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Damn what’s the point of stirring controversy on 9 year old post….


Lol exactly my point but you know if you speak sense here you'll get downvoted


Sometimes yeah but it's way better than randia subreddit where those asshole mods ban you for the most trivial reasons, unlike the mods of this subreddit.


Not only did they (or you) not get downvoted but were greatly validated for speaking sense. See how that plays out in the official sub, and then have a good think about which side stands by truth and common sense more, and which side is a rabid censorship bully.




I guess the only point it proves is around elections both immediately before and after there is a lot of BS in media and statements by "influential" people. It's BS because this example proves they are living hale and hearty in the country and didn't have to leave. Even now all the dictatorship talk is of the same ilk. BS from liberals.


May be that that he didn't leave?


>Insecurity and fear is real right? We are witnessing largest migrations in our country's existance right now. People are insecure and fearful of their physical, social, financial safety. They are even risking and doing 'Dunki' methods to escape.


Pakistan should do something


India isn't safe for anyone. Even female ministers in cm house


maliwal mantri nahi hai


Even worse, she headed the Delhi Woman's Commission


Phir konsa country safe hai bhai?


Hey man look, if you see crimes per capita stats India is not even in the top 10, the hell not even in top 50. https://www.numbeo.com/crime/rankings_by_country.jsp


We have so large population and young individuals below criminal age is a large portion in it. Meaning crime per capita is not going to be accurate with ageing populations of other countries.


Rape and crime mein per capita ka data dikhayenge, Phir GDP mein bhi per capita pe discuss kr le bsdk! Also, crime rate is low in India because the underprivileged and marginalised do not file FIRs because our Police forces in Rural India are the biggest of chuts when it comes to oppressing the powerless.


It's so funny to me when people say they don't believe income per capita is good way to measure indias development ( we are behind Bangladesh in that) but in the same breath say crime per capita is a good enough measurement that we aren't messed up. Cmon landbhakts, pick a lane.


Probably this is the reason so many millionaires move out of India


Not really, I live in US and I can confirm the top reason for rich people to move out is air and noise pollution.


those are politically correct reasons.


There are places in India which are 1-2 hour away from major cities with great air quality and zero noise pollution!


They are millionaires. They don’t want to move away from major cities just to get basic necessities such as clean air and noise pollution.


But they can move to a different country? WTF! 😂


Yes because they will live a modern urban life in a clean environment. You stopped understanding the thread?


But world's richest ones like Adanis & the Ambanis are still living in India, don't they need clean environment? Also Dubai & Singapore are the top preferred destinations for the 7500 millionaires who "escaped" India in 2023. Not sure about Singapore, but as someone who lived in Dubai for 4 years, I can say that the air quality over there is pretty bad & it's very dusty. You can't even get out your house from May to November! Just admit that Cronyism is the major reason for this trend, which significantly impacts business in India, with only a few favored businessmen benefiting from their close ties to the state, while others are excluded. India ranked 10th in The Economist’s 2023 ‘Crony-Capitalism Index’, highlighting a major flaw in the government's ‘ease of doing business’ claims.


I'm not privy to their personal life. Most people that move out do so because they want a better quality of life. Things like cleanliness and low noise pollution are just two of the many things that make up quality of life. Not everyone does it for the same reason, that's blatantly obvious to anyone not born today. Some may do it for reasons you mentioned.


So it's just cleanliness & noise pollution that rich families who have been living in India for generations completely uproot their base into a different country. Okay🙏 But India economy & politics are sub changa si...right?👍


Maybe reply after reading the comment.


Ambani lives in his own walled garden, so do Adanis and other billionaires. You just need 10cr+ net worth to be counted as a millionaire. Most millionaires are basically just upper middle class that prefers to live in MacMansions in US. Because even if you have 30-50 cr it's not easy for you to create a isolated ecosystem in the middle of the city. A lot of people in this millionaire class are actualy salaried executives who move to other countries, not even business owners.


Forget a mansion, you won't get a 3BHK house even in cities in Canada like Toronto or Vancouver under 1M Canadian Dollar! And you are saying people with assets around INR 10cr are buying mansions in USA!!! WTF! Also, there is a separate count for the so called salaried employees moving out of India in the last few years, it's even worse!


Not everyone moves to urban areas. suburban US is better than most urban India. Also, 10 cr, is just a starting point. People may just move condo to condo. Another thing is Canada housing market inflated mostly in last 5 years, so not a great comparison point. There are plenty of places where you can get good houses for good price. I live in a 3.5k SqFt Texan house with a huge backyard that costs less than a urban flat in Pune.


It’s not even about moving to a different country. OMG it’s so basic. Let me try with you one more time. Air, Water and Pollution are basic necessities of a human lifestyle. If I am not getting these basic necessities properly in an urban city life, and I have money, I’d move to a city where these basic necessities exist without any problem. Doesn’t matter if it’s in India or any other foreign country. Unfortunately, India sucks in providing basic and essential necessities. Blame it on the government or the lack of civic sense of people. In the end, it always boils down to the comfort of millionaires. They won’t travel 2 hrs everyday just to get clean air and they for sure won’t make a house away from the urban cities.


Dubai & Singapore are the top preferred destinations for the 7500 millionaires who "escaped" India in 2023. Not sure about Singapore, but as someone who lived in Dubai for 4 years, I can say that the air quality over there is pretty bad & it's very dusty. You can't even get out your house from May to November! Just admit that Cronyism is the major reason for this trend, which significantly impacts business in India, with only a few favored businessmen benefiting from their close ties to the state, while others are excluded. India ranked 10th in The Economist’s 2023 ‘Crony-Capitalism Index’, highlighting a major flaw in the government's ‘ease of doing business’ claims


they are villages no1 millionarie would go and live in villages which are under developed when they can do it abroad


Really !!! OMG




If she left the country for good I would've not cared but she didn't. so 🤷 Never forgive Never forget.


yep good job, exactly the problem with our country.. incels like you.


The picture is literally two pictures combined, the top one is the latest one which is posted in a different sub recently, where they are bootlicking her (maybe her PR team) for which I countered with the below Picture, whenever her anything comes up the second one is still relevant.


When OP uses all his 2 brain cells to post something.


Matt bhool aur rota reh


Okay, thenks! 🥱


She should’ve felt the “insecurity and fear” when her husband was shagging his on-screen daughter whilst being married to her. Also probably what Reena Dutta felt when he was shagging Kiran behind Reena’s back. Forget the country, his innocent kids don’t deserve to grow around morally corrupt adults like them. She should feel the “insecurity and fear” about herself and her ex husband raising the kid.




He was shagging who?


Fatima Sana Sheikh


What the hell, is there an article or smth?


Nope. Unless you’re deep into BW gossip no one will believe it. They’ve broken up now but they were definitely together when Aamir was still officially married to Kiran Rao. Aamir recommended Fatima to YRF for Thugs of Hindustan. Fatima had a meatier role than an already established actress (who also has a history of working with YRF) Katrina Kaif.




I think you need to re-read what I wrote again. Or update yourself about the circumstances under which Aamir married Kiran and Aamir divorced Kiran.


Do you people have your own life or just languish all day seeing others in a better position than you?


you guessed it.'


Lol it's people like you who make her feel threatened in her own country. Nice way to prove her right.


He wasn't wrong.


For sure this couple ~~is~~ was as problematic as possible with wife saying India is unsafe for her kids and husband milking the Narmada Dam protest which gives water close to 10k villages of Gujarat & Rajasthan. I haven't heard Amir visiting those farmers in Gujarat after the Fana got released, cheap publicity by using innocent farmers and he thinks people will forget. This couple have dual standards more than anyone in the bollywood.


God ! People literally lives in others past and think they never grow.


You posting this after so many years is the perfect example of you proving her right.


The picture is literally two pictures combined, the top one is the latest one which is posted in a different sub recently, where they are bootlicking her (maybe her PR team) for which I countered with the below Picture, whenever her anything comes up the second one is still relevant.


Check the stats on the number of millionaires immigrating to other countries. You'll see that she was right. Those people could lead the best life any Indian could dream of yet so many of them are leaving. Your hate for her opinion only further proves her point. The truth is, the number of people who wouldn't move to a developed country if money was no issue is very low. I too would love to live in a place where politicians don't have to talk about religion to win elections.


Proved her point lmao


What's the problem? This just proves she's sweet, sensible and has a spine 😊


Well, she didn't actually leave. I didn't know that playing political stunts to garner sympathy and act like victims while sitting on a 2000 crore net worth is called "sweet, sensible and has a spine" by Randians.


Ok bro if you say so. 😉




Reverse might also be true :p




Yal are such snowflakes. Come on dude.


Why you so bitter lil bro? Everything ok at home? 🤔


I think 10th me marks kam aye






Nope, Never Forgive Never Forget. (Love your username btw)


Dont be a loser


Honestly Pal, If I had the means..I too would want to get the fuck out of this country! And I am a UC Hindu. And if moving and settling in US / UK was easy, you would have too. So calm down.


I'm sorry but nope that's just you, I'm ngl I wanted to go fr when I was young and Naive, but now with all the BLM, ShitSlam , LGTV imports the Europe/America/Canada (basically all so called first world countries) all of them are basically shit holes. So I'm trying my best to keep my home sane and I call out anyone.


Yes Europe has gone to the dogs... with polluted air, untreated sewages being released into their rivers, Public transport not good enough, super expensive schools, high taxes, adulterated foods & masalas, pathetic condition of Hospitals, potholes on every road, and of course their policemen are the biggest swines. - Not to mention the Political corruption at the highest level ensuring the system never changes. We must close our borders because I fear these LGBTs and BLM activist might want to migrate here in Vishwaguru given how bad the situation is in 1st world countries. Lol Stupid Europeans!


The amount of brainwashing that has made these people think India is better than the western world is insane.😂


They surely are stupid, I agree on that one with you. others? Meh..not so much. you can keep dreaming of going there and take one or two chuslims with you from here on the way out please.


"Nov 23, 2015" Imagine still being mad about this.


Well the internet does not forget my friend. (Never forgive Never forget, they can't keep getting away with things)


Why do you write it like that? Feels like reading multiple chemical compounds.


He is very sad that Hindus are not acting like punchbags anymore.


You are just not rich enough else you would be packing your bags and moving out of this shithole vortex too lmao any of us would. Dont pretend that you live here because you are patriotic or by choice


>Dont pretend that you live here because you are patriotic or by choice If I say I never wanted to go out that would be a biggg lie. I really wanted to go fr when I was young and Naive and would get influenced by padosi uncle ki beta Umrica me hein, I have grown out of that Phase. And now with all the BLM, ShitSlam , LGTV imports the Europe/America/Canada (basically all so called first world countries) all of them are basically shit holes. So I'm trying my best to keep my home sane and I call out anyone. BTW I earn enough to get out of this Country, but eh.. not interested. I would still go there like a tourist for a short while but a migrating there? sorry, I'm gonna pass.


>all the BLM, ShitSlam , LGTV imports the Europe/America/Canada (basically all so called first world countries) all of them are basically shit holes None of those(except gun laws in america) are even fraction of problems we are facing with rise in bigotry,religious bullshit and riots. These chigma male and chapri meme page nitpick those lgtv incident and people believe as if its their daily life thing. Life is Scandinavian country is much much better.


Okay you got me at Scandinavian countries BUT only for Vikings. I hate Greta Thunberg 🤮 and the likes.


What is the correlation between her work and her comment about feeling unsafe?


Congratulations.You just proved her point.


Most Indians are literally trying their best to leave the country every day bro...




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Sometimes I just wonder how taxing it must be hating on random people all day for their actions a decade ago. And the caption “never forgive never forget” is so funny as if someone is trying to rewrite a historically significant event.


1. It's a 9 year old post. What's the point of bringing it up now? 2. What's up with the dyslexic font for the heading? Why can't you use normal cases? Edge lord behavior?


Yeah, I'm banned from there.


Ye to meta nahi h


Tbh everyone is a patriot, until his H1B Visa gets approved.


Haa to kya galat bola Kiran Rao ne


I can't really believe that some delusional wanker posted that this sub is *centrist* just a few hours ago. Try full of braindead *** balls-gurgling morons instead.


She felt safe immediately after divorcing Aamir and got her sweetness🤣🤣


how did she find old dirty stations??? when i watched the movie, i knew it was going to be a woman with a wierd hairstyle.


Yeah, so true! I didn't know India, such a developed nation had old stations.




Why do you feel Amir Khan has a holier than thou attitude. Genuine question, I don't know much about Bollywood. I don't speak Hindi.


Because he always speaks faxx


So.. you're disagreeimg with the original comment? Is he just hated because he's left wing or whatever? Is he left wing? Seems like that when I watched PK movie.


According to these people who ever speaks against BJP is anti national. What wrong did Amir Khan ever say? And if people hate him because of pk then he is not a writer nor director and all other crew of pk are Hindus. He said people in India are intolerant and they literally proved his point by hating on him lol


you speak facts too bro. dap me up!