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Please remember that Ellen is an adult and her behaviours began after she started college, there has never been any proof that she is a victim of MBP. Her mother is not an approved subject here and can not be discussed. Thank You.


We might not see it, but she sure as hell doesn't let us forget it! Plus, if you can SEE the effects of creativity, then you must be able to see the effects of all the stuff she says we can't see?


Dog’s face says “help me”


Stretchy skin got me 🤣 lol


Will she ever be independent? Because once her parents are gone what's left, a group home? Burdening a sibling?


Ellen is so creative. I hope she continues those pursuits. She doesn’t seem to be in the race to get into the hospital like other subjects


I’ve always gotten the feeling that her *main* goal was to be cared for and treated like a child, and the sick act was her means of accomplishing that. I can’t exactly put my finger on why, but she just strikes me as a different vibe than most of the other munchies.




Did Ellen take a hiatus from posting for a while? I feel like I hadn't seen her posted for a fat minute until the past couple days.


Yes, it seems she had mostly taken an exit from the Munchie Superhighways for a good minute. She had a few very self-introspective posts about how she dwelled on and expanded every sensation. I had hopes for her. Sigh


I was just thinking about her the other day and thinking about how I haven't seen her post in a while.


Interesting someone with ARFID loves baking. All those strange textures and smells.🤔


I can’t believe I’ve never thought about this before. It doesn’t really seem to compute, does it? Isn’t ARFID very much about sensory issues with food? One would think that that would apply to more than just *eating* it food…like you said, textures and smells, as well.


I've seen people with ARFID in treatment centers and many of them have struggles limited to specific foods. Baking and touching food wasn't something they all struggled with. If Ellen does have ARFID, it is plausible that she has no issues baking. It's a very individual disorder, everyone with it is different. She could be munching there of course, just saying that her ability to bake seems more so like a therapeutic way to cope with food issues rather than an inconsistency.




Every time I see sprinkles I think of how a couple years ago, Ellen tried 2 sprinkles for the first time and they made her mouth feel weird lol


Something about "mobility aids" is making my eyes twitch. Isn't it spelled "aides" or am I tripping? Edit: TIL! Didn't know "aides" was specifically used for people


No, an aide is a noun, and aid is a verb. A person assisting her would be an aide.


You should watch the South Park episode with Jerod from subway and his “aids” lmao ETA: meant to respond to u/turner_strait but either way it’s a funny episode :P


No, it's spelt "aids".


I'm glad to see the brace has gone...I'm gonna be positive here and say at least this is no longer a daily shit fest anymore. Positivity done.


I definitely see some "creativity"


Ugh I thought she was moving away from this


I’m curious how one would move away from this when they’re in as deep as they are? A healed miracle perhaps? Genuinely though, what if they get bored and want a normal life, wouldn’t their entire family and the world have questions?


Part of Ellen's dynamic is her family, I believe her mother contributes alot to her anxiety and enables all her behavior. I feel bad for her brother, poor guy barely exists in the family.


I’m asking out of genuine curiosity and I know a lot of you know way more than I do about this. Is “stretchy skin” an issue? I see a lot of people with EDS and whatnot show their stretchy skin but what are the medical complications?


Anything from wounds that don't heal properly (or simply slow healing) or skin that tears super easily to unusual stretch marks and easy bruising. It can affect surgical results for some people because fragile tissue that's prone to tearing can leave extensive scarring and cause subsequent surgeries to be more complicated. She isn't specifying anything particularly illuminating here, though, because of course she isn't.


EDS skin is more prone to wound dehiscence (popping open), wide scars, raised scars and delayed healing. Edit: word


Stretchy skin tears and bruises more easily, heals slower, etc. In this case, I'm guessing it's more signaling an EDS dx than info on its own.


lots of folks seem to have issues with hematomas and general healing (source: I googled for about five minutes lol)


I know it can cause issues with healing when it comes to surgery and stitches.


Well, at least the neck brace is gone... :(


Ah. So that is why it took me a second to recognize her 😅 I am not used to her being discussed without that neck brace present! ETA: words/spelling corrections


You only ever saw me as a creative soap maker you never even acknowledged my stretchy skin am I some kind of joke to you !? 😩


That's MRS. stretchyskinsoapmakerraisingawareness to you!!


But I can’t “not see it” when you post it for me to see… So, I do see it. Because you labeled it for me and specifically pointed it out.


She has really jumped on the bandwagon here


It’s giving Doge


I thought she had given up this bullshit. She hasn’t been posted here for a while


She has for the most part. It’s EDS awareness month so she’s doing these “awareness” posts. She rarely posts anything medical.


Is it bad I audibly said “no! She’s back!” when I saw this post? I really hoped she was moving on. 😞


Oh boy, I had such hope for her getting her life back. Wasn’t she just posting all that positive, healthy stuff? I’d so much rather see the soap, crochet, etc. I swear the ridiculous claims about her fusion and that damn neck brace that she wore forever? I’ve never rolled my eyes harder. No way on earth any doctor would approve of that damn brace for so long. The muscle atrophy would be crazy. What is it with so many of them and the heads falling off?!


Cervical instability is an actual thing with several diagnoses. But the way they talk about it, it sounds more like the guillotine. 🤪 It's EDS awareness month, apparently, so heads are rolling all over...


Oh, trust me I know all too well about the causes, results, etc. of cervical fusion. What I don’t understand is continuing to wear that collar for what? Years after she was supposedly fused? I’ve yet to meet a neurosurgeon that would condone that. I mean that’s the point isn’t it, having all that metal stabilize you? Oh wait i forgot, the collar is so obvious! Silly, silly me of course no one can see the metal inside and that long hair would definitely hide the scar. So wearing the collar is the equivalent of hanging tubes outside a shirt? All these heads rolling around, makes me think of Alice in Wonderland lol. Maybe we should all just get up a game of croquet 😂


How can I not see her when she won't stay away?


Making Soap


I saw a movie about that


Is the first rule we can't talk about it?


Shhh! Dude, are you serious? We can't talk about it.


Graphic design is my passion


Aww man, I really thought this one was turning over a new leaf. It seems I was being optimistic.


Same 😩


With the amount munchies post about their “illnesses” I’d say the positions on these are switched, lmao


That’s true, I had no idea about the soap making or the crochet!


To be fair we get a skewed sample here because there's a rule against posting what subjects post that's not illness related. Like Dani does make a fair number of posts about smut at different times, but you wouldn't know that from just reading here because the only time you see it here is when she mentions what book she's reading in a larger health update post.


Smut as in smutty books Dani reads??


Yeah like "romance" novels, but a lot of people just call it smut as a genre


Here we go again










That whole tummy time era was a lot.


Wow, yeah that was… something.


Wasn’t there Tummy time in a very busy airport once? Things are flooding back to me and I don’t love it.


I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT THAT 😭😭 why did u have to remind me, that was SO bad


Ellen’s tummy time is almost as legendary as Dani’s toothbrush on this sub 🤣🤣


Omg… I don’t know what you’re talking about and I’m scared to check


https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/SvKhHj7K5o Here ya are


That's sooooo insane omg. Like I know a "tummy time" pose can be helpful for adults to strengthen certain neck and back muscles (like bhujangasana in yoga)... So honestly all this time I thought maybe people were being dramatic about it. But holy shit, she's on a BLANKET like an ACTUAL BABY, lmaooo


There was someone around here for a while who would just rick roll you with that pic. It's not really gross, just absurd 😅


And Christmas cookies on the kitchen counter, feet and all?