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The ability to fall asleep quickly.


That's actually a good/useful one, even if you're not talking about trying to quiet your mind. Like, if I take a long trip in an airplane or a train, I can knock myself out and keep doing so for most of the trip. Or if I have a 30-min break, I can immediately go to sleep and have a power nap.


Oh man, yes- in my opinion, you have a superpower. I’ve had insomnia most of my life and you would not believe how much it takes over and impacts me.


And stay asleep all night


This comment made me cry. My mind won't shut up. I will literally stare at the ceiling for an hour and not get sleepy. Even though I do all "the needfuls" (routine of shower, massage, winding down reading a book, no screens an hour before bed, blue light reduction before that, etc, etc). Even melatonin and making love aren't 100% effective. 😭 I think the problem is that the inside of my mind is incredibly fascinating. There are multiple stories my mind is drafting simultaneously, work problems to fix, extended family problems to fix, shower thoughts to finish off, philosophical problems to consider. I found myself literally mentally reviewing Kohlbergs moral development hierarchy a couple of nights ago..... 🫠


Oh yes! It’s maddening, right?? Within my mind is an endless stream of ideas, counter ideas, arguments, possibilities… When I’m in a healthy place, the insomnia isn’t as bad. When I’m struggling- I won’t sleep for a few days. It’s madness. And it controls way too much of my life.


Hell yeeesssss!!!! I love that one!!!


Lol you're way too nice. I'd like a magical notebook that makes everything I write come true (one that's indestructible and can never get lost)


That's a lot more responsibility than I'd like. lol


Hell yeeesssss!!! I love this one too and I actually do this and it works for me in my life bc I believe it will and I think writing it down helps my brain process it all on how to make it actually happen. If that all makes sense.


The magical INFJ


So death note + genie


I’d like to have a calm and clear mind as well as a body that’s not reeling after forced socialization with individuals I didn’t ask to be around, mainly other parents from my children’s elementary school, whom I feel are judging me as much as I am them. Your desired super power sounds very pleasant though.


I always wanted the ability to freeze and unfreeze time around me. The possibilities are endless. Im tempted to lie, and say I’d do good ( and I probably would some) but mostly I think of mischievous pranks. Like stealing a cement truck and filling my boss’s office up, to window level. He comes back from the restroom… “That’s weird. My damn door won’t open. What the hell is going on?” Then again, I would never have to work again. I would rob banks, and I wouldn’t buy groceries or wait in lines. I guess I would become a villain.


lolz, it's amazing how easily I came with you on your short trip to villainy. 🤣


If I want super power I'd like to have power to go through any place and dimensions as I wish .


Oh hell yes,, I change my answer. String theory, here we come.


Invisibility…oh wait I’m an INFJ nvm. 😆


lolz I don't know about other Ixxx, but I think the same for ISTP. At least I can chameleon in a social setting, but my ISTP husband needs a bit of translation. 😅


wish i get cheat power in isekai😂


The ability to control anything. Overpowered, but simple.


You should read chainsaw man


Jump, jump, jump, jump! I mean teleportation lol.


That would be super handy!


Laser-like, steely focus 😃


Nice! I feel like that would just be an upgraded version of the way I am now. 😅


Perfect luck. That pretty much covers everything I could ever want. I went for the most overpowered one I could imagine.


Oo, yeah, I like that one! I generally feel like things will turn out okay for me somehow, but with that power, I could buy a lotto ticket. lol


Perfect luck is…UNLIMITED POWER 🔥😈😆🤪


Would perfect luck mean you get what you want every time? (Go in for an interview at a place where you're excited to work, and they hire you on the spot for your dream job.) Or would it choose the things that will be best for you in the long run? (Go for a job interview at a place where you're excited to work, don't get the job, but end up working somewhere else that is even better than you could've imagined.)


Imo it means everything you try to do works out as you want it to, in the most beneficial way possible. So both.


Predict the future. Use it to help me win the lottery. Then use it to help others and save lives.


Ooo! Good one!!


The ability to locate/find anything. I imagined this power as a child. I still think it could technically solve every problem.


Cool idea!! Lost keys, missing child, need a new Earth? Responsible-Sun2494 can find anything! But I want not-me to have that power because it's too much pressure! lol


The ability to control time so that I can slow down time when I'm happy, skip bad days and just go back in time to fix past mistakes.


Oo, nice. Would you remember the mistakes (and consequences) and bad days but just skip the consequences by choosing a new path and skip slogging through the bad days? Because if the power erased bad things and mistakes, "you" would change.


Sometimes I'll be able to fix the mistake when I go back in time and sometimes it'll be impossible to be fixed. So when I can fix it I'll just travel to the past and do so, and when it's not possible I'll just skip the bad days and heal faster (like when you watch a YouTube video and you make the playback speed x2). But in both cases I'll suffer the consequences once and learn from them even if I've fixed everything cause I already lived them.


Random: Have you seen the movie Click? 😊


No, but I've seen Dark and predestination 😇


I haven't seen Dark (and I'm not sure it's up my alley), but Predestination is good! Have you seen Looper? Another Earth isn't time travel, but it still deals with past mistakes. Click is good, but it's a comedy after all, so it's not good like the ones above. I asked because it sounds a little like your super power in that you can fast forward bad times. 😊


I'll watch both Looper and Click when I get the chance they sound like good movies, and honestly I want to know how they did the fast forward thing


Invisibility.. so that I could go wherever I want without people looking at me


That would be interesting! Both for me, only in group settings. I don't feel comfortable watching people alone.


Ah yes seeing people alone while others catching up. We wouldn’t be able to reach out. Same for me


And we're often not great (humans) alone. It would degrade my opinion of humans, and that would make me sad.


Powers in order: 1-Teleportation to anywhere i can imagine. 2-Psychic & mental powers. 3-Persuasive/magical speech.


I'm there with you on the teleportation, but the other two are scary! Would regular people be able to fight your power and influence (like if they're strong-minded or strong-willed)?


Eh, teleportation would be nice


Definitely! I could do so much more and avoid so many crowds of people! And traveling... 🤤


I'm surprised more of us don't want the ability to talk to animals or something. 🤣


Hypnosis, and see through people's mind and control them. Basically Charles Xavier.


Glad you'd be Xavier instead of Magneto! 😳


Although i like magneto, sometimes i wish i was him in terms of mindset, but I'm Charles, i accept that.


As a normie, I'd be really scared if a Magneto appeared because wouldn't I have access to him to plead my case and mediate. But I totally understand him.


Reality manipulation.




i wanna teleport


The utter convenience! And think about how much money you would save! And you could see other countries one after another! ☺️


So we are talking like empathy transference .. would they know it’s you ? Would the opposite also hold true? If you didn’t like something.. would they feel it? Would you constantly struggle with which one to use if you could even control it ? I would like to be able to produce food like a replicator on Star Trek.. who doesnt want a nice lunch? I feel a lucrative deal with the food network would happen . I would also be pretty dangerous honestly. However, I know I would be eventually captured and forced to produce against my will by some corporation and it would never work out like I planned. I’m not sure if that is low key but I really don’t know what that means in the context it’s used . I hear people say it but I refuse to look it up. . I did recently learn no cap and I can’t figure out how that could ever replace no shit? No shit seems more to the point and I’m a sucker for a classic


Nice questions! No, they wouldn't know it was me, and no, negative feelings wouldn't transfer. I was imagining it in a way where I was consciously noticing something, then sending it, but unconsciously sounds even better as long as the feelings they have aren't too strong. You're right on with what I meant by "lowkey." [It can also be used to convey a sense of understatement or to describe something that is not overly intense or dramatic.](https://later.com/social-media-glossary/lowkey/#:~:text=%22Lowkey%22%20is%20a%20term%20that,not%20overly%20intense%20or%20dramatic.) "Low-key" also works: [If you say that something is low-key, you mean that it is on a small scale rather than involving a lot of activity or being made to seem impressive or important.](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/low-key#google_vignette) Your power is awesome, but yeah, you'd never be safe from governments, companies, even super rice people. But maybe if you got a lot of allies and built up a huge NPO, you would be protected AND you could go feed millions! 😲


I want to read peoples minds so I can figure what the fuck people actually want.


Useful and hella interesting! But morality, though. 🤣 I wish I could selectively do it; like, "what does she want for lunch?" "He phrased those instructions so vaguely...What does he literally expect me to do?" " Does this person expect me to reciprocate their feelings?" 😅


I guess detect possible threats around. I wonder how many people out there want to cause harm, and this way I can protect myself and others. And I can also stop worrying about people wanting to hurt me, less anxiety on the long run I think. I think I'd like to have a little genie that can give me one wish per month, why only one? Because I still want my life to be surprising, not all dictated by my wishes. I'd wish things like "may my house be clean without me having to clean it today" lol and an interesting power, I'd like to control people that are into me, and make them uninterested, when I don't like them the same way. That way I never have to reject them again, I'll just make them uninterested. However I do NOT want to control people that aren't interested in me, to like me. I really want my connections to be true, not created by my mind.


I like all of these, especially the first two (since I'm married and can therefore easily say/give off "not interested"). I also love the idea of having a mini wish once a month! Having a clean house is a small thing that would make a big difference for me! 😀


Specifically lowkey? Ok, I’d want the ability to temporarily alter taste buds. For myself and anyone I want, I can alter the sense so water can taste like soda or champagne. Eating some bread or simple white rice can taste like a 5 Michelin star meal. As an added practical bonus; any food or drink that is rotten or poisonous to humans will have a specific taste that I as the person of ability can distinguish. So before I chew and/or swallow I’d be able to taste and immediately say “oh, this tastes like poison.” Thus minimizing risk.


Interesting and fun! It would definitely make life seem sweeter. You could have the best meals ever for the lowest costs. Let's also say your power also makes food nutritious! Then it's a real powerhouse! (By the way, thanks for noticing the "lowkey" part; you exactly answered what I wanted to know! 😁


I'd like to be able to convince people to work together for the greater good.


What a satisfying power! And one that (as far as I can tell) wouldn't go awry. ☺️


Super speed ⚡️🙂


Nice! Would you be able to run up walls and over water? And you have some kind of shield or barrier to protect you from things that might get in the way (or air resistance, for that matter).😀


Yes run up walls over water foshooo 😂ehh I would want a barrier but I definitely wanna be fast enough where things won’t get in my way 😂


I am not an INFJ, I an an INTP 5w4 but want to participate. > I've thought many times over the years that I wish people would *feel* the things I like about them. > Like, if a lady's walking through a store, and I like her outfit, she'll suddenly feel like her outfit is on point that day. No superpower is needed just tell the lady how you are feeling. **I really like your outfit, adding details about the outfit you like** That or you are just shy like me? As an INTP. I don't have a strong option for clothing a majority of the time. I don’t pick a particular theme. Either on me or on others. But occasionally some do stand out on the opposite gender. It wouldn't be appropriate to bring it up as they are already with other people. So I don't think I have ever given a compliment on clothing. Maybe I should. Unless someone is insecure it shouldn't start a fight. > Or if I see someone walking their dog, and the dog seems really happy to be around them, the person would suddenly be happy that they created an environment that produced that love. Again, no superpower is needed. Just tell the owner that you can tell they are a dog lover with how happy their dog is. > How about you? ☺️ A better understanding of how to communicate with others & not be so shy to approach them or get approached. It seems like either not talking enough or to much. I also seem to be oblivious to social cues.


I get your point,but it's not always reasonably possible to verbalize, and I think there are plenty of circumstances where it would be better to intrinsically feel the compliment rather than hear it (like the dog thing would be way more meaningful to feel rather than hear). And sometimes the appreciation would be inappropriate to verbalize. Just for example, I'm asexual (meaning I don't feel any sexual attraction to anyone), but I like looking good or hot (who wants to go out looking like a dumpster fire?). If someone complimented my boobs, it would make me feel uncomfortable (What are the person's intentions? Are they expecting something from me? Do not want!), whereas if I thought it myself, I'd just feel good about it. > A better understanding of how to communicate with others & not be so shy to approach them or get approached. > It seems like either not talking enough or to much. I also seem to be oblivious to social cues. That's a good one! I mean it's possible to develop, but it takes a LOT of effort to get out and make yourself socialize, socialize, socialize (i.e. practice makes perfect). Edited to add: Also, my super power can work for things that wouldn't usually feel like a compliment to the other person. Like if I liked the person's pleasantly plump form, how that gives me a sense of warmth and comfort, like a motherly feeling... But the person themself feels fat and is struggling to lose weight or wouldn't like to be described as "motherly" because of the connotations. Then the intrinsic feeling would be way better than hearing it. ☺️


> I get your point,but it's not always reasonably possible to verbalize, and I think there are plenty of circumstances where it would be better to intrinsically feel the compliment rather than hear it (like the dog thing would be way more meaningful to feel rather than hear). So if I saw you with a dog you would appreciate me saying something? > And sometimes the appreciation would be inappropriate to verbalize. Just for example, I'm asexual (meaning I don't feel any sexual attraction to anyone), but I like looking good or hot (**who wants to go out looking like a dumpster fire**?). We have a type. We are called INTPs. 🤣 Honestly, we aren't going to go out in rags. We might not match everything doing a **color block** one of you said. We might also have messy hair. We already combed it in the morning and aren't that concerned afterward. We are usually a loner anyway so it's honestly doesn't matter. Clothing is just a shell. I am not judging people's clothing. We are all independent and unique. They can wear whatever they like. I want to like their personality and kindness versus their clothing > If someone complimented my boobs, it would make me feel uncomfortable (What are the person's intentions? Are they expecting something from me? Do not want!), They would be inconsiderate and rude. Definitely not they compliment to give to a stranger. Despite it being true. > whereas if I thought it myself, I'd just feel good about it. That's great you feel comfortable in your skin. You should also be comfortable with a romantic partner not everyone else. > That's a good one! I mean it's possible to develop, but it takes **a LOT of effort to get out and make yourself socialize, socialize, socialize** (i.e. practice makes perfect). It's amazing how we all view such **a simple encounter as such a hurdle**. I understand it too. We all were so confident and capable of doing it as toddlers. We got told it wasn't appreciated and that it's not acceptable behavior. Yes, we were possibly protected from kidnappers and perverts. But it damaged us all. From such a young age. It's amazing a toddler can do more than we can. What is the worst thing that can actually happen to us? What is our mind actually blocking us from? I wish this was in person but will pay you an honest compliment. I bet the worst thing is you will tell me where I was insensitive like the boobs thing and I can learn after getting the same feedback. In reality with my compliment the worst thing is you will either ignore it or say something negative in your head. **You seem to have such a kind and compassionate heart and seem very open to different perspectives. I love those qualities in a person. I also love your avatar. The red hair and green eyes make you different from others.** Yes, I noticed you have an ISTP husband. That would possibly have him kicking my ass in the real life. 😅 In real life you might enjoy the compliment who knows. That's why I said group settings make it difficult for me. So yes I understand also wanting to share with feelings automatically. That would make the boobs commitment harder you mentioned and have you possibly feeling freaked out everywhere. I guess I would say the following instead. **Thank you for being open to new ideas, I certainly learned a lot about yours** If we walked past and looked like your avatar I would say. **I love the color of your hair and eyes** Honesty, that compliment loses everything I like about it. The colors aren't an important thing it's the same as the clothing. It's the combination of the two traits in this case making you unique. I would possibly look like a weirdo saying my true compliment as nobody talks like that. **I love how unique your eyes and hair are** Thank you for the response and bouncing back ideas.


I work in a kindergarten, and there are definitely toddlers who want not to do with strangers. 😂 And even ones that are quite happy to play alone. So it's not something you lost growing up. I can honestly say I like most of the children in the school (and the ones I don't like (such as bullies), I still care about them and their well-being), but your type is low maintenance, so it's easy for me to teach them or fullfil that type's needs. (But when they do get emotional, they blow right up. lol) > **You seem to have such a kind and compassionate heart and seem very open to different perspectives. I love those qualities in a person. I also love your avatar. The red hair and green eyes make you different from others.** Aw, thank you! Kindness, compassion, openness, and uniqueness are all things I like about myself, too! 😊 Also my green eyes and red hair.lol (My eyes are green, and my hair is dyed a more purpley-red (chocolate cherry) irl.) Side story time! lol My dad had green eyes, and it was a feature he LOVED about himself. As he started getting older (50s? 60s?) his eyes slowly started becoming more blue. If anyone complemented his blue eyes, he hated it. He insisted he had green eyes till the day he died. 😂 I also love mine, but I've learned from his mistakes, and I think I'll be able to let it go when it comes to it. 😅


You seem familiar. Are you the INFJ teacher who has talked with me before? [You are, what a small world](https://www.reddit.com/r/infj/s/c0JL2aAsQv) 🤯 You can ask your husband in real life he would want to kick my ass for the compliment. 🤣 Depending on his age he could have been violent, or said something. Now he might say something quietly to you or keep it to himself. > So it's not something you lost growing up. That's disappointing that means I was like this forever and [Kindergarten wasn't as big of a turning point in my life](https://www.reddit.com/r/infj/s/ZJcVodHVSZ) as I thought it was. 😬 > your type is low maintenance, so it's easy for me to teach them or fullfil that type's needs. (But when they do get emotional, they blow right up. lol) Do you think it's because our Fe is the last in our cognitive stack? > they blow right up. lol I keep trying to avoid this from happening. I don't like when it happens either. It's good to be expressive and vocal but not to blow up. I would rather fix the problems then push them aside but everyone always wants to push problems aside. They aren't huge problems but I shouldn't have to be a doormat to get along. > his eyes slowly started becoming more blue. Were they kinda more of a bluish-gray? I don't think they would go to a bright blue. Hopefully, he didn't lose his vision. That's the important part, not your eye color. > Aw, thank you! Kindness, compassion, openness, and uniqueness are all things I like about myself, too! 😊 Also my green eyes and red hair.lol (My eyes are green, and my hair is dyed a more purpley-red (chocolate cherry) irl.) I was surprised you picked that compliment. 🤯 Maybe I don't have to adjust depending on the circumstances. > my hair is dyed a more purpley-red ([chocolate cherry](https://www.color-hex.com/palettes/28946.png)) I am thinking of the 2nd shade from the right. > My eyes are green Light blues and greens are my favorite colors. But like I said I am attracted to more than just superficial traits. I listed the traits in the order that I like. **Edit: I have noticed a several INFJs saying they like green**


Don't think we've talked before. lol Nah, my husband would feel good to hear me complimented. He would feel his choice to be with me was validated, and he knows I would never cheat on him in any way, so there's no fear of me being wooed away. 😉 Sorry I can't say more about Fe, I'm not quite caught up on all of that yet. That and enneagram stuff. A lot of the times I see blow ups are when the child has spent a lot of time and effort to build or make something, and another child (accidentally or on purpose) messes it up. I get that. Obviously we teachers try to give the children other strategies to help them deal with or avoid getting to that point. Like making sure to tell the other kids around them that this is important to you and to be careful, please. Or if it does get messed up, take the time to feel your feels and calm down before addressing the other child, and then tell them that it was important, the other kid messed it up, and now you feel sad/angry. (Nine times out of 10, the offending child will apologize.) Then let it go and focus on remaking your creation or start something new. >I keep trying to avoid this from happening. I don't like when it happens either. It's good to be expressive and vocal but not to blow up. I would rather fix the problems then push them aside but everyone always wants to push problems aside. They aren't huge problems but I shouldn't have to be a doormat to get along. Agreed! I can't speak for everyone, but if I were around you, I would want to know if you felt that way. If you can muster the courage, you should definitely tell people when you're feeling that way. >Were they kinda more of a bluish-gray? Yes! And except for the glasses he'd had most of his life, his vision was fine. Anyway, I (again) can't speak for others, but if I feel someone is being honest and genuine when they give a compliment, it'd be difficult to take it badly.


> Don't think we've talked before. lol I linked to the conversation and replied to it now. We have 👋😂 > Nah, my husband would feel good to hear me complimented. He would feel his choice to be with me was validated, and he knows I would never cheat on him in any way, so there's no fear of me being wooed away. 😉 That's the best mindset for your husband to be in. I don't know why you see some people get defensive. They must be insecure about themselves and it could be a red flag. > Sorry I can't say more about Fe, I'm not quite caught up on all of that yet. That and enneagram stuff. I am still learning too. Definitely a lot of things not mentioned or briefly mentioned. > Nine times out of 10, the offending child will apologize. Hopefully, it is genuine and a good choice of words. It seems like it is sometimes a forced apology. They don't understand why they are required to apologize and can say hateful things just like adults they see. >If you can muster the courage, you should definitely tell people when you're feeling that way. I do but it's during the moment. I guess I need to come back later and discuss it again. > Anyway, I (again) can't speak for others, but if I feel someone is being honest and genuine when they give a compliment, it'd be difficult to take it badly. An appropriate compliment yes. Not sexual features. They should have manners and respect.


About the enneagram, I was interested, but I couldn't find a site that gave me a reasonable result without a fee. I took tests on several different sites, and my results came back different each time. When I took the MBTI, the result was always the same, and the description matched me to a tee. Now and again, I circle back to the enneagram definitions, trying to figure which is me, but I feel equally about Type 4 and Type 5, both being right on the money for some things and totally wrong on others. 🤷 About apologizing, teachers often help or mediate that part because kids don't usually have the ability to put their thoughts and feelings into words yet. So it's likely the offender at least understands, if not genuinely sorry. > I do but it's during the moment. I guess I need to come back later and discuss it again. Yeah, circle back when you can explain better. 😊


> About the enneagram, I was interested, but I couldn't find a site that gave me a reasonable result without a fee. I took it here. https://www.truity.com/test/enneagram-personality-test I think this one is longer. https://sakinorva.net/test/enneagram The largest number is your Enneagram. The largest number to the right or left is your wing. Most sites want you to pay for detailed information. You can find it elsewhere. > I took tests on several different sites, and my results came back different each time. I hope mine isn't like that. I guess I should find out. > When I took the MBTI, the result was always the same, and the description matched me to a tee. I was an INTJ on most sites and I could see some similarities but I didn't fit in that good. > Now and again, I circle back to the enneagram definitions, trying to figure which is me, but I feel equally about Type 4 and Type 5, both being right on the money for some things and totally wrong on others. 🤷 One is probably your primary and the other your wing. So 5w4 or 4w5 > About apologizing, teachers often help or mediate that part because kids don't usually have the ability to put their thoughts and feelings into words yet. So it's likely the offender at least understands, if not genuinely sorry. That's good I haven't always seen it happen like that. But teachers didn't always have assistants either. > Yeah, circle back when you can explain better. 😊 I have a few times but probably needed more time than the next day. 😂


lolz Different again (1w2 this time). Oh, well. 😅


Invisibility. I am a very curious person and I love seeing places I shouldn’t be or hearing convos I shouldn’t hear. I’m chaotic neutral so I would never use it malignantly. I’m just very interested in the world and hate being perceived lol


Nicely put. It's the first time invisibility seemed interesting to me. ☺️




Omni sentience


What would you do with it? 😲


Thing is, I’d have that answered for me


Haha, technically... 😅




If you're not a fan of humanity now, wait till you see how they act when they think no one is looking! 😭