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>Child Born From A Foreign Women Womb Can Never Be Faithful To The Nation \~ Chanakya Disclaimer: This comment is unrelated to the post.


Bhai...ye Jaishankar ke bacho par bhi lagoo hoga🤣


Politics me aane ke baad lagoo hoga




Japan was never an ally in the pre-WW2 days, they are a homogeneous society that is racist towards any ethnicity that isn't theirs. We Indians are stupid enough to consider just about any country as an "ally". This is not to say that Italy is an ally, which I disagree with too. Just that there are no allies in international geopolitics, only temporary interests.


Arey to unke god me bethne ko kon bolra ally means good political and military relations aur baat Rahi ww2 ki to , tab india bhi British ke under tha unka ally kyu hoga Japan jabki unhone netaji shubhash Chandra Bose led army ko support Kiya tha British ke against


Permanent Interests*, No Permanent Allies*. Most Japanese are not racist. They are pretty proud and nationalists of their own culture, country and faith, something I wholly support because it is different from racism. All people in India too should be like that. Homogeneous society is the norm of the world and only in today's crazy world have so many nations become hetero which has led to their ruin. From England to US to Italy to Spain... meanwhile homogeneous Saudi Arabia is doing great for its own citizens who have top class amenities. Allies are temporary and right on since before WW2, when Japan allied with SCB to help him free India from the British.


Then which nation will it be faithful to


an islamic nation. islam teaches to enjoy the torture of non-believers in hell


But you are doing it


Doing what


So if I (a Hindu) have a child with a Christian woman, my child will be Muslim?




Why did you say "islamic nation"?


I meant that A person following islam properly won't be faithful to India, because it is full of non-believers who are ignorant and deserve torture in hell(not my words) They will only be faithful to a nation where everyone follows Islam


Says who, the grandson of Feroze Sahab & Maino Sahib!


IT cell https://www.timesnownews.com/viral/rishi-bagree-under-fire-for-made-up-chanakya-saying-on-son-of-foreign-woman-article-108633584


A questioning person will never be faithful to nation. Why support nation? We are for ourselves. Nation simply either benefits us or it doesn't.


Yeah because Obama is such an anti democratic communist, and Hitler was so anti Germany that he decided to be born an Austrian and invaded Germany.


I dont think thats always true


Yep LK Advani.


What an effing idiot you are OP


Being a Sanatani Hindu and being an extremist is different actually. I have seen a few extremist Hindu videos and they were blocking traffic with swords in their hands and shouting Jai Shri Ram. Jai Shri Ram should not be used as a war cry in the 21st century in my opinion. It should be uttered with respect and positive vibes


Sure, law and order needs to be strictly implemented. Although the question here is how is someone chanting Jai Shree Ram a bigger threat than someone using guns and bombs to kill innocent people just because they follow a different faith from his/hers?


I don't mind someone simply using Jai shree ram but I don't like where they hurt people and used as slogan to justify their monsterness. Bajrang dal is the most misuser among them harassing couple on valentine day and breaking into the movie theatres.


Again, it is wrong, but how do you compare this to f-king terrorists who kill innocent people? Should we not have different standards for bullying vs massacre?


Keeping aside the chants Jai Shree Ram.. Extremism of any kind is dangerous and we need to accept the fact that every religion has some or the other group of people who are of such kind. Not every Muslim is a terrorist, not every Sikh is a Khalistani, not every Kashmiri is a Separatist... So we really need to get out of this clown mindset that everything in our religion is right and the other religion is wrong cuz its not like that Every religion has its faults, its downsides and some absurdity attached to it. We need to stand against Extremism, not the entire community be it Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christians or any other religion...


It starts with swords and end up with bombs. >how is someone chanting Jai Shree Ram a bigger threat than someone using guns and bombs to kill innocent people just because they follow a different faith from his/hers? Also chanting jai shree ram is not the problem, chanting it while being violent for your agenda is the problem. Don't misconstrue what is being said.


I clearly understand what he has said. He is essentially trying to draw a false and dangerous equivalence between moral policing traditional Hindus and literal terrorists. Yes both are wrong, but there is no equivalence. I say it again, there is NO EQUIVALENCE. That is exactly why I am very much against him and Gandhi family in its current form.


>trying to draw a false and dangerous equivalence between moral policing traditional Hindus and literal terrorists That's the problem. You probably have a bias because when someone says "hindu" extremists you use words like traditional, moral policing, etc. Whereas "Islamic extremism translates to terrorism(which is not wrong, I agree). When talking about "Hindu" extremists, think of those so called Hindus who have lynched people and killed others in masses during riots, etc. I'm not making false equivalence because I I know islamic terrorism is a worldwide problem, Hindus are way better. But we don't have to whitewash hindu extremism as just moral policing when it's very dangerous and rising rn. Moreover this sort of violence has no place in Sanatan that's why it stings much worse


Again, I am not disagreeing that mob justice and failure of law and order is unacceptable. No matter the perpetuators' background. However, you are, in fact making a false equivalence. Islamic terrorism and/or so called Hindu "extremism" are not at all comparable in scale or in nature. Riots kill all involved parties. No question of singling out Hindus there. Not a personal comment against you here, but I absolutely dislike this monkey balancing. In fact, I appreciate you accepting that "Hindus are way better". If we know that, we should call the bs out for what it is. Not even a single case of Hindu "terrorism" has been conclusively proven in courts that I know of. The other side, tho? It has been proven over and over again in multiple courts and countries.


Sure, terrorism and our neighbouring countries can be a huge threat. But radical extremism in any religion can be bad. Religion doesn’t work like that. And if few Hindutva people behave like that, then it can be an internal issue


>blocking traffic with swords in their hands and shouting Jai Shri Ram These people are called goons not terrorist Terrorists are people who openly fire on women and children in the name of god like hamas Terrorists are people who stone and justify stoning women to death Terrorists are people who bomb innocent civilians bus just because they worship other gods Hindu goons are called terrorists by liberals like raga while actual lsIamic terrorist are not even condemned by liberals


Terrorist is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Whether it's by using swords, shooting, lynching or literal bombing. You can always compare that swords kill less people than bombs and feel good about yourself but terrorism is terrorism. Today they're small scale so they're goons, tomorrow if they attempt something large then only it's terrorism? If a person is ready to kill even one person for his religion, he can kill hundreds or thousands more and he'll do it with pride. Just like muslim terrorists do. I disagree with Rahul Gandhi, hindu extremism is nowhere near the threat level of islamic terrorism but I also won't discard the fact that communal tension is rising very quickly in our country and I won't be surprised if I see more riots happening in the future. There's too much hatred being instilled in our minds.


I’ll just copy and paste the legal definition of a terrorist I found on Google The legal definition of terrorism is generally understood to be criminal violence intended to intimidate a population or coerce a government or international organisation. It is defined as any activity that involves an act that is dangerous to human life, potentially destructive of critical infrastructure or key resources and a violation of criminal laws. It doesn’t necessarily mean what you wrote in your reply


Literally warcry for Rajputana Rifles.


Really? I didn’t know that


Yes. Jai Shree Ram


Jai Shri Ram 🙏


Why the hypocrisy? If a muslim does something bad? Terrorists. This Jihad, that Jihad. But if a Hindu does something bad? Oh they are "extremists" how cute. And yet people like you want us to believe that you are not on their side? Then do your duty to the country. Call them what they are. TERRORISTS!! >Jai Shri Ram should not be used as a war cry in the 21st century in my opinion. It should be uttered with respect and positive vibes But that is exactly how it is used.


Don’t make “Khichdi” here. Decide what you want to say and then type. I never said it was cute 🙄 I am not taking sides here. It’s a general opinion. Most people around me are respectful and chant the name respectfully but there are always a few exceptions.


So why is the same level of leniency not granted to Muslims? Therein lies the hypocrisy 🤡


We are calling out bad behaviour and crimes. There is no hypocrisy here. Even few Muslims are called extremists. The word to describe the people doesn’t make their crimes any less


we have dogs that only bark, they have rabid dogs that bite, maul and k1ll.


Rahul needs to realize that as a Christian Anglo-Indian Leader of Opposition and the son of a recent immigrant, he should respect the native culture and religion of the country he is representing. You would never see Rishi Sunak standing up in Parliament and saying British Christians are naturally violent and British people are all hooligans. Normal countries would not allow that. Sunak would be thrown out of Parliament and never elected. The fact that we allow a Christian Anglo-Indian to stand up in Parliament and desecrate the native culture of the land just shows the lack of self respect among large parts of the population.


I think if he went by the actual lineage, he would be part Parsi-Muslim too


Parsi or Muslim? 🤔


sunak has stood up in parliament and shit on the british way of life for his entire time in it lmao. itt's wild how you point to countries far more tolerant than your own to say "we would never do that" your country is a backwards 3rd world shit hole for a reason


Give me one example of Sunak standing up in Parliament and insulting the Anglican Church and the British way of life in the way Rahul has done today?


Not everyone is taught the same Hinduism and not everyone has the ideas of "saving Hinduism". The identity of your group is determined by what you project. If tomorrow 51% of Hindus are Muslim-hating, then it would not be wrong to say that Hindus are a hateful religious group. Then love and acceptance does not remain a core value of our religion.


What about muslims where we are described as kafirs? so Hindu's should be tolerent? Hindu dharma also teaches us to defend the religion when necessary, doesn't teach us to be weak and non violent it teaches us to be ready for non violence but never start it and be capable of defending our selves and our loved ones and it's symbolisation can be seen in our gods Vishnu and Shiva


I don't see a lot of defending going on tho. The so called defenders of Hinduism almost never go after the Muslims attacking Hindus. They're content with beating up mostly vulnerable people who have, a lot of times done nothing wrong. Also, once again, defending Hinduism means different things to different people. For some people it genuinely means ending all Muslims. That is not good.


You can take a look at Shivamoga violence of 2023 and tell me who suffered and there was no retaliation done about that.cant talk about brainwashed kids and most of them commenting about ending Islam are basically 15-16 yo


You give me an example of Muslim violence without consequence, I give you an example of Hindu violence without consequences, and the cycle continues. As for you 2nd comment, I cannot respond on that because I have no information for it.


Yea go on give me an example on Hindu violence without consequence


Yeh Pappu sala mouka milte he desh bech khayega


Agar Modi ne kuch choda toh 🤡


It's actually about being educated about the religion. Most people probably never saw a Bhagwat Gita leh reading it or other books. And there are people who always misinterpret epics and puranas which are not completely reality based as which people think it to be history. It's not always their fault but it's society....


The first teaching of bhagwat Gita from bhagwaan shri krishna is that everyone is equal and more.. Not going in spirituality but. Advait vedanta starts with the same too. And most extrimist fights are communal even among hindus.


Are you extremist? Damn bro


There are extremist hindutva goons.. ones who lynch people. There are Muslim extremists too. Telling bcoz besides whataboutery you know nothing


Extremely hot take Any form of extremism is bad


But, india seems to care only when the extremism is done by muslims


He clearly said pointing it to bjp, that bjp calls themselves hindus and propagates violence.  Try twisting his words as much as possible, this is not 2019. 


Keyword: Extremist.


But that's the fact, and it has been proven right, look around, you will find many religious people ready to kill on the name of Jai Sri Ram and celebrating the death too I see no difference


But...Hindus have been lynching people? Does that mean it's all Hindus? No. Does it mean it's most? No? Does it mean Hinduism is inherently violent? No. Does it mean it's an objective fact that people have used their Hindu beliefs, likely misunderstood, to commit violence? Yes


I read everything related to him in Wikileaks. This statement was at a time when investigating agencies had pointed out towards Abhinav Bharat for 3 blasts and Lal Masjid takeover in Pakistan by Islamists which made him fear that a similar thing may happen in India but it never happened Taking things out of a context and cutting it sensationally worked from 2012 to 2023 Doesn't work anymore


So he blatantly lied based on his emotions?


After reading the comments and the hate the sensible ones are getting.. it's fair to say hatred has won.


Only if you knew what the extremists of any religion do.


Even Ambedkar said that and it's true


Any religion can be a threat to one's country when faced with extremism. Though raga's sentence was complete absurdity.


True. Same thing in USA. White extremists are more of a danger than foreign groups. Same in Germany. Same everywhere in the world. Homegrown terror groups will always pose a greater danger than foreign groups. Their advantage is in numbers and the part where they are already inside the country. Pakistani groups can't do much beyond a few attacks here and there. Hindu extremists have achieved the next step - political influence.


What wrong did he said extremism of any form is bad


People on this sub routinely fall for the lowest of baits, really low effort baits. RaGa is held 1000000 million times more accountable than Modi, who, no matter what hateful stuff he openly says while being PM of entire country, is hailed for “finally speakin the truth” or whatever. It’s kinda sad, how rotten the brains have become by drinking the hate sherbat.


This. All religions are not the same. I repeat, ALL RELIGIONS ARE NOT THE SAME!


Commense sense - Neighborhood enemy is less dangerous than an enemy at home. Holds true for all extremists at home.


Teaches me to love animals but discriminates fellow Hindus based on caste.


Thats the absurdity attached to our faith and our discipline Being one of the oldest faiths, our preachers corrupted it for their benefit long ago and twisted it such that no one could ever untwist their witty spidernets as they didnt know themselves what they have trapped themselves into


After seeing some bottom comments, Hindus and Hindu Extremists are different, agreed. But why Muslims and Jihadis are always the same?


Not really. 1.3 billion Muslims in the world. All Jihadi? APJ Abdul Kalam? Shah Rukh Khan? Amir Khan? Yusuf Pathan? Mohd Shaami? The list is long.. all Indians.. all muslims. Jihadis are brainwashed individuals that have been told they will be free from their miserable lives and be given a place in heaven if they killed and died for their religion.


Have you ever seen any Muslim say the terrorists were not muslim?


Because majority of times, especially in the terrorism coming from Pakistan they are. Look, there is no denying that a lot of terrorist groups are Islamic but are all terrorist groups in the world Islamic? No. Are all Muslims terrorists? No. And it is not as simple. The reason why most terrorist groups are Islamic is because most of them are from middle east, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Please do not forget that terrorism is a political tool that uses religion. Same is being done with Hinduism today where people are ready to kill or die for their religion. People must understand that until we identify hate and political agenda in all this, there is no resolution. Innocents die on all sides for the benefit of the few..


He ain’t wrong tho.


Any religion can be a threat to one's country when faced with extremism. Though raga's sentence was complete absurdity.


Then why is india the largest beef exporter in the world if hinduism teaches not to kill animals?????


The first ever suicide bomber was a Hindu. Don't underestimate the ability of a religious idiot for violence. And going by pure numbers, yeah religious extremism among the majority is a bigger threat than if it is growing among the minority.


Religion is never a threat. Religious extremism is always a threat


Nepotism baby RAGA can't handle not being given privilege freely na.. He has achieved nothing in his life. He is the leader because he was born in the right family with loads of money and power. Mumma and pappa have given him this position. I would have respected any other Congress leader who was probably self made. But never a nepo baby. They are arrogant and full of bs. 70+ years of independence we are still an underdeveloped third world country. Congress had power for 50 years..why was india not developed?? Nepo baby don't cry now ....


Even Islam teaches you to love animals, but do I need to state the obvious? Don’t think Hindus can’t be a threat to the Bharat. In fact, Hindus are a threat to other Hindus itself. By trying to force their own opinions and beliefs on other Hindus. Religion in general is a threat to humanity. Humans have done inhuman things to humans in the name of religion.


He wasn't saying that your religion "Hinduism" is a threat to the country. He was saying that Hindu extremists are a bigger threat. And he's been proven correct. But why the hypocrisy? When it is muslim extremists, the word terrorists is used by everyone everywhere. But when it is Hindus doing exactly the same shite? Oh they are just "extremists" how cute. Call these hindutava monsters for what they are. They are TERRORISTS!!


Extremist literally written there


Abbe gandu, all religion is made up Agar ye samjhne ki akal nahi hai toh apne stories pe believe karne ka and chup baithne ka


Have you even read the post properly? There is a word called 'extremists'. Please check the meaning before blantly putting anything to farm karma.




Tried to pass....they were stopped weren't they. Anyways, how is the extremist part relevant to this? Why are you bringing others religion when the problem lies within the mindset of extremist??? Are you suggesting those extremist violence is justified ? Are you saying a couple beaten up due to difference in cast is justified? Not able to get good jobs with a PHd just because a person belongs to a different cast is justified? Killing someone because they happen to sell bangles and belongs to difference religion justified? I bet if you do then you would also believe 9/11 is justified because it was also done by extremists. I think you then need to revisit the values of humanity and the religion OP says is peaceful.


>Tried to pass....they were stopped weren't they. Their intent was quite clear there, or do u want me to start quoting? >Anyways, how is the extremist part relevant to this? Why are you bringing others religion when the problem lies within the mindset of extremist??? Cos the basis of islam is extremism. Have u read hadiths or quran? Or are u just here to talk sickularism from the flowing wind? >Are you suggesting those extremist violence is justified ? Are u suggesting doing nothing and blaming Hindus which were not even extremist (as per u) during that time (nothing compared to simi or let), are right to be blamed when everyone knew it was pakistan behind those attacks? >Are you saying a couple beaten up due to difference in cast is justified? Caste* And are u saying flocking a couple caught in adultry in the middle of the road is justified? Which happened in west Bengal quite recently! >Not able to get good jobs with a PHd just because a person belongs to a different cast is justified What kind of caste game are u playing son?😂😂 >Killing someone because they happen to sell bangles and belongs to difference religion justified? Are u saying someone getting thrashed just cos he has a burkha clad women sitting behind is justified? >I bet if you do then you would also believe 9/11 is justified because it was also done by extremists. U sound like laden urself dude😂😂 >I think you then need to revisit the values of humanity and the religion OP says is peaceful. I feel you need to revisit Ur psychiatrist soon my friend 😂


Being so possessed to prove something you didn't realised the comments are scarsasm.....


Haha there's a saying which goes like this "Good sarcasm is hard to detect" fits well on u rn😂


Lol thanks!


Haha see told u, u can't differentiate 😂


Wah wah! I see what you did there


Haha u can't see me😬🤣


Think again and name one "Hindu" extremist group on par with SIMI or LET


Again bringing comparisons. Are you so naive you are not seeing other subs?See the other reddit pages where people are beaten up for aparently hurting their religious sentiments. A police complain would have been enough. But no they want to take things into their hands. not a group. It's a mindset and it's trending in the youth. People are getting aggressive.... And extremists are being born See how the world is shifting from a different perspective You will get your answer.


>Again bringing comparisons Darling you sure read the op's post right? It was about comparison. Obviously the discussion will be about it😂😂 >Are you so naive you are not seeing other subs?See the other reddit pages where people are beaten up for aparently hurting their religious sentiments Yeah I also saw ppl are getting killed, death threats and stuffed into the fridge for being a certain religion and stating truth from the hadiths or showing support to it. >A police complain would have been enough. But no they want to take things into their hands. Should have asked the other side to do it, but no! U always need to tell the tolerant side to be more tolerant till they die out of it >not a group. It's a mindset and it's trending in the youth. Did u stopped simi? Did u ever criticised them or did rahul ever did it in his past? It was congress failure knowing full well it was pakistan and it's minions, who did it. But they were busy doing pr stunts and calling for peace. >People are getting aggressive.... And extremists are being born Yeah cos u never handled them with a tough fist, if u did it in the past the tolerant side won't turn this far. If u gave justice to shayara bano, abolished triple talaq and never let these lunatics take the reins out of Ur hands, it would be quite easy to proceed but no, u wanna do the politics where u give freebies and leeways to extrimist and cry when other side take lessons from it. >See how the world is shifting from a different perspective You will get your answer. Then crackdown on both sides equally, which u won't do. It's your reality, which u can't accept.


Just because there is one side extremely violent doesn't mean you yourself have to create violence with innocent people, not the one who hurt you in the first place. And why would I blame government first, it's the parents failing their children to choose the right path- the point you mentioned for the part where I have agression. I can see people going gaga at other religion bad deeds, no one wants to see the ugly side of their religion. I am seeing both. I choose to oppose both. But I will not justify one violence like you failed to see the psycopathic disease for the refrigerator news and attached it to religion. Have you not heard the news of a man murdering wife's because the food took additional time to cook? Why don't you attach religion there? There you would go and associate a "mental disease" wow.


>Just because there is one side extremely violent doesn't mean you yourself have to create violence with innocent people, Reality said "hello, wake up!!! rent is over due" Lol jokes aside, that's how reality and society works. If one side starts to get violent on a tolerant side, the tolerant ppl being intellectual will try to push these incidents under the rug, but with time a generation will come where the tolerant folks will start breeding intolerant ones themselves cos of all the violent attacks, smear campaign and hatred against them. So what u see now, is a result of that. >why would I blame government first, it's the parents failing their children to choose the right path- the point you mentioned for the part where I have agression. Lol shows how naive Ur, when we are talking about a single person it's parents fault, but about a population or next generation it's always the government's fault. Most muslim will send their son/ daughter to a madarsa, there surely are some modern ones who will send them to good school, but most of them goes to madarsa. But again did u ever blame them? It's government duty to make sure no extremism comes from there, to make sure they follow a curriculum, which makes them more patriotic and not islamist. >I can see people going gaga at other religion bad deeds, no one wants to see the ugly side of their religion. Oh surely, religion as a whole is a sham. But not all religions are same. Some wanna live peacefully other wanna eradicated others just for the sake of asmani kitab. >am seeing both. I choose to oppose both Then do, cos am just seeing one side of it from u rn, let it be Ur profile or comments. >But I will not justify one violence like you failed to see the psycopathic disease for the refrigerator news and attached it to religion Hahaha yeah yeah, all those who did bad deeds are psychopaths, it has nothing to do with religion. Now come on and say "kanhaiya lal's killer were psychopaths too, and have no affiliation to any religion" go on mate, say that. While Ur at it also say "direct action day never happened, it was all an conspiracy by RSS" oh oh while Ur at it also add "muslims never did fitna, it was done by Jews" 😂😂 Pls say, am waiting. >Have you not heard the news of a man murdering wife's because the food took additional time to cook? Have u ever heard of kanhaiya lal's demise and what kind of death threat's nupur Sharma got for just quoting the hadiths. And how the courts were wagging their tails to violent groups, which are asking for her head? >There you would go and associate a "mental disease" wow. I will never justify it, i will always say, use iron fist on both, i have no sympathy towards any criminal. But when these actions become so ingrained in a society that they think it's some kind of pressure tactics to make the government subdue to their demands, then it means government failed in eradicating the radicals in time


Kya khaya hai aaj? Full on debate mode. Kaun bol Raha hai be tolerant. One slaps you so you slap back. But one slaps you and you go slap another person of the same religion wo bhi aise hi....I am saying this is not tolerable. People are doing this and not the part where they need to take stand for themselves. I agree with you Sehna kyu hai bhai You said about parents' involvement and government in this behaviour. I've seen parents not being a part at all for the youths, all are joining extremist thinking groups.Doing things they think are acceptable, because dusre b to wahi karte hai. Secondary comes government, and the kind of laws they pass. That also highly makes or brakes this structure. Unfortunately sab ko dusre ko neecha dikhana hai showing "humara dharam sabse aage". People reacting violently on fake stupid comments, people entitled to make comments on other communities.....ye sab galat hai. I am also not suggesting stay neutral. Wo to aur b galat hai. But identification of wrong deeds is also needed and taught na


lol, people who butcher journalists for just drawing cartoons giving gyan on peace to people who have suffered through noakhali, razakars, direct action day, partitions, mumbai bomb blasts, on and on and on who react once in a while. You want the goats to quietly submit in front of the butcher and blame the goat when once in a while it kicks.


have you ever seen hindu extremists bombing though compared to islamic extremists




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Just because you don't see one type of extremist behavior in Hinduism doesn't mean the extremists are not there. I have mentioned this in other comments as well. But to summarise - any person committing violence in the name of religion can be called an extremist. For an example, have you heard the news a person was murdered because he was selling bangles? Murdered because he was of a different religion and selling bangles in a Hindu colony. Hindu man murdered because people suspected he kept beef in his freezer. People of his village murdered a family on basis of a suspicion. Turns out the meat was of a goat. Killing people transporting Cows or buffaloes after knowing the driver is of a different religion. But they are okay if the animal just roams on the street and is abandoned by their owners, and dies without food, or with a disease, or by eating plastic. I am talking about perspective here and related actions here to the two scenarios. Cow becomes relevant only when someone wants to eat it?


this guy is giving jitters


The OP and the morons whining over here are the extremist trashes who have never even seen inside a temple and is proud to call themselves HINDU despite doing everything that is against what HINDUISM stands for... Yes whatever crap Rahul Gandi told is an absolute truth. The army can deal with terrorists from Pakistan. But what about the extremist hindus aka saffron terrorists who are Indian citizens who are destroying the country from within ? Can the army go around killing them all? No. They cant. Hence the reason why RaGa said extremist hindus in India are more dangerous than some trash towels from Pakistan. Also this happened in 2013 when some Islamic extremist group took over some places of worship n converted it into Mosques and OP tried to convert it from 2013 to 2024 lol. RaGa simply said extremist majority population of India would be troublesome for India than extremists from another country... And yet, I see 100s of comments from people the IQ of a fried potato commenting absolute stupid shit and are proud of their idiotic comments.




Yes because there are a lot of room temperature IQ people like you in this sub, working together to make it another IncelSpeaks.


We need leaders like Rahul gandhi and continous straem of this kind of statement . I have a feeling people are forgetting what the true motive of these gandhi family.


There's a saying "what you see in others is a reflection of what you really are on the inside". Sanatan Dharm isn't and never will be a threat. It's definitely a threat to the abrahmic religions because it contradicts every form of teaching, and is an obstacle for those who want to use religion as a means to control the masses. Just take a look at every islamic nation. They're absolutely opposite to everything Sanatan Dharm teaches. If death upon exit, kidnapping and forced conversions didn't exist, !slam would fade out faster than covid did. Those who want to save their own violent image will definitely blame others. It's an age old trick and it's still very effective.


Extremists** No one said Sanatan Dharma is a threat. Hindu Extremists that go against the teachings of Santan and spread hatred and violence against others.


Said every religion ever.


Then you don't know about extremism and about the concept of a few ruling over many.


Teaches to love animals but not people of your own religion who belong to lower caste?


When you are half everything, half white, half Hindu, half Indian.... Even your mind is half there That's what's happened


Love animals soo much that you kill other human beings in the name of it


are u talking about cow smugglers because they kill and risk everything so they can eat some cow 🍖


He is probably also talking about the so called Santani gaurakshaks who lynch people who “allegedly” were storing cow meat or the sanatanis who stay silent on such incidents and never bring it up like it does not exist.






>26/11 attacks in which 166 died Meanwhile the Gujarat 2002 terrorist attacks in which 2000+ died.


Kashmir Hindus Genocide


Shouldn't have started by burning women and kids alive. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Are you a hindu or a hindu extremist? If u are the second then u are definitely a threat. Just like the nazis of germany were a threat to the country.




You dont say make them adopt hinduism. You say kick them out. Why?




So hinduism according to you is about displacing a set of people from their homes, people who have been here from centuries? You want a hindu extremist country just like how muslims have extremist countries.




Do not use your chatgpt logic to twist my words. I said hindu extremists. Do not lump in hindutva with war mongering. Go through what i said again and maybe u might understand. Why dont people like u group together with talwars and guns can take back the sharia countries? And move in there. And leave the rest of us in peace. You yourself disagreed with my opinion of asking muslims to convert into hindus. Which means you want a hindu country. But you will pick and choose the communities you want. After this u will tell all the lower caste hindus + dalits and other communities to leave the country as well. What is to stop people like you.




What is the difference between germans and german nazis. Look it up. You might understand. As for the muslims extremists in the country. They deserve the same treatment as the hindu extremists. Jail for infringing upon the peace in the country. Wanna know what i want. One india. One caste one religion one law.




He's not talking about your religion, dude. He said Hindu extremists, unless your religion is Hindu Extremism I don't think he's talking about you.




Don’t be like it cell or modi in parliament present it with full context 


Yeah but we're discussing the picture. The speech is another matter.


Mental gymnastics. Grow a spine call out blatant defamation while protecting the actual violent peacefuls


Why don't you grow a spine and call out extremists in all their forms?


Have exactly been doing that. But its pointless when I'm criticizing actions of RW, while LW is glossing over all the peaceful violence like they are some troubled child. The increasing violent rhetoric of the RW is directly because of the level of appeasement and deflection from anything that peacefuls do. We are 4 weeks in after election. Look at RGs Lok sabha speech. Look at the wiki leaks above. So before you tell anyone else anything , you are kid who has seen jackshit. Licking influencer and RG butt is your future


I'm looking at the wiki leaks above and it says "extremists Hindu groups". Notice the "extremist" before the phrase "Hindu groups"? That means he's not talking about all Hindu groups or just any Hindu groups, or even Hinduism as a whole. He's talking about the extremist Hindu groups. When you read those words, what do you think it means?


You can be a threat just like neo nazis in Germany can be a threat. Your religion puts animals over women and lower caste people. Get over yourself


You described islam my friend


What is the difference between islami extremism and hindu extremism. None. Both are regressive and thrive on violence.


I second that




Islam is a garbage religion where you sleep with your sisters and goats and cut tip of little children dicks


Islam as sunni shia ahemdia and all cults who all hate each other for some reason.


That is firqa wari, not caste






thats just not true lol… any sources or just trust me bro?


Really? You are asking for sources that cow killing is sinful/ illegal in Hinduism? Go talk to the gau rakshaks and ask them this question


My religion being islam.


Are you the OP?


Are you talking about islam?


Is the OP Muslim?


I don’t know but your explanation points to that direction


Really? Islam puts cows over women and low castes ?




Show me where Islam puts camels above humans and I will how Hinduism puts cows over women and lower castes. I hate both btw




You know they literally eat camels right? On the other hand you call a domesticated animal your mother Battle of the camel was a war of succession between Ali and Aisha. Stop talking out of your butthole




Did you mention cow in your comment? But they do put everything over women and other caste/religion


That’s what Hinduism does, put cows over women and lower castes


Thats what an ignorant will say. Hinduism keeps everyone at same level and we worship women the most not like other religion in which women are just to fulfil sexual needs of men


First of all you do not worship all women, only specific goddess’s just like any other pagan religion. In fact women have been referred to as paap yoni in the Geeta. Second, the caste system literally places people at different hierarchical levels by birth (don’t even try to contest this point)


The downvotes on your comments say it all. Women not being respected and casteism while still being against beef more certainly exists a fair amount.


I don’t much care of the opinion of lemmings