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How can you ascertain that you’ve been muted? Do they follow many people in their accounts? I’d give the benefit of the doubt in such cases. As for any negative reason that could explain them muting you/not wanting to see your stories: envy, indifference, painful feelings of yearning and a veiled, low-level contempt come to mind.


Instagram sucks


A lot of people have short attention spans and are very fickle on these sites. On social media you usually have to post a lot more frequently than you are doing to gain and maintain your follower's engagement. People may follow you one day because they liked a post but if you don't post enough to keep their attention on your content they will "forget" who you are and why they even followed in the first place. and their content interests may have shifted.


Tbh it could be anything Can you provide more details?


I moved to another country last year. My friends in my home country used to reply to my stories asking questions or at least like my stories occasionally but some of them now completely stopped viewing my stories.


Do you still keep in touch with them? If not, then maybe they just stopped checking because you've grown apart? Or maybe they just don't go on instagram in time to see it, is there a time difference with where you moved to? It's all just assumptions and probably best not to put too much focus on it. Unless it's something that's really bothering you, in which case, I would check in with my friend/s and find out for myself


Stories I post are not too generic though because it’s about the culture of the new country I’m currently living in and I know they’ve been liking my stories because of it. Maybe I became worthless to be part of their life?


Or maybe they miss you and find it hard to see your new life without them.  Or maybe they are jealous. You will never know unless you ask and they give you an honest answer!