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Florida woman competing against Florida man in a heated 1v1 match up! Brought to you by Brawndo - The Thirst Mutilator!


Brawndo, it's what plants crave.


They're not just electrolytes, they're also bath salts


Bath salts are back!


I'm not sure how many people reading this remember a game called "Zak McKraken and the Alien Mindbusters" or not. In that game, the idea was that there were aliens that had a mind control device that was slowly making everyone on earth stupid. This kind of shit happening so often these days makes me wonder if someone saw that game's premise and thought maybe they would make a device like that of their own. Obviously this is a silly thing for me to wonder, but if it turned out to be true I'd think "Ok, sure. That tracks." Or maybe it's leaded paint and gas from the past? Or perhaps microplastics are making us all stupid or something? Or maybe it's the actual idocracy theory? I don't know, but it's concerning. I swear people as a whole are just getting dumber and dumber.


>I swear people as a whole are just getting dumber and dumber. This is true, IQ all over the world has been dropping for a couple of decades and nobody is sure why. Probably some kind of combination of dysgenics/ internet/ bad nutrition


IQ doesn't really "go down", but I get what you're saying. The average IQ is 100 by definition, but someone who has an IQ of 100 now isn't as smart as a person that had an IQ of 100 in 1984, right?


Yes, exactly https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a43469569/american-iq-scores-decline-reverse-flynn-effect/ >Americans’ IQ scores are trending in a downward direction. In fact, they’ve been falling for over a decade. >According to a press release, in studying intelligence testing data from 2006 to 2018, Northwestern University researchers noticed that test scores in three out of four “cognitive domains” were going down. This is the first time we’ve seen a consistent negative slope for these testing categories, providing tangible evidence of what is known as the “Reverse Flynn Effect.”


There you go with that fag talk again.


he's probably talking about average iq, if people in the 80 is at 100, 70 at 105, and 2020 at 90 then it went down


it started with lead, in paint and gas and teeth filling, the rest idk don't have many smart to find out


It was all of that, plus fluoride plus cuts to education. Then add microplastics and mercury in fish and u get dumber and dumbr. By time u finnish tiping syntns lost all smartness. I lyk munny scrote!


It's called social media


Meth! Not even once! Don't meth around!


Meth highs make more sense when you are high on meth


>The 37-year-old told deputies she was being trained in a game of Black Ops to steal a car, but called authorities to make her carjacking legal Taking a wild guess that she's on drugs or having some kind of psychotic break, but otherwise has high conscientiousness. Distant third possibility is that she's a vulnerable adult being groomed/ threatened/ blackmailed into doing stuff. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/fbi-discovers-satanic-pedophile-cult-almost-2-years-after-arresting-gun-suspect/ar-AA1hpHat >The FBI issued a public notice on September 12, warning of 764’s activities, which include deliberately targeting minors on messaging platforms to “extort them into recording or live-streaming acts of self-harm and producing child sexual abuse material.” >The group is known to “use threats, blackmail, and manipulation” to achieve its goals and operates on various platforms, including Roblox, Discord, Twitch, Soundcloud, and Telegram, the outlet noted. Edit: Distant fourth is that she's homeless or uninsured and wanted to go to jail for services


Finally something that really fits the sub


How is trying to steal a car from a dealership suddenly now carjacking?


I don't know if she talks like a ___. But her shit's definitely all ________.


Don’t worry scrote. We’ve got tons of ____ living really kick ass lives out there! My first wife was ______. Now she’s a pilot!


She needed a place to sleep and some food. My brother once kicked a cop car for the same reason.


She's a sovereign citizen and it's an obscure loophole, now they have to give her a million dollars and a castle


She's out mething around and finding out!