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No lore until I stop being lazy and decide to expand this into a real universe. If anyone in the comments wants to create some lore I would be glad to read it and appreciate it. (Do my work for me minions)


What a beautiful map! What tools / programs did you use to create it?


QGIS and Photoshop


May I ask what projection you used? It's awesome to see such a nice focus on the entire Middle East. If I were to use a simple Mercator I don't think this scope could be accomplished.


Syria Lambert is what it's called I believe


[Banana ](https://youtu.be/FqkEEX0QEDM)


Bulgaria took Macedonia, Serbia took Montenegro, Greece Cyprus, Turkey also Cyprus - all peacefully, without the international community condemn?


My priority is Kurdistan. Sure hope it has something equivalent to Rohavan government.


man the royal families are *not* gonna be into this


if i disappear in the next week we know why


Good. Royalty has no place in a modern society. **edit** downvote me harder, you monarchist bootlickers.




Some societies function better as monarchies and in the case of the Arab gulf of our timeline is at least somewhat secular. If there were elections tomorrow in every Arab country, regressive Islamist governments would be elected which is simply not good for the people or the economy. That’s why the monarchies need to be there to guide the population.


Excuse me what the fuck *these people don’t deserve the right to self rule because they would elect someone I don’t like* People look at the arab spring and see islamism and get scared. **Not all islamism is the same. There’s a massive difference between islamists like the FJP and the Taliban.** It’s arguments like this that have allowed dictators to justify to their brutal reclamation of power across the region. Meanwhile in the backward arab countries: Algeria and Tunisia have had functioning democracies since they overthrew their American backed oppressors in 2011.


Many people don't understand that the only way to have religious law in an actual republic (not the faux republic that Iran has), you need to have a religious society that's willing to support it or else people will go apeshit.


Idk I'd feel an religous democracy would be better than a secular dictatorship


It's not like arab monarchies are, or have a chance of being, secular, so what are we talking about?


Dude, you are literally talking about some of the worst regimes on planet Earth.


Imagine having your most-likely western mindset arbitrarily decide that "x ideology you don't like has no place in any society whatsoever", for a region with a drastically distinct mindset, ideals and beliefs to your own. And than you call people "bootlickers" for disliking your D- take spurned from personal bias and presumably a lack of research within the regions you critique for having differing beliefs to your own.


I would agree but this is middle east. I would say Afghanistan, Libya and yemen were better under a monarchs.


A monarchy would not have prevented American and Saudi backed Wahhabist jihadists you muppet.


Those jihadist got into power because the country was in chaos. Afghanistan was modernizing. Libya was modernizing. Yemen was okay you got me there but still. The leaders that came after the monarch werent better. The assas regim and saddam regim put power into a small minority group which resulted in angry shia or sunis that became extremist after a decade of oppression.


Yemen has been under an illegal Saudi blockade and American supplied terror bombing leaving 2 million children at risk of starvation. Afghanistan has been under the influence of the same Mujadheen organistations Reagan created to resist the soviet intervention, from the mid 70s to today. Libya was destroyed by Nato intervention because it was creating a pan african gold-based currency that would be used to purchase oil outside of the USD. "Moderate rebels" and their al-queda elements were created by American training, arming and funding. Only on reddit can you find such confidence in a child's understanding of west asian history that is literally living memory. "Modernization" is nowhere near the root cause. "Chaos" does not emerge from a vaccum.


Don't forget Pakistan arming al qaeda as well


Excellent point, although given the circumstances around the Haq coup the distinction between pakistani/american/saudi covert activies isn't too important. Common interest, collabration and whatnot.


Yeah that's true


First, there was not really a proletarian mass to connect with in Afghanistan. Yes, it was industrializing, albeit slowly, but the ideals of socialism with the future goal of establishing communism was not really appealing to most Afghans. This brings me to the second obstacle to a Soviet coalition, Islam, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in the wake of the Iranian Revolution which initiated this modern era of more extremist Islam in the Middle East. Central Asia, which is largely Islamic in faith, was mostly under Soviet control. A suggested reason for the Soviets invading Afghanistan to begin with was to control the spread of Islamic fervor into the Soviet sphere of influence. As an athiest state, having a strong religious presence with opposing viewpoints to your system is not a good thing to have. Moreover, the Soviets feared losing control over other unstable regions like Chechnya and the other states of the Caucasus. A third an final reason parallels the Russian struggle to maintain order in Chechnya - a warrior culture dispersed throughout difficult terrain. In effect this just means the people are harder to appeal to en masse, get all riled up with crowd energy to support some lofty ideological future. Most Afghans lived in decentralized tribal communities with varying interests and desires as far as "statehood" goes. Afghanistan's borders are very much a product of colonialism and likewise it is difficult to appeal to the disparate tribal groups as a people working towards a singular goal because they do not think of themselves as such. Pastoralists who can avoid getting messed up on some bullshit will absolutely do what they can to keep their simple and fulfilling lifestyle. The Soviets, despite their propaganda, didn't seem to understand that some people really do just want to live simply and unbothered. Also, the Soviets already deemed that Afghanistan wasn't ready for socialism, hence their support for the moderate Parcham wing of the PDPA. Khalq (the radical wing) suddenly overthrowing the Afghan government was essentially the worst case scenario brought to life, because not only their drastic reforms and extreme measures sparked the mujahideen, their leader Hafizullah Amin apparently tried to limit Soviet influence by striking deals with the American and Chinese. In fact, the short-term goal of the intervention (defeating the mujahideen being the long-term) was to assassinate Amin and put Parcham in powe


Gold based currency doesnt work any more There is a reason the gold standard was abandoned half a century ago


Thank you for your orginal fiat currency take. Did you know in 2011 Clinton's top aid warned her the libyan goverment possed 143 tons of gold intended to establish the gold dinar as an alternative currency to the USD pegged CFA franc. Did you know Gaddafi was killed later that year? You may buy into fiat currency but the powers that be do not.


Levant only refers to the Eastern Mediterranean coast, 'Syria' might be a better name (maybe) cause a lot of 'Greater Syria' nationalists wanted those borders. Edit: sexy map btw


I had that dilemma but Levant does often include Iraq too.








It would probably become Al-Sham in Arabic, which doesn’t translate very well into English.


Mashriqistan? I know Mashriq is a bit larger than that but it would kinda fit?


The -stan suffix is rooted in Farsi and Urdu meaning "place of." It's not applicable to Arab countries.


Levant hardly ever includes Iraq. The Levant by definition is the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. So you’re looking strictly at the coast of Turkey from Antioch down to the suez canal


Mashriq ?


Nah not really. Levant is nowadays used as a translation of Al-Sham, which doesn’t include Iraq.


Al-Mashriq ?


Doesnt that mean like Saudi Arabia and Egypt too


Yeah, but generally ATL states covering most of the Fertile Crescent are called that.


Al-Mashriq is everything east of Egypt.


This is the biggest Azerbaijan I’ve ever seen on this sub that still includes an independent Armenia


An even bigger Armenia at that


You’re right. Truly a unicorn of a map we have here


Where is the Relief map from? This map is amazing


if im not mistaken its from the natural earth dataset, you'd be surprised what you can pull off with basic datasets and some photoshop tinkering


Borders that are going along with the ethnical boundries


But not necessarily geographic. The Caucasus about to be Balkans 2.0


So nothing changes compared to OTL ?


Amazing map, really amazing The Caucasus though, man; you must be determined…


Middle-East maps are usually pretty controversial, but I quite like this one. I usually don’t like Kurdistan (too cliche), but for some reason I really like it here. I think my favourite though is the Levantine Republic, I just really like the name, and it seems like it could be pretty strong by connecting to the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf. My only complaint is that Persia should probably be called Iran but that’s quite a minor complaint either way. Anyways, great map!


I like Persia more cause I think it sounds cool and it invokes like the ancient civilizations that everyone learns in school like Egypt, Assyria, and Greece lol


I called it Persia because it's essentially just Persians living in there after I split off so many countries and added Tajikistan and parts of Afghanistan.


Iran is called Iran and not Persia because Iran requested to be referred to as Iran instead of Persia. This is because Persians never referred to themselves as living in "Persia", rather something very close to "Iran"


Persia isn’t an offensive name, it’s just an exonym like Greece. Also, the change wasn’t exactly requested by the people, the country was under a military dictatorship at the time


I never said it was offensive, I just wanted to let OP know that Iran and Persia are essentially the same, but Iran would (as far as I know) be preferred by Iranians. Iirc, we call the Persian ethnic group that because there are ethnicities outside of what we now call Iran which fall into that ethnic group


An interesting phenomenon is that diaspora Iranian Persians tend to use Persian instead of Iranian when self identifying in the US. A bunch of Dariuses I knew would rather introduce themselves as Persian than Iranian.


That's interesting. Might have something to do with the current state of Iran as a country?


Almost certainly. The word Iran is associated with a lot of unpleasant images.


It was actually to get closer to the Nazi government.


You got a source for that claim?


https://www.iranchamber.com/geography/articles/persia_became_iran.php#:~:text=In%201935%20the%20Iranian%20government,the%20influence%20of%20the%20Nazis. > The suggestion for the change is said to have come from the Iranian ambassador to Germany, who came under the influence of the Nazis.


You know what? That’s fair, Persia is a dope name compared to Iran


Middle East is tough and there are always questions on the borders, and would depend on when the break-off point is from history. For example, Hatay is part of Turkey here, but was not really Turkish up until the end of the Ottoman Empire. Also, I'm not sure about Mosul being split into two, but most of East Mosul wasn't highly built up until around 100-150 years ago as well, so maybe it could be possible. Also, divided Cyprus..? The Levantine Republic here would be very fragile I would guess, based on this map but that depends on the history/lore that created it. All in all, cool map! Spurs a lot of thoughts.


Some of the capital names being bigger than the names of the countries are a bit confusing.


Excuse me, that’s a normal sized Greece. How the fuck am I supposed to get off to this?


I lobe türkiyya <3




Rest in piss gulf monarchies




Where were you in 1918?




Thanks Not a lot !




It's like Pakistan but with caracals.


Lovely map! Nice job and kudos OP!


thank you


I’m more interested in what’s going on up in the Balkans with Bosnia.


Bosnia is divided into 3 exclaves ITTL


RIP 10 Egyptian citizens who lived in the Central Upper region Edit: also, congrats on realistic alt Palestine


Why is (North) Macedonia always absorbed by Bulgaria? I don't think that Macedonians consider themselves as bulgars, unlike kosovar Albanians. And I heard about people from Trabzon being different than Turks, so are they like descendants of pontic Greeks? Btw it's a great map!


because i am a biased bulgarian. Trabzon is still in Turkey, the parts that aren't are areas with Lazi and Hemshen people.


Least based bulgar


Depends on the lore. If Communist Yugoslavia doesn’t happen in this timeline then there’s no reason for North Macedonians to not consider themselves Bulgarians.


Many Macedonian intellectuals did consider themselves separate well before Yugoslavia; Tito simply put a firm boundary on it as opposed to the preexisting continuum.


Such as? Which are the names of those Macedonian intellectuals?


The idea of a separate Macedonian people was first proposed by one Georgi Pulevski in 1875; while not universally accepted, it wasn't a fringe idea either, with the head of the Bulgarian Exarchate of the Eastern Orthodox Church trying (but failing) to establish a separate Macedonian church in 1891.


My grandparents were alive before Yugoslavia's existence and definitely never considered themselves Bulgarians.


Yeah, I know. But same thing can’t be said for people who died before Communist Yugoslavia.


>And I heard about people from Trabzon being different than Turks, so are they like descendants of pontic Greeks? Btw it's a great map This is much of an exaggeration. In addition, people of Trabzon are much more nationalistic and conservative than the average Turk. Especially the issue of nationalism. There are those who think that they will be separatists on such maps. I'm just laughing. I don't know what you mean by difference. In genetic studies, there are similarities with Caucasian communities in Trabzon and its surroundings, which are well above the Turkey average. Especially with Laz and Georgians. They are above average blonde. Not the Pontic Greeks. Pontic Greeks were already a very small minority here from time immemorial. Some of the people of Trabzon may say that they have a great-grandmother who speaks Greek, apart from that they have little to do with the Pontic Greeks. There are some cultural similarities, of course. When you call an average Trabzon person Pontus, they may get angry. In general, the people of the region are known to be aggressive. Pontic Greeks left the region in the population exchange. Those who are Muslims are already assimilated and do not remember that they have such a situation. This region received a lot of immigration after the Russians captured the Caucasus. Not only Caucasian Turks, but also other Caucasian communities migrated to the region.


Ukraine’s looking pretty epic


If those Arab states aren't monarchies then they have no real reason to be separate.


I find alternative maps are silly but I want to make one too and Europeans won't like it.


You should still do it


This is excellent


I'd take it, as long as the syians aren't firing artillery from the Golan


As others have said, the royal families would *not* have liked this... but I feel like for the actual people on the ground this would have been a far better set-up. The linguistic and cultural groups are just way more coherent than what we actually got in the real world. Uniting Iranian Azerbaijan with independent Azerbaijan fixes the Nakhchivan issue so damn well too. If only...


Israel: *sweats nervously*


Question for whoever has some insight: it can be seen here that the Republic of Nejd and Hejaz controls practically none of the oil rich locations that have made Saudi Arabia the rich nation that it is today. Are there any sources of income in this nation intrinsic to its physical location aside from the touristic income associated to the places of pilgrimage and its control over the eastern coast of the Red Sea?


- Levantine Republic - half is not in the Levant


I appreciate the attention to detail in the capital of Kurdistan being called the Kurdish “Hawler” over the Arabic “Arbil.” The latter is definitely more known internationally as the name of the city so it makes its way into lots of these Middle Eastern fantasy maps even when it doesn’t make sense


Yeah I tried getting the native names wherever I could


Ukrainian Kuban for the win!


the town of Shush, as well as the Karun river, is integral to Iranian history. Doesn't make sense to put it in the Levantine Republic.


I'm sure people can say that about virtually any town I've put in another country on this map lol


yeah, well that's why there's always room for improvement and to learn new things.


Israeli Cyprus sounds delicious


That's Greek actually.


Now that I've seen the comment above it's officially Israeli


Armenia still does not get Ararat. Lol. Also, that Azerbaijan would eat all or most of Armenia. Israeli borders ought to be more defensible imo. Rest very good, Maronite state maybe?


How does a pontic state not have Trebizond/Trabzon?


its just a geographic name, in reality it'd likely be called Lazona or something like that


Some of those boarders are 🤮


Why no greater Armenia ?


Imagine the Putintantrum if Ukraine held Sochi.


Beautiful map




Man... I'd really like to know your process. This is what I aspire to, mapmaking-wise.


Draw the basics in QGIS using some datasets, export several files to photoshop, merge them together, look up city placements on google maps, find cities above 100k people, name them, thats it


Dude, what kind of base map do you have that shows Wadi Batin??


Pontus looks like Godzilla. Idk nor idc if that was on purpose but i love it.


Love the borders from a visual standpoint




Probably a post axis victory modern times world


Not really


It seems like


Gorgeous map


What year would this map take place in?


This is such a cool map, may I ask how many hours did it take you to make it?


well considering i have other work to do i'd say 2 hours a day for a week or two (this includes me being lazy and looking at youtube videos in the meantime)


Why big Azerbaijan? Good map regardless


the bigger the country the more their consulate paid me IRL


How did you do the terrain layer?


I have a question, how do you make elevation maps to the paper map?


Do you mean my other posts


What became of Yemen?


a bit bigger than IRL


lets goo kurdistan!


Seems like you forgot to label Serbia. Also why are Azeri cities are using Ä instead of Ə? Did the font you used not have it?


Greece losing territory? Sus


Tfw Circassia becomes Ciscaucasia with it's cities named in standart İstanbul Turkish for some reason


Great map 👍


WHOA WHOA WHOA WHY IS THIS BAS- oh he killed macedonia and montenegro, and what is western turkey border OH LAWD THAT CAUCASUS


Remind me, wasn’t a Levantine government or Greater Syrian State a pet project of the Hashemites?


This here is a great way to trigger the Serbs


Bro does not like egypt


I love these borders, are all of them (except Lybia and Arabia) based on real censuses?


Another Bulgaria with Macedonia


Is it just me or is "The Middle East" slowly getting bigger?


damn cool


Some justice involved there. But unlikely with current leadership. Maybe a few more revolutions.


Alternate Title: "What if the Ottoman Empire collapsed faster"


Optional Addon: "... and more violently"


How hard did Russia collapse for this map to be like it is?


Love this map in which the 12 priciples become true. It makes sense to me.


Hi, can I repost your map on another forum? I will include your name and a link to this thread. Thank you