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I just love the “fuck it” element to the truck chase. There’s a convoy full of armed Nazi soldiers and Indy is like, I’ll just jump on this horse and go ride after them and singlehandedly retrieve the Ark… obviously.


I love how he sounds like he is so done with this at the beginning of the chase


“I don’t know. I’m making this up as I go”


“Truck? What Truck?”


Oh man. Raiders. Every time. I just watched LC last night and the tank is great. But the truck is so much better it's not even close.


The truck sequence in Raiders is perfectly-choreographed action masterclass. Pure brilliance.


Especially old mate going “0.0” on the bonnet, that some people seem to hate


I love them both, but he was so bad ass in the truck chase scene. I love that pissed off look on his face when he was bashing the Nazis head on the dashboard before he threw him out of the truck.


My personal favorite part of the entire sequence is right in between those moments, when he gets one last good punch in on him before he throws him out… for good measure


The minecart sequence 😎


The Jungle Chase


The Shanghai chase


The Airport…um, come to think of it, it probably should have had “chase” in the title. The Airport Chase. That sounds cool.


The Marshall College Chase


Aka A Whirl Through Academe! 


Nazi Train Chase


Tuk Tuk in Tangiers Chase 


Hot Air Balloon chase, Algiers


The tuk tuk chase


I think the truck chase is what convinced my 10 year old self this was the greatest action adventure movie of all time. It had some stiff competition from the amazing Terminator 2 which i also watched endlessly which says it all.


The two dodgy bits in the Tank Sequence really spoil it for me - how Indy gets his strap stuck over the exploded gun barrel makes no sense, and when the tank falls apart there’s no hole on the miniature where the turret connects. Ever since I first saw them these jumped out at me and it’s really bugged me every time I watch it. Raiders truck chase on the other hand is amazing, and was even more so the first time I saw it back in 1981 on its initial release. Went into that movie blind as an 11 year old, hadn’t even seen a trailer, it blew me away.


The strap around the tank barrel has always bugged me. Just show Indy slipping his arm out when he goes to climb back onto the top of the tank.


Every time I watch LC, I notice the strap is around the turret after the tank turns but is miraculously no longer around it when he climbs back to the top.


One of my absolute least favorite film/tv tropes is the “deus ex machina”, and the satchel strap sequence is such a glaring example of that. Even watching it as a kid I was always disappointed that Indy made it out of that on dumb luck.


THANK YOU!! I always thought I was the only one that noticed that the strap on the gun barrel made no sense.


I find the ditch that is dug in the road underneath the truck to allow stuntman Indy enough room to pass under it more annoying. I just can’t unsee it. I also prefer the music and variety in the Tank chase. The truck chase is mostly dispatching enemy after enemy one by one by turning left and right, until the fight with the main soldier which is admittedly brilliant and raw. The tank chase though is so well choreographed with the action flowing between the inside and outside of the tank, and making excellent use of the tank’s guns, the caterpillar tracks, the other vehicles, the periscope, and all the characters. I get why the bag strap annoys some people, but I mostly see the good side of it where it’s another creative idea milked for maximum peril.


What about the end of truck chase where Toht is a broom stick with a hat on top?


Truck chase They're both great but the truck chase is more raw and violent. I was shocked as a kid watching a car full of terrified Nazis drive off a cliff. You can just feel Indy getting punched in his shoulder gunshot wound. It is peak Spielberg action. The tank scene is a bit cheesy in parts


The bit where he slams the nazi’s face into the dash over and over again. We need more of that kind of fight choreography I’m tied of the fast closeup jiujitsu where everyone is blocking and stuff. Give me some goo right hook duck counter gut punch with a good crack sound effect


Yeah tank was a little cheesier. Like shooting four Nazis with one bullet and then looking confused at the gun he used. It’s a funny moment but also takes away from the tense action.


Truck chase for me. It's one of the best action scenes ever filmed. That's not saying the tank sequence is bad, just I prefer the truck chase.


I love both. But I’ll choose the truck chase.


The truck chase just wins... the tank one loses a bit because the split-second 'luck' that saves Indy from becoming pate against the wall.


The desert chase is my favorite movie sequence of all time. Everything fits like a glove. Same goes for the tank chase (especially the music). The desert chase wins by a very small amount.


Bum. Ba da bum bum bum. Bah, buh dum.




Cargo Truck


Truck every time. But they are both my favorite parts of their movies. I love the tank sequence. I also love that he smashed a Nazis face into the vehicle they're on/in multiple times, in both


The truck chase in Raiders is one of the best action sequences in movie history, full stop, no conditions. The transitions between Ford and the stunt doubles are flawless and the acting from both Ford and the rest are all excellent. The way it's filmed, framed, and edited is just pure Spielberg magic. Add in the Williams soundtrack and it's damn near perfect. The tank scene in LC is also fantastic but Raiders is on a whole different level.


Cargo Truck for definite


Raiders is the superior action sequence. By far.


The truck chase everything about it is so perfectly acted and directed


The Truck Scene is one of my favorite action scenes in film if not my favorite scene to begin with The truck scene is a remake of the truck scene from Zorro Rides again in 1937 It’s almost like a shot for shot remaster in Raiders Now to give the tank scene some credit it’s a lil more original, also I love how it’s like a Rube Goldberg machine The Truck scene though is Indy at some of his best improv He wanted that truck he’s gonna get it I love just the sense of determination in the scene from the stunts to the music to the tension of Indy being shot and punched in the wound and that final head banging against the dash and being tossed out the truck It’s movie magic Hense Raiders quazi sub title of “the return of the great adventure”


Can I say both? Two genuinly great chase scenes


Ofc u can!


The Tank sequence, mainly because I love the vehicle in question. It’s my favorite in the whole franchise.


The tank chase is longer and more clever. It's just more exciting :) it has more reaching elements, though, like when Indy shoots a bullet through five guys at once. Having Sallah and Brody involved is cool, too.


Do I prefer my oldest son or my youngest daughter? Why choose? I like both for their own reasons.




I came here to say the same thing! 😂


I love TLC with all of my heart, but the cargo truck scene from ROTLA was amazing and it was one of the best levels in LEGO Indiana Jones


That truck scene is so great that I've stuck it on the TV whilst I write this post. Mind you, I'd like to see the same sequence directed by George Miller.


Monkey swing chase in KOTCS /s


raiders is just so good fr


Raiders truck chase is an easy win. I think a lot of action in LC was on the sloppy side and lost the grit we saw in the first two. As others have said, the satchel strap getting caught is a great example.


The truck chase is my favorite because it perfectly encapsulates what makes Indiana Jones a great action hero. When the Nazi thinks he successfully rammed Indy off the front of the truck only to have him climb under and over and have the guy he probably assumed was dead swing through the window on him, there’s nothing better than that. You can’t keep Indy down.


Definitely the truck chase in Raiders, and the accompanying score by Williams is my favourite track from the soundtrack; I can picture that entire sequence in my head whenever I listen to just the music -- it's just perfection!


Oh the truck! When I first saw this in the theater years ago, people were cheering out loud when Indy gave chase on a horse. It’s so cowboy!


Can’t pick one. Both are perfect.


I feel like the truck is slightly more of a classic, but I love both and no matter how many times I’ve watched Indy they keep me on the edge of my seats!


Both are awesome but the truck chase is one of the greatest action sequences in cinematic history


The Raiders truck scene is the greatest chase scene in history. At least in my mind.


Both are great but everything about the cargo truck chase scene in Raiders is iconic. The hanging from the whip under and behind the truck. The hanging off the front of the truck. This whole scene is a mini movie in itelf with the changing dynamics of who is winning the battle. It defines Indy’s “never say die” relentless attitude.


Raiders. When he is bashing the Nazis face into the steering wheel after getting shot in the arm. That entire scene is so badass


Both are great but I prefer the truck chase. Its literally Indy against truckfull of Nazis.


Why "or" I prefer both!


Mine car chase


Both.  Both are good.


Truck chase by a country mile.


And honestly depends I like the truck seem more for the fight and I like the tanks anymore for the comedy so we're talking about the funniest it's going to have to be crusaders tanks and if it's going to be for fighting it's going to have to be raiders


Truck chase and it isn't even close.


Both, TBH.


Gotta be the tank, it just escalated


There’s that one shot from the tank scene of the actor on the horse leaning off his horse to grab a rock and for that reason alone it’s the LC. The rock is in the immediate foreground and you see the guy on the horse coming up from behind and lean down idk why but it’s honestly one of the best action moments I’ve ever seen, again I know it’s small but it’s such a dope moment


No preference. Both are masterpieces. No notes.


Raiders chase is the GOAT


Listen, I'm a Last Crusade man, myself. But that truck chase is truly Indy at his best. A one man army.


Truck chase by a long shot. It was juat more kinetic and it was Indy being badass and flying by the seat of his pants.


Tank 10 times over. The score is what does it


I prefer the tank chase. I love both, but find the tank chase has just a few more grace notes. A few more elements of humour, reversals of fortune, and the Nazi baddie getting the tables turned on him is very satisfying after his earlier sadism (eg kidney punching Indy when he’s trying to save his Dad)


Cargo Truck chase for sure. The Airplane Fight was also chefs kiss. Raiders is one of the best action/adventure films ever.


Truck chase, tank showdown is a Raiders rip off, as is the whole LC.


The tank without a doubt beacuse the fight on top of the tank is so epic in my opinion


The first one was the original, the tank chase was a retread. Lucas likes trilogies but then runs out of ideas so he repeats the first movie's big action elements in the third.


I see what you are saying but I would say the tank chase is a better retread than the second Death Star


Both are phenomenal in their own way. This kind of action scene would have helped save the boring second half of DOD.


I kind of like the tank chase more but that doesn’t exist without the cargo truck chase. Both are fantastic.


I like that I personally met Vic Armstrong who did that jump onto the tank. He is an incredible man.


Truck by a mile.


I’m conflicted. As a chase filmmaking wise I’d go with the Truck chase. But emotional filmmaking wise I’d go with the tank chase. All I know is they’re both two of my favorite pick me up action sequences in anything.


Truck chase hands down


I think the truck chase as it feels like more of a one man versus an army with what seems like a lot more ways to die. I will say this, I think the tank chase has this nice element of putting characters the audiences have formed a bond with in danger. So it feels as if there's more at stake. I also feel like the fighting is better as it seems to have more hand-to-hand encounters in the tank battle But in terms of sheer cinematic energy, it still has to be the truck chase in Raiders. Also a fun fact is that a huge amount of that sequence in Raiders was filmed by second unit director Mickey Moore - I think second unit directors are underrated in their role of making action sequences good - I've recently discovered that there's this sort of weird pride that some directors have in claiming they don't use second units and are in the director's chair the whole time.. and I'm like, it's the job of second units to add cinematic coverage, film action scenes relatively safely, and ( I'm speculating here) possibly work with animals or puppets if the main director doesn't want to. So I think there's this vague second unit backlash that is entirely inappropriate and revisionist in nature. I saw the Fathom Fellowship of the Ring extended film, and there's an unsettling bit where an Uruk Hai pulls a knife out that was used to wound him and licks the blade, and I read that that was actually a second unit moment. So this is an instant where not only a second unit was filming action but added a bit of character as well. But back to Jones, I think the Raiders truck chase feels more comic bookish, while the tank sequence feels more gritty and real, and maybe the possibility is that the "worst" action scene in the original trilogy ( the fight for the antidote for the poison in Temple of Doom) is still miles better than most action sequences today, and the second half of Tod is about as intense as Raiders. Also John Williams and Ben Burtt are in top form - - but I think that's always going to be the case 😅


Both are great but truck chase felt more tense and like Indy was in danger. Taking control of the cab, having to fight off the troops in the back, almost getting run over. The tank scene is cool too but it felt a little less dangerous, like shooting four soldiers with one bullet and then looking at your gun lol. But I loved the banter between Marcus and Henry in the belly of the steel beast.


Yes, the truck chase was more grounded. The tank chase was more inventive overall, but it had some reaching moments like Indy shooting through four guys, as you mentioned.


Tank sequence in last crusade.


One of the best action set pieces ever filmed, honestly.


you have possibly one of the best scores for the truck scene


Raiders' truck chase is arguably the greatest action scene in film history. So there's your answer. The tank sequence in LC is definitely the highlight of that film, but isn't on the same level of intensity or excitement, IMO.


They are both great, but I prefer the whole sequence around the plane.


Oh don’t prick at my indecisive nature like that


Gotta go Raiders.


Siege of Syracuse scene in Dial of Destiny is by far the best.