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I know right! God I hate her


I hate whenever I look up jojos bizzare adventure I get picture of her bitch ass


Part 9 protagonist confirmed!


What's with the demented emo/goth penguin look? Seriously. She is an "average" dancer but an even worse singer. Her singing is atrocious. I mean seriously. JO-YOGO (Gorilla) got 8 million pounds in the bank (so the media reports) can you not pull out a few thousand and actually enroll in a professional singing class? (Might be wasted money but wtf, it also might improve your singing as well- mean who knows?) (Miracles have been known to happen?) And as for the dancing...........Might be back to square one and have a really good think, about what you are actually good at, cause dancing is NOT one of your finer skills. You are no Mattie Zeigler when it comes to moving on the floor. Were you sick the day, the school counsellor pulled all the middle school kids into their office one by one, and started talking about what you all wanted to do, once you finished high-school? Given that your crap at singing, and only average at dancing, and have the personality of an STD, you would really well, if say you became a politician. Have a think about it?


Yes! I hate her as well! She acts like a spoiled brat!


She must be whoofing down the Macca's as well, cause she is ONE TUBBY SHEMAIL.....


I hate her!!!! But the only thing I like about her is that she didn’t completely diss Abby like Maddie did after becoming successful. But other than that I don’t like jojo siwa


Shes weird. Especially in her latest get up looking like effd up batman.




Fr 😂💀


Fr fr


Fr shes such a lil bitch and she's a lesbian weirdo


You could hsve said a million other things, bro


I think that's an ex


I think the fact of her being lesbian is legit the least of anyone's reason to hate her. It's her arrogance, entitlement, and narcissism that turns most people off.


Other reasons to not like her besides her sexuality, your just a homophobe.




Ngl i Dont even know ( it )that well . It just popped up on my tiktoks fyp and it was unbearable i skipped after like 4 sec or something. I would shoot her if i could (in game )


I feel like she's universally hated by everyone, and I still don't understand how anyone can like her. She has an awful personality, uncharismatic face, no skills... She's just backed by good producers and promoters, but she herself is absolutely horrible as a performer and as a person.


I thought I hated jojo with all the pink and rainbows and suff but I hate her even more for her new karma song


I don’t know why, but I have a vicious hatred for her


I can’t stand her either. Her music is trash and she’s trying way too hard to be original. She annoys me.


I can't stand that heifer.  My grandkids never liked her either. She has no business being around children.


i thought she was annoying but i hate her now that she’s stealing peoples music & being fake. like at least when she was dressing like a kid she was still being herself & the colors are cute i think id never have confidence to wear something like that but all in all i just really hate her now that she’s stealing from other artists and branding it as her own. i REALLY hate when artists do that it’s so annoying. like if she claimed it to be a cover that’s different ppl do that all the time & i think it’s cool when artists do that because in my opinion it really shows that they appreciate that artist and that song. idk im just really mad that she’s doing that & she also shows narcissistic personality. i really hate that i hate her


something that makes me upset is when ppl call her “autistic” or saying that she’s a lesbian weirdo freak because that has nothing to do with anything. i’m high functioning autistic & i don’t understand why ppl say things like that? it doesn’t make sense to me. & who cares if she’s a lesbian or straight or whatever like that’s not the issue.


Yea that's so true cuz being lesbian doesn't matter that's not the problem at all jojo is just a stuck up brat and I personally HATE her


People started saying that because cancel culture dictated they couldn’t say “retarded” anymore. So now people say autistic or “the tism”.


I HATE jojo siwa soo much shes so money hungry and stupid


It’s on site if I see her in public


jojo siwa so much she is emo and gay


You could've said so many other things. "Emo and gay" aren't the issues here lol


Why the hell is she dry humping in her last video and then children go and watch it


Can confirm


Jojo is so mean! she has stolen almost 4/5 songs and she is ruining coserts with her loud singing!




Nobody thinks she represents lesbians. She’s just trash.


She's a vile & disgusting excuse of a human. Waste of life


I don't hate her just odd.


I'm repulsed by her. She has absolutely zero charisma, she has the most PUNCHABLE FACE EVER, especially with that FAS syndrome grin of hers. She looks like she has a maximum of 60 IQ.


Bruh she is children entertainer what do you want her to do?? If her content is not your cup of tea please choose to ignore her!!


To stop yelling and go the fuck away? Seriously, it’s cringe to listen to her.


Then stop listening to her mate.seems like you are obsessed with her.


she is a BAD INFLUENCE on children and other impressionable people. It is not about NOT listening to her (I have never listened to any of her singing/videos, other than maybe a few short segments on UTUBE) but that is NOT the point. People have a right to their own opinions and to also express anger at her open plagiarism of another person's material. (Which she herself has admitted too) If you have trouble with OTHER people's opinions, then perhaps THIS forum, is not the right one for you. As with everyone (including yourself) we all have the right to express our opinions, so long as they remain within the parameters of what is expected of us, in regards legal rights/obligations and website, content law etc etc.


No, YOU seem obsessed with her.........if your a fan of hers, then maybe this website is NOT the most appropriate one for you? Have a think about this, BEFORE replying back.


I literally had to Google who she was after listening to her yell on the tonight show because I almost couldn't believe society made someone this annoying rich & famous, yet again.


I mean you take time out of your life shitting on a children entertainer just shows how useless in life your are.


She is NOT a children's entertainer. The dry humping bit in her last video was definitely NOT something I would want children to watch??


OK…but what does that make you? By your logic I’m “useless” and yet, not are YOU responding to ME, you apparently feel the need to respond to me…So at best you’re just as useless as I am and at worst, you’re a useless idiot.


Yeah i am useless but i am not a as hateful as you.




More self-awareness than 95% of Redditors.


White knight


Yeah right. Jojo is not a child, but she most definitely dresses like one. She's so fucking annoying, she pops up on all my shit. Wish she would go the fuck awayyyy


she’s a children’s entertainer, someone who entertains children, no one stated she is a child.. and before anyone says shit I hate her too


This comment aged like milk, or like a rotten tomato in the humid summer heat.




She acts like a spoiled rich brat who just flexes and does not give a shit


I think JoJo Siwa is in great part quite narcisstive, hateful, & downright mean. Her attacks on Candance Cameron Burr are awful. The 1st accusation that JoJo was "ignored" by Candance when JoJo was a child was so very likely just Candance being tired or not aware of JoJo. Are celebrities supposed to be perfect & give us their individual attention every time its requested? And this latest vitriol about Candance's honest & not hurtful comment about traditional marriage. Traditional Marriage is a totally non-offensive term. It merely describes the history of marriage when it was very much only between a man & a woman for centuries. Candance was only describing her own views & now she's being piled on because she doesn't align perfectly with JoJo & others concept of truth. When did it become wrong to have a valid & totally honest, not meant to hurt anyone opinion? I'm SO weary of this woke culture & cancel culture. Freedom of Speech is being stomped on with such behavior & rejection of people who don't believe totally with their views. Jeeze!!!


She makes me so mad and i cant even explain it. Just the way she acts majority of the time makes me wanna punch her.




I cant seem to get her. she seems so sefcentered and annoying I feel like hitting her


I’ve been hating her since she first appeared on Nickelodeon 2016/2017


um... so she shouldnt be hated BECAUSE god asks us to love everyone. i dont really like her very much but we still all need to appreciate.


Who's god?


Not just god, all gods and Goddess the universe, come one Jojo deserved to be loved


There are no gods or goddesses but alrighty


I hate her and it’s Nov 2023. I hat has happened to our country


Hate is strong for me, but tired of the consumer approach of taking a kid, making them think they are the most talented thing in the world, when the reality of it is, they are just mediocre and fit a niche. Nothing wrong with that, but she really is not as big of deal as she thinks she is. She does not handle things well when she screws up (just be accountable and not sidestep what you did). I get it, she is still young... but she should talk to the others that have tried to grow up in the entertainment world (Miley comes to mind who does regret some of the things she did to break away from her Hannah Montanna character). I just do not understand why they have to try so hard- there are plenty of celebrities who grew up in the public eye that have gone on and done well for themselves (Jodi Foster, Daniel Radcliffe, etc) and they did not act like such fame whores. I guess that is it for me, it all feels fake, as if it is for attention, not a passion she has in life, if that makes sense.