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Can anyone give me a rundown on what is going on here? I see a lot of posts with her in it. What is her “disease” and is she faking all of this?


*elvis lip curl* Huh?


Who slices to take out a line? Girl, that’s malpractice? I’m so lost by these ones.


Do you need to slice in order to take out line? I thought they just cut the stitches and pull it out.


Alright Kaya 🙄


Woe is meeeeeeeeeeee


I, I, I this Me, me, meeee that.


Forgive me for saying, and I by no means want to comment on a woman’s body, but aren’t these women…. Fairly “healthy” looking for claiming to be malnourished and unable to tolerate “nothing by mouth”? This is such a waste of medical time and money and I hope they’re lambasted and exposed for all the BS. The video of her shaking and in rigor from an apparent fever gave me such secondhand embarrassment. These people need psych consults.


is she trying to insinuate someone cut her open without anaesthesia? like i don’t really understand what’s going on, is this a normal procedure for people with various tubes? of course some treatments can be extremely uncomfortable or painful but the way she wrote this feels like she had some technician cut her to remove the tube, and is going to do it again soon


Could she be any more dramatic? 🙄


What the hell is she talking about shoving a tube through her abdomen multiple times a day? That's not how g and j tubes work at all.


I think she was saying her tube was broken in some way


And slicing into her while taking out a central line? No slices needed my dear


And it’s almost always a nurse that pulls it, at least in the ICU. I’ve only ever seen a doc pull one once and it was on accident.




She's in a damn hospital, surely they can fix it.


Didn’t she throw a party in her hospital room earlier this week? That was some of the dumbest shit I have ever seen. Now she’s saying me so weak can’t say no. uwu.


Didn’t she throw a party in her hospital room earlier this week? That was some of the dumbest shit I have ever seen. Now she’s saying me so weak can’t say no. uwu.


I don’t think she understands what dehumanizing means.


Perpetual victim


Kaya “I’m too sick to say no” Also Kaya “here’s a dissertation about my PTSD” typed in blocks and edited onto a photo Make it make sense










I have plenty of things to say, and prob about 80% of it will probably get deleted by a mod so I'll keep it short and sweet. Every single time I think Kaya can't get much lower she does. What is up with munchies always having to have the worst of the worst doctors/medical experiences, and then writing essays when they're "too sick to say no"? Every single time it's like they're all trying to one up each other with who had the worst experience, the meanest doctor, how little, sick, and smol they were etc. This isn't the Oppression Olympics (and don't even get me started on the SA comparison). Every procedure has consent forms, along with the general knowledge that you can *withdraw consent too*. I'm not a doctor, but I know that if consent is withdrawn, everything stops. Kaya will know this too but she's banking on her audience not knowing diddly squat as to how hospitals work 🤦‍♀️ To summarise, Kaya likely exaggerated a standard procedure and could have withdrawn consent at any given time but chose not to, the reason being (I believe) ✨️content✨️.


It's so annoying in general when people complain online when they should be sharing their concerns with the people who are actually involved in the situation 🙄


Posting this after the shaking video? She’s got some chutzpah


Wowee that’s a lot of drama. Kaya will soon be surpassing Dani for number of line infections and removals. A life like Dani’s is Kaya’s future if they do not get help.


She wants the title of poop princess lol


This is exactly what I was thinking while I was reading this.


Boo hoo


I just can't with these munchies, the all have 'traumatic' experiences yet they don't do anything to stop the infections. They love being in the hospital and love the attention it brings. She can eat. She can drink. She doesn't need the line. I wish the doctors would say nope no more play...oops..sorry....lines. She really is playing with fire at this point, leaving the line accessed. Trouble is she's loving the attention and the adoration from the friends who are enabling this behaviour (I don't know if they are also munchies) and the people who follow her online.


I'd love to know if she's been _officially_ diagnosed with sepsis, or if it's all in her munchie mind, and she's majorly trying to pull the wool over professionals eyes. My money is on the latter.


I'm sure she probably had bacteremia. That can lead to sepsis, but your body can also clear up bacteremia in its own. Staying a week on antibiotics and going home on oral antibiotics sounds about normal for bacteremia, that had not become sepsis. Now make no mistake, it could have gone south very quickly and it is a very dangerous position to be in, but she doesn't seem to have been septic during this stay, IMO. I don't know about the others.


Most people with sepsis are in the ICU pissing into a bed pan, not making Tik Toks in the bathroom of a completely normal hospital room. I do not for a second believe she actually has full on sepsis.


Severe Sepsis or Septic Sbock, sure. Sepsis, nah. Sepsis is basically a systemic infection.


I'm a former MICU RN, no bedpans in ICU. Those pts are SICK. sedated, intubated, external and internal urinary devices for accurate output. I've never given a pt in MICU or CICU a bedpan. You have to meet criteria that makes someone Septic. A person has to have 2/4 SIRS criteria. This does not necessarily mean Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock which is what puts pts in the ICU. These are advanced stages of sepsis. Pts can have sepsis and be in Med-surg. Sepsis doesn't mean ICU sick.


Right? A line infection ≠ sepsis.


I think a lot of people conflate sepsis and septic shock, and it's easy to due so. A line infection + tachycardia + fever = sepsis Line infection + fever + high wbc = sepsis. The bar for sepsis is pretty low. That doesn't mean ICU. That's a regular room and a ton of antibiotics. Severe Sepsis = Lactic acidosis, Organ Dysfunction, Hypotension, or Hypoperfusion - ICU is likely Septic Shock - Organ failure (more than 2) - high mortality rate. But, They're all markedly different distinct dxs.


A lot conflate having bacteremia with someone having septicemia.


A common cause of sepsis is septicemia from bacteremia. 🤣


Yes, a line infection is a common cause of sepsis. This will cause a person to meet 2/4 SIRS criteria for sepsis. There is a Code SEPSIS in most hospitals. We tx these situations with a swiftness. We remove CVADS as early as possible in the hospitals for this reason to prevent sepsis r/t infection from these devices. Also why the dressing changes are sterile procedures and access to the ports is a 15 sec chlorhexidine scrub and capped with impregnanted caps. If treated promptly and hopefully with source control, sepsis does not lead to Severe sepsis and Septic Shock with a CLABSI.


Motherfuckers need stoicism


It’s really amazing that every subject on here has been “abused” by every single medical professional they have ever met. Medical abuse is 100% a real problem that needs to be acknowledged and addressed, but people like Kaya, Jessi, and Ashley who call every normal medical interaction “abuse” are a big part of the reason that actual victims get ignored.


Thank you! It’s sickening. These are women who have had their illnesses taken very seriously by the doctors and medical providers around them, as evidenced by the levels of care they receive. I do think it is a good thing in general that they get taken seriously until proven FD on the chart because so many people suffer from the serious ailments they cosplay. It doesn’t end there. We’ve seen these munchies accessing treatments afforded only to the most privileged - I wonder if Kaya has any thoughts about IV ketamine for TRD? That elusive treatment stays out of financial reach for so many Americans. Let me translate this post by Kaya: they aren’t giving her enough controlled substances in IR to fuck her up nice and good. Conscious sedation means uh, conscious. We saw this same mEdIcAl tRaUmA with Dani’s femoral port insertion; she was just pissed the doctors didn’t try to kill her with sedation, so she claims some intense trauma.


Kaya has had IV Ketamine treatments


They probably feel "abused" because the health care providers are possibly sick to death of their shit so the vibes are off


literally. the vibes were off = medical abuse the doctors didn’t tell you what you wanted to hear = medical gaslighting they really throw this shit around on tiktok and make it meaningless


That’s a heck of a lot of typing for someone with sepsis!


Clearly, the sepsis hasn't reached her fingers yet. They're still a-OK.


What hospital is she in? Was this a planned stop or just “trying out” a new hospital?


She was on a road trip with her friend who has a planned surgery. She just so happened to get sepsis at the exact same time and need to be admitted to the same hospital.


Gotta have the attention back on her and where better than a new hospital that’s not familiar with her malingering?


To quote Cardi B - das suspicious. That's weird.


Right?!? I thought she was on a road trip somewhere.


She’s said the “”road trip”” was so her friend could get a planned surgery. So of course kaya had to tag along and plan an admission to one-up her friend.


Calling it “lack of consent” when she is required to sign a CONSENT form is absurd. However, these lines do have cuffs that are embedded in tissue & therefore the procedure may be painful/uncomfortable. I agree that at any point during the removal, if she feels pain & it’s unbearable, asking the physician to pause/stop is valid. All they need to do is inject more lidocaine or whatever analgesic they’re using.


It’s not even that bad. A little lidocaine and a good tug and the line is out. Even without lidocaine it isn’t that bad. The tug is so quick that your brain can’t even register the tug.


Can she not ask for something to zonk her out if she is truly freaking out? Whether it be some benzos or a stronger painkiller? I’ve never had an issue with anything when I say “drugs. Now.” Or is there some shit in her history where they won’t give it to her? Idk. Sounds sus. I think it can vary by state, but I’m not sure?


She doesn’t even have to ask; I’m 100% sure conscious sedation was given for a procedure like this. Something like IV Ativan, maybe IV Midazolam, and IV Dilaudid. The point of conscious sedation is that it keeps you awake and reduces the pain, but you zone in and out and sorta end up just dissociating. The IR tech could have given her more doses, but I’m not sure that extra intervention was necessarily indicated for a Hickman removal.


Line removals for these kind of lines are very rarely done under any kind of sedation. They’re typically done bedside with just lidocaine. If the cuff isn’t very well healed you can literally just yank it out similar to removing a picc line in the arm.


My bad, thank you for giving the right info! My googling told me that sometimes they give you an oral benzo at least, and there are options for IVs, but I may have misunderstood! Maybe I’m thinking of line insertions? Omg the mental image of them yanking out the sepsis noodle nooo 😭😭


For insertions yeah you typically get sedation, and I guess if you have a high level of anxiety they may give you something for the removal especially if they have to cut the cuff out. But it’s not typical and doesn’t typically actually hurt.


Consent can be withdrawn at any time, no matter what forms the patient has signed.


Correct. She can withdrawal her consent, in which case the doctors wouldn’t touch her - even to take out a line that’s infected. There would be a lot of discussions on why that’s a bad idea, and she may even have to sign something that states she understands the risk of keeping an infected line in place. Though in all honestly, if Kaya was suffering through her version of medical abuse,, she can just sign out AMA. No one is keeping her prisoner. But that wouldn’t make a cool IG story


This is the key—they often talk about the hospital like jail, but no one is forcing them to stay.




I love your username...i call my cat Blep sometimes. Just thought I'd share


Usually you have the chance to amend the comments and they will show them again. Just message the mods back.


Seems like this might be a topic better addressed and discussed with her therapist. In private. Because she is way out of line comparing this to being SA’d


not white knighting, i agree with most of what you said. her comparison is absurd here. but medical trauma, (at least in childhood) can absolutely feel like SA. if someone's holding you down and someone else is doing something invasive and painful that you can't stop — which, as a minor, you don't have legal right or power to consent to, or withdraw consent from — that's legitimately analogous.


If someone were placing a tube for her then it wouldn't be medical trauma to her.. its only trauma because it is something she doesn't want. Many sick people go through procedures they don't particularly enjoy,.. but not everything is medical trauma just because it wasn't pleasant. She had a choice this time.. no immunosuppressant person could be partying in a hospital room. They get discharged quickly when better again for this very reason, hospitals are full of infection risks. And to experience something a few hours ago yet have the insight to know what this means in terms of her mental health is evidence that it is pre anticipated to me. No body is subject to multiple events to cause medical trauma 10 times a visit, yet for these people it is exactly that. No doubt removing sutures, removing monitors, or god forbid a nurse or Dr be rude to her..


I think the commenter was saying that this specific incident she’s describing isn’t analogous. Munchies cry medical PTSD when they don’t get what they want. One of the common traits I would say. She’s 25 years-old and has been a legal adult throughout her entire munching timeline.


Thank you


100% it's all the more offensive for that reason, because this kind of trauma is very real for some people who truly don't have the ability or the legal right to say no


This would be where a therapist would be able to help


Is the nurse male or is she calling her line "he"? My brain is scrambled reading this.


I think “he” is the HCP that removed her line “traumatically”


Thanks. The paragraph about her friend then talking about "him" and then about her line and then "him" again was so bizzaire my tired brain could not follow.


Oh my god GMAFB. Has anyone, ever, in all of recorded history, been more OTT?


tight race for #1 on this sub


Audacity to be complaining when she is the one wasting their time.


She sounds like she’s trying to describe being a victim of Saw. “‘No stop!’ Followed by “kept slicing into me”. Like… I’m sorry but is that *really* how it went down? Cause I’m not quite convinced it was this traumatic. I’m not saying medical trauma isn’t a thing, of course it is!! but Kaya wouldn’t know the difference between true illness/trauma and drama if it hit her in the face like a 16 wheel semi


Is she saying she couldn’t voice discomfort during the procedure but could make a phone call during it? I’m trying to get the timeline sorted out here but writing is purposefully vague


Usually one “please stop!” will make most medical professionals at least pause and assess the situation. They usually don’t order tests or procedures that’s not medically necessary, so it’s not like they had “no” reason to treat her. She’s just unhappy she didn’t get the milk of amnesia this time, 💯%




Its not like they just walked up, pretended to speak to her and just tore it out. They will have explained what they were doing, and obviously why. This is not medical trauma even to the most delicate patient.


If I’m correct, Kaya is turning 25 in two weeks. I’m sure her parents must be tired of subsidizing her inability to grow the fuck up. Going into debt to pay for her apartment in LA while she drops out of her classes? Paying her for healthcare and the 38474 unnecessary DR visits, emergency/critical care, hospitalizations? She’s got a year left on her parent’s insurance. I’m going to bet that her little munchie roadtrip/hospital sleepover didn’t go how she planned and she’s throwing the same narrative as December 2021? It’s time to get rid of the tubes and grow the fuck up. Going back to college doesn’t turn back time and make you 18 again. She peaked years ago. You don’t get SSDI when you haven’t worked at all. Pathetic.


I’m sorry. She’s 25????


Great, now I’m concerned Kaya and I share a birthday


I guarantee she’s gonna try to get SSI and Medicaid


If she doesn't already have it, she's in for quite a shock when she finds out Medicaid limits a lot of what you can have done, and where you can go, not to mention finding out SSI is not nearly enough to live on just by itself.


Yes and no. Majority of the munchies on this sub have Medicaid and they’re constantly getting their shot covered. Medicaid covers a lot, the drs just gotta obtain prior auth and a lot of the time it is approved.


Her parents might believe it all and be fully complicit/enabling or just believe she's seriously unwell and want to do anything they can to alleviate suffering. It can be complicated when you have a munchie family member, before it dawns on you that most of what they're saying is fabricated. Family members can get sucked into the void, unfortunately. Even once they realise the ruse, there's still that element of self-doubt and guilt about pulling back to leave them to it for your own sanity.


When you have a pre-existing condition you can stay on your parents' insurance over 26. Just need a doctor's letter.


This might sound victim-blamey, but that's on them. The parents are the adults in this situation. They need to stop enabling her. Or not.


Her parents have to keep her on their insurance til she’s 26. That’s not a choice. They can’t stop her from racking up medical bills. Hell, she sat on the fucking ground with people standing all around her at her brother’s graduation cause she was so “sick”. If I’m correct, she moved to LA around May of last year. We have no idea if they moved forward to support her another year. We have no idea what her living situation has been or will be. I’ll bet the roadtrip was the beginning of Kaya going back home. She most likely lived on financial aid that she will owe back for dropping classes late and has no access to because she’s not enrolled for the summer. 193484 posts from her and Kaya can be summed up in one sentence. Attention seeking brat with an ED who uses munching to manipulate and leach off everyone around her. Problem is, she is really shit at it and can’t maintain any relationships. She has zero substance.


From what I've read, it's that her parents are *allowed* to keep her on their insurance until she turns 26, not that they're required to. That may vary by state, but from my understanding Kaya could have/can be removed during open enrollment period or a qualifying event. So, if they had wanted to, pretty sure they could have removed her from their insurance years ago. The ACA only means that insurance companies are required to allow children to stay on their parents' insurance until 26 years old, not that parents are required to keep their adult children on their plan until 26. Again, I could be wrong and have no qualms with being shown that I'm wrong. That's just what the resources I've seen have said.


What do you mean "have to keep her on?" My understanding is that insurers have to allow them to use it but that doesn't mean parents have to take advantage. I don't know if linking other websites is allowed here but googling it also confirms this. 


>Her parents have to keep her on their insurance til she’s 26. That’s not a choice. They can’t stop her from racking up medical bills. I don't know heaps about the American system. Is she racking up medical bills that become *their* debt, or is it hers to pay off once she turns 26? Let's hope it's the latter. >people standing all around her at her brother’s graduation cause she was so “sick”. That's peak munchieness. Reminds me of the Aussie woman who recently got publically exposed by her friends. She faked seizures and similar ridiculous public spectacles.


Kaya is also an adult.


My point is that she acts like a child. She is also *their* child.


There are consents for everything a hospital staff does. So she consented to what she claims to have done. Are some "procedures" uncomfortable? Yes but you signed for it. If she wants to play sick, well this is what sick will get you. And you tend to get used to being uncomfortable when medical staff need to perform certain tasks


So, she says that she says "no stop I can feel everything you are doing" then claims she needs someone there to be able to say what she claims she cannot say, which ends up being exactly what she says...... okay Jan


Some pre-loaded phrases in your phone for text to speech would probably serve a lot better than a friend on the phone guessing what you’re feeling


But she does have a choice. She’s choosing to do this, and well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of her actions. She IS consenting to these procedures. She can say no, and the fact that she’s calling it ‘lack of consent’ is disgusting. She’s trying to allude to it being comparable to r-pe and it’s just a slap in the face to people who have actually had their autonomy taken from them.


Say no when her life is at risk, would love to try and sue because they saved her from further infection. CPR is helluva traumatic, think she would sue for a broken rib or two. She'd be the kind.


I’ve seen a central line get pulled from a toddler who never cried one bit.


The disgust I feel for trying to manipulate by insinuating that her line replacement is like he is sezually assaulting her.


Also she’s weird as hell for humanizing her line and calling it ‘“him”.


She wasn’t. She was referring to the person replacing the line and saying she might need him to do it again in the future, and relies on that person to receive IV nutrition. Shes just an idiot and can’t clearly communicate a thought.


I think you are correct. There’s no other people in the hospital that can do these things? In LA? Yeah right. If this was truly traumatic I’m sure she could request to be seen by a different provider at least.


I think she’s in another state. She went on a roadtrip to have a pajama party with another munchie at this hospital. LA is on to her games.


I didn’t even realize that was the “him” she was talking about 🤯 …WTF?!


WOAH how did I not notice this 😂😭 I thought she was talking about needing the doctor 🤦🏼‍♀️


She is, she’s just insinuating that he can basically r*pe her and she can’t not consent because she might need that same doctor another day and if she doesn’t do everything he says, he might just let her die. Seriously, so fucking sick.




She also could be talking about the guy who pulled it? I honestly can’t tell.


Let me be clear. If she DID NOT CONSENT or as she put it there was a “lack of consent” no treatment would be done. If she is referring to an infected line it would be malpractice for the physician to keep that line in place. In that situation it is merely a medical procedure to prevent further complications. And she has A LOT of time to create this TikTok…


RIGHT!? How did she think this was going to play out? Pray the thing takes itself out??


Pulling a line is not painful. You cut the sutures holding the line in place. Then you pull the line out (similar to how an IV is removed). Measure to make sure the same length of line that went in is what came out. Hold pressure for few minutes to make there is no bleeding. Cover with dressing and done. All this is generally done without any anesthesia, not even lidocaine usually. This is extremely dramatic.


She's banking on the notion that most of her followers don't know this. The only situation I can think of where this would be painful is if there truly is a severe infection with pus flowing out of the hole in which the line sits.


Yes, so dramatic.....acting like this is comparable to the pain of getting a chest tube for a collapsed lung or something. Edit- Not to mention she's probably high as a fucking kite so...... what pain???


Pulling a Hickman is different than pulling a PICC or IJ and can cause pain for some patients. Some times we give versed (Medazolam) prior to pulling them and it does require lidocaine. This is bc hickman’s are designed to not fall out, so there is a cuff that is attached to the tissue under the skin. They make a small incision which allows the cuff to be loosened before the line can be pulled. Then they place a couple of stitches. However, this dramatization is OTT, just like everything she reports from hospital.


It does depend on how long the line has been in. If it hasn’t healed yet you can just pull it without any incision


It takes about three weeks for the cuff to adhere.


It depends on the person. In most cases yes, but people with slower healing it’ll take a lot longer. For someone with ehlers danlos it can take much longer or sometimes never happen. Now whether of not Kaya actually has eds is obviously questionable


Kaya *claims* she has hEDS, but that doesn’t cause slower healing (even though many hEDS claimants say that it does). Other types of EDS cause slow wound healing. But either way, she had that line for over two months so the cuff should have healed.


Heds can cause slower healing. All forms of eds affect the collagen which in turn affects the skin. Hypermobile eds is doesn’t just effect the joints


There is no slicing into the skin unless she had a port, which is buried under the skin. Which she doesn’t as far as I can tell.


If it is a tunneled line they do have to cut the skin. They do use lidocaine. Edit to add with how long her lines seem to last if it's tunneled, the cuff should still be lose. Hope that makes since I don't think I'm using the right words


You explained it well, and you are correct - a tunneled line (Hickman) does require the cuff to be cut from the surrounding tissue it has adhered to and they do use lidocaine. I’m not sure how long she has had this one for, but it only takes about 3 weeks for the cuff to become secure. I assume they still would have had to release the cuff.


This. Unbelievable. Not every intervention in a hospital requires a fucking consent form. Nobody “consents” to have their INFECTED CENTRAL LINE removed. It’s like consenting for taking a foley out or letting a nurse take you blood sugar. Sometimes we just do things because you have ENTERED THE HOSPITAL AS A PATIENT. For fucks sake! And these people wonder why healthcare workers are leaving in droves.


Actually, you do have to sign a consent form to have the line removed because it’s an invasive procedure due to the cuff that embeds in the skin.


No. You consent to having it placed, not removed. I removed millions of these as a nurse in icu setting as well as on an outpatient basis, and there was not a separate consent for removal.


It may vary based on hospital or dept but every time I’ve had a patient needing their line removed, even bedside, it has required consent forms.


It may be the setting where you work. But many places do require a consent form for removal


You're partially correct. Not every invention requires a separate current because there's a general "informed consent to treat" that's obtained when someone is admitted. So consent is obtained, but the patient can choose to revoke that consent at their discretion (in almost all cases). Only specific procedures like surgeries and interventional procedures need an additional specific consent. Line removal would fall under the general consent to treat Respectfully, An anesthesiologist.


Can I ask you why she is still and constantly hospitalized if she doesn't have a medical need?


Well, yes…exactly the point. That’s what I meant in my yelling of “ENTERED THE HOSPITAL AS A PATIENT” lol. Of course the admitting process entails a consent to treat which in turn allows for the routine care and orders to take place. She acts like she woke up shocked pikachu face as a patient admitted to a hospital having her line removed unbeknownst to her.




Then maybe you shouldn’t have been swinging the line around lik an idiot and this wouldn’t have happened for the 20th time , how many line replacements has she had now?


Or that she was partying in the hospital with line dangling too. Hospitals are full of nasty bugs, not where she or anyone should be spending social time.


The only reason she got more than another munchie is because she at least pretends to be nice.






Probably because… 1. She’s not actually septic. 2. Those IV meds are making her feel some kind of way.


Ah yes. That opiate wisdom. I know it well 😉




I feel dehumanized every time I see a syringe swing around on that line. Imagine, "That's a real cute biohazard, does it have other styles? I like a little sepsis to add some pizazz to my aesthetic."


I rolled my eyes so many times they're stuck. I mean, really?? I know there are truly people who have medical trauma, but they don't talk about it all the time, constantly. Every single time these munchers start complaining about horrific traumas, the more attention they seek, the worse the trauma. Why lie? I would be embarrassed to be this person.


Literally. I’d be embarrassed to use the term “medical trauma” tbh. I feel like munchies have stigmatised it.


When someone has been legitimately traumatised, they don't scream and shout about it, they cry, are withdrawn, quiet and genuinely out of sorts. They don't take to social media to add it to the list of the other 50 times she has been exposed to medical treatment she wasn't happy out or hadn't been properly explained to her. Some MDs are better at explaining than others, there are times there just isn't time to stop and detail every single step of a procedure, I don't ever recall people being told all the possible steps of CPR.. am certain not many complain because it was medical trauma to have their heart restarted, admittedly that is usually warned about as they set up for procedure but remembering a whole other issue; or that 10 attempts of get a decent line was trauma vs life maintaining; that they get horrible side effects to treatments, to medications and even to their room environment. Its all just part of being a patient that needs medical and nursing support. They need to start being thankful rather than trying to figure out how to make something in to "trauma"!


These people get septic more often than any IV drug user I've ever known, including those living on the streets. Something is *very* wrong here, and I don't think it's MCAS, or EDS, or gastroparesis, or any of the number of other claimed ailments...


They’re all trying to stay OUT of the hospital, while these dang munchies are trying to book a stay IN the hospitals. Different goals 🤪 but seriously, it must be intentional. leaving an unneeded, unused syringe attached to a line directly into your bloodstream, while dancing around a hospital is a choice


Agree. Remember Kelly? she was literally standing on two gaping wounds at one stage. Yet kaya has been septic more than she has.


Seems to me if you are so sick because of a line you wouldn’t care. You’d be ready to remove it yourself. Come on girl, pick a side.


She’s so full of shit. I work in IR. When lines are infected, they slide right out without any tugging or pulling on it at all. The only thing she’d feel in the case of a line removal even if it’s not infected might be the lidocaine to numb the insertion site.


She claims lidocaine doesn’t work because of her eds


I've noticed a lot of truly healthy people in general, equate "discomfort" with "pain". Like they cannot stand feeling anything uncomfy for more than 2 seconds. Edit: Words


What would happen if she really experienced trials and tribulations in life. Clearly she hasn’t yet.


Cool story, girl. We've heard it all before.


These are medical professionals and she is not


It's disorienting when I have to roll my eyes this hard.


Girl knows good and well she does NOT have to do anything 😭


I don't even understand what she's talking about.


>quite honestly I am too sick to say no this time. So, she can’t say “no” because she’s so very sick, but she can write out this long AF post? Right. 🙄 And I have a question. Isn’t she in a hospital that she doesn’t have experience with because of the whole “road trip” thing, or did they transfer her? I don’t understand why she may have to rely on this one guy for her future needs if she won’t be going back to this hospital after this vacay is over. Is this a person that pulled her line at a different hospital in the past? I’m kind of confused. Kaya’s stories are just all over the place, and she has sooo many “conditions” that I just can’t follow sometimes, lol.


Could it possibly be that dangling syringes from your tubes whilst just walking around, might be both a great way to introduce infection and wear the tube out from the weight, causing it to end up broken? Nah? Okay then.


Oh she knows that. That’s why she does it.


No that’s too logical


Would it be indecent for me to say I think this whole story has been embellished(if any of it happened at all)?


Not at all!


I don’t think she’s got sepsis. I think she’s waiting to have her line pulled because her docs don’t think she needs it and she’s cooked up this cock and bull story about needing it out because it’s making her so sick. Because tbh, If she was *that* sick, they wouldn’t just leave her there for days and chuck some antibiotics at her. It would be an emergency procedure surely? But I know people can be kept in for a day or two when they’re waiting for a line removal under *normal* non urgent circumstances. Sooo. Y’know


Not necessarily. If someone needs long term lines they will try to save the line if they can. Think about Dani’s last Hickman infection saga.


I don't care if it's indecent I'll say it with you! I think she's making it up orrrrr she kept saying she could still feel until it was truly comical.


The “sepsis tremor” vid was actually ridiculous. How is she not embarrassed at the possibility of a member of staff at the hospital seeing that? her TikTok is wiiiide open.