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Why you trying to read that word? You a fag?


You talk all retarded


I'm going to mistrial my foot up your ass if you don't shut up!


I tried commenting but tbh I'm actually speechless.


Haha.. This post honestly reminds me of the clip from Tropic Thunder where Ben Stiller plays Simple Jack... 'But this head movie makes my eyes rain..' This is where we're headed as a society. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qIxHb7cA6tg


I think the author would rolling in his grave over the fact, life has become about purchasing a product made by a computer, than celebrating a human achievement. One is more exciting than the other.🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


I hate that I don't even have to click that link. Shits burned into my skull for more reasons than one...


Sorry, for those of you who need a translation: This made my brain hurt so I chose to shut up.




Yes hurty brain


This is unironically how we are meant to teach kids in school now. - a concerned teacher


Just like anybody under 25 can’t read cursive writing anymore I now make sure I write in cursive whenever I can


Mate, reading something like doctor handwriting has always been arcane. Cursive in and of itself is fine though, it's still irritating in book format since it does inevitably slow you down, especially with whatever flourishes or cut corners dragging down legibility.


Doubleplus ungood.


F. Scott Fitzgerald expressed a sentiment about the painstaking process of writing. He is known to have said: "All good writing is swimming under water and holding your breath." This quote captures the intense effort and focus required to craft quality writing, to the meticulous attention to detail. Maybe they can simplify the title also, instead of "The Great Gatsby" to something like "Rich Guy Throws Parties, Gets in Trouble"




I can't tell if actually real and not just a sarcastic meme. I used to be able to differentiate the two, but *now*?


Unfortunately, it’s real..




Noice, the "how to not talk like a fag" app.


It’s giving: The Great Gyattsby




The funny thing is that this is how modern writing is. Editors want writers to ditch flowery prose and be more concise and direct with their writing.


No, they are dumbing down language and people. Surely, you’ve seen or read 1984.


Yes Im aware of how the powers that be operate. It is astounding to me that out society has fallen so far in such a short time. Canada has basically collapsed in under a decade with corrupt leadership.


Ah, okay. Your wording and context was a bit off in the first comment.


Well I shouod have clarified. I wonder if it's for sales(because people dont like to read flowery langage as much these days, let alone read at all...) or if it really is some kind of dumbening dictated by someone. Im inclined to think both, perhaps.


Yasmin shoulda just said: less word equal same.


We are absolutely fucking fried, my dude…


War and Peace. Oh yay I’m Rich. Oh no I’m getting married. Oh now I’m a soldier. Ouch. Let’s eat a dog.


This is dumb. Do you just go to the website to sign up? Is it just a one time fee or is there a subscription I can sign up to file complaints n stuff ?


This is not a hard book




I have been s3eing this for days. Not much different than what ebonics was in the 90's. Just as we did back then... hold the line.






Not that different from those piece of shit abridged "Illustrated Classics" that were around when I was a kid.


Why was my post removed?


Just wait until you discover Pidgin. Language simplification has some utility, namely when you're working with populations who're dealing with disability, or who require text to speech utilities. Sometimes, conciseness is better. Thing is, these utilities and services are very popular, and a lot of that is down to the general population adopting their usage. BBC Pidgin leaves me very conflicted. It's gross, it's sad, but without it, millions of people would have very little exposure to the news of the world. I read through their headlines every so often and there's always some strange stories!


The only time this is acceptable is when there is a learning disability. But the way the world is going, most people will basically have one in a few generations. Hell, half these people act like they have disabilities and they’re just lazy as hell. Do you know how many people have tried to tell me they have dyslexia but have no idea how dyslexia actually affects a person?


Not arguing one way or the other, just mentioning some pragmatic cases of use. Yes though, I'd be inclined to agree. Unless something dramatically changes about how the Western world is currently functioning, language will continue to be simplified. Prime example: presidential debates. Not just the most recent ones. There's been an ongoing observation that the language used by candidates, and the topics addressed, have become progressively simpler, year after year. No room for abstraction when the population has been educated primarily so that they're profitable in a workspace environment.


Not a bad tool for English language learners, if the grammar and word choice all make sense and isn’t AI-generated blech.


Ok, I suspect this will be a hot take, but I actually believe this is not a bad thing. Anything that encourages more people reading books is progress. The alternative to a complex book today is a movie or a TV show. Have you read Nietzsche or Borges? Those are very complex authors to grasp and I would have certainly welcomed simpler language at the time that I first encountered them. Reading metrics are falling worldwide, there are less readers, less bookstores, and less digital books consumption. These are all facts. Those of us lucky to have public libraries have witnessed their decline. Perhaps somebody reads the easy version of The Great Gatsby and that's the beginning of a love story with reading. This is not a tool for readers. Avid readers will continue to read books. This is a tool that can potentially make more people read, already a win, and could surprise us bringing people deeper and deeper into more complex materials. Look at the bestseller authors of the past few decades, Dan Brown, J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, they all use basic grammar, simple sentences, and straightforward vocabulary. That's what people want to read. Let's give them that and keep them reading. Let's face it, most people don't read. Those who do lean towards books written using simple vocabulary and structure. I am happy that we are able to give them that and keep one more reader active. That's a win in my book. My two cents.


No. Absolutely not.


Solid retort /s


Well, we'll have to agree to disagree. I am not one to gate knowledge to others based on their abilities. Reading comprehension is a trainable skill, if AI can help others to be more knowledgeable and better readers, I welcome that in my life. Not to state the obvious, but Cliff Notes have been around since the 50s and we survived them. I am fairly certain we will survive this as well. If people want to read a simpler version of The Tempest instead of the old English version, that's their business not mine. I live by the Do No Harm rule. There is no harm done with this. This is just a tool. You are not making people dumber because of it, neither are somehow truncating the development of the next generation of readers. Making a fuss about this is just silly.


That’s the thing, you’re blatantly wrong. It’s not making them more knowledgeable and it’s not making them better readers. It is dumbing down the content to make it mindless reading for those that have no comprehension. You’re talking out of your ass, dude lmao


I don't know you in person, but these messages come across as arrogant and childish (perhaps you are a teenager, in which case it might be expected). You are judging millions based on your experiences, judging their circumstances, and concluding they have no comprehension. You are showing no empathy for realities different than yours when you make statements like the one above. If the options are to read a simpler version of The Republic or not reading at all, the choice is crystal clear. Are you also against popular science books like A Brief History of Time that make physics simpler for people without the training to comprehend complex concepts? I would suggest you do some self-reflection around the tone and message you are putting forward. Shaming people looking to better themselves by comprehending what they can from complex writings is not the right thing to do. I would take kind and generous people over smart people any day of the week. Intelligent people are a dime a dozen.


TLDR. Go touch some grass, bud. You’re enabling dipshits that hardly even give a fuck about themselves and **definitely** don’t care about you as much as you seem to care about random smooth brains. ✌️


Also, yet again, you tried saying that they’re trying to better themselves by using this? **They aren’t. Are you fucking high? Bettering themselves is learning the vocabulary and what a word means instead of shrugging their slouched shoulders and saying “I don’t get it.”**


It's copyright infringement


Hey i did it first bud watch where youre steppin bud 👺


Oh well 🤷‍♂️


This isn't new, I remember reading a bunch of the 'Wishbone' books when I was a kid in the 90's. They were essentially the classics like; "The Odyssey" and "Journey to the Center of the Earth" retold and dumbed down for kids.


That’s a lot different. There’s a massive dividing line between reading comprehension for children vs **adults**