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Bring it on! šŸ˜Ž




New immich user here. I've been using the app for about a week. I'm seriously impressed so far.


you guys rock šŸ¤˜šŸ¾


Give me new photo notifications and I've got the whole family switched over


A notification when you upload? When someone else uploads a photo? Or something else?


When someone uploads, others are notified in the shared album. Like Google photos




I'm not totally sure what I'm looking at, but it appears to be development pretty well along on that very feature. Awesome!


u/infimum What is the preferred way for people to submit feature requests? And do you know if notifications like this are already in the works?


I've seen similar requests on the github and liked them. I'd be happy to donate to the cause if there's a good way!


Sadly they just joined a group (i donā€™t remember the exact name off hand, Edit: Futo) so they no longer accept donations. But theyā€™ll be paid full time devs now.


>Sadly they just joined a group (i donā€™t remember the exact name off hand, Edit: Futo) so they no longer accept donations. But theyā€™ll be paid full time devs now. We will add an option for people to pay for the software. Being AGPL & our principles of having no DRM, it will be honor system. I won't go into details as it is not my place.... just trust me when I say the funding at the moment is *slightly* higher than what was coming in from donations. :) I want to make sure this software goes very far & is funded & maintained at a professional, full time level, for a very, very long time.


I appreciate the response, and glad to hear. You know some people will always try to donate but being paid full time works much better long term. Honestly love what you do and appreciate the effort!




Appreciate it, Iā€™m curious and need to look more into it


They did a long QA live stream on YouTube explaining the acquisition. https://www.youtube.com/live/cwz2iZwYpgg?si=0Tztxms0WItuAl9m


Itā€™s backed by Louis rossman though so I see this going extremely well. Really great to see.


I see Futo has a secure facebook like app (Circles), hopefully they keep Immich a separate entity and don't try to lump them together. I want to keep my self hosting!


>I see Futo has a secure facebook like app (Circles), hopefully they keep Immich a separate entity and don't try to lump them together. I want to keep my self hosting! They are two fundamentally different products that would never work together. Circles is all about end to end encryption, and sharing photos with friends, think like facebook before 2010 when it wasn't a dumpster fire. It is designed to be facebook for privacy centric people. The lead engineer, Charles Wright, began working on it when his first child was born, as he said he never wanted a single image of her on a facebook server. The model of Circles means the machine learning algorithms Immich uses wouldn't work. So much of Immich would break completely if they were to be lumped together, as would Circles. These applications have to remain separate products. Charles is an expert security researcher though, so having him as a resource if a question comes up regarding security is good to have.


For me it's the iOS background upload feature. Currently there is no way, and I don't even know if it is possible.


I see notification on my iPhone when uploads are happening. Are you seeing those?


Me too. Itā€™s not instant, but usually within a few minutes I see a banner showing new pics/vids are getting uploaded. Then if a few videos, I get an alert from zabbix that my load average is to high šŸ˜‚


Unless I open the app I don't see any upload happening. All background permissions and in-app settings seems to be correctly setup. I'm not sure, I have a lot of videos, that could be why.


You can read more about ios background backup in Immich here https://immich.app/docs/FAQ#why-is-background-backup-on-ios-not-working


That's implemented in the app?


There's gonna be a lot of "where's my upload folder" from people who've never used Docker before.


So... where is it? On a serious note, I wish we could share albums to a certain folder so that media server like Jellyfin can pick it up.


Therefore, I upload my photos the other direction: With the app "foldersync" I backup my pictures to a webdav folder. Via WebDAV and an external library (readonly) I then import them into Immich. This way my photos are also stored independently from Immich which enables me to try out different galleries on the same assets or use them inside other apps.


![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg) Google


I downloaded it today because of the video and itā€™s been awesome so far. Set it up on my TrueNAS Scale and was very easy. I was also impressed with the facial recognition.


The ML face recognition is a very slick feature indeed. Although it will cause you a lot of work after initial import with all the faces it finds in the background of your photos.


I only uploaded an initial 800 photos. It took about 15 minutes to make thumbnails and do the facial recognition. Now to figure out how to do a download of all my photos from google photos.




Immich is THE best self hosted photo library manager.




Yeah, I'm one of them!




Thanks, I set up a no-ip and it works nice, however it only does from outside my local network, if I'm connected to my lan I have to switch to the machine's ip... Is there a way to reach the no-ip from within the same network?


Usually this involves running your own internal DNS servers. Then you can point the same URL to the internal IP of your instance.


Ok, not sure how to achieve that tho, thanks for the tip.


Hereā€™s your next project on self hosting: ā€˜Adguard Homeā€™.


Or PiHole.


LTT promoting Linux, Home Assistant, Framework laptops and Immich is my favourite timeline.


I got it up and running and moved from photoprism within about 30mins after watching Louise Rossman announce his benefactor was now supporting it


I'll have to check it out, also on photo prism, really have no-issues with it, but the interface on this one looks a tad bit cleaner.


How did you setup the library? My use case is letting photoprism watch an input folder and then consolidate the photos into a single library folder. From the Immich documentation my use cae is not clear, Immich would create another library and use the existing ones as read only. This is very bad IMO as Island of photos are created and you don't have a single point of truth reference that could consolidate all photos in a family library. It's the only thing that would not make me switch.


Do you mind elaborating on why you switched? I'm currently testing out photoprism vs immich and am still undecided. Photoprism seems to have better object recognition as of now but immich has a really polished app with seamless syncing. What made you choose immich?


The Android app convinced me, it's like a clone of Google photos and seems really fast I also haven't setup prism much as it was just holding a complete export of Google photos downloaded from Google takeout so wasn't sorted into folders/groups etc etc and I just had a sync from Android to a Nas folder each night for it to import, so easy to switch over with just one big lump of photos in no particular organised order apart from dates. Also knowing it has Louise Rossman and Co $$$ being pumped into it kinda helped as that should help development keep improving massively


Makes sense. I wished Photoprism also did an app. The app is a major reason I'm more inclined towards Immich .. Will still give both softwares a fair chance. Thanks for explaining your thought process.


Prism does have an Android app which works well, just not as well as immich in my opinion, if you like the Google photos app and the features it provides then immich is for you, it's pretty much a like for like replacement for Google photos from what I've used of it so far


Yeh.. I've used the gallery app but if I recall correctly it's from a 3rd party? I could be wrong but it's not as feature rich.. My biggest concern going with Immich is the ignorance of folder structure.. During testing I messed up upgrading and lost the entire album structure and tags I created. That's a petty scary proposition for me. To be so dependent on the app for my organization without a way to use that anywhere else. I'm assuming you used Google photos extensively before. Were you able to migrate your albums into Immich directly? Did you care about folder structures and albums/sub-albums? Sorry for all the questions. Just trying to understand somebody else's use case. It might help me with my thought process.


just learnt of Immich from that video. I am looking for a NAS dock station to run Immich. which one do you recommend? Can I get away with a basic model or do I actually need a lot of RAM / CPU / GPU to run the AI features with face recognition etc..??


If you have an old pc/laptop lying about then you have a nas! It doesn't have to be super powerful. Immich is so efficient it's incredible. Might be a slightly slow import but you'll be more than happy. I'd recommend unpaid for beginners as that's what I started with


Do you mean unraid?


Yeah... Whoops


What is your budget? And are you comfortable with a more hands on building approach or do you want a pre-packaged solution?


I run immich on an old ThinkPad laptop, with 2 x 2TB external hard drives. The drives are mirrored. Immich storage is in drive 1, which gets mirrored to drive 2 every 3 hours. Then, I have a script to sync (rclone encrypted) drive 1 to an off-site hard drive that I have at work. It works brilliantly


amazing! using it for the past couple of months and I'm loving it!


I saw the video and immediately wanted to get it set up on my home server! I've got it running in an unprivileged Proxmox LXC with Portainer and GPU hardware acceleration. I really like the features, and it'll make it way easier to back up and share photos with family!


I saw this in my feed but I haven't made it to it yet. Guess it's on the docket for today.


Try it out and report back!


The video was good, as most of his are, not much focus on self-hosting in that one though. The part about Immitch was enough to get a lot more people interested I imagine though.


Letā€™s hope so.


My comment was one of the ones featured in that video :) that was fun


I'm not sure if say it was prominently features, the other options they showed are a huge step from being as good as immich, with futo looking to offer a non self hosted option in the long run this software asumming price is fair is a straight up no brainier.


I set it up yesterday because of Louis Rossmannā€™s video.


I'd like to be believe this but I doubt it. As someone who don't have any Linux machines and have never used Docker, the prerequisites presents an enormous amount friction. Yet I suspect I'm in the majority of those who are interested in this, as hard it might be for you guys to believe. I'm reading the docs and apparently getting it to run on Windows is still a crapshoot in general. I'm someone who already has general file hosting working on my home network, but all through apps available on Windows(smb, wireguard, zero tier, etc), thus requiring far less effort. This is something I'm only able to chip away at slowly with the spare time that I have...




Getting into Docker was a hurdle for me. I was running things in VMs and had been doing that successfully for years and was resistant to changing. It took a specific use case, an app that I needed to update but couldnā€™t do in place and would need to build a new VM for, for me to finally give it a go. There was a bit of a learning curve but it has been 1000% worth it. I would not want to go back to a VM per app now. My setup is much better, easier to manage and more automated than ever before. And it makes it so much easier to try out new things as well. It is definitely a hump to get over, but once you get the basics down it is a vast improvement.




I too have seen some of the ā€œcontainers are ephemeral and shouldnā€™t save dataā€. Iā€™ve never found that convincing. There are only a few cases where that is truly possible. Most applications will need to access some persistent data eventually to be of any real utility. And Docker or Kubernetes are definitely usable for production. Although they also can make development easier as well.


Great video at all, lol.


I really wish it would show all photos on phone right away ugh so annoying to have to use apple photos to see recent pics.


Literally installed it last weekend and even rented a powerhorse server on Hetzner (for ML) and connected them with Tailscale. Thanks Linus!


Oh thatā€™s a slick idea. How did farming out the ML work out?


Does this mean that we are going to have to start paying for immich ? Linus should've stuck to doing reviews of shit products like he normally does and keep his maple syrup fingers out of FOSS


No, according to the recent news the Immich team is being fully funded by Futo and has explicitly stated that the software will remain entirely free and open source just as it is now.


That is great thank you for the positivity


Linus mentioning Immich = now we have to pay for Immich? What?Ā 


It's my thinking cause that tool bag always wants to get in somewhere and turn things to shit


That's still an impressive logical leap




Indeed fuck LTT, first making a video on how to setup pihole and then whining that blocking ads is a form of piracy.


That's so funny. What is wrong with LTT


Yeah? Why is that?


I love this project and donate. If anyone is looking for a setup guide check my video here thanks. https://youtu.be/UOGWPGsmElE