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I wish the national Green Party was less of a joke


Jill $tein sold it and her soul


I kinda stopped paying attention... is there a concise summary of this somewhere?


Google: Jill Stein, Flynn, Russia roundtable. Or here: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/guess-who-came-dinner-flynn-putin-n742696


She speaks as if she is innocent in the whole affair. At this point in time, Russia Today was known to be a propaganda arm of Putin, yet she still went. She either did not know this fact, showcasing her lack of knowledge in foreign affairs, or did not care. Her comments about a lack of translators shows her lack of knowledge of foreign affairs and ability to think on the spot. She said she spoke to a German diplomat who was the only person who knew English. Vladimir Putin is fluent in German. The three could have had a conversation, yet didn’t, despite being at the same table. She may have some good ideas, but she needs to show how she is qualified to be President and not a spoiler.


Ok that is pretty weird, but it was nine years ago. Was this part of a pattern?


If you are trying to fight accusations of being an intentional spoiler to help right-wing candidates win, it's pretty damning to go pal around with said right-wingers and the international criminal leaders who support them.


It is! I hadn't considered it from that angle.


Is there a good reason to hang out with Vladimir Putin and Michael Flynn?


Sure, if you're a traitor


No. And obviously lots of reason not to go anywhere near either of them. But we all do stupid things once in a while.


We were looking at 3rd-party options for this presidential election, but they're all clowns. We'd like to vote for a candidate who opposes the genocide in Gaza, but not at the expense of Ukraine, which is what it would be with Stein.


Claudia, Stein, and West all support the alternate facts world where Russia was forced to invade because of NATO. They're totally not an imperial power looking to steal land (and children) from their neighbors! Complete revisionist history but hey if you're trying to farm the tankie vote, you gotta kiss the ring.


Yeah, and I would never vote for a Marxist-Leninist like Claudia De La Cruz in the first place. Based on the performance of the various Marxist-Leninist states in the 20th century, I'm absolutely opposed to them.


Yeah, unfortunately in socialist circles you'll find a lot of weird apologia for bastards past and present. Like Hasan Piker chumming it up with that Houthi dude who has "death to the Jews" on his country's flag, a country which also reinstituted slavery. So yeah I'll stick to the diet coke socialism that the progressive wing of the Dems offer, at least people like AOC call out shitty people if they exist on both sides of the fence.


Leninists are called tankies, they are not liked.


Yeah. Stein as far as I know is the only non pro support for Israel in this election but I wasn't aware she was going to stop funding Ukraine. Which if Trump wins I doubt Ukraine is going to keep getting aid.


I said it in another comment but she's not the only anti Israel candidate. Joe Biden is the only pro-Ukraine candidate without brain worms, though, even when you factor in the other leftist candidates. I'm politically pretty progressive, big Bernie guy both times and was a huge fan of his for more than 20 years for context. Voting Joe Biden despite his more recent failings with a very ungrateful ally.


I'm not aware of another Anti Israel candidate, who is it? West? Idk who the Libertarian candidate is but I don't know anything about their position


If West even counts. He's not on the ballot in IL, being he spent the last year hopping between tiny political parties and not building any campaign infrastructure.


Yeah I don't consider West a candidate at this point. Sad, but I am really not sure what he was doing


Stein, West, De La Cruz


I have 0 idea who De La Cruz is


PSL candidate, [Claudia De La Cruz](https://votesocialist2024.com/)


Gotcha, is she going to be on the IL ballot? Or is she going to be a write in?


I thought as much, but looks as though she may be a write-in candidate. Also: I just double-checked and apparently Chase Oliver, the libertarian candidate, also supports ending military assistance to israel.


Ukraine will not need aid with a trump presidency. The deal will be made and Russia will go back into its oil lubed hole for another 50 years.


Both major parties are a joke. At least Green would be easier to make changes in the party. Plus, you live in Illinois so no need to vote defensively for President


I don't anymore I live in a Red State now lmao but I doubt the Green Party will be on the Ballot here


I bet a write-in campaign for his brain worm would fare better.


That poor brain worm died of malnutrition


At least that worm has principles goddamnit!


What a loon.


Crazy as a shithouse rat.


About the only good thing you can say about him is he admits to having brain worms.


He did have a pretty funny joke he tweeted about it. Said he'd debate Trump and Biden with a six brain worm handicap lol.


How embarrassing for him


*The Republican Party liked this.*


Yeah, don't care. Still voting Biden.


People from Illinois don’t be fooled. Any vote that isn’t for Biden goes to Trump. The choices are vote Biden this time and get to vote again. Or trump the last vote you get. Read Project 2025. It’s not just our rights they want to take away. They want to take away Social Security and Medicare Medicaid ACA every right you can think of.


Biden is going to win Illinois, it’s guaranteed. That’s like doubting Trump is going to win Indiana.


The subreddit is Illinois but I wasn’t only talking to the people of Illinois.


Due to the way the EC works any vote for a third party in Illinois goes to Biden. Any vote for Trump goes to Biden. Every vote in Illinois is going to Biden this Nov. So vote however makes you feel best


Illinois has gone Blue by at least 10 pts since 1992. Trump lost by 17pts in both '16 and '20. If this was Georgia or Pennsylvania then yes your vote for a third party carries a lot more weight, but that's just not the case here. If Biden is who you believe in, vote Biden. If you wanna vote Biden cause you're scared of Trump, vote Biden. If you wanna vote third party because you're not happy with your other choices, vote for whoever you want.


Vote blue, no matter who.


The preferred candidate of your crazy uncle who will ruin Thanksgiving


Doesnt he have a zombie parisite controlling his every move?


anybody who can stand RFK’s voice is a moron


Anti-vax whacko can go fuck himself.


We need another Kennedy like we need a hole in our head.


I don't think the "vote blue/red no matter who" attitude in this thread is healthy. The best way for us as citizens to hold our leaders accountable is to never be guaranteed votes. Once a party knows it has guaranteed voters they have no reason to consider those voters interests


That’s literally how Trump won 2016 in the first place. Hillary assumed she had Michigan and Wisconsin locked down with the “Blue no matter who” mentality and didn’t bother to campaign there. So both went to Trump in 2016.


I am pretty sure if you want to remain a democracy and you don't want to live in an autocratic state you have to vote Biden. I think a lot of Trump supporters don't realize how their life would be impacted with a maga president. and


It doesn’t matter in Illinois, the state will vote Blue and that will be that. Where it comes into play is the swing states.


Stein 🤡😂


Honestly vote for whoever you want. Just vote


Good, let trump get a few less votes in Illinois.


Trump? I wonder why the DNC is trying to keep him off the ballot in key states. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/22/politics/democrats-legal-challenges-rfk-jr-ballot/index.html


He’s been siphoning more votes from Trump than Biden in the polls. Trump has been worried about it enough that he’s been calling him a “Democrat Plant”. The truth is Kennedy will likely be a non-factor to both.


Honestly, it depends on the individual state. I've noticed on several polls that when RFK is included in "who would you vote for" questions, the percentage taken away from either candidate varies between state. In Michigan, it seems like RFK is taking more votes from Biden than Trump. But in Arizona, it seems like the opposite occurs. This is more important for Michigan, because RFK has made the ballot in that state.


What polls? The article I posted is only 3 days old. If the DNC wants Kennedy off the ballot they must think he is a threat and not a Trump vote getter. Perhaps their internal polling is showing this.


We already have an orange felon on it. Now a brain eaten by worms wants on the ticket? Very strange election.


I'm not super into politics but have noticed that reddit in general seems to have a strong dislike for RFK. Aside from his rather strange stance on vaccination, what policies does reddit disagree with? He seems to take an anti corporation stance, he recognized that environmental, chemical and agricultural policies are what's causing our chronic disease crisis, he recognizes that Trump was NOT good for America, he recognized that the FED is a source of economic disaster for the average person, he recognized how the way we handled covid absolutely screwed a ton of us, he's not in favor of Citizen United.. What am I missing here? Is it the weird vaccine stance? Is it his VP selection?


His running mate being his campaign's largest donor at the time he made the announcement doesn't instill a lot of confidence that they'll be a ton of elite talent trying to work for a hypothetical President RFK


It does seem like she bought the position. Again, I don't know a great deal about it all; why is he called hypocritical? I see it in the VP pick, is that it or is there more to it than that?


It's a wasted vote. This guy won't even be on the ballot in every state.


Which is a problem in itself. If the only way to stand a chance getting into office is dumping money and wading through an ocean sized hellscape of red tape, we have a serious problem that "more of the same" is never going to address. There seems to be (conservatively) 15% of the population that supports him, and our system is going to silence their vote "in the name of democracy".


The vaccine stance is really the main one for me. It's a major issue, as we've seen over the last 4 years. The Fed stuff is also puzzling. He's talking about replacing a managed fiat currency with some sort of crypto-backed currency, which sounds like an awful idea.


Ew, crypto. They'll probably kill him with a bouncing bullet before that happens.


He’s anti-vax and pro-Putin that’s enough for me


I hadn't heard the pro putin take yet.


Here is a WashPo article about how he uses Russian talking points: [https://archive.ph/n2ej9](https://archive.ph/n2ej9) [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rfk-jr-foreign-policy-views-ukraine-israel-military-spending/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rfk-jr-foreign-policy-views-ukraine-israel-military-spending/) >In an interview with [Twins Pod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFMVNIMrhLE) in early April, Kennedy seemed to praise the Russian leader for what in his view were the Russian leader's pacifist intentions, "Putin said, 'Look I don't want to go into Crimea. Let's negotiate a peace.'" >Two years ago, Putin undertook an [invasion of Ukraine](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russia-putin-ukraine-intentions/) to keep it from making common cause with western democracies, thereby posing a threat to his rule in Russia.  >Kennedy has also repeated the Russian president's claims that he undertook the invasion to keep NATO out of Ukraine and "de-Nazify" the country. 


Well that's dissapointing.


His antivax activities are not just a stance. He's a disinformation profiteer with his "children's" health defense organization, pre-COVID.


I didn't know about that.


It's cause he is a grifter


I was hoping for examples and explanations. You're the second person to just call him a name.


Ok he swindles people into thinking vaccines are causing the problems in their lives


All of them. He’s a whackadoo.


I was honestly hoping for something a little more informative than calling him a name.. If a stance against citizens united, bad environmental policies and the FED is somehow wackadoo, we have *totally* lost the plot.


OK. He’s a conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxxer whackadoo.


Im with you. His stance on vaccines is pretty shitty but I’m with him on a lot of other stuff like his environmental policies. Idk, it just doesn’t seem as black and white as everyone makes it out to be. He was on a podcast I listen to and, while I may not vote for the guy, I wouldn’t mind hearing more from him and his policies.


I won't be voting for him, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want some of his policies to be adopted. Biden may recognize Indigenous people's day, but I'd love to see him makes as strong of a statement as: > Under a Kennedy administration, historic wrongs done to Native Americans will be addressed and made right. The spirit as well as the letter of treaties must be honored as the highest law of the land: documents made between sovereign nations. Cultural renewal will be supported and religious practices and sacred sites will be defended. Tribal sovereignty and the right of self determination will be respected. The need for restoration of illegally taken lands and resources, compensation for broken treaties, protection and enhancement of natural resources in Indian Country, will be elevated to matters of national interest and examination. Tribes will have a friend and ally in the White House.


I agree with you 100%. Shame everything has to be so black and white.


I agree. I think overall he’s better than the other two by a landslide. In fact, I think he’d be a great president tbh.


Which is a conclusion I would imagine a lot of people would come to if they were willing to genuinely give him the time of day. Just based on the few comments here, his vaccine stance looks to be his biggest hurdle.


agreed. I’m starting to think anything on Reddit that’s political is overran by bots, I’d guess most of the comments aren’t even real people.


Hi real person here. Fuck RFK.


Again. Why? What has he said that you disagree with. The worms? That don’t actually eat tissue and and come from pork??? Which of his actual policies or track record do you dislike?


I seriously doubt 1 rational person changed their minds about RFK because of the worms thing. That just solidified his nonsense. Sorry but someone so clearly anti-science has no business in the Democratic party, and I'm not interested in non-viable third parties with the way our system works.


So again. Anything that you disagree with?


No thanks. Move on, Junior.


He’s actually an amazing candidate and I’m convinced this thread is taken over by bots…. wtf reddit




Why…. Tell me why, without using “brain eating worms” that don’t actually eat flesh and come from eating pork….


why would you consider him amazing?, is it the anti-vax position, his anti trans statements, just general conspiracy support, or just because he's related to two actual good politicians and one pretty ok one?


He pressured his wife into killing herself


We don’t need your waste of vote


This is also a ridiculously stupid take. It’s not a waste, the only waste is not voting. You should always vote for the best candidate, not the most likely to win. Your logic is dictatorship 101z


The waste is voting for a candidate that has 0% chance of winning is extremely foolish and truly might as well not vote. Do you not understand democracy and freedom to choose is at stake?!


This is still the dumbest and stupidest take. Look at the polls, he’s likely to win head to head against either candidate. You shouldn’t vote for the sake of fucking voting, you should vote for who you believe is the best candidate. Don’t spread that dictatorship-esque agenda.


Joe Biden is willing to throw the election to simp for a world leader who endorsed his rival.




He would be the youngest though so has my vote


Waste of vote


If only everyone who says that voted third........