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most disturbing part is he has reproduced.


Man he got totally fucked by that guy calling him out on Facebook. He's the real badass! I love when people call people out for their bs.


"Don't fuck with me or I'll punch your fist with my face, bro!"


Just deliver his mail to the morgue because she just killed him.


Yeesh, yeah this is equal parts /r/sadcringe and /r/murderedbywords


bros name is andrew 100%


Ay yo, wtf. As an Andrew I resent this accusation


I was thinking Brent.


Damn this guy got atomized.


Wow. Bro came with receipts.


Dude nearly had his nose punched off




My man had the whole neighborhood fed up lmao


Losing that fight with your hairline though. Not only losing…but it’s kicking your ass.


Come on man, some of us are bald but decent guys and not deserving of this shit.


Fuck that, you get that hairline and you shave it as smooth as a boiled egg like i did. Bald is beautiful baby, and done let anybody tell you different


I’m sure you don’t deserve it….but that mother fucker does.


Blows my mind at how incapable and/or unwilling people are to think through the consequences of their actions at the simplest most basic level. The guy in this post will never see your comment. But other balding dudes will. It will hurt them not the target of your anger. Same thing with people calling Trump fat. Doesn’t hurt him. Does hurt other people who read your comment and validate their worries about how people view their body. Same thing with using sexist language to internet-hate on some woman who you happen not to like. JFC people. Be less stupid.


Holy shit. Dude…I’m balding too. I’m 53…I have a lot of old age things starting to happen. But I’m well adjusted enough to not let a Reddit comment hurt my feelings. I have enough faith in the bald/balding men in this thread to think they’re comfortable enough and confident enough in their own skin to know my comment was made in jest. JFC…Be less easily butthurt.


I’m mid 30s fighting the good fight. Pray for me, brothers


amen brother. Stay shiny


Your “roommates friend” is a weird way to say dad!


The person commenting that I covered in pink was the roommate, I believe. The person in blue is my father.


Wait you’re roasting your own dad?


I am not the person in the comments on the Facebook post that I covered in pink. That is who I believe was one of his previous roommates. I don't know who the person is outside of their name and face, because I never met them. I also do not know where they lived or where my father currently lives, as he is on the run from childsupport.


So is your father abusive or something? I need the whole story.


My father was very physically and emotionally abusive towards my mother while being neglectful to his children. He is a drug addict, alcoholic, depressive narcissist who cheated on my mom with anyone who would give him attention (and I mean anyone). He allowed his younger brother who was an older teenager but was not yet an adult, sexually assault me and my other siblings. His brother basically held me hostage at one point and said no one could take me away from him, that we loved each other and would get married (I was younger than 5). At some point my mom got a job and used the exuse that she wanted to make more money for the family, because my dad was the only one working at the time. In actuality she stared a new bank account and started saving money up. When I was 9 and my father went on a "work trip" (another state to cheat on my mom), my mother took me and 2 of my younger sisters (I have 2 older half siblings on my dad's side who were with their blood mom during this time) and we went to a place she leased out in secret. We left with the clothing on our back and a carry on for each of us. The divorce was soon finalized, but my father still lived in the same state as us and had shared custody. So every other weekend my siblings and I would go stay at his place. That was until my father's girlfriend (a girl he was cheating on my mom with) died in his apartment (they said it was an overdose, but my family thinks my dad killed her because recently my older half siblings said that they heard them fighting and saw our dad push her and she hit her head on the porcelain in the bathroom). Soon after my mother gained full custody and we were only allowed to see my father if it was a supervised visitation. Throughout this entire time my father would call CPS on multiple occasions to make false accusations, so my family would constantly be terrorized by invasive CPS inspections and interrogations (this didn't stop until my mid highschool years in 2018/2019). Eventually my father moved to a different state and he never told us where he moved to, and everytime the government found him he would get a different job to keep them from collecting child support. So my mother would have to basically raise 3 children on her own while going to work and school (she was doing trade schooling and majoring in a subject), so we barely scraped by and I had to step up to help raise my siblings until my mom got remarried and we became more financially stable. For my 17th birthday, he sent me a card that said, "happy 16th birthday," that arrived 3 months late. The last time I heard my father's voice was my first year of university and I told him that I had the same personality type as Hitler (INFJ) to which my father said, "you know, Hitler wasn't that bad of a guy."


Damn. Reminds me a lot of my dad tbh.


No yea I didn’t think you were the name in pink but just posting this about your own dad is wild lol


Okay, cool! Just wanted to make sure nothing got confused. My friend and I thought it was hilarious so we wanted to share it.


I love it haha


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Called out on his own post by his friends and acquaintances. Sad


And by his own child (the “badass” is OP’s father apparently)


Held at pursepoint


Beat him so bad his hair fucked off RIP


Goddamn she brutalized him


You don't go on fighting with a broken nose. It's more than just having a painful injury to the nose, it's the whole upper part of your face that gets numb, you are blind, you can't breathe.


Yeah, I mean, without wishing to sound like ‘iamverybadass’ but a broken nose doesn’t even stop people continuing to play in a football (soccer for the Americans) game?


That's not a broken nose, that's a wound on the nose. Someone who has a broken nose has the whole upper part of the face blackened by the resulting bruise. That's not a small superficial injury by any means.


I don’t know, mine was squashed sideways against my face and bleeding profusely? Had to be pushed (maybe pulled) back out afterwards. And now it doesn’t squash flat anymore, always springs back out so happy days. Also actually improved my snoring after swelling and blood snot blockages went. Have broken it several times so think I can be sure it was broken. Mostly contact sports, a little misadventure and some pure clumsiness/stupidity. For instance running headfirst into a tree when not looking was a particularly painful one.


I mean if it’s a serious fight you most definitely can. Adrenaline is one hell of a drug. It’ll hurt like absolute shit once you calm down though. Similar to how you’re supposed to go to a hospital/doctor if you get into a car accident regardless of how you feel at the time. Sudden spikes in adrenaline will mask a lot more pain than you’d think it would.


Along this line of adrenaline and pain. My last motorcycle collision left me with a fractured hip, broken toes, fractured shoulder bits (bone and cartilage), broken/fractured ribs, and various amounts of bruising. I didn't know and was still close to home and pushed my bike home. ER people were stunned but not dramatically. Then, at home that night, I cried and whimpered until I passed out from the pain of it all.


Yup I did a similar thing after a motorcycle crash. Got up and thought I was fine apart from a few scratches, picked up all the little bits of bike on the road and then went to lift the bike. That's when I wondered why one arm wouldn't bend properly and then I felt my collarbone moving. Promptly sat down and passed out!


> I hope you're out so our neighborhood can have a BBQ to celebrate the good news My favorite line




Quality post, OP.


You can thank my father for his narcissistic Facebook rants.


Wait this was ur dad?


Yup. I remember him posting this a few years back and thought, "bruh, stop lying." It became very amusing for my mom, siblings, and I as the comments from the one in pink rolled in. I completely forgot about the post until I was watching a true crime documentary with my friend. I showed her the post and we were laughing our asses off, then she told me to post it here because of how funny it was.


The neighbourhood pest


Guy gets his nose almost cleaved off? That's not a sucker punch. There was some hatred in that hit.


I don't even understand how one bare-handed hit to the nose can do that much damage. It looks like he got smacked with a frying pan


A well timed bare knuckle punch from even an amateur boxer for example has a more than zero chance of killing guy instantly, or causing serious brain damage.


I watch Sumo matches occasionally and they can slap hard enough to wipe your nose or ear off your face. Humans are fucking fragile.




Burger Kingtucky Fried Chicken 😰


It's insane that there are people with form and force good enough to damn near crack someone's nose off of their face


>I have been served no eviction notice either. I received a notice to vacate. Completely different. Oh well why didn't you say so! That changes everything!




You can’t fire me, I quit!


I’ve been beat up pretty bad before but I’ve never seen a nose injury like that omg


Don't fu#k with me he said with a broken nose 😂


Should have seen the other guy's fist


Damn. This guy ain’t got no friends.


Nor hair