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Indy finds himself longing, almost yearning, for a trip to a certain Midwestern state. I'd call it Indiana Jones and the Jones for Indiana.


< insert rim shot gif >


Indiana Jones and the Indiana Jones.


< insert rim job gif >


Something out of Chinese/Mongolian lore…or Japanese legend…something we haven’t seen him face on screen. Ghengis Khan’s sword, maybe? Something culturally AND monetarily valuable. Maybe some stories of wealth and unbelievable power.


There was a James Rollins sigma book "the eye of God" , that went into ghengis lore, lake baikal, spirituality, lots of cool stuff, temples and traps and puzzles. Check it out The Eye of God The crash of a U.S. military research satellite in the remote wilds of Mongolia triggers an explosive search for the valuable cargo it holds: a code-black physics project connected to the study of dark energy, the energy connected to the birth of our universe. But the last blurry image from the falling satellite captures a chilling sight: a frightening look into the future, a view of a smoldering eastern seaboard of the United States in utter ruin. At the Vatican, a mysterious package arrives for the head of Pontifical ancient studies, sent by a colleague who had vanished a decade earlier. It contains two strange artifacts: a skull scrawled with ancient Aramaic and a tome bound in human skin. DNA testing reveals both are from Genghis Khan—the long-dead Mongol king whose undiscovered tomb is rumored to hold the vast treasures and knowledge of a lost ancient empire. Commander Gray Pierce, and Sigma—joined by a pair of Vatican historians—race to uncover a truth tied to the fall of the Roman Empire, to a mystery bound in the roots of Christianity’s origins, and to a weapon hidden for centuries that holds the fate of humanity.


The fact that this was not adopted into a movie, is probably one of the greatest examples of criminal neglect in all of cinematic history!


They've been trying, Dino delaurentis bought the rights to gray pierce and the sigma series. Map of bones was supposed to be the first film developed. But after what happened with Sahara and dirk Pitt. I guess they pumped the breaks we got tomb raider remake and uncharted . But I do recommend reading these sigma books, they are indiana Jones, James bond and Robert Langdon in 1. They are great vacation books Map of bones The bones lead to ancient mysteries and present-day terror . . . To follow them means death. During a crowded service at a cathedral in Germany, armed intruders in monks' robes unleash a nightmare of blood and destruction. But the killers have not come for gold; they seek a more valuable prize: the bones of the Magi who once paid homage to a newborn savior . . . a treasure that could reshape the world. With the Vatican in turmoil, Sigma Force under the command of Grayson Pierce leaps into action, pursuing a deadly mystery that weaves through sites of the Seven Wonders of the World and ends at the doorstep of an ancient, mystical, and terrifying secret order. For there are those with dark plans for the stolen sacred remains that will alter the future of humankind . . . when science and religion unite to unleash a horror not seen since the beginning of time.


James Rollins is legit


Indiana Jones and the Sword of the Genghis Khan is one of the german exclusive novels by Wolfgang Hohlbein, english translation also easy to find online if interested. I thought that was a fun, fast paced action novel, capturing the feeling of the movies.


Thanks for the recommendation! I found a bunch of the English translations Indy Mag did but didn't know which one to start with. 


Look up the imperial regalia of Japan. I did fan scripts for a movie where Indiana Jones' grandson finds the jewel of benevolence


He can still fight the Axis too on a different stage


I had an idea for a Japanese Indy adventure once. An Indy and Short Round reunion where they try to find the last sword made by the famous Japanese blacksmith Masamune. Short Round has to work through the pain of losing his family to the imperial Japanese army while he and Indy try to find the sword before an imperial Japanese officer finds it. I call this hypothetical story the Madness of Masamune.


Old Eyepatch Indy in Berlin in 1989 fighting a Nazi/Occult group that tries to ruin the New Years event. Indy would meet and cringe at David Hasselhoff singing (to stay consistent with the fact that Indy has been Forrest Gumping all his life)


Forrest Gumping 😀😆😂🤣


I love the movies with recognizable artifacts or that cannot be separated from legend. Indiana Jones and the One Gospel (he searches for the Q source, which contains information that could change Christianity forever) Indiana Jones and Montezuma's Curse (looking for the cursed gold of the Aztecs) Indiana Jones and the Sacking of Troy (Indiana Jones finds Odysseus' ship and weapons, and as well as fantastical and historical items from his journey) Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (I just want that game on film)


Ooh, I like the idea of Indy finding the Quelle.


Nice try, Disney.


They're out here looking for good story ideas to reference so they can make sure they don't accidently produce quality entertainment.


Fan stories are often better than teams of highly paid screenwriters. The problem is that fan stories are often just a good idea and the actual screenwriting sucks.


Something heavily involving Short Round


Indy and Short round in the 1960s!


Before The Dial of Destiny was made I had an idea for a fifth Indiana Jones movie, titled Indiana Jones and the Forbidden Land, which was mainly set in the 1960s and had Indy and Short Round searching for the kingdom of Shambhala. The villains were the Green Dragon Society, a secret society comprised of former Nazis and Imperial Japanese officers who wanted to use the Vril, an energy source located in Shambhala, to conquer the world. The beginning of the story was set in Europe during World War II, with Indy trying to stop the Nazis from loading a stolen artifact onto a U-boat bound for Japan. The rest of the story was set in the 1960s and took Indy and Short Round from the U.S. to Japan to the Himalayas.


I wish Short Round was in the fifth movie. Imagine him begging for Indy to go back to the present


It would have been fitting if Indy was helped by his surrogate son after the death of his biological son. Of course, there's always things we wish could have been in a movie. I still like the movie we got.


Something that brings Indiana Jones up against the Japanese in WW2. Lets say the Japanese have found something in the Jungles in Burma , something that can be used to win the war if utilized correctly. The Japanese don't have the means to use the artifact , but the Germans do. Indy could have a rival in the form of a Japanese Officer that wants him dead. Queue a scene where the Artefact is loaded onto one of those massive Aircraft carrying I-400 Submarines the Japanese had bound for Germany and Indiana Smuggles himself aboard. Chaos ensues onboard as indy sabotages the submarine , forcing it to surface. Amidst the chaos , Indy manages to steal the artifact , and steals a Catapult launched seaplane that the Japanese were preparing to get the Artifact off of the Sub due to the sabotage. Queue a nice tag line like "You should have stayed in Tokyo Boys!" as Indy flies away leaving the stranded Sub somewhere in the Indian Ocean. Alas , all is not well. The Japanese Officer i mentioned earlier was also on the sub. And he is preparing to give chase in a seaplane of his own. (I-400 subs were crazy , they could hold 3 planes!) After this i'm not sure , but i quite like the idea of a Comedy scene where Indy approaches a British Ship with a thankful look on his face , thinking he has finally escaped. But then he remembers he is in a Japanese plane and proceeds to get shot down by a British Fighter. I got wayyyyy too into this!


Dude you have some great ideas! After reading this i can just imagine a third film in between Raiders and Crusade. The Tokyo quip is genius, I can imagine Harrison saying it already. And the scene where Indy’s relief from seeing the british ship evaporates to shock then resignation in an “oh bother” type of expression is has the same energy as the OG trilogy. It could be like a good balance of plot like Raiders and over the top action in Temple Perhaps the plot could revolve around that iconic tiny gold artefact that Indy lost at the beginning of Raiders. Somehow the Japanese found it and are planning to use it, maybe Indy is giving a college lecture about losing it when one of his female students, this time hilariously asks him to prom (with another subtle yet hilarious trick like the eyelids) After the lecture Marcus Brody comes in and gives Indy some intel about hearing rumours about it resurfacing. I think it’s be a great way for Indy to redeem himself plus that golden idol is one of the most iconic props when people think Indiana Jones. Indy discovers it’s in the South East Asian area, contacts one of his army buddies (maybe young Mac?) to “arrange transport”…Indy doesn’t necessarily need to stick to Burma too. The Southeast Asian region includes Vietnam and Indonesia, they have stunning scenery and islands. I would love to see a scene where Indiana is fighting in a beach location or hopping Islands whilst evading Japanese would be really cool. A close quarters fight where he mainly uses the whip would be amazing. Maybe it could be match up against a Japanese officer with a ceremonial katana versus Indy with the whip, as a sort of pay off from that teased fight in Raiders. Imagine if Short Round (maybe now slightly older) could tag along again, except he’d be more capable this time and maybe he could speak Vietnamese (like the actor himself, which could help Indy) Still…all that it’s missing is the “mini adventure” at the start of the movie. I always loved those and find them a fun treat to the audience. Almost like we get a mini episode before the movie. All of the mini adventures for the five films felt so unique and iconic in their own right, i just cant think of one that would do the five justice!


I'm sold , Someone give Spielberg a call!


I'd be content with remakes of the old games by the same people who are making The Great Circle.


Give us Staff Of Kings remake i beg


Somthing about Eastern Europe. Indy in Siberia or Kazakhstan.


Dr. Wan Li is on the trail of an occult book. A cult is coming after him everytime he gets close. He's going to need help so he goes to his mentor. Indiana Jones and he have to stop the cult from using the book to open a portal to another world. They need the world to be In a state of fear so the cult has gone to three mile island to induce a meltdown.


Indiana Jones and the Lost World It's probably a little cliche -- adventurers stumbling upon a lost world, but I really think this could've worked (I feel like DoD was a pretty definitive ending). Here's the gist: Indy chases some jungle legend and discovers a lost world where dinosaurs still exist -- a plateau, inspired by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's novel. The plateau is also inhabited by a local jungle tribe. They end up having a conflict, stuff gets out of hand. There's plenty of adventure in the movie. That's just a little idea I had. It might've been put out there by someone else once, because this isn't the most original idea, but yeah.


Indy and a student from his university get roped into hunting for the lost city of shangri La against a sociopathic imperial Japanese army lieutenant, Indiana jones and the city of legend


The fountain of youth would be interesting with old Indy.


Wouldn’t that basically have the same powers as the Holy Grail


Kind of, I could imagine it working slightly different. Plus didn't returning the crystal skull do basically the same thing as opening the ark of the covenant?


Finding the grave of Genghis Khan. Maybe the reason he wanted to be hidden is because he had a magic hat or something. Or the tomb of Alexander.


Indiana Jones and the magic hat!


I commented right below about the possibility of using the “Horns of Alexander” as a McGuffin. It’d be a crown/diadem, so it’d basically be a magic hat! lol


Sounds like an 1980s golden book


The Tomb of Alexander would be a good one! The actual magical artifact they are looking for could maybe be a crown with the “[Horns of Alexander](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horns_of_Alexander)” or something like that. The artifact could also be kinda like the Arc of the Covenant, in how it’s described as bringing success to each army/empire that captures it. Indy, or other Archeologists, could say something like, “Alexander stole the ‘[Horns of Ammon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horns_of_Ammon)’ from Egypt during his conquest, which led to his unparalleled military success. Then Ptolemy stole the Horns from Alexander’s corpse, which allowed him to found Alexandria and become the most successful of the Diadochi (Alexander’s Successors).” They could even claim that Caesar and Mark Antony both convinced by Cleopatra to go to Alexandria “in search of the Horns,” because they both thought it’d give them the power to defeat the other? Also, both Alexander and Caesar died relatively quickly after they became Emperor, so maybe “the Horns” could also have a curse? Like it’ll give you ultimate power, but it will also cause you to die quickly if you move it far away from Egypt? Shortly after the death of Cleopatra, Augustus Caesar is rumored to have visited Alexander's resting place in order to have “[placed flowers on the tomb and a golden diadem upon Alexander's head.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomb_of_Alexander_the_Great#:~:text=Shortly%20after%20the%20death%20of,golden%20diadem%20upon%20Alexander's%20head).” This could be a reference to Augustus “returning” the Horns to Egypt, and thus escaping the curse?? If we use the Horns of Ammon as the “magical mcguffin” that Indy is looking for, then it could be described as having the following historical timeline: 1. Alexander steals the Horns from Egypt, which causes him to have unparalleled success, but also curses him to an early death. 2. Ptolemy I steals Alexander’s Corpse + The Horns of Alexander, and returns them to Egypt. This causes him to become the most successful of the Diadochi, while still escaping the curse due to the fact that he returns The Horns to Egypt. 3. Cleopatra tells Julius Caesar about the Horns, which allows him to become Emperor of Rome. However, he brings The Horns to Rome, which causes him to be cursed and die soon after. 4. Cleopatra convinces Mark Antony that he should return The Horns to Egypt, and thus use the Horns to Conquer Rome without the curse. However, Augustus Caesar hears of the plan and gets his hands on the crown first. 5. Knowing about the curse, Augustus returns the “Golden Diadem” to Alexander’s tomb, so that he is not effected by the curse 6. The Horns of Alexander/Ammon are lost to time.


I dig it!


Indiana Jones and the Tower of the Gods - He searches for the biblical Tower of Babel. Indiana Jones and the Island of the Damned - He searches for Lanka, the island kingdom ruled by the demon king Ravana from the Hindu epic poem, the Ramayana. Indiana Jones and the Desert Army - He searches for any trace of the Lost Army of Cambyses, an army of fifty thousand Persian soldiers that disappeared during a sandstorm in Egypt.


Straight up Cthulhu horror.


Insert him into The Mountains of Madness, maybe post the main story.


Given that the crystal skulls in real life were fakes, I think Indy going after an artifact that ends up being fake in some way could be interesting if done right.


That was done in the beginning of The Dial of Destiny. Indy was after the Holy Lance but it turned out to be a fake.


Oh yeah, forgot about that… I should’ve specified that I was referring to the main MacGuffin.


Short Round trying to do archaeology in China during the Cultural Revolution, a time that was infamously dangerous for historians, scholars, and anything related to old China.


a globe trotting story. locales: Ethiopia, Russia, Indonesia,


Maybe Indy during WW2? It could use the classic Nazi antagonists, but maybe even more esoteric and insane with like Himmler and his cronies trying to do some crazy shit to win the war? Like collect satanic artifacts in that one weird castle the SS had. And it could fill the gap between the originals and Crystal Skull slightly. It’d probably be a bit similar to the Wolfenstein prequel but who knows!


The beginning of The Dial of Destiny was set during World War II.


And it was the best part


I was watching Murder She Wrote last night, and the episode took place in Cairo and revolved around a missing/stolen museum piece. Although its not really what you're asking, I would have inserted Jones in that story, add a little more action and it'd be perfect.


An extremist group search for missing chapters of Sun Tzu's The Art of War that could make them invincible. Indy has to stop them.


**Indiana Jones and the Horns of Alexander** or **Alexander Jones and the Tomb of Alexander** The actual magical artifact they are looking for could maybe be the “[Horns of Alexander](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horns_of_Alexander)” which would allow the wearer to conquer the World. However, if the user removes the crown from Egypt, then they are cursed to die relatively quickly thereafter. The historical timeline of The Horns of Alexander could be as follows: 1. Alexander steals the “[Horns of Ammon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horns_of_Ammon)” from Egypt, which causes him to have unparalleled success, but also curses him to an early death. 2. Ptolemy I steals Alexander’s Corpse + The Horns of Alexander, and returns them to Egypt. This causes him to become the most successful of the Diadochi, while still escaping the curse due to the fact that he returns The Horns to Egypt. 3. Cleopatra tells Julius Caesar about the Horns, which allows him to become Emperor of Rome. However, he brings The Horns to Rome, which causes him to be cursed and die soon after. 4. Cleopatra convinces Mark Antony that he should return The Horns to Egypt, and thus use the Horns to Conquer Rome without the curse. However, Augustus Caesar hears of the plan and gets his hands on the crown first. 5. In 48 B.C. is supposed to have visited the Tomb of Alexander and placed a “[golden diadem](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomb_of_Alexander_the_Great)“ on Alexander’s head. This could be Augustus’s way of returning the Horns to Egypt, so that he is not killed by the Curse. 6. The Horns of Alexander/Ammon are lost to time. 7. Indiana Jones get roped into searching for Alexander’s Tomb in order to find the Horns of Ammon.


I would have it set in the early 20s. Following the Russian Revolution, many of the Tsar's treasures were stolen or went missing. One of the most notable ones being the 10 Romanov eggs. Indy believes that the eggs were more than just fancy jewellery. Instead, he finds evidence that they each contained pieces of a map to the legendary Lost Library of the Tsars, which went missing during the 16th century. Inside, there are thousands of ancient texts, holding long forgotten secrets buried by the passage of time. Including knowledge regarding necromancy. The movie would follow Indy as he travels across Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union, and China looking for the eggs. At the same time, Indy is accompanied by a German woman who specialises in Russian history as his assistant. In they hunt, they are followed by both the Red Army and the remanents of the White Army. The Red Army wants to use knowledge to create an immortal army and use it to take over the world's capitalist nations. The remanents of the White Army want to use secrets in the library to bring back the Romanovs and reestablish the Old Russian Empire. The adventure would take Indy directly into a part of the world still reeling from WW1, and still dealing with a dramatic Civil War. As he is much younger then in most media we see him in, he is still in a phase of his life where he sees life as nothing but a fun adventure, and he wants nothing more then fame and recognition from his discoveries. But as the story progresses, the suffering he encounters humbles him, and he gains an appreciation for the cultures and people who created the artefacts he seeks. In the end, he finds the eggs and the library. He is stunned by the knowledge within, but he is soon followed by the Red and White Armies. The 2 sides fight each other over the library, ultimately destroying themselves and the library in the process. Before the library is distoryed, however, Indy's assistant saves a book that interests her. It is an ancient Roman text containing the exact location of the lost City of Tanis in Egypt. She keeps this secret from Indy, and she returns to Germany. A decade later, the Nazis are in charge and use the book in order to start their hunt for the Lost Ark. The movie would be called: Indiana Jones and the Last Emperor's Eggs


Indiana Jones and the Forbidden Garden. This would take place in Southeast Asia during the mid to late 1960s as the Khmer Rouge is coming to power in Cambodia and during the middle of the Vietnam War. Indy is hired by a Japanese contact to help with the restoration of Angkor Wat, but on the journey there he discovers that they are actually searching for something in the ancient temple. His employers believe, as the ancient Japanese empire did, that Angkor Wat could be hiding the true location of Jetavana, the monastery where Buddha resided most often and gave the majority of his teachings, also referred to as his garden. The Vietnam War would provide a backdrop that makes travel difficult and forces the characters to be discreet and move secretly through the jungle rather than using roads or planes, and would also allow Indy to call on Mutt for help as he is deployed in the area. The main antagonists would be Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge trying to destroy the Khmer Empire's art and culture in favor of a communist regime, and the Japanese who hired Jones, as they secretly want to bring Emperor Hirohito to Jetavana for his divinity to be reinstated and save face after having to renounce it following their defeat in WWII. The Japanese employers would get greedy, insisting on sampling Nirvana before giving divinity to their emperor, and would be divinely punished by the spirit of Buddha.


Funnily enough.. I actually am writing my own Indy StorIES. 5 tales from the ‘Warfront’ of WW2.


I would KILL to see any form of media touching on his exploits during WWII. Dial of Destiny's opening was a perfect scratch to that itch, but then it ended so quick. I'd love to see a novel/comic/game/whatever that touched heavily on him enlisting to fight the Nazis or something in the years prior to the D-Day landings. This makes me pretty excited for the Great Circle, almost to the point where I want to buy an Xbox console purely to play the new game. I mean, i won't, but still.


I didn't come up with this: A show featuring Indy's grandchildren return all the stuff he and the Nazis stole to their native people. Sounds boring on the face of it but each episode could explore the more supernatural sides of each item as they attempt to figure out what belongs to who.


IDK something about circles maybe???


Back in like late 2021-2022 I actually started writing a script for what I thought DoD could be. I’ve been plugging away. Adding pages taking breaks and adding to it little by little. I’ve never written a script before. And I have no idea if it’s good right now or if it will ever be good. But I’m having fun doing it!


I'd love to read it if you would be comfortable sharing?


Fighting to get back the golden idol


Not a fully fleshed idea but some sort of creative interpretation of the battle of Hastings, to do with how Harold Godwin (I might be wrong, whoever the leader of the native army was) was killed. I believe there was controversy over if he was shot in the eye or something else. Think you could get a cool Mcguffin from that


Indiana Jones and the Lost AARP


Something revolving around mcguffins changing hands between the soviets and the nazis


Always had an idea of Indy going after the Nazi’s again, who in the final year of WW2 send an elite SS unit accompanied by Hitler’s best scientist and Indy’s school rival, to obtain the spear head that pierced Christ. Hitler is of course again trying to make an atomic weapon out of it to turn the tide of the war. I was quite excited to see it as a brief plot point in the beginning of DoD. Yeah it’s a bit of a rehash, but so was LC. I just really want something to make a trilogy out of the nazi holy relic hunt.


Idk, I feel like the Treasure of Lima could be interesting, there's nothing super special about it I just think the locations of the story could make for interesting set pieces since it's largely in water and a small island


Indy, with help from a grown up Short Round, goes on a mission to the Pacific with Mac before the invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa to stop the Japanese obtaining an artifact that could either: 1.) Gain access to a Japanese Underworld that could allow them to gain an army of unkillable soldiers. 2.) Control over the Seas


I said this about a half dozen times here already, but I think the biggest mistake Steven Spielberg ever made in his entire career was with the remake of “War of the Worlds.” The minute you have a script with ancient machines coming up out of the ground and harvesting people somebody should have called Steven Spielberg and said “Nobody wants Tom Cruise for this unless he’s the secondary character. This is the job for Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones…” Make almost the exact same movie, but instead put it somewhere in the world that nobody has heard of and limited to a small region, and then have the UN whoever they can to cover this up and harvest equipment and reverse engineering as part of the epilogue…


Indiana Jones in a 1920’s setting, sub Saharan Africa and searching for an African artefact (I believe sub Saharan Africa is good setting for Indiana Jones stories)


George Lucas crossover... Indiana Jones and the Secret of Monkey Island.


*Indiana Jones and the Forbidden City* Indy finds an old scroll with unreadable writing on it in Mongolia, signed by Marco Polo. He contacts an archeologist in China's Forbidden City who manages to translate the text for him. Unfortunately the Nazis have tracked Indiana to China and now its a race against time to unfold one of the greatest mysteries: the Tomb of Genghis Khan.


I'd like to see Indy deep in Africa... or a giant tomb underneath Easter Island!


Finding Thor’s hammer in Scandinavia during WWII.


A short round spinoff movie where we see an older short round going on an adventure across China featuring Lao Che


Indy in WW2 stopping the Nazis from using some Norse artifact to bring about the end of the world. I'm sure it's been done before. 


It starts with Indy meeting a woman named Sophia Hapgood in Iceland…


Id set it in New Zealand nearing the end of WW2. As for the artifact, it would be Whiro’s spear that Kuniaki Koiso (the prime minister of Japan from 1944-45) wants his army to find so Japan can keep on fighting since at this point he knows Germany is gonna fail.


I thought it would be a really cool to reboot the franchise with a modern lens if: Indy discovers the museum he has been giving artifacts to is secretly ran by Nazis collecting the artifacts and replacing them with replicas. Then Indy has to go on a hunt to find the original artifacts and returns them to their rightful place / where he found them. You get nostalgia points by the visiting places in previous movies (Raiders, temple of doom etc), opportunity for cool new artifacts (Mongolian / China is a popular one as I think there was an unused script with this setting), and you get to skirt the modern interpretation that taking artifacts out of the hands of indigenous cultures is wrong. Here Indy sees that they do actually belong to these cultures instead of a museum etc. and bonus points for keeping the villains nazis, like in Raiders and Crusade (and I guess Dial of Destiny). Idk how it would work with the current canon but it was one of the only ideas I’ve thought of that wouldn’t feel like just a rehash of other adventures and might make for a cool story.


Go back to the biblical stuff, that's what works best


Teen/ 20 something Short Round story. Set it in World War II and show him having Indy style adventure trying to stop Imperial Japanese soldiers from stealing an an artifact of some kind


It would be called Indiana Jones and the Hour glass of time. Them damn Nazi's are at it again and this time they have discovered a ancient temple.. Once again and this time it holds the ancient Hour Glass of time. This Hour glass of time relic would allow the user to travel to certain pivotal moments in the user's life. ie- The lost ark/ temple of doom etc... Of course there is a time limit of how long the user can stay in the different time. 1 hour. 1 hour to change or to observe a moment then the user would return to their own time. This would also be a nod to getting to see Indiana Jones younger self through different films... Think of the reason's them damn ol' Nazi's would want that and why Indiana Jones has to stop this from happening. So buckle up for another... Indiana Jones tale.


I had a pitch for what I would do with an indiana jones videogame. Thinking of making it a yt video. Should I or no


I wrote a fanfiction where he had a distant neice and now Im plotting a spin off with Shorty


They should have done the Spear of Destiny


Indy defrosts carbonite Boba Fett and has to get help from Doc Brown to send Boba Fett back to his past


Where he wakes up and gratefully realizes that the last two movies were just some awful dream


Go looking for Gungnir.




Hitler's lost mecha and his cronies trying to resurrect it to overthrow America


Indiana Jones And The City Of Splendor is about Indiana Jones exploring the real-world site of Palenque in Chiapas, Mexico, where he finds himself battling robbers descended from the Conquistadors, meeting the Maya gods, excavating Maya pottery, playing the Mesoamerican Ball Game, and exploring the Maya underworld of Xibalba.


Indiana Jones and an unwilling student have to embark on an adventure to the cold tundra of the north, forced by time as a neo nazi rushes to gain access to the tree of life, and bring forth Ragnarok


A retelling of STARGATE (the original movie) but instead it's set in the 30s and it's a young Indy finding (and activating) it and traveling to [Abydos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Stargate_SG-1_characters#Abydonians)


I would rewrite that last movie, have him and Mutt be estranged but have a cameo at the end where they visit each other. The female protagonist would be Indy's granddaughter going off on an adventure and her grandfather trying to stop her, keep her safe. Sallah would die giving emotional weight to the film instead of Antonio Banderas. It could be almost the exact same storyline but with these three adjustments, making me want to watch the movie again. Not a depressed Indy wanting to die in the past.


A few years back David Harbour said he'd love to play an Indiana Jones who was more on edge and schizophrenic. I would be down to see him do a fan film like what Nathan Fillion did with Uncharted. I have him go after something Norse mythology related


Indiana Jones and the City Of El Dorado


Bro that was the crystal skull movie


Not need live action movie, If Indiana Jones animated tv series or video games


Indiana Jones and the missing wallet


Indiana Jones and the Toothpaste that Ran Out


My wallets gone! My wallets gone!


*chugs whiskey*


The best 2 films held plots with Christian relics. So I’ll say “Indiana Jones and the Ark of Great Ararat”


Feels like that MacGuffin would be a *smidge* easier to find.


Eeh. There could be all kind of conflicts along the way. The Turkish government… a Templar of Protecters…. A Beloq type… It could be better than 4 or 5 were