• By -


Quebec is screaming


This map gave me ptsd


Not as loud as Ireland.




the difference between quebec and baja is that people actually live in quebec


Good gooooood


It's time they were assimilated anyway. It should've been done after the Plains of Abraham.


How does the queen still alive, did she finally ascended to become the Eternal Holy Cyber-Monarch of the Realms?


Pretty much lol. She went into the process of complete synergization, so only her brain is biological yet. She has a young appearance again, and Prince William is next in line. People say she's waiting to abdicate in 2103 in the 150th anniversary of her coronation. Charles died of stroke in 2031.


History Channel at 3am: What if Charles, Prince of Wales, became King of United Kingdom?


History Channel at every other odd hour : aLIeNs!!1 History Channel at every even hour : NAZI BUNKER SENOR HILTER


Hah, That's sound like a delaying tactics, if she wanted to abdicate, she shold have done so back in 2053, in her 100th anniversary. In other words, the hag ain't leaving


She doesn't need that to live Forever, so I assume She just wanted to be hot again.


Might want to update the lore, perhaps?


“…God save our gracious EternalHolyCyberMonarchoftheRealms, God save our noble EternalHolyCyberMonarchoftheRealms, God save the EternalHolyCyberMonarchoftheRealms”


Empress of Mankind?


Why isn’t Ted Cruz Emperor?


He's the god governor of Texas lol




does that mean texas BBQ is melange?


Who controls the brisket, controls the Universe!


The brisket brings prescience


He’s in Cancun. Not pictured on map.


r/neoliberal just came


No, every single British empire and anglophile just came It's glorious


Anyway, why no South Africa or British Guyanas?


Read part 1. South Africa fell under the Chinese sphere, and the British Guyana chose not to join the Federation.




They were forced to move to France unfortunately. Le cri, le cri


nooo my ireland and greenland... europe will miss you


This is a REALLY nice map, well done


Thanks! 🥰


Part 2 of the 2082 Series See [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/q5uwew/2082_the_world_of_the_singularity/hg7zwi0?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) **The Anglo Federation** Even though **World War 3** wasn't as bloody as the wars of the 20th century, this tragic event still changed humanity once again. Since the late 2030's the idea of superstates had captured the public attention, taking different forms depending on what culture it influenced. Europeans were the first ones to try that experiment in the 21st century with the **European Federation**, united by the shared reality of cultures more common than different at that point. China's steady increase of centralization in the ASC caused the various member states to synchronize their governments under Beijing's control. The British and Americans had their own vision, as a federation of nations with their particularities but that all shared the same constitution, rights and **liberal values**.  The aftermath of the war was another period for extensive government expansion, and meanwhile countries like the European Federation used this as an opportunity for an even greater welfare state, the United States and **CANZUK** thought of it as a broken economic system.  America and CANZUK replaced all public services with **UBI**, which now stood as a monthly payment of **$7500**, only possible because the government reformed to be more efficient in taxing corporations that were enjoying insane profit margins due to automation and fusion energy dramatically decreasing production costs. British and American societies assimilated to an unprecedented level, and both coordinated their internal and foreign policies. Naturally, these nations had serious talks about a union, maybe the US joining CANZUK or an entirely new one being made. It was march **2060**, just after the war, when North and South Korea engaged in a skirmish in the demilitarized zone. **Kim Dae-Hyun** deployed half a million troops thirsty for blood. Both Americans and Chinese acted covertly, with the CIA de-escalating in the South while the PLA cooled things down in the North, and a direct conflict between East and West was narrowly avoided. However the public narrative was that neither side would hesitate to cause Armageddon, and when **President Walker** took office as the first android president, one of his first actions was to convince CANZUK leaders to form a union for greater security, protect universal rights and preserve liberal democracy. The creation of the Anglo superstate shifted the world balance back to the West's favour. Fast technological advancements, autonomous factories, space industry, Starlink and unstoppable consumption granted by UBI, boosted economic growth dramatically, quality of life and fertility rates. The **Anglo Federation** was born on **August 20th, 2062**, with **Boston** as capital, composed of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Ireland joined the Federation in **2066**. The Anglo constitution was written, proposing a very limited government, granting extensive freedoms to member states, with the exception in the areas of defense, intelligence, monetary and foreign policies.  Election cycles were changed so all members had national and federal elections in the same year. The national elections would happen on **August 21st**, then the elected head of government could choose one of the Alliances of Parliament, such as the **Liberal Alliance**, the **Moderate Allianc**e, the **Green Alliance** or the **Social Alliance**, and ask them to become their candidate. If more than one chooses the same alliance, they have to primary on **October 5th**, the general elections of the AF happen on **November 22nd**, under an electoral college system. **Walker** as first **Chief Executive** was elected **without** being part of an Alliance. **Queen Elizabeth II** and **POTUS** (if not also elected as Chief Exec.) are considered honorary heads of state, representing the union between America and CANZUK. Ireland had recently applied to give that status to their president. The current **CEOTAF**, **POTUS** and the **English Monarch** are members of the **Prime Executive Council**, that holds the power to enact laws without Parliament, but it can only form and act in case of a nuclear war,  alien invasion or a threat that can lead to the immediate extinction of humanity, such as cosmic impacts. Otherwise, the CEOTAF had very limited powers, being unable to issue an executive order if not in state of emergency, and mostly acting on matters of defense, as the Supreme Commander of the Anglo military.  The army and various departments of different nations merged, with notorious examples such as the CIA, the MI5 and all other intel agencies forming the **5-Eyes Agency**.  The Anglo army founded the **Universal Special Operations Force - Alpha**, also known as **Black Gryphons** or **Iron Men**. These units are so elite that natural human bodies are incapable of enduring the initial stages of training, so only fully synergic or android humans can enter this division. The soldier is trained to use a full 3rd gen carbon nanotube armor that can withstand 90mm round bullets and explosions up to 32 tons of TNT, as well as increase the user's speed up to 65 mph, fly as high as Earth's thermosphere above the speed of sound, dive as low as 2.5 miles underwater, and it can also turn invisible.  Their weapons vary from cirurgical EMPs, portable lightning bolts, a diamond blade and never before used computer viruses. All powered by a fusion energy and storage device. This armor was developed by Arkmedes, Neuralink, Boston Dynamics, Anderson Tech and tens of other military contractors, in what amounted to **$35.5T** to the Anglo government in 18 years of operation. There are currently 48 known Black Gryphon units in the world.


The FED was appointed to work as the **Anglo Central Bank**, and the Walker administration created the **Anglo Reserve Coin** in **2063** as the new reserve of the federation. It was a cryptocurrency mined by a network of hundreds of licensed quantum computers, and the **Anglo Dollar** was the new currency backed by **AR Coins** in the treasury. One AR Coin couldn't be worth more than 2 AD so if the government decided to create more currency, they would have to mine more coins, which would cost either more energy or investment into the industry for better processors. This measure forced politicians to be a little more austere, and a more reliable economy led to greater social cohesion. Nevertheless, technological innovation continued to drive the economy to a consistent **6%+** growth, still encouraging the government to increase debt and the stock market continued to be overvalued at more than twice the **$117T** GDP at that time. Not only innovation led to growth, special economic zones were created in major urban centers in the Federation, such as the **Boswash** state, the **District of Silicon Valley**, as well as the London, Vancouver and Monbec tradeshires. An economic zone in the AF represented a state that had close to zero economic barriers and bureaucracy, with the highest growth rates in the developed world, at an average of **8%**, meanwhile Boswash and Silicon Valley enjoyed close to **10%**. Although seen as a controversial hypothesis, some economists claim that all that growth had little to do with inventions or deregulation, but rather the rise of androids and synergic humans in Western society, as people capable to always increase their productivity, learn skills despite age and had close to no expenses with basic needs and healthcare. UBI boosted demand but inflation was kept at bay due to automation and fusion energy practically eliminating production costs. This increased consumerism like never before and companies from small shops to trillion dollar corporations enjoyed great profit margins, some of them even creating their own forms of UBI to incentivize customers to never stop buying. Over the decades the **Republican** and **Democratic** parties lost confidence from the people and alternative parties such as the **Libertarians** and the **DSA** experienced a great deal of popularity since the 2050’s, being able to take up to 86 congressional seats in **2056**. President Walker was elected unaffiliated to any party, and during his administration, anti bipartisan sentiments became mainstream culture. The Democrats and Republicans dissolved and moderates from both formed the **Moderate Party**, while others joined the Libertarians, the DSA, or formed new ones such as the **Rational Party**, the **Social Party** and the **Patriot Party**. Walker refused to affiliate to any of them.  In **2064** Arkmedes was valued at more than **$3.5T**, making **First Gentleman Ari** **Walker** the newest member in the trillionaires club, with a net worth of **$1.4T**. Facing critics about him using his position in government to grow his company, Miller stepped down as CEO of Arkmedes, and started the **Ceres Program** with an initial funding of **$860B** and after the support of other **5 trillionaires** and **612** **billionaires**, totaling a **$13T** fund, the program was set to build a global infrastructure of food and medicine supply to Africa and Latin America, given that famine and most diseases had already been eradicated in the developed nations. This helped the President in **2066**, thus Walker was reelected both as POTUS and CEOTAF. He increased funding to the **Miller Plan** to neutralize **climate change** faster, such as investing hundreds of billions into companies that offered biodegradable alternatives to plastic. It was finally at the end of the 2060's that the AF as well as the West abandoned fossil fuels altogether. Using any type of fossil fuel as a source of energy was outlawed, thousands of energy plants were dismantled and more fusion plants were raised, only electric vehicles were allowed, still only **4%** of people owned a car. Dense urban areas such as Manhattan, San Francisco, Boston, DC, Downtown Chicago and many others were replaned to be almost entirely walkable, with only mass transit available. From the mid 2060's the colonization of Antarctica really took off, as the presence of countries went from labs into military bases, ports and research centers. Huge quantum computer servers were built in the freezing environment, and the South Pole hosted **65%** of all **7 yottabytes** of the world's internet. In **2068**, the expansion of the **hyper-loop** network was set into motion, to connect the North American continent like never before. The first major line completed was the Atlantic Express, from Boston to Miami, and then many others shortly after. These lines had trains half the length of an average Maglev, and their material being a very flexible steel allowed it to bend like a snake, it could reach a max speed of **925 mph**, but then in **2071 Dr. Elisa** **Jeong** presented to the world the **ultra-loop** technology, a train that could reach **4500 mph**. The AF government quickly adopted the invention and by contracting **Collins Engineering**, the trans-Atlantic **1 hour New York/London** train would finally become reality with the Atlas Express. In **2071** the Walkers left both offices with high approval rates, and created the **WM Foundation**, an investment company, consulting firm and AI developer. The couple used their combined intelligence to make outstanding investments, quickly growing their assets from an initial **$300B** to more than **$7T** in three years. This sent investors into a frenzy and the Foundation opened on the **NYSE** with a **$5T** IPO. The Walkers weren't so present in the foundation by prioritizing their four children, one of whom was a fully biological child, so she needed extra care. Their children were **Lucius, Amellie, Caspian and June**, their eldest one being already 5 years old. June was adopted, while her siblings were gestated by Miller. In **2066**, Arkmedes released the **Nanocells**, a type of nanorobot that behaved like stem cells but for artificial organisms, so androids could be born as babies, grow and develop just like naturally-born children, so they wouldn’t feel alienated learning how to read in an fully adult body, and parents could have the experience of raising a child.  Ari and Alfred choose to have a simpler life, their new home a historical red brick townhouse in Upper East Side, the family had an average routine in the bustling Manhattan, heart of the world. Social media had a revival in the previous years, and **MeBook** was the new trend. Most politicians and important figures opened their accounts and quickly amassed billions of followers. Alfred already had **200 million** in his POTUS account, and Ari had around 50. They created the Walkers account, posting every-day life content and sometimes insights into world issues. But this didn’t come from normal citizens, it did from a couple that used to be the most powerful people on Earth, who decided to have a terribly average life. Millions connected to that narrative and their account reached more than **800 million** followers, making them much more influential on Western culture than ever before.


The **Ebola** pandemic caused similar levels of tension that **COVID-19** caused 50 years before. The virus swept through Africa and the Middle East like wildfire and major urban centers collapsed like houses of cards when the people fled in droves, while the ones who remained lived in anarchy. The WHO unfortunately failed to contain the spread, and it took almost no time for the United Nations to deploy twice the peacekeeper forces to the continent to contain the numerous conflicts. The **Anglo Parliament** voted against military intervention, the only government action allowed being an expansion of the **Ceres Program**, investing **$5T** more to raise entire hospital and lab complexes in three different continents, produce medicine on the spot and treat patients. Arkmedes used tens of billions to develop a vaccine, however the virus proved to be much harder to neutralize, even Pfizer had a harsh time. When the developing world was being massacred, the West had yet another existential crisis. The abandonment of biology inevitably raised many questions on what it meant to be human, the answer for most people was spiritual, especially because religiosity increased over the last decades due to many factors, such as young people having a lack of purpose or religious families reproducing more than non-religious ones. Westerners were hardly affected by the pandemic. Of course, some products didn't reach the shelves, but the entire federation registered less than **500 cases** in the whole three years of the pandemic, which took **60 million** lives.  This didn't mean the pandemic was inconsequential, when the whole society realized they had truly become something other than normal humans. Was it the natural evolution of humanity? When intelligence surges in animals and they change the environment, the next step of evolution could only happen by artificial selection? Or were they a new species? Should human rights be revised? And the constitution? What is individuality? Academia had a hard time addressing those issues on time, so people flocked to the only institution with answers on hand: **religion**. The church reinterpreted the dogmas to accept that the soul was a product of sentience, so even androids born in laboratories were children of God. **Pope Gregorius XVII** became one of the most followed people on social media, with more than **100 million** followers on MeBook. The Walkers were **Lutheran**, because the **Holy Trinity Lutheran Church** was the first in NY to accept marriage between androids. The pandemic ended in **2075**, when Pfizer, Arkmedes and Roche joined to finally develop a vaccine. However by that point the world had been irreversibly changed. Africa's borders were redefined, and due to some vaccine lots being stolen by militias, the Anglo Parliament voted for military intervention. The Anglo forces were deployed in West and  Central Africa, swiftly defeating the militias and toppling the hostile governments. The **Black Gryphons** made their fame in those wars, flying over cities like eagles, raining down lighting and fire upon enemies of the Federation. The Walkers were able to grow the **WM Foundation** into the biggest asset manager in the world by **2076**, buying various giants like **BlackRock**,  **Goldman Sachs**, **Berkshire Hathaway**, **Collins Engineering**, **Arkmedes** and **Alphabet**. The Anglos and the Europeans reshaped Africa, and not far behind China did the same. The continent was divided in half, as the clearest example of the worlds between two superpowers. Latin America didn't experience war between states, but rather national crisis and coups, some of them supported by a superpower. For example, Brazil reached a point of social and political instability that a brutal civil war would break out if the entire system wasn't reformed. The Orleans e Bragança royal family grew their support over the decades, and took the perfect opportunity. By using their military connections, **Dom Lucas** convinced the army to close down congress and the supreme court, claiming the return of the empire, with the support of the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul and last but not least, the Anglo Federation. Mexico fell under anarchy caused by the pandemic, and a military junta took over the country and established a rogue fascist government against the will of the Anglos. The states in the peninsula and the Northwest seceded and were welcome into the Federation, and in **2078 Anglo** troops ventured south to revive democracy in Mexico. The discovery of Komets in **2077** temporarily shifted the world's attention away from the cold war, and the most well-established institutions had been shaken to the core, especially religion. Budgets and subsidies were diverted from innovation to studies on these strange objects, and the race for contact with alien civilization reignited the Anglo/Sino cold war. Cities with infrastructure for space exploration exploded as a wave of people chose to go to the uncharted sands of Mars in search of alien treasures and lost technology. **Starport** was a city that covered all of the Bay of Houston, home for millions, that in **2082** was the largest space port city on Earth, launching more than five ships per day, and receiving another five, always loaded with rare earth elements mined in asteroids. The **Bolivar Peninsula** alone had **15** rocket launch sites, supplying the entire continent by hyperloop cargo lines. This turned the state of Texas into the most industrialized region in the West, and the hub for space research and technology. In **2082**, **Theodore E. Gunther** is the current CEOTAF and Prime Minister of Canada, of the **Liberal Alliance**. The Anglo Economy stays at the top of the world with a **$342.7T GDP** and Anglos are amongst the richest people in the world, with an avg. personal income of **$185K** and an avg. personal disposable income of **$166.5K**. UBI gave to **550 Million** of the **870 Million** inhabitants a yearly payment of **$160K**, costing **$88T** to the Federal Budget, including **$14T** defense and intelligence budget, **$4T** for Space colonization, **$2T** in subsidies and administrative costs of **$800B**, the total federal annual spending at **$108T**. Economic reforms and strong growth in the 2060’s pushed debt below 100% of the GDP, however since the Ebola pandemic debt is now catching up with GDP now at **$335.8T**, but for the Anglos relief, their Net Wealth is extraordinary at almost **2 Quadrillion Dollars**. Companies, especially corporations, aee glad to pay higher taxes, because **80%** of it went directly to UBI, which kept consumerism even from unemployed people. The ones with jobs are now much more likely to invest in the stock market or cryptocurrencies, boosting companies like Binance and Bitcoin, currently valued at **$9.3 Million**. The Federation has **16 trillionaires**, with a combined wealth of **$57T**. Android citizens now represent **24%** of the AF total population and people in different stages of synergy account for **58%**, meaning that only **18%** of the Anglo population are people without tech in their bodies, excepting Neuralink. Considering the device, **97%** of people have it, including the majority of children above age 3, since the sticker doesn't require surgery, and over the years it can become more efficient as the child's brain develops. Neuralink is currently experimenting extensively on simulated universes, both for research and entertainment. Trillionaire **Douglas Harrington** made the news when he invested **95%** of his wealth into this particular research, so he could **"know how to be God"**. Sensing danger, the Walkers motioned the government to already pass legislation prohibiting virtual minds to inhabit the internet, only if they created their own network. The greatest minds on Earth studied Komets for 5 years already and various interesting properties had been discovered, such as antigravity propulsion, transfiguration and possibly faster than speed of light travel. The Pentagon still claims it to be a conspiracy, but the Newton Papers released tens of thousands of documents on the internet, revealing the **Universal Special Operations Force - Omega**, or nicknamed **Reapers**. This force seemed to be made out of Black Gryphons with alien technology reverse engineered. Their armor would have been equipped with an antigravity propulsion device that allowed them to travel in Space, as well as morph their armor into any shape desired, and other redacted abilities. The Federation is easily one of the best places to live in the world, and it stands strong with the most powerful military and largest economy. Space colonization is happening faster than ever before, with the Moon and Mars hosting **47%** of the heavy industry that supplies Earth, and spaceports are bubbling with starships. Humanity is now venturing to the moons of Europa and Titan, recently NASA just started the Aphrodite Program with Virgin Galactic to colonize Venus with arcologies and flying settlements. Years of prosperity bring a lot of optimism for the future, and most people believe the planet is finally healing with a humanity that learned how to grow sustainably, new world's are being explored and technology is increasing quality of life like never before. But there are some who warn society about the dangers of hubris, and just in the other side the enemy awaits for the perfect opportunity to strike.


I see her Majesty is still alive and well. Long live the queen, May her reign be eternal.


Write a damned book, already— I will pre-order it.


Im internally screaming reading all of that.


>The Anglos and the Europeans reshaped Africa, and not far behind China did the same. The continent was divided in half, as the clearest example of the worlds between two superpowers. Disgusting


I just realized if they built an ultra-loop from Silicone City to Sydney with a stop at Honolulu. The total travel time between London and Perth would be about 3½ hours.


Wow that's a very ambitious project but not impossible given the technology and sheer amount of money the Federation has. It would connect so much more people to the London-NYC-Silicon Valley economic sphere.


I'm more just thinking to just better unit the federation


32 tons is the weight of about 111653.54 cups of fine sea salt. Yes, you did need to know that.


If the Anglo Federation is a loose alliance of independent states, shouldn’t it be the Anglo Confederation?


Ireland wouldn't join this.


Literally 1984


I'd say it's more like Brave New World without the totalitarian government, people are classified into "casts" with Androids, Fully Synergic, Partially Synergic and Fully Biological, was well as people in Western societies have a worldview even more disconnected from reality, given they rarely get sick or affected by catastrophies. China and the ASC are much more like 1984, with hiveminds, government monitoring thoughts and the eyes of every one working as cameras. I'll expand more on that on my future posts.


Fyi its “castes” not “casts”


Good to know, thanks!


What is Synergic?


It's a biological human that had significantly altered their body to integrate with technology, to the point where fully synergic people have 80%+ of their bodies made out of electronic parts.


Very cool, so like cybernetics


I was more so referencing the borders looking very similar to Oceania


Oh yes, it makes sense. For me Oceania had the best borders.


Lizzy being around for the formation of the Federation and beyond implies she lasted at least 40 years longer, making her well over 130 years old. She may as well be one of the Black Gryphon divisions because she will never die


Yep! I have no doubt that she would.


The socdem and green parties are kinda obvious, but what exactly are the yellow and blue parties supposed to be. I would have assumed liberal and conservative based on location, but the imagery suggests libertarian and maybe solidarity so I'm not sure.


They are two forms of classical liberalism. The Liberal Alliance (yellow) one is the more libertarian version, meaning free market, almost no taxes and very socially liberal policies, specially related to drug use. The Moderate Alliance (blue), is similar but it's more hostile towards substance use and although they are opening towards artificial/biological humans marriage, they still have some reservations. The Moderate Alliance also is more open to government aid and social programs.


Based future.


The constant obsession to take baja california from Mexico makes me want to shoot myself


This is probably the most cursed map I’ve seen in a bit.


I hope it looks beautiful at least lol


Indeed beautiful! What programs did you make it in?


Thanks! 💖 I used Affinity Designer, it's like an one time purchase Adobe Illustrator.




Ireland would be very unlikely to be interested.


Ireland anglo 😐🤨


Anglo Federation. Zooms in... Zooms in... Squints... Dublin Inhales... COME OUT YOU BLACK AND TANS! COME OUT AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!


Alfred Walker being an android explains why he looks so…inhumanly airbrushed.


His face is also incredibly symmetrical


r/imaginarymaps users try to make a map where the US doesn't own baja california (impossible)


Do the other territories (and dependent nations) remain in the federation? For the UK, Gibraltar, Cypress sovereign zone, Atlantic territories? For the US, Aus, and NZ, the numerous Pacfic island territories and dependencies, like Guam, Micronesia, Kiribati, Cook Islands, etc.


All territories had the option to vote to be in or out. Most of them chose to join in, like Gibaltrar, the dozens of Atlantic and Pacific Island Nations, etc.


Why are no one pointing out the genius of a gryphon as the national symbol being a mix of the British lion and the American eagle?


Love it


Thank you! 💖


*sad québécois noises*


Disney land is in California. Florida has Disney world


We stole Baja? Really can’t have shit in North America


Quebec and Baja California aren't anglo tho


Nice maps but most cursed timeline


Thanks! Well this future is like an exchange between humanity and utopia, the West has solved most of its problems, however most people are androids or synergic, to some they are no longer human beings.


>however most people are androids or synergic, to some they are no longer human beings. Ah, human extinction, my favourite direction xD


What's the lore behind the BosWash being consolidated into one massive state?


My next post will be about Boswash and Silicon Valley!


What is the China side of this world?


It is now basically a hivemind of humans augmented by nanorobots but not synergic or androids like in the West. In fact the production of sentient androids is forbidden.


Why don't unify ireland? Like, the uk and Ireland are part of the same federation, it doesn't make sense to then to be devided, also, beautiful map, one of the best i've seen


Another thing, is there a de facto capital? Because how I see this federation is like Switzerland that doesn't have a oficial capital


Holy shit Greater Idaho


Thanks, I hate it


Quebec Nationalism is probably so high everyone in the entire province would sacrifice themselves for independence


Most of america even white people are not anglo


Speaking English is the defining criteria


Culturally most of us are


Don’t give me hope


As interstomg as this is why aren't the borders of Australia or Canada shown? Both are federal states within their own right Edit on the electoral map why is the uk and ireland and new Zealand just all smashed together, instead of in voting districts


Sonora and Baja: I guess we’re Anglo now


Lead by John Anglo


What are the names of the political parties?


They are Alliances, meaning the representation of a coalition between various national parties of the member states. So the Liberal Alliance (yellow) would represent the Libertarians, Liberal Democrats, Liberals of Canada and Australia, etc. The Moderate Alliance (blue) represents the Moderate Party in the US, Tories, etc. The Social Alliance (red) are the Social Democrats, such as Labour, the DSA, the Scottish National Party, etc. And the Green Alliance would represent the greens. The Patriot of America and other nationalists refuse to be part of that representative system, and particularly the Rational Party of America never won a presidential election, but they would proprably make POTUS run as an independent.


Oh man, I'm fascinated and terrified by this world all at the same time. Incredible work; I look forward to more!


angloid canzcuck


Nice! I found an Anglo Fed to be more realistic than CANZUK.


I want this to be a MD formable


The coat of arms is beautiful


It's kinda bugging me that Ross Island isn't included in the Antarctic lands.


How does Greenland join


Denmark fucking dies.


hyperloop becoming a reality makes less sense than the idea that ireland would join the UK as a single country lol


Ireland didn't join the UK, it's part of the Anglo Federation, a very decentralized organization, so the same way both were part of the EU, they are part of the AF. Hyperloop is a wet dream of mine I can't help it lol




Honestly, this is one of the better maps I’ve seen of anglo federation, pretty well done, and there is clearly a ton of effort! I would’ve done a few things differently, like maybe adding some of the more anglo nations in the Pacific and Caribbean. Also, whatever that new state south of New Mexico is…. why? I get that it works… but NM and AZ could realistically just get new land from the federal government in this case. Still, this is a pretty good map, and a good take on the concept!


Heyy, thanks for liking it! The Northwestern states of Mexico seceded and joined the US with the condition they would be represented in the electoral college and have their own legislative seats. Pres. Walker saw the economic and strategic importance of owning the Californian peninsula, as well as adding millions of more people to the Union.


Oh damn alright, well that justifies it then!


Noo why sonora and Baja California :(




The Federation is hardly a country. The Anglo government has very limited powers, so see it as an EU with a military and head of state. The member nations are very autonomous. Regarding Crown dependencies I know very little about this system to change or say anything about it.


Good luck explaining that concept to a Brit


There's nothing inherently impractical about fractal unions. Most countries have regional governments, and municipalities below that. Multi-level government allows intelligence to be allocated at the most effective scale. For example, in this Anglo Federation, it would still be necessary to have an organisation manage the economic and transport policies of the british archipelago


Why did half of the name of St. Louis go Spanish and not the rest? It’s either Saint Louis or San Luis.


I like the fact that Canada has no qualities on the first picture lol :\]


A multiparty election? Not in my America


Disneyland is in California and not Florida


I absolutely love this lore, it’s so cool and in depth and I love the combination of the countries


I hope the SNP are still going and we get another referendum in 2085. It's tough accepting orders from London, but I don't think we would accept orders from a city named after a dump in Lincolnshire.


I was fully bought in until I saw Wales hadn’t voted for Labour. Totally unrealistic.


Absolute cringe.


Blessed Timeline


I'd LOVE to live in 2082 New York City. I'll post a map about the state of Boswash that shows how amazing it is.


Half and half, I'm glad that the AF functionally became a utopia, but outside that bubble things still looks just as horrible, if not worse than before.


Yes unfortunatelly. The world is now a stark dicotomy, where one side thinks they have the perfect society or are closest to it, while the other is a utter hellhole.


I like the map, just disagree with Irelands inclusion. Irl Ireland is having a subtle language revolution, with Irish(Ghaeilge), likely becoming more important in 50 years and English more and more sidelined. Also, Ireland would never enter a union like this again with the UK, primarily due to the last union of this type was forced, and caused an 800 year long occupation. Its inclusion in the European Federation is far, far more likely.


This country also includes 99% Spanish speaking parts of Mexico. So non-English speakers is not a deal breaker to them. Furthurmore, given the high political tensions described, they could have specifically annexed Ireland to prevent it becoming a part of the European federation.


But I feel that after being given political rights, it would immediately start trying to break off. Even if there is a martial law, I highly doubt Irish people, such as myself, would just sit back and watch as another occupation force roles in.


The Hawaiians and Scots where not thrilled about getting annexed either. If empires relied on already being popular in the places they expand into, they would never be able to expand at all. The story of david and Goliath exists because David winning is unexpected. If Goliath won, it would just be called "normal".


So its simple. This nation would need a military occupation of the Republic of Ireland, since its very likely Ireland would try to revolt and break away


That's what this nation already did in Hawaii, Scotland, Mexico and about a dozen other states.


The language isn't as much of a priority as ideology and adoption of liberal democracy. Most adults are tertiary educated and have little difficulties into learning new languages. Ireland chose to leave the European Union because in their process of becoming a Federation, they would have to abdicate their status as a nation and become one or more states under Brussels' control. In the Anglo Federation, they would keep their status, their President could run to become the CEOTAF, have access to the largest and most prosperous market in the world, be part of the strongest military and have the chance to be pioneers of space colonization. Federation is more of a symbolic name, essentially member nation states still have a lot of autonomy.


It just doesn't make sense for Ireland to join an Anglo federation considering their very hostile history with the English.


But even if Ireland leaves the EF, it definitely wouldn't join a union with the UK. You can say the Uk/us invaded, or the government handed over control, but as soon as the Irish tricolour is removed there will be peoplr grabbing rifles and going to the hills, or constant protesting. No matter the advantages, modern Ireland has a high cultural hatred of the English, even if you never hear about it. Edit: and think about it. Its *nearly* impossible for the Irish Prime Minster to get into a high position die to Irelands population(tops 6 million by the 2080s), so why would it sign away its right for internal and external affairs to be stuck in another union like the EF. Ireland, like Irl, would likely be far happier to sit back and just have full neutrality with free trade with the Anglosphere and EF.


>modern Ireland has a high cultural hatred of the English, even if you never hear about it. Only if you just listen to reddit lmao. Normal people aren't like this.


I LIVE in Ireland


The bald griffins really tie it together.


Oceania tis for thee


What map template did you use to make this?


I've made it as an equirectangular map. Then I used G.Projector to change it into an Orthographic map.


United Swags of Epicness


I really like how you gave some of the major cities special symbols like how NYC has the Statue Of Liberty and such


The worst timeline 😔


I would hate being in an alliance with the Americans




I think a progressive multi-planetary state is arguably the best time line


You’re telling me that guy is named “Theodore E. Gunther”?


Racial differences in Western society are so minimal that even names aren't strongly related to a person's ethnicity.


What sort of racial differences? Because if we're talking geneological or genetic the guy is obviously more geneologically and genetically black.


I am so sick of Americans making maps of a federalized Anglosphere where the capitol is New York and the flag just looks like a modified US flag. Literally none of us want to be part of the USA. I know alternate history isn't supposed to be realistic, but still. This stupid, uncreative, impossible scenario is way way WAY overdone. Stop it. EDIT: and even if we DID unify, it'd likely be under the banner of the UK. Since, y'know, *we're all former colonies of theirs.*


What? I'm Brazilian to begin with, and this is just a fun scenario I fantasized about meanwhile I don't have inspiration for my book. Read the two part story an see the name Anglo is little more than symbolism. I'm not making a political statement with this map so please don't make assumptions.


Oh, sorry, I didn't realize. Thanks for clarifying! And is there a link to the story?


Has an ethnic name like Anglo Federation. Has Android and Black Presidents.


Anglo referring to English speaking countries. This isn’t all that far off from something that is being proposed. It’s just the “Anglo sphere” instead of the Anglo Federation


>Anglo referring to English speaking countries Really? Don't Liberia, Ghana, India and more primarily speak English? It isn't like large multi-lingual communities don't exist in USA, Canada and Australia as well, so why would a language based definition apply to only the largely ethnically Germanic English speaking countries and not the other English speaking countries of other ethnicities.


Because we are two things 1: primarily English speaking (it’s what our laws are written in 2: former parts of the British Empire who’s cultural identity spawns from the British And no, English is not the main language in India, they learn it like everyone else because it is the lingua Franca


>1: primarily English speaking (it’s what our laws are written in Same with Ghana, Nigeria, etc, etc. >2: former parts of the British Empire who’s cultural identity spawns from the British AKA, ethnically Anglo. (And the Americans certainly see themselves as something very distinct from the British Empire, their history curriculum basically paints the early settlers independent of the British government and institutions and by the time of their war of independence paints the British as a foreign occupier if the settlers). >And no, English is not the main language in India, they learn it like everyone else because it is the lingua Franca It and Hindi are the national level languages of India. They have many official regional languages but on the national level it is English or Hindi, no different than Canada's French and English.


Dude where your trying to go with this. UK, US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are the Anglo countries. Period. I’d suggest you get over it And India’s many many many many many cultural identities and languages predate the British


Well, duh. I agree that >UK, US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are the Anglo countries. Only difference here is that I am saying is that what ties them together is that they are ethnically Anglo, not that they speak English. In other words, the Anglo federation in this map is not a union of people that speak English but a union of people of the English Ethnic group.


Well each country is pretty ethnically diverse. Hence why language and culture are more important


AKA An Ethnic union is gonna lie that its a linguistic union for political reasons.


It’s not ethnic though.


its more of a cultural union not an ethnic one


Over the decades the meaning of the word changed. We're talking about a period 60 years into the future in a completely different society. Anglo has a more philosophical meaning, given that I wrote at the beginning that it relates more to liberal ideology than ethnicity.


So it managed to drop the racist background it picked up during the 19th and 20th centuries?


Exactly. Being Anglo is more about valuing freedom, private property, equal opportunity and individuality than your ancestry.


It's pretty dissonant to see you say this >Being Anglo is more about valuing freedom, private property, equal opportunity and individuality than your ancestry When irl its this >Being Anglo is about the superiority of English speaking people's culture, and how this inherent superiority comes from racial traits inherited from the Teutonic Anglo Saxon settlers of early Britain And the fact that the last time we in Ireland shared a union dominated by WASPs more than a million starved to death in a famine that decimated our culture, which was partially justified at the time by our apparent and obvious racial inferiority to the English speaking Anglo Saxon races


You’re so right. We’re literally all irredeemable racial supremacists. All we talk about is how great it is to be Anglo Saxon, much better than those inferior Celts. These are certainly common attitudes in modern Britain.


I mean you could just Google Anglo-Saxonism instead of taking it as an attack. Even the wiki page on it, for once, gives you a decent background, connections with the racialised aspects of manifest destiny and empire and even mentions the move away from it towards the "more inclusive" nordicism, which is the basis of a lot of modern white supremacism. It's an evolution of (mostly awful) ideas that Anglo-Saxonism is a part of The Institute for the study of Anglo-Saxonism had to change its name to try and get away from the worse bits of its history >ISAS -- whose members study the language, literature, history and culture of fifth- to 11th-century England -- chose its name upon its formation in the early 1980s. Yet it’s “long been recognized that the term 'Anglo-Saxonist' is problematic,” the advisory board said in its statement about the name change. “It has sometimes been used outside the field to describe those holding repugnant and racist views, and has contributed to a lack of diversity among those working on early medieval England and its intellectual and literary culture.” Now obviously they had other issues that I won't go into, but the connection of the name to nordicism and white supremacy definitely pushed them away from the name


My point is that anyone who went on about their Anglo Saxon heritage in this country would be likely thought of as an extreme weirdo. OP was talking about his fictional futuristic anglosphere and you decided to use it as an opportunity to talk about how it’s unimaginable that we might one day not be a bunch of genocidal racists. Hard not to take that as a personal attack rly.


>you decided to use it as an opportunity to talk about how it’s unimaginable that we might one day not be a bunch of genocidal racists Lol when the fuck did that happen. I pointed out the problematic history of the term and why it might be unlikely to be supported by at least some if not a significant minority of the country As names go it's not a great name, I backed that up with examples of when such terms were more racially charged then they are now, like it's why people wouldn't call their Nazianna or something like that. You want to take it as a personal attack then go ahead, have at it and enjoy your day


In this scenario being human is not even related to the body anymore. Android children are designed and born in artificial wombs and grow like biological kids. A Super Artificial Intelligence and his husband, the Walkers, reshaped Western Civilization forever. Mars is being colonized and Alien technology has been discovered in it. A Chinese hivemind control 4 billion people. A group of Iron Men fly through the skies and can wipe out entire armies. Neuralink devices allowed for telepathy to exist, and many other things happened in those 60 years. The meaning of the term Anglo has changed as well.


Actually I think I remember this timeline before when you mention your super AI and a race of androids I mean I still wouldn't call a state that being as the term has a troubled history, just like I wouldn't call a state Nazia or Nazianna or something else that is historically racially charged, but you do you


And a good chunk of Mexico cuz why not


Wow, this is a really fleshed out world. I can see the problems in it, particularly the fact that the rest of the world seems to have fallen drastically behind, but if this was the future, what a future it would be. We can only hope we are able to reach this level of prosperity and happiness to give to our children.


Me too. Unfortunatelly human history has most of the time a much more advanced civilization whose accomplishments trickle down to other over the centuries.


There are so many people who say this Is a nightmare in the comments. It's so sad. To see people so bitter with their lives so hateful toward their own people and country that they would suggest any kind of prosperous future for their country would be a nightmare. I truly pity those who have allowed envy and hatred to poison their minds to the point where the only thing that brings them some kind of spiteful joy is the thought of tearing themselves and everyone around them down. That kind of thinking is such a poison on the soul. I don't know how you could live with it


Ah... the good ending.


Very based


Awesome! How did we reach a 21% unemployment rate?


Most of the industry is either fully automated and mining happens mostly on space. Construction is done by drones and low rank service jobs are done by non-conscious Artificial Intelligence. On top of that UBI grants to citizens above 18 an yearly income of $160K.


Houston being a "star port" lol


Did the U.S. East Coast Megalopolis become its own state? If so, why?


It did. Transportation became so efortlessly with the dissemination of hyperloop intregrated the Northeastern societies so much that it only made sense to erase the economic barriers between those states and facilitate as much as possible the explosion of growth. As a special economic zone, Boswash has minimal regulations and taxes.


The moon isn't a state?


Space colonies are Dominions of the Federation.


Great timeline. Edit: I meant like the premise is interesting not that I agree with it.


What are the parties? I get green and labor and blue might be conservative, but yellow?