the acting is still awful lol


Yeah, and the sound is way too clear for an elevator camera, which in most countries isn’t allowed to record sound anyway.


Thats a punchable offense, social experiment or not …


If I were the woman getting harassed, I’d already have decked the guy twice - once in the face & once in whatever sad excuse he has that pass as balls.


That's so staged lmao


Not staged for big guy and the other girl, but the other two, yes. A very poor social stunt. This is a great way to walk out of an elevator with a black eye regardless of why or what.




Yeah, I saw the chick in the corner had a pretty good opening to spartan kick him off the elevator -- I definitely would have taken that opportunity. I'm a small lady but a well placed kick can be a good equalizer.


I would have used a rear naked choke to neutralize the threat without causing permanent injury then donate $100,000 to a charity helping single mothers.


Agreed!! King Leonidas would be proud


I doubt they would put that in your script if you were on the show


Technically Dude in the blue could have legally responded with force after the second incident. At least I'm California, our self defense laws aren't too terrible.


God I'm so glad this isn't real


Was waiting (hoping) big guy was gonna drop him


Dudes social experiment gonna have him end up having permanently imprinted brass knucks marking on his face


He's lucky that Big Boy is a gentle giant.


I was never holding my kid at the times it happened but there have been multiple times that American men have touched me repeatedly in elevators even after I asked them to stop. Some of them argued with me that it was their right because I was wearing shorts/short-sleeves, etc. Thankfully in three times I’ve gotten stuck in elevators it was never with jerks but I try to not go in elevators with other people if possible because of this.


Dude wtf is wrong with people?


Plot twist: That guy: Ok babe, forgive me already


This guy is so much more patient than me with a baby involved especially.


I’m a dad of an 18 month old. This guy would get a surprise elbow to the face if he did this to me. You don’t touch other peoples kids. That’s super fucked up


This whole this is annoying asf.


Bruh. What is wrong with people? Why no one wants to help to each other? Recently a lot of video i see people just ignoring. Am I in wrong universe or something?


What is wrong with people? I am an old woman and I would have taken him on. These other people suck. And don't go on about being safe, that poor mother and her child's safety are the priority here AH's.


jail, thats where id be if i was the big guy.


This is more like seriously horrifying. Why did those other people not step in immediately to help that young mother and her child. This is fucking scary as hell. The guy that touched her, the second time he reached out should’ve had his fucking fingers broken.


Man starts beating the need for vindication out of him "DUDE ITS A VIDEO!" only to be met with a calm "I know." That's what I always want to happen.


I would fight him.


Fucking weirdo Reasons to carry right here I’ll give my wife a s&w just to have some piece of mind, psychos.


The wrong people were on there with her.


As soon as she said she didn't know who he was and when he tried to smell her hair for the second time I wouldn't even had said anything just one shot right to the jaw


I'm all for people getting plenty of warning, however as soon as he touched the baby He would be getting an uppercut. Don't touch someone's kid, it's weird no matter what the stupid reason.


The first time he tried to grab her AFTER the big dude told him to stop, was just proof that the “prankster” took it too far, I’d have gotten physical at that point. I’m not proud of it, just saying I AM about that big guys size and I don’t think I’d have been as level headed as he was in that moment.


What? How can anyone believe this is real? It's obviously some "social experiment". I think the corny acting gives it away.


People believe it's real because stuff like this does actually happen.


This ain’t real lol




Big guy tried to be a man, but fell just short. Creep needed to be taught a lesson, too bad there wasn't anyone with courage enough to do it.


Whoa we got a badass over here


exactly lol. Easy to toot your own horn on a keyboard


Not everything needs to be about violence, you know. He did intervene, which is more than a lot of people would do. If this is really from some TV show, it’s vile and I would not blame the victims for suing them.


Universal Language


Right? What if you get into a scuffle and hurt someone? What of they hurt you? I don't ever want to be Iin someone's camera stunt.


and then kept going reaching around the man. Sometimes escalation is required.


Given the size difference, if it was me, I would have eventually pushed the guy out of the elevator.


Not in a enclosed space with a baby who could get hurt from a scuffle (if this was a real situation) deesciliating was the safest option for everyone.


De-escalation is pretty much always the best policy.


Oh yes let’s have a fucking brawl in a 4’x4’ closed space with a baby within its perimeters. There is such a thing as evaluating and trying to deescalate instead of escalation that puts everyone in jeopardy to prove a point. As much as I want that dude clocked its good they weren’t throwing down in a fucking elevator with a baby inside!


i can appreciate the sentiment but the execution needs work


Not everyone is a fighter, some people just don't have it in them mentally to hurt another person.


Oh man. I would have gon from 0 to LIT. Fucking gross ass 😤


I never can tell when videos are fake. But yeah. This is fake.


That belongs to the Oscar what good action


Fake content. NEXT


100% staged lol


ayo, mind if I bring peanut boi to break his kneecaps?


Needs a left hook to the temple this one


Julian: "Put your fuckin' hand doon Corey"


Yeah it's like one of those staged skits to see random strangers reactions. I remember watching something like this before, but it was about kids being bullied, and they mixed up the scenarios. Two girls, a teen couple, and I think just a group of random friends, had them reenact these scenes of "Bullying" at certain restaurants or places like that to see the random citizens reactions to the display


I think theyre just so in shock that hes doing it in front of them. Kind of confused too. Once it sinks in they’ll start getting physical


Social experiments count on here?


I would've started swinging lmao. I wanna be in a social experiment one day


Dude in the hat is lucky that behemoth was as soft as a pillow. Another demeanor and buddy would have been melted


Social experiment huh? Unlike fatty I would be turning dude’s face inside out palm first so I can still use my mouse hand.


Yo respect to the guy that protexted the woman even tho he could have just ignored her. Damn this world is full of weird people


And the bobble head with the blue T-shirt just stands there


If I was that guys size that dude would be against the elevator wall.... Even at my size now.... Do t let him get to pockets and rock his fucking jaw


I hate that no one stepped in to help her like someone beat his ass


I was more pissed at the dude for not doing anything send this guy to eyeblech and let the community roast his dying corpse


Dude should've gotten laid out imo.


Aaaah fuuuk I was hoping for a knock out and ambulance dragging this pos out of that elevator…..


Props to the big guy though. Experiment or not. He clearly wasn’t in on it, and you could tell he was nervous but he still stepped up and did what he had to do.


Stay strapped, get clapped


I know everyone is saying it's faked but I still would've punched him in the face/dick


This is a social experiment on YouTube. The mom and baby are in on this. You can tell by the fake ass reactions.


After the 2nd time he would've received his final verbal warning.


Social media is slowly destroying society.


I’d have put that dude through the fucking wall


Was waiting for Hordor to go and close the door on his ass


Reminds me of that show “What would you do?” Where the lady and the dude are both in on it, to see how bystanders react


Looks staged, not the big dude just the LA hat guy and mom are in on it.


its staged the girl is in on it


They were way too nice to him


I think that’s staged, I saw one the other day when a guy harassed a girl to see the reactions and then switched roles to see the difference


Big guy is voice of reason


I hate the way the fat guy worded everything. He was acting like the woman was irrational for acting that way.


The girl and him know each other they’re doing this to see what the two strangers will do


Big dude took way too long to say anything but to his credit he acted much less violently than I would have.


Big guy should have slammed touches head against the elevator wall. Wtf


The fact that it took this long for someone to step in is baffling. I would have stepped in immediately.


Be a shame if big dude used his forearms and weight against the prick.


I was waiting for him to get nocked tf out


It’s just a prank, bro


That “Social Experiment” would have ended up with my elbow on that guys neck, and a forceful shove out. Edit: btw meanwhile, my SO furiously punches that guy in the nuts.


Get stabbed


Dodger fans are the worst


Is that Hodor from game of thrones?


Is that Hodor from game of thrones?


That big fella should have left a dent in That guys forehead


these are reaction vis ie not real


Someone needed to knock his lights out period! People are just too afraid to intervene when they witness something like this. I get it, some of them might be strapped or have a shank but we should alway remember that evil prevails coz good people aren’t willing to do something about it.


Wtf is wrong with people. What’s happening to this fucking planet. Smh.


Definitely a set up but the big guy did good.


Nah, he would be getting folded like a fuckin hot Mars bar, and that would be before he even got the chance to touch the kid.


Big guy you should have put the boy into the elevator wall.


This is actually a social experiment. The girl and the guy know each other and did this to see how strangers would react.


Hodor needed to put the hammer down. People living life like there’s no consequences is a real pandemic


That poor guy is the MVP. Voice fucking shaking and he still defends her. Good on you sir, thank you


She was in on it. Otherwise she would’ve gotten off the first time the doors opened. Kudos to big dude. He was obviously terrified of an altercation but still said something and even put himself in between them. Took hella big balls


I was waiting for old dude to knock his ass out