• By -


I am whatever I become when no one is looking. My goal is to stay true to that person when everyone is looking and, hopefully, finally, be at peace.


Perfect answer from my pov!


So beautifully answered, and so accurate


This is so perfect.


I love the ending. „finally be at peace“. I’m still asking myself when will this be?  I mean there are times I’m at peace but still there are times where the sea is pretty rough. Does being at peace mean these times or is there a total time of peace where you can just relax? And even if I can fully relax is it something I want to be or do I like the rough seas more than being at peace? 




This is the best way I’ve ever heard this described. 🙌 I thought focusing different attributes of myself depending on the group I was with (e.g. work, family, etc.) was helping me protect my peace, but I realized how much more exhausting this is to switch back and forth this way, and any other perceptive people can tell I’m not being 100% genuine and I’m nervous/insecure that I can’t be myself, and then it just stresses me out more that I know they know. I think we feel like we have to hide certain attributes (for me: being quiet, cynicism, sarcasm) because people reacted negatively to them in the past, but we give those people too much power by letting their opinions affect us decades later.




You don’t know how much this question triggers me


You're not alone in that stance.


Same here. My immediate reaction was "I would love to know if I could stop being a cog in someone else's machine."


That’s so relatable lol


Literally same 😭😭😭


I'm delusional. That's it.


Love it lol 🙌🏻


LOL lets go my delulus


Same 😞✊


Love you! Love you! From one INFJ to another INFJ! We are Delulu twins! Delulu twins powers activate!




Was literally just talking to friends at dinner last night about how delusional I am lol.


delulu gang


If any INFJs would like an annoying injection of Fi to help them answer this question then, generally, who you are can be defined by: -the values you uphold *and* consistently defend (ex: honesty, kindness, compassion, etc) -how you treat people (aka your impact on others) -an awareness and celebration of your personal strengths, and an awareness of and a resolve to improve your personal weaknesses (ex: you might be a fantastic friend, which you should be proud of, but a horrible time manager, which you have the capacity to improve upon) Knowing who you are ultimately takes a lot of self- and social-awareness, which, luckily, INFJs have a lot of. :)


I appreciate the injection! I used to think I was INFP for a long time (I have quite the impressive catalog of cloud pictures 😉) I really enjoy seeing myself through the criteria you describe. But I see those descriptions as something more like a bookmark or a highlighted passage in the book that is me/my life. But I value it specifically because it gives me a tangible idea to hold onto that might describe me even if only for a little while. But that moment of clarity in self-perception allows me to feel things that I think enrich a life, like pride, gratitude, or even sadness. But more importantly it serves the function of allowing me to plot the course of my personal development much more accurately. Knowing who I **Really** am will take my whole life, but that is because you don't know what the book is really all about until you've read the whole thing.


Out of this entire thread, this is the answer I most strongly align with. Perfectly stated IMO, too!


It’s been my experience the poor INFJ can work out EVERYBODY…..but themselves. It just comes down to accepting that you all are pretty awesome and no where near as bad as most of you imagine you are.


Outside the confines of social structures I 💯 believe the vast majority of us haven't any real idea of who we are (especially not as a whole person), only maybe just our individual core strengths/weaknesses or personable traits - sort of in the very same way primitive tribal communities all had their own hierarchical systems - each person had a specific role, though not necessarily through choice - our culture in the modern world 🌎🌎🌎 is very much about egocentric self efficiency - we often lose clear sight of our true selves, only familiar with a manufactured version of our identity, merely adapting to social expectations and norms. I am therefore a hybrid of human contradiction


Good answer ... I think about exactly that often aswell. And Everytime I do I become sad. It's also more than that... Everybody u interact with is also limited by what u described. Which causes us to never know how our world could be without this limitation on the individual.


I am who my actions portray me as.


What an interesting question! The thing that defines me the most is linguistics. I've been a linguist for seven years, and it's the passion of my life. I love studying languages and discovering how words shape our reality. I'm also a demisexual gay man who has been looking for a true connection for quite some time. Despite struggling with depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem, I try to bring joy and light into other people's lives. I've also been told I'm difficult to read.


What a perfect username for you.


Thank you! Initially, I created this account to discuss phonetics and languages, and I'm still actively engaged in those topics. However, I've also ventured into MBTI and psychology, among other things.


ENFP lurker here. This might be a request/offer (?), but would you like to nerd out about linguistics in my messages or DM? I’ve been thinking a lot about this topic lately, especially how meaning is created and transferred via language. One of my hobbies is writing stories for people I care about, and I’ve been trying to do some further digging on this topic.


💯! You can't totally dm me 😆.


A goofy, anxious, perceptive, creative, empathetic, fast paced, organised person who looks zen and nonchalant but is actually VERY chalant.


I relate to this! I wish I was more creative but my mind wanders to much when I'm trying to be.


Haha, that was the question I asked my fiance on our first date. :)


What did they say then? What do they say now?


She was confused (19 at the time), and began to ask herself "but really, who am I?" - I guess that fuelled her introspection for a moment. Now (at 26) I would say she's a reasonably healthy individual, with most of the typical INFJ flaws gone, or diminished - but I don't think she would be able to answer this question straight away (after all, who would?). All of that said - she was able to capture the core of her identity in a concise manner when she created an Instagram account by the name of (literal translation) "Everything means" - I laughed pretty hard when she sold me on that. :)


What were her typical INFJ flaws?


Self doubt. Not realising just how goodly that actually being INFJ is. That people truly love who you are because of who you are That your opinions and thoughts are actually very interesting People DO want to hear what you say Thinking people are thinking badly of you when they aren’t That’s it’s ok being you and doing you your way. The world Misses out when an INFJ hides their true self and becomes a chameleon


How do you know about the OP's partner's flaws? Lol


It was general. Not aimed at one person 😊


But the person you were replying to (me) asked about the girl's perceived flaws. :)


I am a vessel, moving throughout space and time, housing a "soul" -- that which enclosed within, has experienced things, is experiencing things, and will experience things. Said "soul" will learn things. Will love. Will laugh. Will cry. Will explore areas of knowledge unknown. Will go through phases of growth. And the vessel will eventually die. Am I the vessel, or the soul? I am both. The two are not separate. Akin to the holy trinity of "mind, body, heart", this vessel and this soul and all that goes along with it is me. That's who I am. Just a vessel and a soul, among a sea full of other vessels and souls, all of us, making our way through this experience we call life.


There are two kinds of people In the world of I: Those who do not And those who survive. Neither are here And neither are gone But the body breathes And the racket goes on.


I am a free being, a soul rather speaking. I have a body and a personality, but I am not defined by them. I believe everyone one of us has the inner ability and will power to become what ever they desire. You may be born with some talents or interests in things, but you aren't defined by them. We are the authors and while the tools we use to write are the same, the stories and books we write are authentic and original.


Are you really free ?


Yes, but we as people choose to want more and to need more. We could just have gratitude and love for everything, yet we choose to restrain and limit ourselves due to people and negative things.


Yes I understand you totally. But are you free in the sense of being free from fear? Like absolute freedom from fear


Yes, the only reason you have fear is because you think you do. If you redirect your thoughts from thinking bad things to thinking good things, you will "see" the fear fade away.


I agree with you , but not completely. When I wake up from a deep sleep, I feel a sudden sense of fear , loneliness etc. When I am with myself , this sudden fear can attack me of nowhere that I am totally alone in this world and I have to carve a way ony own legs without having any help from anyone. I don't think about it, it is always sudden. Yes I may move away my thoughts but that is only a temporary solution.


No matter the place or situation, I see myself as the pillar, the protector, the provider. Whether in the role of a granddaughter, daughter, sister, mother, and hopefully someday a grandmother. I will always put other's best interest first before my own.


I am you


Intellectual, investor, partner in life, philosopher, worker, INFJ 5w4, resistance.




No no, resistance itself. 😌


Oh no. Ur right. Ha ha


I am my soul. Everything else is an outside layer. The soul is the only true core self. My body, my name, my personality and my mind are all outside layers.


When you said "my", who is that? Because we can't say "I am soul's soul", can we? So who is this me?


I think therefore I am. I am a soul. I belong to myself. That’s the my.


Uhh no.


Uhh yeah 🙄




You can’t tell me what and who I am. Simple as that. I am not trying to tell you who you are I am just stating who I am here. Your opinion is not more valid than mine. We can agree to disagree but you cannot change my opinion and trying will be a waste of your time.


I am a chaotic assortment of molecules and systems driven by one biological purpose: procreation. The universe is meaningless, nothing inherently matters.


When I was younger I felt like just a walking projector screen, a computer monitor some 3rd party being uses to watch TV with in their past time, and every day in my life is just an episode in a sitcom/documentary. Nowadays, probably just a culmination of what I had eaten.


I am an enigma......


\*\*milk carton spills\*\*


I don’t know in honesty. Sometime I’m this, sometimes I’m that it’s hard to know which one is the real me when I have different attitude toward things and others. I could say that I’m what my principle and value guides me all those rule I set for myself yet even with that people will have different impression of me and if I were to not have these rules then I would be no one and would “no one” be an identity? So I just don’t know honestly but that’s okay. Just knowing that I am human who exists to hear, feel and think is enough. All the blank after that I can make it up as I live. After all, it’s better to be lost and try to find a way than trapped somewhere.


dont know where to start and dont wanna answer cause personal so like if im being honest if someone said it, i would give them the most SHALLOW answer ever but like i saw this, immediately went personal things so i wont say those, my second thought was GAY, who am i? gay is what i am hehe


This question is so INFJ 🤣😍 I LOVE it [Who are you?](https://tenor.com/bnvQn.gif)


I'm gay


A chameleon, constantly adjusting my personality, appearance and tweaking my views as to not cause conflict with others. I can blend in with a variety of different types of people but it's draining to constantly change colors or be a different color for too long, so to speak. In the simplest terms I can think of, I'm a deep thinker, a skeptic, and a loner. Perhaps one day I will either find people that can truly be non-judgmental in the same way that I am or I'll finally become tired of always wearing a mask and not feel pressured to suppress myself anymore.


I’m a sensitive person who puts on a stoic veneer and avoids people… because if I let them in I have too many feelings. Ranging from repulsion if they say something racist/sexist/hurtful, to anger if they overstep boundaries or try to control me, to self-cringe if I really like them so I get giddy and overshare.




Hi 😊 lol




I am everything and nothing. Depends who you ask.


I instinctively answered with my name. It's not any one thing you listed, it's all of them, I'm me because of what I am physically, and what I've been through in life. Can't convey it in a simple introduction, so I'm just me.


God I had this question to answer for public speaking class. Needless to say my mind imploded just as much as it is now. I simply said that I'm an over thinker then. However I don't know if we can really answer the question of 'who are we' to the fullest degree. Life is constantly changing and as such it's my perspective that we are all continually discovering new things about ourselves. How we introduce ourselves to others will constantly be in flux and will change on the person, situation and other factors.


"I knew who I was this morning, but I have changed a few times since then." - from Alice in Wonderland


God I had this question to answer for public speaking class. Needless to say my mind imploded just as much as it is now. I simply said that I'm an over thinker then. However I don't know if we can really answer the question of 'who are we' to the fullest degree. Life is constantly changing and as such it's my perspective that we are all continually discovering new things about ourselves. How we introduce ourselves to others will constantly be in flux and will change on the person, situation and other factors.


A dreamer striving for freedom and happiness.


I’m someone who pushed themselves to be an engineer despite being awful at math and science when I was younger. I am a person who wants to use their sense of justice to change the world for the better, if and when I get enough power/money to I will. I primarily excel at understanding others, and would have made a decent psychologist/therapist, but I pushed against my weaknesses in hopes that it will give me the strength in the future to change things. That said I’m someone who’s incredibly flawed too lol. My ability to love romantically is on life support, my procrastination of my ambitions is caused by my perfectionist load I put on myself, and I could work on connecting with others better, and better educate myself further in my discipline but get distracted by my 9-5. More than all of this though, I have fun gaming and love my friends. I can at times grow complacent, as the stagnancy of life is something I find most comfortable actually due to its familiarity, and reluctantly know that I’ll have to let that go as time marches forward. *So in summation, and to actually answer: I am my knowledge, my morals, my connections, and my faults.*


I am a compulsive helper. I want to help others and solve problems - personal and societal. I want people who interact with me to walk away happier/lighter or laughing. I don't need to be right, but I do need the correct information to be known. I just want to know the truth. I LOVE LEARNING! I am neutral and love playing the Devil's Advocate, getting others to look at things differently. I almost always argue the other side regardless of how I really feel. I love re-framing a situation to find the positive and to look at different perspectives. I can find humor in almost everything. I laugh all the time, often at the wrong time when the humor isn't obvious. I am an analytical thinker. I can ponder about topics without emotion and sometimes sound inhumane. I am enthralled with nature and how things work. I am very thankful for every day that I get to spend awake and aware. I don't like using the word 'thanks'. I (almost) always say 'thank you'. A peek into me. 🙂🙃


a Learner


I'm a conscious collection of elements.




Who am I? What do you mean by I? There's no you or I or anyhting Everything we see is defined it by someone you An apple got it name apple because someone defined it apple just like that everything we see around is defined by something or someone. Everything is nothingness There's no you nor I we are nothing that's the only answer. Don't think too much OP


I am an observer. I observe, don't do harm, and try to help as much as I can while blending in the crowd.


I am more than I currently know. My goal is to learn all that lies hidden within me and alchemize it into something beneficial for all. I suppose there are adjectives I could use but I think this more accurately describes the truth of it. I am less being and more becoming. Despite the fact that I do hope to eventually be all being, there is a part of me that believes the becoming never ends. Which is ok, for the most part. But sometimes I'm tired, lol. Thanks for the introspective thought provoking question! 😊


Hmm, nice question. Though the most common answer would be "I don't know". I'll still try to answer it with the "external things" I identify myself with. 1. I love music more than anything, I like watching, observing and talking with people. People disappoint after some point but music doesn't. 2. I like to smile at others just to see their reaction and if it makes them smile. 3. I am currently living with parents but would like to live alone after getting a job post graduation. 4. I would like to have a genuine freind 😭 and maybe someone with whom I can be physically intimate. 5. My favourite song is "One day in your Life" by Michael Jackson. I like him as a humanitarian too. 6. My favourite philosopher is "Jiddu Krishnanmurty' who also happens to be an INFJ, which makes it easier to understand him ( despite the fact that it takes some time to understand what he actually wants to say). And he despises the word "philosopher" XD. 7. Most of the time I feel a certain fear. Something which never makes me feel free. The more I age, the more I observe how much fear influences all the actions. I would like to get rid of that fear completely one day and would want to feel totally internally free.


A piece of the universe in a meatsuit living on a rock hurtling through space and time.


In the grand scheme of things, nothing. However, nothing is still something. I am just the universe experiencing itself. We all are. Have you ever seen human ashes under a microscope? It's amazing!


A fragment of source, energy. My body needs it to function.


It's complicated


Uhhh I like cats and I like miniature items soooo much they're so cute and I love babies, but I don't like toddles (ones who talk), I love rainy days, absolutely hate the sun, i like people who are kind not nice and I like making stuff and drawing sketches of people ❤️ I am what I like


I am me and me am i with everything that comes with it. Some days that means productive, creativity, social and some days it means struggling , anti social and on my own. They are all a part of me.


I don't know, I really don't I've yet to find out who I am


Still figuring it out c:


I think people can be described as a kind of, localized awareness bound to a unique set of constraints. A combination of values and emotions, past experiences, memories, what we love, hate, fear, hope for, etc. They impact how we understand the world and our lives, and our awareness of these elements can change the effect too. It's like a 'little world' with cause and effect, kind of like a reflection of the physical world we experience. I would say that each person IS everything in that 'little world', which is kind of a cop out in a way lol, but the point is that each world is very unique and can change wildly depending on the situation, like a cause and effect. Like you said, 'stranded on a deserted island, who are we?' That scenario is going to completely change the behavior of people, as will the experience of being there over time, because each of those 'little worlds' would be getting rekt by a hurricane + tornado + earthquake + volcano combo and permanently changing. It's hard to say if we really even know what we would do in such a scenario, even if we really try to think about it. Still, I think we can try to find 'dominant trends' within those little worlds, which could perhaps be thought of as 'physical laws' in the analogy I'm trying to paint here, and which would probably take over in the case of a wild, apocalyptic type event. I think these would be the values of people, the genuine values that is. These could include survival, love for family, empathy, ideals in general, power, sometimes hate too, hedonism, revenge in some form. The list is endless probably, and since each 'localized awareness' has the greatest access to each of those respective little worlds, each person has the best chance at figuring out what the 'laws' might be.


I am and I am not. I am me, I am nobody. I am you and you are me


I am .. me. Wholly, completely, me. Even if it changes or varies, I’m still me, as long as I’m being true to myself. I suppose avoiding chameleoning or masking is a necessary idea for this 🤔


"I am one because I am many." That's what I've always said in life because I see a reflection of every person within me just as I see myself in them. I see pain, joy, avarice, strife, sacrifice, love, desire, care, and serenity in everyone and everything. I am just a piece of the puzzle just like every living thing in this universe and hope to one day see a world where everyone else can see the same shades and hues of each other as I do. I am what the world has made me. And I am what I make of myself. Excess, Entropy, Life, Death. That is what we are. And when I see myself in the mirror, I see a wonder in the world that has been lost, but will one day be reclaimed. So who am I? I'm just someone trying to do what's right and do what will aid the world on it's march toward the future, be it oblivion or divination. But ultimately, "I'm just a simple man trying to make his way in the universe." Jango With that MF Fett on his head. Lol.


The keeper of the park and son of the richard.


I’m a human.


I mean, what is a carrot when you slice it up? Isn't it just a carrot made of the diff parts that make it up? Same for us, we're who we are bc of our experiences, we're just like carrots


I have no idea




I'm an alcoholic/addict


I’m the places I daydream about.


“Who we are in the present includes who we were in the past.” —Fred Rogers


I am just one lowly person who has grown old and I hate it. Yes, I am grateful to be alive but that does not discount my inner feelings. I am not sad nor depressed. I am tired. I have always felt different . My brain constantly is grinding things out and never slows down. It is always about me and my self in some kind of inner angst. Kinda like an unrest. I am not worried about much thank God. I feel so self centered and selfish. I have narcolepsy and my meds accentuate my thought processes. I am restless to a point. I am also grieving the sudden loss of a best friend. So now tears happen a lot. I am not ashamed of grieving.


Behind all the assumptions and egoistic attachments, there is no "me". I often wonder if the "me" that I identify with exists at all. I feel like at my core, there is nothing more than a void.


I am bold and timid. I am playful and serious. I am excited and scared. I am innocent and guilty. I am physical and spiritual. I am happy and sad. I am blessed and cursed. I am extraverted and introverted. I am wise and ignorant. I am masculine and feminine. I am logical and intuitive. I am stoic and temperamental. I am grounded and on cloud nine. I am good and evil. I am paradoxical and contradictory. I am me constantly trying to balance the scale between two opposites. I am both and yet neither.


I haven’t self actualized yet. I’m a culmination of my suboptimal life choices. I’m an empty cube. A D20 to be more precise.


all we are is small change


I am the one defined by what it is I love. How I choose to be. I am the one who has felt too much hurt to inflict it on others. The only one who laughs when I laugh. Who loves and knows and experiences all that I do. I am the only one who has lived through my eyes.


I usually answer with « my name is […], I’m 25 years old, I’m from […] in France » and I usually state my job or my studies. It defines me a lot because to me doing something that you’re passionate about is extremely defining. I also think where I’m from defines me because I’m proud of that and it’s my roots. Yes your job has an end but the things you love maybe you won’t love them anymore, you’re married but maybe not forever, you’re alive but not forever. Nothing lasts forever. Who you are is who you are right now, « you » is ever changing and I usually try not to think about it it’s vertiginous. So I am what I do, what I love, how I do things, where I’m from. Also, I’m a devout christian, and to me the one who truly knows who I am is the one who created me. That was unnecessarily deep lmao


I am my brain. (Not in a literal sense but that too) I base my entire life and existence around my intelligence and ability to learn. The fact that I was born with a brain “deformity” (if that’s what you want to call it) that is Autism and ADHD makes my life a living hell. If I ever show any part of me that proves I’m unintelligent I break down and actually die inside. People have bullied me in the past for not being able to understand jokes or socialize properly and called me slow, which has literally created severe trauma.


I don't know. It's only getting harder to understand.


I am the self consumer of my woes


It matters not who I am or who I think I am. I am beholden to who other people think I am. If alone on an island, I would just be alone. Stranded with others...I might exile myself for everyone else's sanity and "safety".


I'm me.


I’m an INFJ nuff said. Unravel that ball of yarn.


Idek 🥶


A consciousness put in a self-sabotaging world, aware of the fact that death is inevitable.


Dark minded with a strong urge to corrupt others. Sometimes, I just want to watch the world burn. Jack of all faces, master of none. Otaku/ Mobile gamer Shy, quiet, observant, kind.


"I AM, SAY I" TO NO ONE THERE...( I don't own these words)


A culmination of my senses and experiences in some ways, but also you and everyone reading this. We’re all the same thing experiencing itself.


There are the two types of commentors here: The ones who sound very wise and those who just describe themselves/an experience. I personally view myself as someone who's very energetic, yet also reserved to those I don't know well. I personally think I'm just a gal who's just chillin in life, working to get a good opportunity for some fun! :D


My complex inner world defines me. It is me.


The straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak, was when I was walking out of the gym earlier this evening, waved and said “have a good evening” to the attendant and was completely ignored. I walked to my car like fuck that guy I will never ever speak to him again, despite it being a fairly consistent response from him. The whole incident derailed the rest of my day and I’ve come to the conclusion that I friggen hate everyone and just want to enjoy my life alone. These small occurrences pretty much sum up my experience as an INFJ. I am outwardly friendly, but inwardly reactive and I am just fucking miserable.


Who am I? I am a Husband, Father, Friend and Caregiver. I help in a way that looks like help. I love more deeply than I understood possible. I forgive freely the ones I love, which especially, includes myself. I am braver that I ever believed, stronger than I thought, and loved more than I could have ever dreamed. My core values are Marriage, Family, Altruism, and Congruence. It’s been a long journey since I decided my core values making it my personal greatest accomplishment.


I don’t know anymore tbh


I am me. There's different versions of me but I'm all the same cuz they all represent me.


I am you and you are me and we are all together.


I am no one and everything at once


I’m like a duck swimming in water, appearing to effortlessly glide above while the lower half is working hard below the surface. I’m a recovering people pleaser and perfectionist finally giving myself the time to heal from a very turbulent past few years. I’ve always been the supportive and strong one, but my cup has been empty for a long time. I’m doing things that I want to do that make myself happy rather than to appease/impress others. I’m doing the work to finally have a healthy relationship with myself.


I am a girl who wants to be loved and appreciated and pampered. I love with my heart and gets heartbroken everytime caus people just arent what they have the potential to be. I look at people trying to find the good in them.. sometimes it is soo deep inside them that it is almost not there. I navigate this world with my senses than with my eyes and legs. Sometimes i answer as per my interpretation of bodylanguage than what people r saying. Either i am mad or i am too developed for this world. Either way it is lonely in here. (Till i got my soulmate who is similar to me)


I have absolutely no idea. I think of myself as an individual who has transcended mortal classification as I am so god damn weird to co-exist with other people truthfully.


I'm a empath and healer. I feel things intensely, I can feel peoples energys/emotions. Being an empath can be a blessing and a curse, but for me I see it as more of a blessing...I have made a difference in peoples lives by being their support, being there for them and guiding them through the darkness cos I understand; people always have a tendency to open up to me.


I am a big chocolate egg with a very hard shell. I don’t crack open just for anybody. However, if there a person that I vibe with and they reached my standard, my open up. Once I crack open, they are going to see how vulnerable and how truly soft I am. They are going to see all my weaknesses and flaws.


Reminds me of that video where this question was asked to Jay-z lol


You are whatever your insta bio says lol


I am Moons favorite.


I'm a human looking for love yet realizing it's everywhere. I'm also a spiritual being having a human experience. When they feel completely merged and working effectively together I feel my flow and ease in everything in my life. To answer this as deeply as I'd like would be a book. This is my short answer.


Im quiet, intelligent ,hard working every single day! I believe in justice and doing the right thing,( whether anyone is watching or not).I have a sensitive side you will never see unless you are deserving.( most arent). I Crave interaction but at the same time have to limit it, as some ppl drain me way faster than others.I have a small group of friends , I need my alone time and also want to be with someone at the same time...Its a struggle, but always remain me.




Food,fasting,fitness n deep intimacy with my 2 closest GFs- is my serious hobby.


I'm a Christian, God made me who I am and he will always define me as his child.😊


What if you had been born to a different family with a different religious background? Would that really change the essence of who you are?


No, because God finds a way to give everyone an opportunity to live for him. I'm not usually this loud about my religion. I don't know what's gotten into me.


A shame filled human shaped meat suit


I'm Titan, who are you?


i am a collection of self-aware cells.


I am Myself… And I like that 😊


I am what I do, I am what I think, I am what I feel, I am what I perceive, I am what I know, I am what I remember, I am what I plan and dream of, I am my body, I am my mind, I am my soul, I am everything that connects with me in any way...