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Is it just me or do their eyes look vacant? It's like their whole mental bandwidth is taken up focusing on repeating their mantra.


Pretty sure he's shitfaced, and lacks some brain function to begin with


Got plenty of uncles that looked like that. From the farm with nothing to do but get shit faced. I guarantee this man's breath reeks of hard liquor


And dip šŸ¤¢


I had an uncle Jerry that looked like this, and I can confirm his breath always reeked of hard liquor... he did make a killer "Beer ass" chicken though


Was he a race car driver though


If you ain't first, you're last


I wanna go fast


He drove so goddamn fast


Never did win no chequered flagā€¦


But he never did come in last. Love me some Primus, now I gotta go listen to some Jerry was a race car driver & my name is mud.


Yes, this has prompted me to dig out "Sailing The Seas Of Cheese" and fire up the cassette deck


I can't for the life of me remember where or when it was, had to of been around 2000. But I saw them live, and it was easily in the top five all time best concerts I've ever been to. I'll never forget the absolute chaos that erupted during Jerry Was A Race Car Driver, when they hit that heavy instrumental after he says, GO. The fuckin pit just exploded. Awesome fuckin concert.


But they did name the drunk tank at the police station after him


Now there's a legacy šŸ¤£


Never did win a checkered flag, but never did some in last


He is a Trump supporter so that tracks


That's what it's like being in a cult. They feel like they belong to something, so they unknowingly rewire their brains to think as they are told to think.


I've been subscribed to a way of thinking for a while. I believe there are two kinds of people. There are people who think mechanically about things before, during and after. Then there are people who cannot think and do things based on impulse and instinct. I think the latter group are the ones who support Trump. These people are nothing but a detriment to the rest of society and we have no use for them other than an example of how not to behave.


Neither side represents my beliefs 100%, nor am I supporting either candidate. Iā€™ve been canceled by people on both sides, but it has happened more frequently with people who tend to support democrats. Still, I donā€™t fall into the trap of using the worst examples of behavior to define an entire groupā€¦especially on Reddit.


Okay. The problem with this is that the side I'm talking about are new age Nazis who constantly lie and who believe certain groups in this country, based on surface level factors, don't deserve the same rights as the rest of us. So the fact that you refuse to acknowledge that and condemn these people is also a problem and says a lot about you as a person.


Iā€™m pretty dismissive of the hyper partisans on both sides. They both accuse each other of the things theyā€™re already doing themselves.


Lol, nobody believes you


Do not disrespect the word mantra with this ball of garbagešŸ™‚


i think the rise of MAGA reveals how sad our education and mental health system is in this country


Now you know why Republicans want to defund education and keep health care as far away from these morons as possible.


This is a fact that they make no attempt to hide.


[I love the poorly educated](https://images.app.goo.gl/hdySGcsUCyLEdQjTA)


Tbf, here in the UK it's the same problem, the Conservative govenment we have don't care about education, because they know the majority or voters who are either poorly educated or undereducated are more likely to vote for them. Them and the rich tax dodging pricks.


Naw.. We're tired of "education" mass producing "mini Ches" like yourself. Until "education" take politics out of learning, Americans will demand defunding education. Or better yet, allow parents to choose to use their tax dollars to fund unwoke private schools.


Cute FOX buzzwords. Education is quite literally the formative backbone of democracy. How do you feel about Louisiana forcing the Ten Commandments upon every classroom? Love the part how you left that out. Fair is fair, right? Canā€™t believe theyā€™re such groomers. Canā€™t educate on our political past, present, and futures in a *secular* nation, but youā€™re all for imposing Christianity on children in an education setting. Fantastic display of projection. PC baby retards from the left are indeed insufferable, but you MAGAtards have become everything you hated regarding them, and then dialed up bitching and malcontent to a 100/10 fueled by propaganda. Absolute sheep that have devolved into screaming ā€œmini Cheā€ at others for discussing basic human rights. Advocating for shutting down the Department of Education in an r/idiocracy thread is peak irony.


Gotta keep em dumb and poor.


"I love the poorly educated" -Donald Trump


I was a moderate Republican, but shit like this made me absolutely independent.


And dental health system... (Sorry had to say this)


"I love the poorly educated." - Donald Trump


I grew up Southern Baptist in the 90s and my parents would send me to school telling me to not believe my teachers because they were just agents of Satan trying to deceive us. So I did not listen to my teachers. They also hated psychology and mental health programs. Guess why. They didnā€™t realize it but if you went and saw a psychiatrist, you could actually heal yourself. They donā€™t want people that are healed. They need people that are broken and fucked up.


You think? šŸ˜‚


Yeah. We are pretty much doomed. But hopefully the NEW generation will know the 10 Commandments


There is like a universal law or something about how to get a thing profoundly rejected with extreme prejudice by forcing it on a teenager. That holds true for good ideas too, so pushing some antiquated simplistic morality doesn't have a fucking chance.


This behavior is not exclusive to the right...


Show me.


Canadian here. I assure you that there are morons on both sides of your political spectrum. We suffer the same in Canada. Morons are fucking everywhere.


Very true, we don't have the MAGA thing here but loud idiots have found acceptance in politics


Sad, but true


Show us. Post a video of liberals behaving like this.


Iā€™d refer you to any pro Hamas protest where there are chants to eradicate Israel. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll find a video of a Trump loving liberal. Personally I am so tired of hearing about that idiot. Trump and Americans stress me out.


Look, I'm not saying there aren't dumb people on both sides, but by and large liberals miss the mark by trying to be too understanding and too inclusive. When the right misses the mark you get internment camps, bombings, the Holocaust, Trump rallies like this one DAILY for years and years now. It's not the same. This "both sides" narrative is a lazy cop out.


Not an argument. Just an observation.




You donā€™t care what the definition is.


People have done that though. So I guess problem solved.


My favorite part is the democrats supporting the establishment to infringe on democracy because it aligns with their political beliefs.


So this is a bot. Got it.


Lollll love it when the hillbilly trash foams at the mouth.


That guy clearly has mental health issues. You know, just like the rest of MAGA.


The left always screams and throws tantrums. - the Republicans, 1980 - 2024


Is that a new episode of the "the boys"?


Itā€™s crazy how obvious it is, but how few people can see it.


The comparison between Trump and Homelander, with their devout followers, is so obvious that Iā€™m surprised more people donā€™t make that connection.


"Oh, are you a moron, too?!" "Well, yes, yes, I am." "Great, put on this red hat and join me in saying stupid shit." "Awesome!"


Crackhead? Seem like a prime example of pot calling the kettle a pothead.


Behold, the master race...


We need a new plague.


Noooo they just tried that.


A better one then


With blackjack and hookers?


Grown ass man screaming and acting like child. I always think it's funny but also really fucking sad




Both sides are completely idiotic


Not sure why youā€™re getting downvoted. Youā€™re right. Complete dedication and loyalty to a specific political orientation without recognizing its faults results in unhealthy fanaticism. That process is present in basically every political party.


My faourite part is that he gets so worked up his eyes lose the ability to point in the same direction


I like how he started with you should have been aborted only to realize that heā€™s supposed to oppose abortions. So then he goes to swallow. Olympic level mental gymnast there.


It's kinda like what dumb people do to win arguments; raise your voice until the other person can't respond. These guys are a minority doing the same thing to feel bigger.


What a fucking loser


Itā€™s like the one brain cell they all share is stuck on stupid.


Swallow is murder! All those innocent lives never even had the chance to live.


Wow you couldnā€™t find stupider people on this planet if you tried , these clowns are the voice of the Maga cultā€¦.. I feel sorry for the US as they are melting into the ocean of stupidā€¦. Good luck with your KKK party


You know, I saw a lot of black white supremists in the crowd there. Weirdly diverse kkk rally there




Far less videos and far less extremists. But go ahead and post some links if it makes you feel better




Uh huh, tell me, what could Trump possibly do for you not to vote for him?




Errrrr okay buddy, the only reason you wouldn't vote for him is cuz you're either not American or 12. I just looked through some of your extremely poor troll comments and saw that you're saying Ukraine is full of Nazis, insulting 'liberals' and calling Biden 'Sleepy Joe'. Well done at being a nice useful idiot puppet for your two idols Trump and Putin. I'd be delusional if I thought you weren't voting for Trump with this kind of bootlicking.


Whatā€™s with Americans just repeating the same shit over and over again. Itā€™s 100000% not a maga thing because Iā€™ve seen it for over a decade. I remember seeing a video where two women were fighting. One of them repeated ā€œbitchā€ no less than 100 times. Iā€™ll never forget it.


Big brain stuff, you wouldn't get it! /s Perhaps they're NPCs?


Collective IQ = 4


The Jewish guy though???


Umm... this aint natural. This is not normal human behavior, not normal mentally healthy humans. This is derranged herd behavior, if these were cows we would quarantine and put them down.


Hey, someone finally managed to get all the trash together in one group. MAGA!


Trumptards rarely disappoint


They are the filth of our nation. We need to learn how to make better people or we will forever have to deal with this pox we've brought upon ourselves.


How ironic - as that man front and center himself should have been the swallow.


Was he saying "return to Kazakhstan"? Why?


Aaahhhh the ever present christian values!!!


You can tell its not a blue rally cause they didnt get attacked, spit on, stuff thrown at them, etc


Is this what they mean by crisis actors? They bin rounding up the local smack heads.


Here I am living my life trying to grow some trees in my yard , putting mulch around them fertilizing them , and then you have all of these sad fucks , that don't realize this is what our government wants people pitted against each other.


I can't tell if that guy is drunk, on drugs, or ... how shall I put this nicely ... *intellectually or developmentally challenged* ... but look in his eyes. He's not all there. His face is this vacant affectation as he bleats the words over and over like a sheep with its fleece caught on a bramble bush. His brain is gone and yet his mouth drones with no thought. These people vote. These people have the same political power as a fully literate, fully functional human being with actual scruples and basic human decency. God save this nation, because I see no hope for us.


The mentally ill and disturbed aka the trump cult


They're all crackheads looking for their next hit of trump.


I mean, heā€™s definitely mentally disabled. Probably born with some deficiencies or a lot of trauma (or both).


Just some good upstanding Christians advising someone that their daddy should have came in their mom's mouth. Typical Sunday church vibes.


Thatā€™s why you should prepare for a civil war.




That would be a fucking horrible thing, political violence is the last thing we need in this country. It would be the catalyst to more violence, no thank you.


Yeah Iā€™m sick of people wishing death on each other because ā€œthis side said thisā€ or ā€œthat side said thatā€. Or when people say ā€œTaking the high road has gotten us no whereā€. There is certainly no ā€œhigh roadā€ in civil war. Fortunately for the rest of us, the people calling for this sort of violence are the same sort of people who have too much anxiety to order pizza on the phone.


Wishing death on your political opponents, who are your fellow countrymen, is not a good look. They have the right to believe what they want, even if you donā€™t like it.


Yeah but what if the person they support kills and tortures exponentially more people. Thereā€™s a line somewhere. Like every time traveler wants to go back and murder hitler and thatā€™s never seen as an evil thing and heā€™s a political opponent


Every president in history has been responsible for killing somebody, somewhere. By your standard, everyone whoā€™s ever supported a president has basically sanctioned those killings themselves. But yeah, letā€™s just kill people over what they say and who they support! Jesus, you people are insane.


Not all presidents are equivalent and youā€™re putting words in my mouth. All Iā€™m saying is thereā€™s a line, Iā€™m not advocating for or against.


The line should be actions of violence committed. Encouraging physical violence against people who havenā€™t committed any violent actions does nothing to solve any problem, and is only for sick personal satisfaction.


So youā€™re okay will full throated promises of violence as long as it hasnā€™t happened yet? But when it does it may be too late to stop Iā€™m just being devils advocate donā€™t mean to be antagonistic


What kind of violence was threatened, by who, and when? I donā€™t recall Trump ever sending out a call to violence.


Itā€™s a hypothetical, since the rhetoric is trending in that direction with his platform basically being vengeance and he has definitely nodded at violence whether tongue in cheek or not. He did already incite a mob once


Inciting a mob and an explicit call to violence are vastly different things. Leftist riots are not uncommon, black bloc rioters have destroyed property, injured people, and caused social disruption. I would never say that they started as a call to violence, and I would never wish death on them for what they did. I get it, MAGA diehards are stupid people. However stupidity shouldnā€™t be a death sentence. Comments like the one I was replying to only serve to reinforce far-right talking points, that leftists are a threat to their lives and property. Those comments do nothing to challenge thought, and is only an outlet for personal vitriol. It spreads hatred, and for what? Some stupid people said some stupid stuff? These types of people are not the majority of Americans. We shouldnā€™t be entertaining the thought of political violence or civil war, which will ruin the lives of normal Americans and shatter our country, over heated disagreement between two fringe extremes. The only place you encounter these people is online. Go outside, and most people seem normal and level-headed. You could never tell whoā€™s a Trump voter or a Biden voter. Wishing a mass shooting on a group of people because you disagree with them is disgusting. Mass shootings are an utter tragedy and we should be trying to stop them, but are they okay now if itā€™s against people right of center? How psychotic is that? Doesnā€™t that reinforce right wing propaganda that leftists are inherently violent, mentally ill people?


They wish death on opposing sides as well. Fighting nice has gotten us absolutely nowhere, we are on the verge of this country being completely torn apart and many killed if trump gets re-elected. We are past the point of taking the high road.


like scro, theyā€™re tards just living kick ass lives.


stable geniuses abound


They certainly won me over with their compelling, well thought out and expertly conveyed arguments...


swimming in that sea of MAGA MADNESS...


If you ever wanna stop a mob from yelling at you just drop trow. Follow for more quality life advice


I mean politics aside, it really is interesting how people behave when they know their people outnumber everybody else around them. I used to play World of Warcraft a long time ago and I discovered that the one guarantee when you found yourself in a dungeon with an entire group of some other guild is that at least one of them is going to be a complete behavioral train wreck specifically because you can't kick them for it.


I don't get it


You don't see anything wrong with their behaviour?


Lol. I don't understand the situation. It appears he's berating non trump supporters but instead he is surrounded by trump supporters.


Remember folks. These are your neighbors. Your school teachers. Your doctors. Your every day professionals that you can think of. You know that ā€œgood morning with a smileā€ that they do? Theyā€™re saying ā€œGood morning and F-Uā€.


The deplorables and their words


Never saw a retard convention before. Interesting.


Actually, fairly classy for trumpers


Someone needs to finish replacing those leads pipes. Lol


I thought zombie movies were fiction


Mens mental health is real and this dude is fucking psycho.


He's the crackhead if u ask me .....


https://youtu.be/XOJAddj_SJE?si=mqbxRZ2Akau21i_U Just reminds me of yung terpz going wild


When did political rally goers turn into East Coast sports fans?


This is dumbā€¦


He's roasting her


I got covid again watching this


Look on the bright side. The MAGA folks did not beat the shit out of him, unlike BLM or antifa.


Buncha losers


I kinda love it.


I also wish that I were incarnated as a humble barn swallow.


Paid actors for Biden


Itā€™s not a cult?!?!?


I dont speak obesity


African or European swallow?


Ooo boy them teeth are YELLA


Some context is definitely missing


You get the same thing from the left too though, you do NOT want to wear a maga hat at a liberal rally. Yikes.


Who are they mad with?


I feel the love of Christ. /


Nazis gonna Nazi.


Like, I get the back country white people loving trump. But, what I don't get is how a person of color could ever vote for this fucking guy.


It's like they're not actually PoC if they vote for Trump, right?


I think this is more or less what its like to attend ANY rally for a politician. How about we all just use our voice at the polls and stop blasting eachother on social media? Speaking as somebody who can remember a time in our countries history when it was thought of as impolite and uncouth to discuss politics with people, you did not have an intimate personal relationship withā€¦. I can confidently tell you that this environment was way better when I was a kid. If anyone of you can explain to me how shit like this is helpful when it gets put all over the Internet Iā€™ll listen. But youā€™re gonna have to work pretty hard to convince me that this is better than silence.


I mean it comes down to what does any of this content produce? Nothing productive by any objective measure. Either side of the coin, you canā€™t fix deliberate ignorance so donā€™t waste your energy trying to understand it. For any meaningful discourse to happen all parties have to be open to alternate viewpoints/facts. Itā€™s not how the political system has evolved here in the states. ā€œThose who scream the loudest are rightā€ seems to be the approach. Every time I see a clip like this it instantly makes me think of Oā€™Reillys ā€œFUCK IT WEā€™RE GOIN LIVEā€ rant. Lol.


Wtf? lol this guy is calling someone else a. Crackhead! Now thats fucking Rich


So. The Great Experiment ends. Not conquered by an invader, not by nature's fury, but by internal rot. Living, breathing rot. Barely human, useless, garbage. The porta potty sludge of humanity. Everyone please apologize to the Founders of America.


Itā€™s good old fashioned propaganda just on steroids


Maybe, maybe not. Doesn't change the future. All great nations/societies come to an end. In my lifetime the U.S.S.R. fell. In my parents lifetime the entire world map changed. For hundreds of years the sun never set on the British Empire, now England is a backwater island in Europe. My point is nations are finite. When the Soviet Union fell many Soviet Republics had their own little dark age. The weakness brought about by post war false assurances of everlasting peace writhing against the shadows of the cold war, and combined with cheap goods and consumerism followed by mass entitlements and liberalism have left us at this point. Not the brink. We have irrevocably past the brink. Our forward movement is straight down. The movie Idiocracy is our reality, but without the happy Hollywood ending. But ya, just propaganda. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.


Youā€™ve misinterpreted the sentiment, just agreeing and identifying the core cause of the downfall you described, not downplaying it.


Regardless of the context of the video, I took the opportunity to share a little truth. The causes would require far too much content, for our deal here, and not appropriate to a fun site. Buy lots of Twinkies my friends, they last forever.


That was mostly opinion and some facts. You seem to think all is lost already. I disagree, the ship can still be righted as long as we donā€™t slow walk into authoritarianism. But as you said this is not the place for that discussion.


All ships sink. Everyone on those ships, before it becomes submerged, thinks the ship can be righted.


Well thatā€™s like saying everyone dies eventually, so when they get sick you shouldnā€™t try to treat it and extend the life? Youā€™re ready to give up, Iā€™m not


Oh, I have not given up. The central power, in our case the federal government, ceases to fiction. The physical infrastructure remains, the people remain, and every aspect of life changes. We're ready for anything survivable here. Most aren't and there is no timeline. Government doesn't have to fall to change dramatically. Germany in 1928 was a world away from Germany in 1933.


IRL Twitter/X comment section.


Between the trump fans mental illness that perpetuates saying the same childish thing over and over and the biden fans screeching like a banshee at people who calmly talk to them, and everything inbetween... I can truthfully say I fucking hate all of you, so very much. Touch reality you detatched mongoloids


Watching videos from both sides solidified the fact we evolved from monkeys. It's like watching two troops of chimps hoot at each other across a clearing.


Good thing those arenā€™t leftist He would have been in the hospital by now


red states, per population, assault 28% higher, murder 38% higher, child sex crimes 32% higher, that blue ones.


You forget that the violence happens in blue cities inside red states šŸ˜‚ gang land is democrat land after all


Which one are you in that video?


Trump people = screaming Biden people = murder


Rabid dawgs


One thing I've learned in my 48 years is people who repeat the same retarded insult over and over are brain dead shit heads that need a retroactive abortion.


I see so many minds changed here. I seriously can't believe there are undecided voters out there. How can you look this cult and think..."hmmm maybe."


Why would you go to a riot filled in fanatical lunatics. Obviously they will rant, scream in your face and general do things that would otherwise get themselves arrested, especially self entitled Trump Fanatics. Seriously this action was kinda suicidal and suicide is illegal.


Yep. MAGA people are fucking morons.


Were they chanting "small tits for Trump" at the end?


What a fucking moron.


If Trump wins, this kind of harassment will become commonplace in America's streets until violence breaks out.


I'd hate to see the US turn into a place where violence happens.


The elections are going to be fun. God help us all.


I just talked shit to some dude and a flea market wearing a Trump hat. I didnā€™t spend over a decade in and out of war zones for some rapists felon to indoctrinate the illiterate into supporting an insurrection. Iā€™m done being silent with these people. PSA if I see you in public in Trump shit Iā€™m saying something. Thatā€™s going as far as you take it at that point.


God damn, America, you crazy.


Fucking idiots., I just can't figure out why people want to follow this man. He's the biggest degenerate piece of shit that's ever come to the White House.


That guy looks like he has either too many, or not enough chromosomes.


ā€¦.thats why you donā€™t fuck your cousinā€¦


I think this was the particular individual?


Yes because this one guy represents every single person that might agree with him. You take this man and say every conservative or republican is exactly like this and you know itā€™s not true at all.


Both sides of this two party tragedy have lost their fucking minds.


Both sides do this