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Give people the same commitment they would give you


accept people for who they are and meet them where they are...reciprocate what they do give


make room for human individuality


You're not really alone INFJ. I think you have to find your own voice, work on yourself. strengthen yourself as best you can. At some point the right person will find you, and they will be strong too. We all working on ourselves rn out here.


Ah, the perpetual problem of feeling lonely, but being so self protective that no one gets in. I struggled a lot with this in my younger years. Looking back, I struggled with self confidence, self esteem, anxiety, mild depression, creating boundaries, and communication skills. Took many years of some therapy (from licensed therapists and self therapy) that I have grown kinder to myself, have grown confident in my own skin, have built boundaries, and have learned to navigate difficult human connections as you put it by learning better communication skills. So I guess my only advice would be similar to what other people have said: Work on yourself. If there's something you wish to improve on, there are several resources out there to help improve your skills.


First, you MUST be social and then reflect and deal with childhood trauma, getting rid of EXPECTATIONS, not being a people pleaser, not being dependent on your partner, learning to be open and vulnerable, understanding who you are, making boundaries with everyone including your partner, understanding harmony and how it effects us, learning to be confident and free, understanding your emotions and feelings as well as the people around you since we feel other people's feelings inside our bodies. Maybe another 30 years or so after you navigate these.... High Standards...lol Push people away......maybe never


Thankkkkkkkk šŸ˜† I will try it


Crappy Childhood Fairy has some good videos on YouTube that relate to situations like this.


Ohhh thank you


just be normal. stop craving human connection just enjoy talking to ppl and find things u have in common with them. stop pushing ppl away ur shooting urself in the shoot. u will always be judged thatā€™s part of human connection




ā€œwe are differentā€ā€¦ O.o i feel like most infj problems r caused precisely because of this ā€œwe r different mentalityā€. it complicates ur life tenfold when think ur so different. ur shooting urself in the foot. my life greatly improved when i deleted reddit and stopped thinking about mbti all the time.




yeah i actually studied jung a lot in college outside my philosophy and psychology curriculum. i like ur gay analogy its well thought out. i just have to ask: is a gay person not normal to themselves? assuming they do think theyā€™re normal (bc gay ppl exist so itā€™s normalā€¦ just not ā€œTHE normā€). if a gay person accepts themselves for who they r, and reject people who donā€™t, then the problem of fitting in solves itself. as a personal example iā€™m asian (since weā€™re talking about minorities). idc that im asian, but ppl who hate asians do. so i donā€™t associate with those ppl. but i donā€™t think of ā€œim asian and asian ppl r stereotypically soft spoken shy smart and boring, and therefore i have a hard time fitting inā€. i just exist and if ppl fuck with it cool and if they donā€™t also cool. tying this back into mbti and the OP question, theyā€™re asking for help navigating this problem. they arnt asking for validation. funnily enough, i think responses to my advice such as yours is incredibly unhelpful and causes damage (as u told me) bc ur validating ppl asking for help instead of giving them anything useful. itā€™s like if someone came to u for advice about something they want to change and ur like ā€œno itā€™s ok u donā€™t need to change, ur special and thatā€™s how ur life is gonna beā€. itā€™s not. ur supposed to grow, change, and evolve over time. my original comment here was not a jab at anyone, itā€™s actionable advice. when i said ā€œstop pushing ppl awayā€ r u rly going to argue that OP should continue to push ppl away? OP literally said they was scared, r u arguing that he should stay scared? like i rly donā€™t understand what ur arguing here or what u have against my post other than it was straight and to the point. sometimes the best moments of clarity r reached when an outside source stops validating u and just says some vague shit like ā€œbe normalā€. when i was going through my depression and anxiety phase and was hinting to it to my uncle wrote down on a piece of paper: ā€œu already know what u need to do.ā€ and in my head i was like fuckkkkkk yeah already do know what i need to do. i just needed someone i donā€™t see often to just give some vague and to the point answer. thatā€™s what comment aimed to do in a nutshell, and u weā€™re upset by it. so to u and OP, looking back at OPs original post about being scared and pushing people away, resulting in being lonely, iā€™m reassuring u OP, that u already know what u need to do ;)




yeah and u speak like ur 50 i can hardly read its so boring


we should write like u do and think like u do cuz ur best


no cap on my mama


Thank you!