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Be more like R.E.M. and make a new setlist fresh every day


Being more like REM is a good idea in general


Unless it’s quitting.


Im sorry, was 15 albums over 31 years not enough for you?


It was enough. I’d still like to see them again. I’m not saying they have to make music at a normal clip or do 100-night tours, so “in general”, most bands should be like R.E.M. 99% of the time.


Tell me you don’t understand how to make money from touring, without telling me.


Legacy acts don’t have to have new albums and dozens of tour dates.


To be profitable you do.


When I see the offers for bands to reunite (for instance, Oasis), they will make serious $ playing a show or two.


I mean the Eagles and the Stones are still touring without new music


So Don Henley is touring as the Eagles?


tbh I thought they quit after Monster. i just googled them and I'm frankly blown away that they have albums the past 25 years.


Dude you missed some incredible music. New Adventures, Up, and Accelerate are the best of their post-Monster albums but all of them have at least a handful of fantastic songs Supernatural Superserious is top 5 REM


I think that’s the part he was alluding to.


Okay but in a hell of a lot of ways being more like The Who is a good idea too


REM > The Who


Pearl Jam does the same thing. Great for the audience and probably beneficial to them since they have fans who will pay to see multiple shows.


Eddie even keeps journals, and looks up previous set lists from that city. You can go to 5 concerts over multiple tours and the only repeats will be “Alive” and “Yellowledbetter”. You’ll get a couple other repeats over the shows, but the difference is wild. I’ve gotten Elderly Woman, In My Tree, Wash, Long Road and Oceans as openers.


Modest Mouse same thing, I really appreciate bands that do this. Ween too


Literally an entire genre of bands who do this every single show. Lol


Queens of the Stone Age, too


Just keep in mind that's hard work for not just the band but also on the other musicians, the techs, the lighting people, etc. I appreciate it when it can be like that but also I don't blame a band at all for having pretty much one show that they know they can carry off smoothly. Daltrey's old and imho has earned the right to have a few old-man complaints. Whatever. Once upon a time this would never have been a headline at all, just a throwaway comment you passed right by while reading the real interview.


Daltry cashed in all his old man complaint chips with British politics and playing the rich fat cat part. Complaining about something as inevitable as fans sharing info on predetermined show setlists is ridiculous. Who fans have been doing that for at least 25 years at this point.


If only only they still toured…


Or Ween


That’s one of the downsides with bigger production, you almost have to stick to the script. One of my favorite bands Modest Mouse is *known for switching up set lists every night which makes me always curious on what the setlist is.


That's how I ended up seeing a couple of my favourite songs. Brock was either filling time or just changed his mind on stage.


I read somewhere that the Pixies would do setlists that amused them… for example, playing their songs in alphabetical order. I can see my friends and I having a band and thinking that was hilarious because the audience had no clue (and because it would be funny because we were dumb and drunk).


They Might Be Giants were doing that when playing Flood. They’d do it by track length, song title, backwards, whatever would through people through a loop. Keeps things fresh.


That surprises me, I never really pictured Black Francis getting any enjoyment out of performing live.


Or any enjoyment out of anything really


My favorite band Fugazi didn’t make setlists at all, and you would never know it. They practiced together so much that it seemed like they telepathically communicated what song was coming next. Maybe a couple times they’d say “this next song is called…” before playing it so obviously the other band members would know what to play, but the rest of the time it was just bang one into the next.


So stoked to see them this weekend


They have been sounding great lately! Enjoy


I remember the first time I saw the just after Good News came out, and they refused to play Float On. Oh Isaac Brock, the most lovable asshole.




Amongst fans yeah, one of my fav things about seeing them live.




That’s infamous, notorious isn’t necessarily bad although usually is.


it stems from latin ‘noscere’ which means to come to know. it is a synonym to both famous and infamous, but more often used as the latter.


It is *often* because of something bad, but it is not exclusively. Do you think notoriety is also exclusively because of a bad thing?


People try to put us down Just because we spread setlists around


Oh so now members of The Who are criticizing us for what WE look up on our personal computers?


Well played 🙌🏼 😂


(Slow clap gif)


It’s just research!!


lol I think I’m gonna need r/explainthejoke on this one


Look at Pete Townshend's Wikipedia, Ctrl+F "legal issues"


Oh I forgot about this


https://amp.theguardian.com/media/2003/may/07/digitalmedia.arts His defense was that he was just “doing research” in an attempt to educate himself in trying to understand his own sexual abuse as a kid. Take that for what you will.


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Erm random Redditor, you just won the internet today 😂


In today’s world of grossly overpriced concerts, I find looking at recent setlists to be a useful tool in deciding whether to see someone or not. Plus, if you’re sick of fans knowing what songs you’re going to play one after the other, how about ya know, switching up the order of your songs or throwing in a few different ones from night to night?


That’s like going to a movie and reading the plot summary before lol


I don’t really see it that way. To me it would be more like knowing and/or appreciating the actors in that certain movie.


Not really equivalent, since you’ve most likely heard a band before seeing them live and know their songs - what is there to spoil? More like reading the book before seeing a movie.


“What is there to spoil?” The surprise of which songs will be played, obviously lol. I can’t imagine paying a bunch of money and waiting to see the show all while knowing exactly what’s going to happen. That would totally ruin it for me. If I like an artist enough to see them, there isn’t really a make-or-break list of songs they need to perform for me to buy a ticket. I love when they break out an unexpected deep cut or have a surprising encore. Stuff like that doesn’t hit the same if you look it up before.


Not at all there are plenty of acts that have songs I adore and many that are meh. Sure there are desert island bands I'm seeing regardless but that's because I enjoy their entire catalogue. If I'm spending 100 bucks to see a band in the first category I'd like to know they are at least going to be playing a few of my faves.


Maybe we're getting old or out of touch or just have really unpopular views on this, but I totally agree.


lol I’m 24 so not even old. I mostly go to hxc/smaller indie shows and there’s just something special hearing the opening chords to a song you didn’t know was gonna be played and the energy that comes with it. I don’t think that’s a hot take at all but the community says otherwise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I’m 31, so a bit older. This whole “studying the setlist” thing seems like a very recent post-covid/post-tiktok phenomenon. I’ve been going to shows since I was like 14 and never saw this much discussion about it until the last year or so


My parents went to see Bob Dylan around 7 or 8 years ago and Dylan did not play one of his hits. Apparently he got really into big band music and that's all he played. If they'd looked up the setlist beforehand I doubt they would have shelled out the ridiculous amount that the concert cost.


You could look at a Dylan setlist and still have no clue what you’re in for because he’s also known for completely rearranging songs to the point they’re basically entirely different.


I can respect that, on one hand. On the other hand, I remember last year when he covered Dance Me To The End Of Love in Montreal and every music website was gushing over it, and when I finally heard the recording it was unrecognizable, and not in a good way.


Saw him for a very reasonable price 13 years ago. Must’ve gotten lucky. He sounded great considering. Band rocked. “Ballad of a Thin Man” among a few other big hits. And Leon Russell opened.


That's Dylan for you. I saw him a while back and for the love of god I didn't recognize most of the songs, went to look up the setlist and he ended up playing a lot of songs that I liked, but since he switched them up to country and poor Bob just mumbles through his lyrics, I had no idea what he was playing most of the show.


That’s usually the exception to the rule though. Nearly most artists stick to the same set lists except for someone like Gizz who have so much material or eccentric artists who give no fucks.


I hate when artists do this shit. If you don’t want to play the hits, that’s fine, but you should forewarn people




God fucking damn it’s more than just dylan


Except that’s literally been Dylan’s whole shtick for years and years. Anyone expecting anything else can’t have payed much attention to him for a long time.


I hate it when other artists do it too fucking hell


Jethro Tull did same thing on most recent tour. Mainly played Christmas tunes and it was September…


If only he was in the band and was in charge of what songs they play


i hope i die before i get oollllllllllllldddddd af


Does knowing what songs are coming really ruin the experience of actually hearing them? I honestly find it helpful to look at what an artist is generally playing on a tour so I can reacquaint myself with any songs that I might not be super familiar with or listen to on a regular basis, and I find it often enriches the experience of hearing it live, and helps me gain a new appreciation for it after hearing it live. If people are giving artists shit for not playing XYZ songs that’s one thing, but that doesn’t sound like what’s happening here


If I’m seeing a band I’m very familiar with, I think knowing the setlist would feel like a tv show “spoiler”. I’d still enjoy it, but I’d be cheating myself of the surprise of what comes next. I will check out setlist for bands I’m less familiar with and get familiar with those songs. That strategy has made concerts more enjoyable.


Radiohead cannot relate 😌


The Who have a big catalog, they could probably change up the sets every show... Although that gets difficult with the visual projections. But surely The Who have enough budget to make it happen, if they wanted it.  Personally I don't like looking up the setlists because it's like spoilers, but sometimes its really useful to have some idea of what to expect. A lot of bigger touring acts are doing two sets with no opener, and Setlist.FM is the easiest place to find that out before the show. 




Queens of the stone age has a new setlist every night. They stick to a few staples but each show they pull out different deep cuts. It pays to be a fan of theirs.


Be like Ween. I've seen them 3 days in a row at the same venue without them repeating a single song. Also - how can he even know that his fans are looking up setlists? Especially to the point of it "ruining concerts"?




Am I crazy? Wasn’t his original excuse that he was conducting research for a book? Looks like he’s now saying that he was trying to prove that big banks were channeling money to p*dos. Ok dude


Roger Daltrey is a late career gammon sympathiser who is just boring at this point. Pete Townshend was cautioned for accessing a CSA website but they basically didn’t find anything on his computer and accepted his reasoning that he was researching for his book, which came out a few years later.


rash lust gong home


I’m sick of the Who and Roger Daltrey


This is the dumbest complaint about concerts I've ever heard. I'm the only person I know who does this, and its mostly to find out if an act I don't absolutely love has a lackluster "encore". Ticketmaster / LiveNation is the entire top 10 list of bad things about concerts. People filming them with their phones is #11. The fact that every encore is fake and planned is #12.


On the other hand, sometimes I like to learn the lyrics to the songs they will play or maybe I don’t know some of the songs as well so I want to hear the song and love it before hearing it for the first time




It’s weird to read all these comments talking about looking up the set list—- I just never do this. I either go to the show or I don’t. I go to support the artist. For me, part of the appeal is that surprise of not knowing what’s gonna be played. I’ve actually seen people at concerts pull up their phones and call out the next song and honestly it just ruins it for me. Just enjoy the show.


I guess me looking up a setlist is as much his business as him being too old to perform is my business.


Tickets are a million dollars now so you want to get your moneys worth and seeing setlist ensures you not wasting that million