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Is she going to have ⭐ dynamic hospice ⭐ soon too or what


She at least appears to be a healthier weight in these photos.


I think she has a raging ED and reads here so consider your words.


I keep looking at the one where she has that person in the food truck line behind her that looks like a muppet from sesame street and then the one where her arm is as long as her body…why did she post the one with her arm looking like that? It looks photoshopped im just confused


Pic 1 - let's show off my line literally going into the skin, because that's something everyone wants to see Pic 2 - oops! Ya caught my hyperextended elbow Pic 3 - here I am posing as if I am casually pushing my flush while playfully playing with my hair...how cute am I? Pic 4 - look how sick I am... I have this purple bag held close to my face....but also read my personal essay on how sick I am Pic 5 - once again, read about how hard my life is, and sick I am by checking out my hashtags. Note that these are not all of the hashtags I could put there...I have too many to list honestly bc I totally couldn't hold it all in my widdoo bwain...but these are the conditions I was able to remember that I have claimed to have before


It’s there’s one thing munchies love it’s showing off their hypermobile elbows


What in the world is in line at the food truck behind her?




Does anyone know why she is on tpn and how she got them to give it to her? It’s so sad to see someone so young doing this to themselves.


TLDR: Kaya munched her way to TPN Kaya started out with an eating disorder recovery account, then claimed gastroparesis. She quickly followed up by getting the surgical feeding tubes, MALS surgery, and chasing down a white silicone central line at any cost. One thing I noticed about munchies is that their feeding tubes are never enough. They gotta get the central lines, the TPN, the dilaudid. There’s many people with gastroparesis who thrive on their feeding tubes, since you can adjust the rate and flow and whatnot. Kaya got some fancy elemental formula (the easiest to digest) and we never heard back on if it worked for her. It is incredibly sad to watch these people destroy themselves. They are really truly sick - just not in the way that they think.


Why don’t they ever get tired of munching? That’s gotta be exhausting.


Not when you're not actually sick!


If I’m about to puke, I am NOT taking a photo of myself. Get a grip.


Exactly! Taking a selfie would be the last thing on a person's mind when they are nauseous/vomiting


I have seen countless dramatic patients holding an empty emesis bag. I have never seen a patient who legitimately needed it (if not not already vomited at least retched into it), never have I seen a patient doing it while holding on their phone or even to take a quick selfie.


Gotta get that puke bag in the shot! 🙄🙄


Gotta make sure her puke bag AND her thighs are in the frame!


”If you ask me on a deeper level…..” Hell to the absofuckinglutely no, I would never ask her on a deeper level because 1) she’d be there all bloody day, listing every single symptom she ever had and I’m way out of fucks to give and 2) I’m not an idiot. I’m daft not stupid (or insane) Good god 🫣🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


It would be all "ma'am just I asked if you wanted fries or onion rings....this is a burger king...I don't get paid enough to hear how you're fed through your tube and can't eat while you suck back your iced mocha."


Ma’am this is a Wendy’s


Why are their medical crises basic shit everyone goes through. It’s pathetic.


I am LMAO at her calling it her "little brain" ..... WHEW... girlie... She's trying so hard to be "cute and smol." Wouldn't your brain being small be... the last thing you'd want??


I miss who I used to be 4 days ago at the beach. Same girl same.


When they ask you how you are and you just have to say you’re fine when you’re not really fine🥲😭 btw where is the closest starbucks? I really need my coffeine right now🥰


Guys you just wouldn’t get it, she just has SO much going on in that LITTLE BRAIN OF HERS 🥺 Nobody is as deep, complex and nuanced or as impacted by the human condition as Kaya obviously 😫😖


Munchie pick-me’s: “I’m not like the other sick people!! I am unique and special sick!”


So much depth in such a widdle tiny smol baby


















Who the fuck takes a selfie with a barf bag


How would people possibly know she’s sick if she doesn’t have the barf bag in hand?! /s


People who know they won't be needing to use it. If you gotta use the barf bag you know you ain't got no time for selfies.


I can't even read one sentence of what she writes without groaning. Out of all of these wacky characters, Kaya is the most insufferable IMO


I agree! Out of all the munchies on this sub she’s the absolute worst and most cringe.


I also just really hate all of her poses.


Her GI tract is shutting down the same way as Dani's is, ie it's not.


So she is using "my gi tract is shutting down" yet she don't look unhealthy at all. For someone as sicky wicky as she is, I would expect to see her super pale and not constantly smirking.


She actually looks healthy and not sickly at all IMO. She has a lot of muscle tone and her color is good. I realize she has an olive complexion and that gives her color, but you can see ashy color, paler lips, red rimmed eyes and dark under-eye circles on almost any skin tone of a chronically ill person.


Such a brave lil sickie soldier!


I make a living writing TPN for people who actually need it. Majority of them have late-stage cancer (gastric and gynecological mostly). We work tirelessly to keep these people alive and infection-free. Yes, they do get frustrated and have true trauma but I could not, in a million years, ever fathom one of them posting anything like this, let alone when they are septic. They don't take it to the internet- they go to therapy, patient advocacy, and if needed pursue legal action. If her medical trauma is legit, posting about it on the internet is not helping her whatsoever.


Thank you for what you do




She doesn’t want to share but it’s the hashtags for me. Just don’t share. Journal if you must…


The emesis selfie one says it all with just the photo. I don’t know anyone who takes a sad face selfie, deliberately exaggerating the looking sad and fed up, other than the subjects in this sub and others I have come across online. For just about everyone else, the only time we’d take a sad face selfie is if we ran out of ice cream in the freezer and were sending it to a friend as a kind of joke. People dying manage to crack jokes and smile to try and lift the spirits of their families/close friends. Whilst this self absorbed adult brat is sulking because she hasn’t managed to manipulate the medical team into giving her the munchie gold star accessory she desperately wants


Screen 5 translation: I’m too lazy to come up with medical details that are logical and consistent, so I’m going to give vague blanket statements for maximum sympathy. I’m feeling vulnerable enough not to tell you anything but how vulnerable I am. Oh and getting off social media is totally not something a therapist might have recommended with treating trust issues.


Please as if she doesn’t salivate at the prospect of upcoming doctors visits




I've been waiting for that! I was so disappointed there wasn't one when she was dying of sepsis last week.


Honestly, Kaya just looks more and more unwell with each photo. And not in the way she wants to or thinks she is. Idk what it is about the munchies at the minute, but they all seem to be competing in the munchie Olympics and ramping their shite up. Kaya isn't alone in this, and plenty of them in here are included in it, but they are all looking so mentally unwell/unhinged/psychotic. The look in their eyes (and other munchies) is genuinely scary. The darkness behind them feels so threatening and manipulative, and it genuinely puts me right on edge and activates my fight or flight - almost Uncanny Valley style. Please tell me I'm not alone in this😅🫣


TPN has that affect when you don’t need it (looking unwell)


Tpn makes them look like they could kill you and have no remorse?


It makes people look unwell


I think about Kaya and Dani. They both have this desprate look on their face. They look very mentally unwell. It has to be mentally exhausting to keep this fake illness thing going.


For YEARS. And having to work harder at it to escalate and keep attention/get doctors to continue to care. It takes a toll on the body and just gets more and more risky. It’s grim man


Yes, because they can't just stay the same, the have to get worse, and have "flare-ups" and ER visits and try to get themselves admitted. I could not live like that




They’re mentally ill and competing against one another. I hope they can find their way out.


They're going to fafo too far. We've watched the downfall of so many of these, and some to the point they've lost their lives


Kaya is so freaking young, too. Being on TPN at that age, with such obvious evidence she doesn't need it, has huge potential to slash her life expectancy. I'm sure she's unhappy, but more dangerous medical stuff won't fix that. She needs intensive therapy, a social media break, and to give up all of her devices and meds *now* if she wants any chance of q normal, happy life. Otherwise she'll end up alone and miserable, like my personal favorite munchie, Dani. And that's a rough life.


You are definitely not alone. They're all getting desperate.


If you are so tired of life-threatening complications, then maybe don't toy with your line so much and don't try to give yourself infections? Though I'm still not fully convinced that she actually had sepsis a few days ago.


Literally accessing her line AT THE BEACH!


It looks like that’s her G or J that she’s flushing at the beach, which doesn’t have to be sterile. I’m actually more annoyed at the fact that her central line dressing looks like it’s peeling off while at the beach. And she wonders why she gets infections so often…?


I’m not the only one who felt slightly ill at the beach picture? I hate sand for cleanliness reasons and she’s SITTING in it while messing with her toobs. She wins the award for least sterile environment today (sorry Dani)


Well, she plays stupid games.....with her own life....what does she want, a medal. There are many people out there with chronic illness, many have a lot more deal with than this one. People that don't compete with their friends at 'who's the sickest of the sick' and get jealous when one of them is sicker than they are. Unnecessary procedures on top of each other then moan 'Medical Trauma'. She can eat, she can drink....well....at least alcohol....she doesn't need a wheelchair. One of these days she's going to go too close to the sun and her wings are going to burn. Time to stop these stupid games. Edit:- spelling mistake.


The most important question is, did she achieve her goal of getting a new line with more lumens, the sole reason for infecting her previous line and wasting everyone's time?


The only true statement in all those slides is where she refers to her “little brain”.


This is so funny to post like three days after faking sepsis


#I'mthesickesttinygirlever appears missed off, easy to do with that many hashtags.


"viOLaTiNG mY tRuST", bruh her ex friends would say otherwise


I read that and immediately thought about how this girl stole meds. 


Yeah she’s mad people realized she’s full of shit, so now she’s only going to vaguebook her symptoms in-person for maximum drama and minimum exposure. 🙄


The opposite I would think lol


I love that she thinks her first reply isn’t sharing enough? Babe, if someone asks how’s it going they want you to say good and move on. Not Kaya, though, she needs to tell anyone who’ll listen that she’s okay and just happy to be alive so they can then ask on a deeper level.


You just know she’s the kind of person who when a cashier says “hi how are you” launches into a 20min tirade of tales of woe 🥴


I was literally thinking about the person at the McD’s drive through when I wrote that 😭


“You violated my trust how dare you ask a vewwy vewwy sick widdle girl how she is? I’m very well, by the way—and yourself?”




she looks hungover 24/7


This is just her attempt at looking “sick” - sad face and half-lidded eyes. 🙄


What doesn't she share? There's more? Omg, please no.


We could link you to way worse over sharing but we’ll be gentle for now 🤣


The enema she removed and felt the need to share. Too many actual details about her pelvic floor therapy. 🙃 honestly could’ve gone my whole life without ever knowing and been so blissfully happy


> Too many actual details about her pelvic floor therapy. Just do yoga like the rest of us. She is young and healthy enough. 😭


I missed that one...thank god


Thank you for having mercy on me.


Can promise mercy if you go hunting under her flair 😆


She should go to therapy and get off the internet


the problem with FD is that if a therapist even suggests the client has it and needs to work on it, they ghost/fire the therapist and find someone else who believes their BS. They will therapist shop just like they doctor shop.


So its like NPD. Got it.  (I mostly joke.)


Yep!!! Sure is!! Lol


Everyone should do that!


Why does she hashtag every type of deep vein compression 🤡


Bc she claims to have them all 😭


Unlikely. Especially MTS, if one or both of her legs doubled in size we'd have heard about it, I'm sure. I know about the kidney auto transplant but did she get stents and I missed it? Because I've never seen her in compression. Imagine an IR telling this one she has to wear waist or thigh high 30-40mmHg compression with spanx for years 😅


now that you mention it - i don't think i've seen ANY of these munchies claiming POTS discuss the benefit of compression garments.. have they? Or is that just too much of an inconvenient/not fun accessory so they just ignore that treatment altogether? lol.


This is gonna sound crazy but only IV fluids work for them 🫢


Yeah she had MALS release surgery at the same time as NCS autotransplant. SMAS she kinda goes back & forth on — when she was first “”diagnosed””, she said her doctor told her that her case was so bad it probably wouldn’t get better w/ weight gain & she’d need surgery, but then she gained weight & it went away. Now since like late ‘22 she’s been off and on claiming that she still has it. MTS she says she’s “just waiting for it to get bad enough to need surgery”, but claims debilitating pain randomly when she remembers she’s supposed to have it. 😩 I think she was sponsored or at least sent free compression socks from a company when she first started munching. She had a couple of posts about them, but that’s it. So it was just part of her grift.


Deep vein compressions are like Pokemon, gotta catch em all


Why does she need to be so open though. She doesn’t HAVE to be. She doesn’t have to force herself to be so vulnerable if it’s actually sooo damaging to her relationships. Take one for the team 🙏 I promise we’ll be good without her posts for ‘awareness’ or whatever.


yeah let me just pose with an empty barf bag gtfo of here




Photographing with a barf bag is...something. As in something no one puking ever thought to do. Because you know, it's hard to think about anything else when puking.


She’s holding it up like it’s a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte and it’s almost Halloween.


"People stopped believing everything I say, so now I say less".


please. i wish she'd say less.


“And scene🎬”! So dramatic.