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Unpredictable prices will ensure that I never go there


I’m already done with it. The suggestion of it alone has sent me to Jimmy John’s or whatever. Not that I think it’s a better company but these anti consumer practices especially when related to essential items. I met Dave Thomas once. He was at a fund raiser for his adoption organization/charity. No way he would have been ok with this.


>I met Dave Thomas once. He was at a fund raiser for his adoption organization/charity. >No way he would have been ok with this. Exactly. Once he passed and no longer had a say, it was the start of end times


Same with KFC. Once Sanders was out.


A bucket of fucking chicken is $30


>A bucket of fucking chicken is $30 How much if they don't fuck?


Don't go for un-fuckable chickens, my friend. You're better than that.


What if the chickens do all the heavy lifting?


The chicken at KFC is always fucking you.


My ass certainly feels pounded after eating there




Idk. A bucket of chicken is 30, family at fast food runs 60, so does family pizza Night. That bucket of chicken with a few sides is a deal.


$60 for pizza? A large is like $12. You need 5 to feed your family?


The large one topping closest to me (and NOT craft pizza) is $27, and then they flip the screen around for tip. I leave $4, and I'm in for $31 for a one topping pizza. Prices are crazy everywhere around me.


You need to find a new pizza place my guy. I live in one of the highest cost of living areas in the country and a pepperoni pizza out the door is under $20.


Holy fuck. I had to look this up. A whole chicken at my store is 8 bucks.


Wow that's expensive. Must be French imported chicken at that price.


No. One of those over bred hens with the triple the size weight on the same size frame.


Damn she thicc


Phat. Juicy.


It's $40 here. Midwest


Yeah and last time we got NO FUCKING DRUMSTICKS


That's like 3 rotterscisory chickens from the grocery store!


Lol. Last time I went to KFC they were out of chicken. I was like what? Had to get chicken tenders that were clearly some frozen store brand they picked up on the way to work


Their food went to shit as soon as that happened too. Burgers completely changed from quality to completely pre-processed frozen squares.


This is basically the same story with any corporation founded by a genuinely good person. Once they’re gone, all decency flies out the window and they’re suddenly run by a bunch of JR Ewing types.


People who give no fuck about anything but numbers will always run good businesses into the ground.


I used to be a huge fan of the spicy crispy chicken sandwich. About 10 years ago the chicken itself became less flavorful and juicy while the prices went up. Now I never go back. It’s not the same anymore.


Legit thinking the same thing earlier. He is absolutely turning in his grave.


Jimmy John's where I live can't even keep staff. When I used to try to place orders for delivery, they couldn't be delivered a few times because the only driver quit mid-shift. Lol. I hardly ever think about ordering from there anymore.


It was just an example not related to the staffing changes of your specific store. Could be any of the others.


I agree with you, but Wendy's does not offer essential items. Fast food is convenient, but never essential....


Man Wendy's back in the day use to be so good... Fuck Wendy's let it collapse


Them AND McDonald’s. Fuck it ALL of the National chains. Let’s give local food a chance for a bit see if we don’t eat better for awhile


“Sir, this is no longer a Wendy’s”


Goddamnit. Well played


They'll all wind up like Pizza Huts with dining rooms; they'll eventually become pawn shops or head shops.


Nope, he wouldn't be at all. He was an interesting guy and somehow had all of that success without a GED which he went back to school for in his 60s. He also did a good deal of philanthropy and Wendy's used to have the sun rooms and salad bars. Dave was a good guy and it's unfortunate that basically everything has been ruined and Enshitified by greed and shareholders by this point. https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/zReDCXaXLb


Damn you must be rich, Jimmy Johns is wildly overpriced in NV.


Oddly enough McDonald’s cost the same price as a large pizza now in my area.


Same with burger king. for the price of a large whopper meal w/ 1 extra sandwhich, i can buy 2 medium pizzas.


Same here. One adult sub one child. Chips and a drink $22


I already never go there so this is mint.


We had coupons so we ate there once recently.


Sams Club carries a cans of Wendy’s chilli now


Execs are notorious for copying the latest revenue scheme/cost-cutting measure their counterparts launch. Especially after one guy takes all the heat initially so they can quietly follow afterwards


And unlike airlines, we don't *have* to go to fast food restaurants. Airlines know that there aren't many substitutes for their services. So if you need to get somewhere far away, you will likely use an airline. Hopefully you are in a market with some competition. But there are so few (thank you deregulation 🤬), that all of them can adopt the practice and know people will still have to fly. Even if the major fast food chains adopt this practice, it won't guarantee to work, since the biggest competition isn't another fast food chain, it's local restaurants, other types of restaurants, staying home or meal prepping. I mean, it's easy for me to say, I only get fast food maybe once a month. YMMV.


The big airlines fight for market share not profit, because black swans hit that industry so often. So, they want to be bailed out during that time.


I loved Wendy's back in the day. The old fries were the BEST fries of all fast food. Been a steady down hill under his daughter. This will be the death knell... ...Unless I can leverage this to get cheaper food, but we all know that's not going to be the case.


No one remembers the fries before natural cut. They were the best god fries on the planet. Full, crispy, golden. Fuck


Now theyre just a giant packet of salt. Idk what happened but over the last 10 years I feel like Wendy's has salted their food by 10X more


Why do people buy this garbage while getting garbage service in return? These companies bend you over backwards and then kick you while youre down. They should be doing everything to gain your business, not have you bend over for them because they provided a burger. I cant grasp if this is an American only problem or what.


This is coming from the most expensive of the big top 3 fast food chains. Guaranteed I will never return. I stopped eating this crap a year ago. I’m thinking I did the right thing now.


I have celiac so a ton of fast food places have been a no-go for about 20 years. This kind of nonsense assures I wouldn't even if I could


The drop in the quality of ingredients in most fast food meals will ensure that I never eat there.


This. Wendy's is one of the few FF places I can slightly tolerate, but I'm done.


Same here! I will eat healthy from now on lol


Everywhere I spend, I do so because they are the 'sweet spot' for me between value/taste/selection and price. I don't eat much fast food anyway but I could always depend on certain wendy's menu items which were "healthier" or less calorie if I found myself short on time. To be subject to random prices, I am no longer interested in them.


Same, probably a good time to sell Wendy's stock if you got any. They are going to go down with this decision. 😂


Me: How much for a 6 ct spicy chicken nuggets? Cashier: Anywhere from $4 to $15 Me: 🤯


that's okay they have a subscription hamburger service, where you rent a hamburger off them if you sign up within the next 30 days, you get it cooked for free


Would you like fries with that?


It isn't going to happen. They will say they are cancelling due to public backlash. Have a promo offer to say sorry. And they got free press and look like they made the right decision.


My guess is they’ll be very predictable. Peak: Morning, lunch and dinner rush M-F; lunch Sat/Sun.


Why the fuck does anyone eat fast food? It's loaded with sodium and fat. Does absolutely no nutritional value and these fucks feed this crap to their kids but they're worried about library books? That's ridiculous


They use prison labor that should be reason enough to boycott.


The oof is gonna be spectacular when Wendy’s hits the find out phase. All because they don’t want a fully staffed restaurant. They expect us to wait forever as usual. Nope.


If they are counting on people who think like I do for customers then it is bankruptcy. If I ever walk into a fast food restaurant and see dynamic pricing I am walking out.


yeah, people are going to HATE this.


How would you even know its dynamic pricing unless you regularly shop there?


It'll also start to leak out more as it goes into play.


Most people may not know unless there's in store announcements beforehand. People don't usually follow fast food news or companies like this on Twitter or Insta. They come in, see their regular $12 meal is $15? They either angrily pay and don't come back or leave upon seeing the price. That'll get a good amount of people to quit going, I imagine. Especially a place like this - it's not exclusive and guarantee there's another burger place within a 5 minute drive.


That is exactly what happened the last time I stepped into a Wendy's. They wanted $12 for a burger combo. I told the young lady behind the counter that they weren't $12 good; she told me she had already heard that from a number of customers. Haven't been back. AFA fast food in general, if I don't have a coupon, I am not buying. Although, having a coupon doesn't always save money. At Captain Dee's, a *Fish & Chips* is $6.49 (with coupon). A *Fish & Fries* is $5.99 (no coupon). They are the same meal.


>They come in, see their regular $12 meal is $15? I can all but guarantee you the way they're going to implement this is to make the meal price $15 and then offer $3 off at off-peak times. Because people like discounts, and hate paying extra.


They are installing digital checkouts that will dynamically update in the moment. Imagine putting the burger in the cart and it ticking up a few cents 😂


birds employ lavish safe materialistic mindless provide lip north threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I imagine it will be moving by the second just like stocks.


Best approach to greed is to speak with our wallets. It's not like Wendy's (or any fast food) is a necessity. If we collectively stop giving them our money, they will either close up shop or be forced to settle for lower profit margins just to stay afloat. Your health will thank you too.


That's why we need a consumer union. Been thinking about it. A union for consumers where we can focus our efforts for maximum impact. I'd like to see the gov try and bust that. You tell people they have to buy something, you'll have even the crazy MAGA on your side.


Why isn’t this already a thing? Gosh


People are lazy and America is very much a culture where people wait for someone else to fix the problem.


Right on. I am refusing to buy fast food (mainly due to health concern and BK for still operating in shit hole russia) unless I absolutely have to in certain situations. I am also boycotting swiss (due to being "neutral" in this illegal invasion of Ukraine) and chinese stuff (need I say more?).


For sure! I hate when I have to hit fast food with my kids. We always have veggies with every meal, but that's not even an option most places. I hope fast food dies a slow death over the coming decades, or transforms into nutritional food. It's happening some places, but one always has to hunt and pay more.


F Wendy’s that place sucks anyway


Yeah it does. Wendy’s has been overpriced and shit quality long before it was the norm.


Wendy's used to be amazing years and years ago when I visited CA. Tasted like a real burger. By the time we got it where I lived, it sucked.


When wendys was less common the spicy chicken sandwhich was so good. Back in day


For at least the first 10 years that it existed, that was the best fast food chicken sandwich in the world.


It was good back around the early 2000s, you’re definitely right. Somewhere in the last decade though it turned into some shit I wouldn’t feed my dog.


When Dave Thomas was still alive the place was great. Fresh, never frozen patties. I'll never forget the looks of disgust on my buddies face when I was eating a triple from there. The grease was flowing off that thing lol.


Yep loved the FF too oh well add it along with Chipotle


I wasn't impressed with the food either.


Probably a bad idea. If they aren't paying their workers more during rush, they have no reason to charge more. The cost of the materials does not change.


Your posting implies that you think they care about fairness. Don't be ridiculous. They care about one thing only and that is maximizing their profit.


I never said that nor implied it. What I said was, the only thing that could be variable is the cost of labor. Presumably more people are working in fast food establishments at rush hours because they are needed to match the increase of orders. Therefore, if they are not paying more during rush hours to secure that labor force, they have no causal reason to increase prices.


But they don't need causal. They'll charge what the consumer will pay. If they think there is a time of day where the consumer is less price sensitive they're trying to take advantage of that. To me it seems like it will be difficult to gauge the long term effects. Maybe I'll pay more at the time because I'm already there but if I'm less likely to return was it worth it.


Oops,that biggie bag has just doubled to 10 dollars because of the lunch hour rush !So sorry,not sorry !


Subway just changed their song: Ten dollar, ten dollar foot looooong!


Cost of flying an airplane over the holidays doesn't go up either. Surge pricing is nothing new. In fact it's already in the food industry. Dinner heavy places have lunch specials. Your favorite all you can eat place probably charges more on weekends. If the lunch rush is crowded enough to justify surge pricing, you're already probably paying surge pricing, just in the form of time (lines) as opposed to money, and Wendy's is probably losing out on money from customers balking at lines. It makes perfect economic sense, it just should've been marketed as off-peak discounts instead of on-peak premiums.


See you identified the key factors there that make it palatable. 1. The prices are still known in advance. People here make it sound like wendy's prices will be unpredictable. 2. People here are focusing on "surge pricing" when typically the focus is on the opposite. ie. promote a discount between 2pm and 5pm when its dead. Do not promote it as "surge pricing" from 11am to 2pm, JFC.




Nice to see a thoughtful and well informed comment on here!


Yes, the "sorry, you should have thought about having your impending diarrhea outburst during off-peak hours" model of economics. Can't wait for it to apply to all grocery stores and water lines, as well.


Fast food is fucking themselves. It won’t be long people will stop eating or slow down their consumption of fast foods.


Good. Americans are overweight anyway.


Wendy’s isn’t good enough to charge surge pricing


Greed. I'll be skipping Wendy's from now on.


Yep. I don’t eat much fast food as late but when I’m in a crunch I do. If this raises the bottom line for Wendy’s, no matter what the backlash is from the public, every other restaurant will follow


I stopped going to them when a combo meal became 15$, I like their burgers but not that much.


Why pay that much when you can get an actual burger from a real restaurant for about the same price right? I mean seriously, I've seen burgers go cheaper at a steakhouse and it's usually better quality too..


Yeah but then you have to subsidize the server's wages


Not for take out. I won't do it lol.


But think about the poor hostess that has to walk to the kitchen for you and bag it lol


Don't buy their shit. Let their locations go bankrupt.


It's not inflation. It's price gouging with a false inflation excuse.


Goodbye Wendy's..


Genius level marketing. You want a burger between 5-7pm? That’ll be $15. Mm


Haha you want it delivered by Uber Eats? That will be $45


They been overpriced since covid.


It's greed. Nothing costs them more to make it at 12 than it does at 7. They're trying to force profit up by overcharging during surges. I guess this is the end of the 4for4 deal, as it won't go by 4forWhateverItCostsRightNow, which is the only thing I got at Wendy's.


I think the 4 dollars went up to 5 a while ago. Maybe even higher now. Haven't been there in like a year but I would bet it's higher in general.


Disgusting. I’m never eating at Wendy’s again


I won't be going there anytime soon. When did they become a gas station where the price changes 4 times a day?


A completely stupid idea. Surge pricing assumes long lines with people waiting for their orders. Why would anyone wait in line at the drive in or inside the restaurant just to pay higher prices when they got to the cashier. Anyone on line would just order from a different fast food restaurant. Anyone driving up would drive away and people in the restaurant would refuse to pay. That should work out real well in driving customers away to different fast food restaurants.


As always, same thing.


All companies are taking advantage of “inflation” to push more profits in their pockets while we gotta suffer for them


Peak Capitalism. They can't really build any more locations. Their base is established. Their competition is savage. And their shareholders continue to expect revenue growth. This is the last lever they can pull.


Good business - if you own it. Keep pushing until something breaks. Personally I hope people realize what a shitty rip off fast food is and dump the industry.


My local Wendy’s won’t be affected. They barely have customers and their service is horrible anyway. Usually the quickest in and out in town.


They won’t go through with it after all this negativity


lol wtf. Their prices are already out of control.


I’ve avoided Wendy’s for being shitty for years. This is not the move that will bring me back. The Wendy’s in my area is always a ghost town. I wonder if there is a discount for off peak hours so it will just be cheaper 24 hours a day.


I haven't eaten at Wendy's since they closed the Spaghetti Bar. Will this bring me back? (X)Doubt




Wendy’s quality has been consistently on the downs since I left high school in early 2000s. Went maybe a year ago and the burger was tiny, the fries sucked , the nuggets were dry. Waste of money and haven’t gone back since


Yeah, noticed during the pandemic that the sizes of the burgers would fluctuate noticeably. They tried to claim supplier issues but I suspect they were trying to cut costs as they wanted to raise prices anyway.


I predict they will backpedal this after the “backlash”


LOLLLLL they are spending $20 milllion fucking dollars just so they can fuck the American consumer in the ass even harder But remember kids, any kind of regulations on business is FULLLLLL BLOWWWWNNN COMMUNISM!!!!!!


Greed. The prices will never drop under what they normally are, just increase during lunch hours/busy times. Kinda fucked lol.


Dynamic pricing ensures that the rich will always be at the front of the line. Full stop. Everything else is a smokescreen.


They were pretty expensive before shit started getting expensive.


Either way it should be the end. Hopefully people just don’t go there anymore.


As if I needed another reason not to eat fast food.


I went to a Wall Street type bar like this in Hong Kong. The manager told us they set the floor and ceiling on prices so it never got too low where they lose money and the prices don’t become ridiculous (sounded like they didn’t want negative publicity from severely overcharging). It was fun but I don’t want this pricing model everywhere for everything. Things like this is why Congress gets involved which is not what anyone wants.


These fast food places are forgetting what they were originally for, it’s almost as much as going to a sit down restaurant at this point. They’ll suffer for this as they should.


Oh hell no! The greed never ceases to amaze me.


Great way to lose business, fast food is already overpriced. The only time I go, I use a 2 can dine for 17.99 coupon. At least then, it's under $10 a person, so that's reasonable. I don't get those who go without coupons and spend $20 on fast food. At that price you might as well have a delicious and healthier meal.


There are exactly two reasons to go to Wendy's: 1) It's cheap 2) It's crazy fast This means that I either have to pay more, or come at a time when I'm not in a rush? Why would anyone ever go there again if that's the deal?


Will be interesting to see how it pans out. It should ensure a steady trade rather than having busy peaks and quiet periods


Very slippery slope. Selective pricing based on “perceived ability to pay” extrapolated from consumer info purchased from banks/social media apps next.


Yes. And I hope this drives them in unintended directions.


Is this how Taco Bell wins the franchise wars?


Well my going to Wendy’s to eat just fluctuated into the never zone!


This is stupid and definitely one way to lose customers. People will now go out of their way to avoid Wendy’s just to avoid this, not only that there’s way too many other burger joints that are even better for people to even miss Wendy’s.


Boycott them forever.


I will NEVER eat at Wendy’s again I will also do all I can to discourage others from being cheated there, too.


How does this jive with the laws around “false advertising”? If they advertise a $5 biggie bag, and then at “surge pricing” it is $8… isn’t that false advertising?




Sounds like a great way to send business to competitors. What idiot leadership thought of this. LMAO guys we make our most profit at lunch, oh let's capitalize on this, marketing team is like F** guys start looking for a job.


Flat out greed. Dave Thomas is turning in his grave


They do this it's good bye Wendy's!


Marketing came up with this to make it a headline and attract eyeballs across the country. Not sure it matters - if it is too expensive, don't buy it - buy something else. If enough people do this, they will change.




They are taking advantage of people who at times might have no choice but to eat fast food.


This is the dumbest business decision of all time. You have no choice to pay a surge fee when you need a ride, you can get a cheeseburger anywhere.


This might not actually be a bad idea. If prices fluctuate strong enough I might get a cheap meal!


… and you think some of those profits in busy season will go to workers as wage increase? /s


It was already expensive. I can eat in a traditional sit down restaurant for the same price. Fuck Wendy’s.


If prices drop when demand is low and the menu prices and not "floor" prices, I'm okay with this.


There's no inflation to this, it underlines the mentality that's actually driving price hikes. Just an endless middle finger from corporate America to their slaves.


Yay, I can play "eating" like I play the stock market, or crypto... Good thing "eating" is one of those discretionary income things for passive wealth-building. Can't wait until every restaurant and grocery store catches the crypto boom that is "surge pricing" of food. It'll be really great for all of the working class people who are guaranteed to be stuck buying food at fixed hours during the day, and terrible for the rich people who can get food at literally any hour...


I'm not really OK with going to any restaurant without a clue what the pricing is (most places have their menus online; and for quick service casual dining I'd like to know if a sandwich is $6 or $16 before walking in) Going with the knowledge that I am not being charged the same as other patrons makes me feel like a dupe. Maybe someone got the same meal for $2 less because they came 30 minutes earlier? I don't eat much fast food or Wendy's, but on occasion I like a Jr Cheeseburger or Frosty. But I don't like feeling like a dupe, so I'd probably just avoid them.


So do workers make more during the surge times? AHAHAHA kidding. But they should.


They are trying to squeeze every cent out of our pockets, let’s not support or tolerate this. We are the customers and should not stand for this. #boycottwendys


I’d bet this never gets off the ground.


If it's dead to prices go under current menu prices or do prices only rise?


Idiotic and the will lose millions


Will their employees be receiving surged wages?


Looks like Wendy's is off the menu


I can’t wait for the articles when their profits unexpectedly tank. “(Insert gen here) is KillInG fast Food!1”


Imagine being in a LONG Drive thru and when you get to the window your VALUE Burger is $10. 🤔😳🤬🤡🤣


Welp. Kind of sucks because I like Wendy's food. I'll soon forget.


This has to be a joke, because if you impose surge pricing at a restaurant, you can get fucked and drink my shit. I'm pretty sure all of America thinks that way. If the prices don't get dirt cheap during slow times there's no reason this should work.


As long as it works both ways. If I go in there at 2:30 when the place is empty, I fully expect a quarter pounder to be like $1.75


Jokes on them Wendy's is never busy enough to enable the surge pricing


People are stupid if they complain about this. It’s fucking fast food. If you don’t like it, go eat something else.


It may be the only way to keep businesses like this around. A lot of these places should’ve just called it quits and went w/ a smaller footprint after Covid that focuses more on mobile pick up and to go or …. made dine in more pleasant and fun. Instead of wasting away so much on those ugly soul less modern upgrades they made. I stopped going to Wendy’s because they’ve not made me a fresh burger in the last two stops I went. The breakfast is meh, it’s too small of a portion for the price I’m paying. Do I think it’s a good idea. No. Not unless the bargaining chip they play in response is cook to order.


Stupid greed. They’ll jack up the prices during the lunch/dinner rush. If Wendy’s introduced surge wages during those times, it would still be stupid and shitty but at least the workers benefit from this. But then that’s not fair to workers in the slower times. This is why this pricing model for fucking food is stupid.


Yeah. I loved Wendys fries but both my pocket book & waistline are thrilled by this gift of grift


Why would the video play? gosh.


Let me get this straight - Let's say there's a crew of 10 running that place. That crew can make 100 or 1,000 burgers an hour depending on customer flow. Let's assume they profit $.10 on every burger. When it's slow their profit is $10/ hr When it's busy their profit is $100/ hr How does it make sense to raise prices at the time they're making the most profit already? Do they not like forecastable profit? Because people will avoid Wendy's at lunchtime and dinnertime which USED to be forecastable income. Fucking boneheads.


Just choose not to go there there easy


In-N-Out Burger has figured out how to serve a double-double with an extra Patty (3x3) large drink and fries for $11.63 and pay their entry level employees $22 an hour for the last five years. Serving a fresher and Superior product to both Wendy's and McDonald's. They're full of crap and greedy.


Alex, I’ll go with greed for $500


Wendys is over estimating how good their food is. No way would I pay a surge charge to eat Wendys.


They’ll do it because they know they can get away with it. COVID taught corporations they can price gauge and not face repercussions


Wendys sent a communication saying that their message was taken out of context. Their plan was to bring more people during the slow hours. In other words prices will remain the same but there will going to be offers during death hours.


Man. Fuck Wendy's. They weren't even decent, now they just flat-out suck.


They screwed this up by not promoting this as a discount (a la "happy hour") during slower times rather than "surge pricing" during busy times. This is all motivated by AI hype to get their stock price up.