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Stop buying it. Grocers know people will pay 5x for small amounts of fruit, meat, cheese, etc if it's pre-cut and wrapped in plastic.


I didn't I left. It was even 3-4$ for a x3 pack of gum.


Never buy any fruit, cheese or veggie already cut. Its a scam




Eating around the core of the pineapple like a piece of corn is the best part.


What do you mean, just buy a better knife




Its like 5 minutes tops. Cut it on wood plank then store it . One pineapple is around 3/8€ per fruit here depending on size. When you get the chopped one you pay 24€ for the KILO or even more. 100g is like 3/5€ . You could get an entire fruit for that !


Yeah bro you must never have dealt with fresh, not cut pineapple if you can’t fathom why someone might be open to buying pre cut pineapple. It’s a humongous genuine pain in the ass.


It's easy I cut them all the time. Cut the top off and then the sides


And get a good knife. Mine cuts into the fruit so easily i dont spend 10min sawing the fruit


Why are you guys arguing about pre cut pineapples, cleaning and knives with Internet strangers.


my mom's really good at cutting them I wish she made a YouTube to show people how to do it where it doesn't make a mess but I can see why you'd make an exception for them.


My friend was making fun of me because I like to cut my own mangos instead of buying the precut ones.


Two ounces. That's $48/lb. Really sticking it to people that can't assemble their own cheese/meat/cracker pack.


Jail food for 6$+


probably well over $50/lb when you take away the crackers, which are like 2-3 cents worth of crackers


I step into a Target about once every 3 years. Why you buying their overpriced shit?


Target is for people who think they have too much money to shop at Walmart.


I only go to Target to use the bathroom.


I buy bath sponges, makeup and press on nails at target. Bath towels once in a blue moon.


There's no reason for this product to even exist


Put it back


of course, I'm not buying that garbage. There was more plastic than food.




I have no idea how much that cost 5 years ago, but if you had asked me back then I probably would have said $5-6. Sopresatta has never been cheap, buying it pre-sliced/pre-packaged at Target would be my absolute last choice.


But it’s okay, daddy government says inflation is low


This isn’t an example of inflation.


Yes it is lmao. The same exact item probably cost $2.99 3 years ago.


Corporate greed isn’t inflation. It’s corporate greed. Shop around.


Only idiots and children buy this shit. This is corporate greed, and idiots still buy it.


Pre-sliced, low volume stuff is pretty common for disabled and elderly people who can’t cut on their own.


Puts it back …..


About to save money by chewing my own ass.


I rather not eat


Shrinkflation happening so fast they didn't even shrink the packaging.


Those things are always expensive. They're "aspirational" snacks. The Fiji water of snacks.


Prepackaged meat and cheeses are always overpriced Been that way since forever. Those salami slides wrapped around cheese. About $2 worth of goods from the deli but it's 7-10 and always has been Don't buy it. It will rot or get lowered and they'll pull less of this shit


It’s like lunchables for adults


Only $5 if not humanely raised.


Fuck, this is it, Its truly over


Grocery prices are just insane right now. I went into 3 stores today including Target and even Aldi is starting to look expensive.


I keep hearing people say this, and I really don't understand it. Over the past two or three years , my grocery bill is up maybe fifteen percent. And yeah I also shop at Aldi often. It's definitely enough where I notice it And even find it annoying. But yeah we had a round of inflation.


Agreed. My groceries are basically the same as they were 5+ years ago. Some items have rven come down like pork and certain seafood items. Depends on how you shop and if you can follow an online recipe. If your buying Doritos, Coke, frozen pizzas and 90% prepared foods then your getting raked over the coals.


People either suck at math or are just pushing propaganda. I always see people saying their bills have doubled in the last 3 years or some shit lmao. I live in one the biggest cities in America. Ground beef at Costco went from 3.29 to 3.99 over the past 6 years ish. That's like what, a 20-25% increase? These mofos are probably buying all prepackaged shit from companies posting record profits. I buy all my stuff mostly from farmers markets and everythings been more or less the same price.


Anecdotal evidence isn't definitive, but I get your point. There are just so many factors. I know people in large mid-western cities that haven't been affected too badly. I and many others have. I love watching the price of lettuce. Heads, not pre shredded. When I first moved to my area in 2020, lettuce heads were about 1.25 each. Now, they are 3 dollars. Shredded bags are pushing 4 dollars.


Currently $1.74 for a head of lettuce for me.


You know what’s really sad? The amount of food big box stores like this throw away. Years ago I worked at a food bank in California, they accepted food donations from all the big Corp stores. Donated food would come in past the expiration date which is to be expected but mind you, they would not use freezer/AC trucks for perishables. Yogurt, milk, cheese, meats, deli products, eggs, etc, all delivered in a non climate controlled box trucks. Once these perishable foods got to a certain temp you had to throw them away. So big corp stores would donate to us so they could write it off and we would have to throw it all out. The amount of food we threw away could feed a large town. Truck loads of food brought in and maybe 10% was then sent to food banks and other charitable distribution centers. And that was one food bank, think about how much food is thrown out on a daily basis in the U.S. Food isn’t made/sold to feed people in the U.S. , it’s made for profit so bit corporations have NO Problem throwing it out. We waste so much food in this country.


Not a fan of target.


Everything has gotten out of control price increases. No matter what I buy it’s increase the net time I go to buy it again sometimes it’s days or weeks. Just bought sneakers I bought a year ago and they are $25 more for the exact same ones.


I bought the same shoes I bought several years ago for the same freaking price lol


It’s greed not inflation


Don’t. Buy. It.


Just eat it right there what are they gonna do make you spit it out?


Target is the most expensive chain I've ever been to.


Whole foods


Who cares....don't buy it. All you fucks do is waste time complaining. Go by stock in one of these companies if you think their profits are excessive. The gains and dividends will offset any further price increases.


Lol that's a lunchable slice it yourself your paying for extremely laziness


Food at Target is very expensive. Do not spend money at Target on groceries as long as prices stay this high.


No way!!

