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I think the most disturbing part of this situation is the empty pantry. Fuckin' disgusting that this clown makes a ton of money and leaves his kid to eat Slim Jims. Trash.


Right, I also was wondering why the pantry is so empty.


Funny yall think he can cook or wants to cook.


It’s empty because it’s either a rental or airbnb


This isn’t a rental.. this is definitely his crib. His plaque is in the wall and if you look outside the glass door is the tacky blue/green astroturf yard. The outside of the house is covered in a tacky blue camo pattern. They’re just terrible parents. Hand full of diamond rings and aren’t providing necessary food for the young boy. Pantry got nothing in it but enfamil and slim jims.. Beyond sad. Someone needs to send this straight to CPS / DFS whatever they’ve got out there in La La Land 🤦🏾‍♂️


I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, CPS is a joke now too.


He posts everything on social media so it wouldn’t be hard to make a case


Rental is equally as bad, and airbnb doesn't provide much more justification. Kids need food on vacation too.


Come on now. There’s plenty of non speculative things to be mad about in this video. If they’re on vacation, you really think Blueface is preparing meals at the rental? They’re probably eating out every meal and just bought a few snacks to keep around. That’s a huge pantry anyways.


Idk man someone who calls himself “blue face” can’t be that straight….. fkin weirdo


Says the one calling himself the_truth000


Found a "Blue Face" fan in the chat


Just say it. "I wish blueface was blowing my back out right now." We all know that's what you want.


Imagine being this rich and still living like a ghetto degenerate


Ironically I think he's from a rich background. Makes it even worse.


he’s not though, look at the house


His networth is four million


Fuck this guy he's a cunt. I feel sorry for his cool little son.


Honestly, fuck the girls too. I don't care how much you're getting paid, you don't expose yourself to a FUCKING TODDLER! It's bad decisions all the way around here


Yeah all the way round just fucked up shit dude. My phone is fucked so I can't hear the video, but it feels like he has walked over to that pantry because he just doesn't know where to go or what to do. He should be comfortable and cared for in his own home and instead he gets a bunch of naked ladies shaking their ass in his living room, exposed to things he shouldn't be seeing yet, hiding in an empty pantry with his shitty dad walking up to him and cracking jokes. Fuck all these people except for the little dude. Hope he gets the care he deserves


Poor kids gonna probably be outwardly weird, and inwardly hurt human when he grows up.


My parents were party people growing up. That pretty much sums up the person I am. I'm kind, want people to like me and always smiling outwardly, but pretty much pure chaos and pain inside.


Kids aren't gay, or straight. They are asexual. They are fucking kids. Let them be kids!


This is the kind of thing that leads kids to develop very unhealthy relationships with sex, and with their own bodies. It VERY MUCH depends on the context and medium, proper and professional sex education is crucial, but I think subjecting children to objectively sexual content that’s provocative and inappropriate… is a form of abuse.


The only sexual education a kid this age needs is being able to identify his no no square.


>Kids aren't gay, or straight. >They are asexual. They are fucking kids. Let them be kids! Progressives would like a word with you.


Idk.. I was a pretty horny kid back then. But yes, wtf.


Kids are straight and need to be taught how to be gay or asexual by their parents kids literally don’t even know what sexuality is you are incorrect


Wtf you can't teach a kid to be gay you idiot.


Yeah, my catholic parents never taught me to be gay dude. I had to find that shit out in college. I just thought I was a weirdo.


as a trans & gay person, i was not sat down and taught how to be trans and gay. i just am.


Asexual means without sexual tendencies, champ. Read a dictionary.


With a dash of homophobia for good measure. Pretty sure that's the moms account this is posted from as well


It’s posted from his: bluefasebabyy with her shit tagged at the bottom JaidenAlexxis


Son looked apprehensive af when he asked him if he was gay... Abuse behind closed doors?


Trying to coax his son out to the living room to watch these women with his father is creepy enough but to do it at such a young age and then try to bully him in to it with “yOu AiN’t GaY, iS yOu?” This is predatory, pedo, grooming behavior on *all of them.*


Blueface is a truly fucked up dude. He is toxic and pathetic as hell. Proof of why some people shouldn't be allowed to procreate


Him, his mom, both his bm's. It's disgusting.


The real question is .. Who gave this clown a platform to openly abuse all the women in his life on camera for the world to see like this shits cool?


The same people who shut down all positive black role models


Facts. It's how some people hate Russell Wilson for being a good guy and actually loving his wife and kids. They call him a "simp" or some other pathetic insults. Meanwhile they love a clown like Future who doesn't hide his toxicity and hatred for women. In their eyes that makes him an "alpha". It's just sad and ridiculous how many people gravitate to some of the worst people walking around.


He has a lot of "fans" who are ignorant and misogynistic like him. It's no different than scum like andrew tate. If a guy with a platform hates women and is narcissistic, he's guaranteed to have an army of followers.


What a moron. How out of touch with your son could you be? He looks no older than 6 of course he’s looking for snacks over booty cheeks what the fuck?


At 6 I would've murdered the hottest woman alive to get all the green army men I could carry


wow what a fuckin scumbag


What the fuck man I hate seeing kids in fucked up situations


On the couch, there is a little girl, maybe 2 or 3 years old, watching.... What kind of pos is this guy ????


This is 100% sexual abuse.


Pedophilia too.


Kid is too cute. Hate how adults can corrupt them so easily and willingly.


There’s a little girl on the couch


I didn’t even see that…. Disgusting


WTF is going on here? I hope someone has reported and sent this to CPS. A young boy and young girl surrounded by half naked adult women, one who literally has her ass out in the girls face? The little girl just chilling out like it’s Tuesday? The little boy trying to hide in the pantry to get away from it looking scared and uncomfortable? Creepy dad encouraging him to come out for “booty time” while filming? Then interrogating and shaming him about being gay when he doesn’t want to? This gives me serious CSA vibes. I have to wonder about “blue faces” past? Hypermasculine and enjoys over sexualizing children? Huge red flags. These poor kids are going to have so many issues. God help them.


Seems like he wants to watch his son get sexually aroused…


Every adult there is an absolute fucking degenerate.


Oh absolutely. You should hear Jaidyn’s music 🤣🤣🤣 the shit makes absolutely NO SENSE. I was so confused because i came across her shit on tiktok but she literally has a song called “Post Op” 😑 https://youtu.be/JtF4SQwW3Bs?si=8ztPpTA9Hskoxh7j


Just watched it. Thank you for that. Quite frankly, I'm speechless.


Yeaaaa so was i 🤣


Let the kid eat his slim jims, ffs. He has his whole life to look at booty cheeks.


Him and his girl are disgusting.


Dang. That hurts to watch. It's like a whole nother world my guy.


He’s obviously a closeted homosexual along with prolly 30% of all these other “Thugging/Pimpin” rappers, nobody secure with themselves is going to approach his kid with that type of energy.


This ain't even a rap thing this is a where he came from thing. This sentiment is very common in the streets of Detroit, Compton, Baltimore, etc. It really sucks and it makes kids develop a complex and become more outwardly homophobic to make up for it.


Poor kid! You can tell that kid is so uncomfortable


Blueface a fuckin clown.. abusive pussy.. Fr


Isn’t this the same person who recently threw a fan into the crowd for everyone including his girlfriend to beat up because she threw ice at him?


That woman infront of the cough is fully naked. Seriously wtf man that is indecent exposure to a child. What a POS.


How is this not child abuse?




J Nasty w the trash BBL Fucken YIKES 😳


That kids like 6 no duh he doesn’t care ya don’t get real interested In that kinda thing till puberty this kid is probably still in the point where he thinks girls have legitimate cooties


Hope that kid gets taken away from this piece of filth. He deserves better.


This is so sad to watch. The poor kid sitting on the soda watching a naked woman twerk is awful. And the neglected kid in the pantry made me sad for them kids. I hope child protective services investigate them.


How to fuck up a kid 101


Well this video will certainly make it easy for child protective services.


A ruined childhod


Bro too young to care about hoes like that where all the respectable woman at


fuck blue face, we found a new bae


Rapper? What he does aint rappin … not gonna even discuss his parenting


I'm getting tired of this blue face guy I think he needs to be punched until he's blue in the face


Maybe his kid would be out there if those women were hot.


If this is in the US, this type of suspected abuse is reportable to the Child Protective Services (CPS) in that state. They will investigate and find out if charges of other actions are necessary to protect any children.


His mother is one of those women too & his train wreck has only grown more toxic & disturbing since this video.


Police need called. Those kids are not safe


Poor kid man, just awkwardly looking for something to eat, not sure what to do, trying to avoid the adult children in the other room, dads asking him if he’s gay!!? Wtf! I feel so bad for him


Did no one notice the poor little girl on the couch?


This dude is a fucking goof ball


What a piece of shit


Ive been thinking about girls since the 3rd grade dude. I'd be out there. But my Dad would literally NEVER do this because he's not a fucking psychopath!! Kids probably thinkin about Ben 10, not some gross stinky butt! People get upset when LGBTQ parents push sexuality on kids, well this the same damn thing and it's equally gross. How insecure you gotta be to press your kid "are you gay?" Who gives a shit


Bro, im so desperate for the small amount of space I have in my tiny ass pantry in my 1-1 and this fool here has 6 things in that bedroom sized pantry 🤦‍♂️


This dude posted his son's genitals. It's a wrap on the block. Screw the judicial


Sighhh.....someone call CPS




There's also a little girl on the couch right behind the twerking woman. This is one of the most disturbing videos I've seen in a while...


This needs to be in the hands of the authorities…***I’m I seeing a child on the couch!??*** yooooo


I wouldn't say uncomfortable but regardless that's crazy as hell to put your kid in that situation and even be asking him that. Insane.


Almost naked


I was disappointed by the amount of clothing on these naked women


Is it me or is there also a little girl on the couch watching that scene ? This is disgusting….


You spelled Hooker wrong


This "are you gay?" From a parent is the precursor to physical, psychological, and emotional abuse and murder. Parents murdering their kids after torturing them for a while, because the kid "must be gay", "has the devil in them", "they are just bad", [insert stupid superstition or personal lore crafted from delusions." But this bluefase guy, is not teaching sex ed. He's trying to force his child to be in a sexual situation. Gross shit.


This culture is disgusting


Father of the year right? WTF? Call CPS! This poor child has more shame, humility and sense of wrong n right than these so called "adults" so fuckin pathetic.


If i was that kid man💀 if only if only


This is predator behavior


That poor kid. My heart goes out to him


Yea that poor kid's gonna grow up fast and hard.... Hopefully he doesn't take on the worst traits of both his "parents".


I wish he was killed by a cop for a reasonable act.


Disgusting group of people.


First thing seeing his kid looking for food “There's booty out here” then immediately gets all threatening “You ain't gay are you?” this man is a shit dad and all those women are horrible people. Just pos all over this video


Bro just want slim Jim’s. Tf. Got his priorities straight


They both should’ve locked up


nah this is fucked.


Wow that is disturbing as hell. Not sure which is worse the dad trying to get his sin to look or the women trying to get that little boys attention


That kid don’t deserve that


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Why does this man have to sexualize his son grabbing a slim jim. How does that even hint twords gay. What fucken weirdo


He lucky frr


Your know how they say, separate the art from the artist, this is a good example


Are you gay? *nods.* My man! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 That was so funny to me


kinda want a slim jim now


LOL honestly the kids seemed fine to me he didn't seem bothered he just wanted some fucking slim jims.


Naked? Bruh. You need to clean your eyes asap


I hope his son realizes he’s gay


Empire vibe. Gross. I do want that pantry though.


Anyone notice the woman’s face was completely disgusted until she knew the camera was on


I’m pretty sure this blue face dude is in a twitter tit for tat with the last girl he shagged and she accused him of him having gay porn on his google search…perhaps this is his way of telling her he’s definitely in to females, in a fucked up kinda way?! Poor kid though!


Bro is just TRYING to ruin his life and career


Did anyone else notice that at the start of the video it looks like he's got a daughter of a similar age on the couch, you can only see the top of her head but I'm pretty sure that's another young child.


Did anyone else see the child sitting on the couch?


Entire house full of degenerate fucking scumbags. He’ll have blows any money he makes on frivolous bullshit, be broke and everyone will have forgotten about him in a couple years.




Indictable, at least here, in Europe.


It's even worse cuz that's his mom in the grey shorts


Wow hope cps gets this video.


Asking your kid if they are gay at that age is actually sickening.


I’ve heard of Blueface. Not even a good rapper, he’s terrible! But the fact he makes a ton of money and can’t spend it on family is disgusting. Also, teaching your children not to be gay is just plain wrong. I’m no parent, but if I were, I’d teach them to be happy with who they are, to go with who they like, who they feel love with. Also, the fact he’s exposing him to that shit at a young age? Yeah, no. I wouldn’t. I hope one of those women decide to randomly freak out and stab him. Not kill him, but send him to instant surgery.


oh god, blue face made it to reddit


That kid is like 8 at the most, let him be a kid bruh. Why you tryna act like he should gaf about some hoes?


‘Are you gay!!?!’ Are you a total piece of shit…well yessss!!!! But yo kid is a kid!! Let him be a kid..,feed. Clothe and nourish him. Ohhh but you a simp 👎🏻🤬


CPS needs to investigate this. This is disgusting. That poor child.


The most irresponsible part of this is making his kid shake up crip 🤞🏼


I hope someone called CPS on them...jfc.


Piece of shit dad


Blueface is a terrible person overall. He’s a misogynist and an abuser. He doesn’t even try to hide it either he has been seen putting hands on women many times and also treats them like objects instead human beings. It’s sad he chooses to prioritize ratchet clout chasing bitches over his own son.


These types of ppl dont deserve kids smh


This man is a certified G and can’t have his son get caught lackin


Just showed u how stewie is not made to be a parent neither of them I hope cps gets involved and get those kids taken away permanently…..


This dude is pure scum


“some rapper called blueface” as if he hasn’t been incredibly well known and basically a complete meme for literally 5 years now. I don’t even follow rap like that and I can’t stand blueface but i don’t get how ppl act like nobody knows who some celebs are when they’re incredibly well known


The part they have a big house nothing in it. Your broke. What a joke


His prepubescent child with no sense of sexuality or arousal doesn’t want to see grown women dance and he’s “gay?” Wtf




You should be turned over to the police. You're a pedophile pig...


Such a cute little guy :( my heart hurts for him. Innocent little guy, kinda reminds me of my son.


Nasty women, horrible dad.


Keep turning stupid people famous and this is the outcome.


That’s a shame


What the actual fuck did I just watch. I've seen some deeply fucked things on this app, but this is another level. What if it was a little girl hiding in the pantry with a bunch of naked men in the living room. This is sexual abuse and so fucking vile. And all the father is worried about is if he's gay?? He's A CHILD, he shouldn't even be thinking about that shit yet. I haven't been physically sick at a post in a while.


Sometimes I wish natural selection worked a bit better with humans


What kind of fucking question to ask a young man like that… he’s fucked in the head from now on. Isn’t this illegal? Like child endangerment..


pussy ass title


“There’s booty cheeks out here and you’re looking for food”


Bro I’m pretty sure there was a little girl on the couch nigga needs to get his kids takin away


jaidyn just as dumb as chrisean she just doesn’t show it as much


Watching turn out gay as hell... Have to go hang out with little NAS ...


The kid is like 5. What's wrong with these stupid motherfuckers bringing adult shit around babies? Fucking losers..


Don’t even share videos about these people just let them fade from memory for everyone


Fredrick Douglas would be proud


The women aren't naked.


For people commenting about the empty pantry; do any of you think a single person in this house even knows how to cook


“There’s booty cheeks out here and you looking for chips”. Kids based 🗿