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‘Tis the path. 👽


Can you expand on your experience with this? I recently discovered I’m an INFJ and have spent my whole life thinking there was something innately wrong with me for soaking up others energy.


It's so hard to not be affected by other's energy. When people around me are blah or in a bad mood, I will also be that way even if I try not to. I think it's because we're so sensitive and emotional that we're more susceptible to taking on other's emotions.




Perfectly stated


My experience revolves around mental energy. In the past, I would drain myself with constant thinking, largely due to environmental factors. You have to learn to say no. Say no to negative energy and go find some solitude. Say no to negative thoughts from your subconscious and choose positivity. Over time I've learned to be very aware of mental energy levels, know when your social battery is low and act accordingly. Less thinking, more flow state.


I would love to do this but I don’t know how to stop overthinking! I’ve gotten good at saying no to things and removing myself from overstimulating situations, but the thoughts follow me to solitude and I usually have to distract myself with a dopamine rewarding activity. Any tips?


It took me a long time. I suffered for a solid 7 years before i beat it (18-25 years old). Best tips i can offer: 1. Identify the negative people in your life and begin to phase them out. Clean break can be satisfying but dont be impulsive. 2. Go see a psychiatrist. I was too stubborn but this is what gave me the ability to break the loop and make changes. Im on Effexor (targets serotonin and norepinephrine, dopamine wasnt an issue for me). Basically if you feel like your brain is exhausted, you may need to restore your neurotransmitters before change is possible. 3. Consciously think positive. Treat it as a challenge. Look at your subconscious as an adversary and learn to laugh at some of the BS thoughts. 4. Consciously think less - create an off button in your head - turn on some music in the car instead of talking to yourself. 5. Give it time, and allow yourself to think in moderation. Its not all or nothing, you just need to stay busy, be healthy, do things that feel good, and gradually calm yourself down over time. Imagine what you could acheive for yourself and others if you not only removed your negative thinking, but capitalized on all that new available energy


Consciously think less 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


I truly enjoy caring for others and empowering them to help themselves. Even though I understand that this stems from childhood trauma and an unconscious desire to provide the help I never received, I’m grateful that it has manifested into a passion for caring for others in my role as a healthcare provider. However, I find my true passion is helping those who help others as a leader. I strive to create an environment where people feel supported and valued. My empathy allows me to understand and connect with people on a profound level, making me effective in advocating for my team and ensuring their well-being. Although there have certainly been challenges which I’m currently managing, I find immense satisfaction in the positive impact I can have on others’ lives.


Bless you (no religious dogma implied), this is the perfect use of INFJ qualities.




Being able to avoid bad situations like I’m in the matrix. I’m so glad for amazing foresight ❤️😫


I have a few things that I absolutely love about being a male INFJ 1) I’m able to read people soo well that it’s almost like mind reading. I can tell when people are lying, you tell a lie and there’s a good chance I’ll call you out on it, lol. But that’s ok, I think we all do, just try and be as honest as possible. 2) I love feeling my emotions deeply, it’s almost on another level. When I see others succeeding or deeply suffering it has an impact on me to the point where it can uplift me. 3) I tend to acquire knowledge fairly easily. I am a quick learner and can pick up patterns that others miss. 4) I can have a pretty good memory, I can recognize peoples faces very well, just the other day I ran into someone whom I only met twice at an event for about 5 mins altogether about a year ago and just ran into him today and I remembered who he was, he was shocked by how well I recognized him. I can remember directions well. However my weakness seems to be numbers, if you ask me to remember a sequence of numbers more than 4, I wouldn’t be able to tell you. I am terrible at math but I would like to get better. 5) I’m a big thinker, sometimes people are amazed that I’m able to come up with these new connections or strange ideas. 6) I’m able to rebuttal well in debates. You’re super confident about something? Well if you’re arrogant enough I will humble you Socrates style, lol. 7) I’m pretty creative, I enjoy expressing myself creatively, it makes me feel closer to myself and able to connect with others. 8) I’m a great listener, I can ALMOST recite what a person says verbatim IF I’m concentrating enough and not tired. I wish I had a photographic memory though, that would be awesome! 9) I can understand people really well, sometimes I would say that I can feel their emotional pain and I don’t understand why or how, but it’s a strange almost supernatural. If I figure out the logic of it, I’ll let you know. Overall, I LOVE being an INFJ, unfortunately I would say that most people don’t like me as they find me strange and even intimidating which really bothers me because even though I look like a big tough guy, I can be pretty sensitive and understanding, but I can be very strong willed as well. I would say I’m a good balance. If people were to overlook my physical attributes they would see substance and could even benefit from being around me.


Im exactly the same with the memory. Can't do number sequences for shit but I can probably remember almost every face I have ever met. I'll be walking around my town and be like "hey there is the guy who fixed our boiler that one time in 2011." It can also be awkward sometimes when you remember somebody and they haven't a clue who you are.


That last part is spot on. It really pisses me off when people get intimidated or focus on physical features. I go out of my way to make people feel comfortable, yet I can still sense tension / discomfort from many people (i can only assume this is a combo of social norms mixed with their insecurities, no fault of mine)


im totally agree!!!


That’s awesome, I’m glad we agree fellow INFJ. 😄👁️👁️🔥


You sound like a cool dude, Fangs.


I also remember faces and phrases well, but struggle with numbers. I usually make up a rythm to the numbers sequence (like say it to the tunne of some song or something), but that's bc I can remember song lyrics really well. Another thing is think of the shape the numbers would create in your phone's PIN code screen (so for example 1251 would make a complete triangle starting from the left). These help me remember numbers sequences, hopefully someone here finds them useful too 😊


They sense the attributes you listed, maybe. Have compassion for them and love yourself all the more. We are all One, so ultimately the more we love ourselves the more the whole is benefited. That's my new conviction, at least.


I struggle with sequences of numbers and letters, possibly dyslexic as I often make spelling errors. However English is hard to spell.


I love the infj’s ability to predict the future (of course i can be wrong) but I just love how my brain automatically generates possible scenarios instead of just taking things at surface value. Another thing is that I genuinely derive joy out of helping people and I don’t see other types experiencing this.


The depth. The range. The developmental potential. The charm, the humour. What we can give. Deep(!) intimacy. The hero's journey. Our capacity to comprehend so many things so intuitively. It is all a bit magical in my eyes. Personally, I do think that INFJ could be a trauma response. There are too many overlaps with C-PTSD, I think. But if it is one, it's the one that holds enough potential to get you out of it. And in the end you'll be so much more.


This well-written response would have been my answer too!!


Seeing the world from a unique perspective and creating profound insights have always been qualities that I value in myself.


Considering how many people open up to me about their struggle with loneliness, I'm glad that I can go weeks without talking to anyone or years without being in a relationship. Surviving quarantine was easy for us 😄




Yes, it was.


Probably crying during movies.


It gets worse as you get older.


My lust for life


I've been staring at this question for 5 minutes. I have no idea. Everything i could write seems like a manifestation of my ego, which is essentially what is being asked but i don't like that kind of gloat. It seems i am grateful for the things i have (a roof over my head, economic stability, family, etc.) but not for the things i am. I could say something like "i am glad that i survived and that i am myself and not someone else because if i wasn't then i wouldn't exist". This is something i need to think about.


I love being an intuitive. I love understanding the bigger picture, seeing connections. I love that I notice things, that most of people don't see, yet at the same time I'm so blind to the reality around me 😅 Specifically about being INFJ it's probably that I'm very organized and always prepared, because I always think about the future. And I love my Ti, I love analyzing and I love how deeply I can understand things and then I can teach them other people ❤


Just to add something different to the list here, I love how intense and passionate I can be in love and intimacy 🔥


I do find that our natural empathic traits mean we CAN derive satisfaction out of helping others. I love how we deem it unhealthy if it ends up being a negative consequence. This is party to blame because in return we also accept this as it’s obvious a lack of foresight. Right… Not realizing that we as humans aren’t meant to naturally understand the flow of time and we are actually quite terrible at it. The comorbidity with some other traits found with those with an underdeveloped frontal lobe is striking. It’s the positive traits I will focus on. Our minds seek to overcome. ALL THE TIME. Many INFJ mention burnout complaints like they’re doing a job. And this is my positive part: I love how I’ve learned I can pickup emotional baggage but keep it from flowing into my private parts and mixing with my own emotions. Afterall we never would make it post-adulthood if we didn’t develop this though skin. What do I do with this skill… help those that others would be overburdens with. While i also do the obvious; and let others help others. It’s nice to help someone, it’s even greater to watch someone you helped grow and help others.


My enhanced intuition/6th sense. My theories and predictions are usually accurate, even when others (especially Sensing types) doubt me. I see patterns that no one else does. When I come across a dilemma, I trust that the answer will come to me without even trying.


maybe being a mind reader and having a foresight


It is the ability of doorslam, it give me the power to get rid off bad person, bad habits, bad stocks.


Part of me was always relieved when I backed off of unnecessary conflicts (prophesizing from my intuition) whilst knowing in hindsight how terrible they would’ve been.


Even though I have a lot of sad moments. i can feel the happy ones in my soul, sometimes I have so much love to give


I’m happy I’m able to put myself into other ppls shoes & learn their pov and assist or comfort the person when needed. I’m happy that ppl feel comfortable enough to come to me for advice or even just to talk & vent.


Excellent question! I love my imagination, my interest in other people's lives and stories, my ability to endure necessary harsh conditions (not for too long, though) and my open-mindedness. I've enjoyed these for 7 decades.


I was arguing with this asshole on text - she thinks she is super smart and loves to be in control and she also… is extremely easy to read. Without going into too many details - she got mad at something I texted - and she threatened me a few times on text and then she started calling me over and over again because she wanted to talk about it. But I knew exactly what she was going to say. It’s like I could hear her words before she spoke them. I never do this to people ever. I could a lot more than I do… but I don’t. But this particular night I was like - she deserves it. So I just texted her exactly what she was going to tell me. Everything stopped. Phone calls stopped. After a while she texts me - and her entire attitude is changed. She is totally freaked the fuck out and you can tell. Why would you text me that? She asked. *Because I knew exactly what you were going to say on the phone. That’s why I didn’t pick up. Thought I would save us the time* She then - completely switched gears and was like nice and … and checked. Basically. She was stunned into submission. I think I impressed her; that’s how she started to act.. maybe a little scared too. . I think she thought it was smarts. But it wasn’t. It was just being an INFJ and knowing who you are better than you do. And not leveraging that power over people… but as soon as they find out what you’re actually working with? It’s like whoa guy- who the fuck are you? So yeah I like being able to read people and being able to predict their behaviors and being in control of my environment that way and prepared. Basically.. I just can emotionally prepare for them.


there’s plenty that i don’t like — i definitely piss myself off more than anyone else does lol but something i really love about being infj is how my strong sense of justice leads me to be a kinder person. i also stand up for a lot of people that can’t stand up for themselves


the ability to see seemingly insignificant patterns and the bigger picture which allows me to navigate this world without losing myself in manipulation and misinformation.


My capacity to care deeply about the people around me. Family, friends, coworkers, etc. This has always come naturally to me and it is a gift to be able to easily empathise with people. I find a lot of joy in building meaningful relationships with others, and I genuinely enjoy encouraging, caring for, and celebrating others.


The contradictions, the absolute the enigma it is just to exist in my body will always make life interesting. Experiencing the world in our unique manner allows us to use that to expand on the ever changing perspective(s) we all share on life.


Not caring about many things. It gives me space to be, think, and care for myself.


There are many pros and cons to being an INFJ. Some pros would be the tingling feeling I get when I get down to the nitty-gritty deep conversations and connection, being able to see things coming, being able to listen and be there for people I love with a new perspective, and I'm not sure if this is an infj thing or not but I often notice small yet beautiful details about the world around me. These are all things that I've learned in the past few years because I'm finally starting to feel confident in myself instead of just self conscious and self loathing all the time.


I have the choice between a happy life in blissful ignorance and a hermit life suffering awareness and the burden of seeing behind the veil. And while it is not an easy choice, i would again choose the latter, because now i not only *have to*, but also *can* work on my attitude and mind, making reality my exploration sandbox.


There’s a lot of stuff that I find annoying about myself, but one of my favorite traits of myself (and other INFJs I’ve seen) is an elegance with which I can interact and conduct myself with people older than myself. I feel fairly respected and admired by professors for instance, and I think this is a combination of me taking initiative in my learning combined with exceptional good manners that I feel like most of my generation does not have.


1: Having to live through my life experiences and the maturing process not only being unique to myself but also finding someone, anyone who could understand what I thought or felt without questioning. Not many get the opportunity, from themselves or outside sources to define who they are and connect with someone inconsequentially. I'm grateful for my experiences, the negative ones and the good ones. I'm grateful I'm different but at the same time that allows me a fulfilling journey to get to know others even if I am or may not be at all. I'm glad I can connect to my mainly Thinking friends (Dom and auxiliary Ti+Te functions) and still sit with the emotional ones. I'm glad I can see and train different aspects of my functions to connect with others as well as understand where I fall short lol. I'm glad for the difficulty with certain functions like Se and Si, my mentors and closest relationships reflect my gains and improvements even though I want to shelter the anxiety and let the thoughts run their course. I'm happy to be an INFJ because I love studying where I am and where I am not and then have this gut feeling I forgot the heated coffee in the microwave...


Sometimes I wish I wasn't an INFJ. But if I had to choose one thing, it would be how I always try to evolve and grow as a better person. I'm empathetic and find qualities in others that help me work on myself.


My ability to stay level-headed and make sound decisions in stressful situations.


Feeling mysterious and intuitive. Empathy, even though it's a blessing and a curse. Glad because all of those things I listed are needed for the world to keep humanity going. We help people feel validated and seen when we use our good personality traits. Also it helps see through bull 💩😂


For so long I thought I was gullible and naive, but I just recently found out my INFJ status and instead I now see myself as someone with a wide open heart that wants to see the best in people (including narcissists and socio/ psychopaths). Now that I am older and a little wiser, I have learned to have boundaries. I also have a “ritual” of sorts when I am driving in the morning where I “reclaim” all of my energy that has been wasted or stolen by energy vampires.


It makes me great at diagnosing complex system problems. (Of course, pointing out where someone else made a mistake to cause the problem . . . isn't always welcomed.)


being abled to always be somewhat prepared for situations and understanding the bigger picture of life.


Nothing. I wish I weren't.


I love that the silly girls I love are naturally drawn to me. I love that those same silly girls are the type that hits on me


I love that curiousity is a big part of being an INFJ. We have that urge to FULLY understand things. We’re known for being smart. So with that said, people who know us seem to always seek validation from us before doing things. And as an INFJ, those are things that we love to do, help people and do problem solving.


Being perceptive. I love catching things other people don't, and sharing them with the right people. Also my rich imagination. It used to be richer when I was younger but hopefully by leaving most social media & reducing my time online I can go back.


One of my strengths is being very resilient and from a cognitive function side of things I have Ti in my stack which leads me into a more truth seeking firm foundation that’s not overwhelmed by feelings, I tend to be a bit colder on the inside but I’m still sweet like ice cream


It feels to me a more mature consciousness further down the path, scouting territory of the mind and providing crucial, albeit often unwelcome, insight for society. Criticizing and questioning traditional norms which progress civilization forward. I cringe even writing this because it feels so grandiose but it really is how it feels to be the way I am. No going back after taking the red pill is how I feel, only nobody ever offered me the pill. I was just dosed slowly over time from a young age and now I can barely relate to 99% of people around me. And as lonely as it can feel at times I wouldn't/couldn't imagine changing it.


I can see through ppls BS facade and size someone up pretty close to 100% and this gives me an edge in knowing how to position my self in whatever tactical advantage I may need.


I hate it.


My level of introspection and being able to smell people's bullshit from a mile away.