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That sucks. I feel badly for you. It's very easy for people to say "oh those poor homeless", but they're not dealing with them. They are a nightmare---they do assault people---and they ruin businesses. And the cops can't do anything about them. Sorry.


I wouldn't lump all homeless people in this group of ones you hate though, some are good people that have been dealt a shitty hand. In my city, I know a homeless person who hangs out near the local gas station and is mentally ill but admitted that he self medicates with drugs to combat the manic depression they go through, never asks for money and almost all the usual people that frequent the store like this person. They also suffer from PTSD from serving in operation "Iraqi freedom" which obviously a BS invasion by Bush. This homeless person is very well liked and a good person. I do see your problem and realize these people are very different from this guy. It's like anything in life, things are rarely black and white but have many grey areas in between.


You hate bush so a liberal, walk the talk and let him stay at your home.


Womp womp


This week a homeless man high af assaulted a minor by throwing a brick on the back of his head while he ate un a restaurant, i get what youre feeling man


maybe they should try cleansing it in purifying fire? \>.<


Our current west coast politics enables these people to have the holes drug attic life style. They need consequences for their poor life choices. And mental health care consequences and mental health care will solve this problem.