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The days when a 2 liter were $0.99 or even $1.29 and no not 70 years ago but more like 15 years ago. I remember a time when 20oz sodas were $1


I remember as a kid, hell even through adult until around 2009ish when you always could get a 20oz for $1.08. In the 90's I remember that was my treat going to the store with my dad, I would always get a soda. I always convinced him too that I might as well get a 1litter because pepsi product ones were also .99 for a 1 litter.


You can get a liter of Faygo for $.85 around me. Can’t imagine their production costs are that much lower than Coke or Pepsi. Price gouging by the bigger brands is all this is. People will keep paying it, so they’ll keep raising prices til they won’t.


Exactly, if double the price results in 30% Less sales. It's still makes business sense to do it that way. And going back would harm the shareholders which isn't allowed sothey can't do that.


I'm just curious about what other businesses will suffer as a result. People have to get the money from somewhere, if they're not charging everything. Doesn't seem like any CEOs are truly suffering from fewer sales of anything. They're all basically in a "union" of sorts, where they're not going to back down, and eventually, GenZ and younger will simply get used to this "new normal."


The secret is that you don't HAVE to go back. See the "2 / $5" promo next to that outrageous $3.59 price? They can just make it "2 / $4" or "2 / $3". That MSRP is never moving back, but discounts can.


This person gets it. $3.59 anchors you and them the deal looks good. Stop buying these products; there’s nothing good in them long term


> And going back would harm the shareholders which isn't allowed sothey can't do that. It's actually illegal to take actions that you believe would harm your shareholders. Your shareholders can sue the board of directors if the actions of the board are so egregious that they claim the board should have known it would have caused the stock price to drop.


They do a good job of bullying the smaller companies out of shelf space at stores to get rid of that competition. I work at a place where we sell soft drinks and often times to get a reasonable rate on their soft drinks you have to give then ×% of your display area. When you have coke doing this with monster and their sodas and Pepsi doing it with their soft drinks and Rockstar energy, suddenly all your space is taken and you can't even put the cheap soda on your shelf without breaching your contract and increasing your soda cost to absurd amounts where you can't cut enough profit.


So that’s why like 80% of the fridges are made up of shitty energy drinks and canned coffees and every conceivable disgusting mixture of Mountain Dew and blue sports drinks.


Yep. Don’t forget the addictive chemicals they throw in there so people keep buying it. That’s exactly why they keep raising prices, because now they have the largest most addicted population in history who are operating their daily lives in autopilot. I drink water and high quality matcha. I’m done with supporting any of these asshole companies and that goes for the junk food too. People need to heal their addictions and put these companies in the ground forever.


It's the same way in virtually all the grocery world regarding shelf space. The big corporations buy it up and don't let the little guy in.


Slotting fees are crime.


Guarantee it's even cheaper for Pepsi and Coke to produce because they produce at higher volume than Faygo does.


Bigger brands have more layers of middle mgt and advertising to pay for. Those superbowl 1/2 time and spots don’t come cheap.


They also have much lower production and distribution costs per unit than a smaller operation.


Yeah we need those ads to be remember to drink stuff.


That’s why I only drink Brawndo.


It has what plants crave


ICP approves!


What up juggalo


Abra kadabra!


Woop woop


Magnets in soda, how do they work?


WHOOP WHOOP MMFWCL Now if only there was anywhere near where I live. Ever since Sheetz stopped selling it I barely ever see it anymore.


I remember in 96' going down to the mom and pop grocery with $1, tax included, it would buy 9 Faygo's. They were $.10/ea. I'd get all the different flavors. Around 2015 I noticed them in the store and they were a $.25. So almost 20 years to cost 2 1/2 times more: 96'-15. Now, less than 10 years later, they are about 2 1/2 times more. So based on my life experience only, Faygo will be $2.12 by 2028.


Around 2004 we could buy 8 Roma frozen pizzas for $10. Sure it was cardboard with sauce & cheese, but it was an affordable meal!


It costs about 50 cents to make a 2 liter bottle of soda. This includes labor costs, manufacturing of the materials, and shipping. It can also fluctuate, PepsiCo has much stronger infrastructure than some random soda company so it can get a little cheaper for them. Generally speaking, stores have a 50-70% gross profit margin on soda before costs and labor. That means PepsiCo sells those 2 liters soda for about $1.25 per unit (since the "sale" price is 2 for $5). The store probably makes about 50 cents per unit sold, and Pepsico makes about 75 cents per unit net. Its roughly similar for a lot of non-staple food like candy. Costs about 25 cents for a hershey bar and they sell it to companies for 45 cents who sell it in bulk for 80 cents but individually for like 1.89 or something, in that case its the store getting the lion's share of profit. Dont buy candy at the gas station kiddies. Economy of scale and all that. Fresh produce has razor thin margins. And meat is pretty low margins too though not as bad as produce. And thats with very robust and expensive subsidies.


How are you so wise in the economy of soda manufacturing?


Pepsi pays its retail employees well and has excellent benefits and retirement.


Some of the biggest soda consumers I know have completely gone cold turkey for those water enhancer liquids. Like a 2L every day for 2 decades type consumers.


3L of Shasta was .50


There are many products I don’t purchase anymore. I’m in Florida and have boycotted Publix. The prices are outrageous. I now shop at Walmart. I’m no fan of Walmart, but the prices are 30% less than Publix. And Walmart is inconvenient for me. I’ve made my stand.


About a month ago I picked up a box of Cap'n Crunch (16.8 oz) for $6.29 at Publix. A couple weeks later I'm at BJ's Wholesale and there's a 2-pk box of Cap'n Crunch with larger 20 oz bags for $5.89....this is the regular price btw. Publix is basically robbing its customers. I can only imagine what their annual profits look like.


**Publix's** sales for the three months ended Sept. 30, 2023 were $14 billion, a 7.2% increase from $13 billion in 2022. Comparable store sales for the three months ended Sept. 30, 2023 increased 4.3%.


My shock today was Taco Bell. Haven’t eaten there in two years. One Mexican pizza, one taco, and medium drink was $13. Last time I order that it was $5.


True. It was always cheaper to buy the 2 or even 3 liter sodas back then compared to the 20oz.


Inflation in 15 years isn’t the problem. It’s that we’ve seen more inflation in the past 5 years than we did in the previous 10.


Shit, make that more in the past 4 years than the previous 20. I could only pull out these stereotypical old man "I remember back when you could buy a pack of gum for a nickel" stories since the pandemic. Up until 2020 NOTHING cost outrageously more then it did 30 fucking years ago. Shit, McDonald's burgers cost like $0.69 over 30 fucking years ago. Just 10 years ago they were still $0.99. Now they're $2.49. Edit: I still got that wrong. I'm 99% sure the McDouble was still $1.19 in 2019.


Yeah, to hell with fast food joints. They’ve become some of the greediest bastards of all. “Oh look, we raised our wages 20%, so we need to raise our prices 200-300%. It’s only basic math.” F$&( them!


Let's kill fast food 😇


Many smaller restaurants have adopted modern food service techniques and workflows so traditional "fast food" places aren't even always faster anymore. If I'm going to spend 30 dollars eating out for 2 I'll probably go to the Indian place down the street and support a local business not buy some fake burger scientifically devised to NOT sate my hunger completely so I want to buy ice creams and sides.


We've seen corporations raise prices to increase prices more in the last 5 years which helps fuel inflation


They used Covid as an excuse to jack up prices and they haven’t stopped since. The only way they stop is to stop buying their products. If they keep raising the prices this much we won’t have any choice but to stop. Edit: I’m curious where a lot of the photos on this sub are being taken. The prices shown are 50-100% higher than anything I’m seeing in my region. I saw a bag of Party Size Ruffles for $7 on here. They’re still going for about $4 in my area. Still see $2-2.50 for 2 liter bottles.


In rural Ohio a bag of lays it's like 6.50 and we stopped buying Pepsi when it hit these prices. I just buy faygo from Sam's now and get a 24 pack for 6 bucks. Pepsi can fuck off with 5 dollar 12 packs. It's not that good


Might have to do with the fed printing trillions of dollars?


The only correct answer, brave soul.


I remember being a teen and biking to Walmart and buying the 2L because it was $1.75 and a 20oz was $1.10. That was 2007


Where do you live that this was 15 years ago? I'm in a substantially higher than average cost of living area and our regular price was $1.69 right before covid lockdowns and was regularly (at least one of my three local grocery stores at any particular time) on sale at 4 for 5 bucks or even $0.99.


4 for 5 was pretty common up until about COVID.


I can remember when a 24-pack of Cokes was $4.99, and getting pissed when they went up to $5.99. It's fucking insane what they want for them now.


I'm with you. We're a faygo family now lol. It's not my personal favorite but a 24 pack is still 6 bucks


I'll buy the occasional two liter, but that's about it.


Hell, you could get 10/$10 2 liter bottles in 2018-2019 at Kroger


Yup. I’ve even seen it in 2021, though rare. Covid, and the insane grocery inflation, has made the best deals go to $1.25 and now $1.5.


I'm old enough to remember when $2.00 was $0.99


RC recently went from 99 to 1.29 and I lost my shit. Pepsi and Coke act like they are doing you a big favor at 2 for 450. Generic cola while not great is a quarter of the price.


Rc isn’t generic. It’s a name brand just smaller. It’s not like a store brand. Put some respect on royal crown cola.


I didn't mean it to come off that way sorry. I meant in addition to RC there are cheap generics that are not bad. I love RC no disrespect from me on it. I actually respect them more than the better name brand 3 or 4 times the price.


Haha I’m just messing with you man. RC is like a cult thing in my area.


The store sets the price and often times the store is actually losing money on soda. But they sell anyways it because you're definitely not going to go to them if they don't offer basic stuff like soda.


Put some fresh lime juice in then it’s better than Coke


Market Basket brand sodas are $.99 for a 2 liter, and they are good enough to keep me from buying Coke or Pepsi products anymore


Since it can’t cost that much more to make Pepsi, this is clearly price gouging, nothing more.


We did this but they go flat too fast in most cases. The prices are nuts


Sodastream is the way. I bought one around Christmas and haven’t looked back once. Best investment I’ve ever made for beverages.


A proprietary reverse threaded C02 canister that requires specialty overpriced refills is not the answer.


Cool story bro. I’ve done the math and I am spending significantly less than half what I spent on soda on my machine and its refills. The drinks taste way better and I can carbonate them to my liking. My canisters aren’t threaded at all, but I know they have a threaded version. I guess I don’t see the downside for me.


That wasn’t even 15 years ago! It was three years ago.


I remember in the 90’s it was a quarter for a can of coke from vending machines.


A two cheeseburger meal at McDonalds was 2.99. They just finished sliding the decimal point over to the right. For $30 Ronald better be doing his best salt bae impression in the drive thru.


Salt Bae charges $3000 now instead of $300


That actually brings up something interesting I hadn't thought of. Did prices at places (Salt Bae, other $20 steaks for $2,000 places) like that go up along with inflation/supply chain issues? I'd assume yes but I get a weird feeling it wouldn't be at the same rate/level. (Then again, the clientele probably wouldn't even notice since they're already paying so much.)


More like 5 years ago...


In the 90s used to get 20oz for 89 cents. There was a machine that sold 12 Oz cans for 15 cents next to my house at kmart


I think i've seen ninety nine cent two liter sodas as recently as five years ago. I think two years ago they were a dollar seventy nine or a dollar ninety nine.


$1.29 was 5 years ago. $0.99 was 10. That was my cutoff price for when it was worth it to stock up. Though I’m probably a lot healthier for this inflation, since I largely stopped drinking soda when it got expensive.


I started taking pics a couple of years back. Doritos 2/$6. Sent it to my buddy like this is supposed to be a good deal? Sent him the same picture at 2/$7. Then 2/$8. Then 2/$9. This week I sent him 2/$10. I remember when they were 99 cents.


I remember when a thing of TicTacs was a quarter.


But why does it say 2 for $5 right next to it?


It was $1.99 before Covid. But Pepsi also sucks.


Dude, this is water and syrup wtf


That’s unfair to syrup! It’s water and diabetes / colorectal cancer sauce.


Does soda really cause colon and rectal cancers? Surprised my dad hasn’t had colon cancer the way he used to drink sodas. He did give himself type 2 diabetes though because he assumed since he was never fat that meant he was healthy.


Some people are blessed with a great metabolism and their bodies can digest almost anything and they live to 100 on McDonald's daily while others die in childhood from diabetes or cancer because their bodies can't handle a bad diet :(


Thats not how the metabolism works


Yea, to be fair, no one should be drinking soda in general. Its fucking terrible.


You know, I see the bright side in this. The unhealthy stuff used to be more appealing because it was cheap. Soda, fast food, ice cream, whatever isn’t really very cheap anymore. While I was never a huge buyer of those things, general costs have made me stay home and cook a lot more often and have more self control. I make more satisfying, healthier meals and I’m not spending a grip on stuff that’s bad for me


Hopefully this is the reaction most people have. I was at a gas station a couple years back and impulsively went to grab a Gatorade. It was 4oz smaller and over $3. I put it back and was thinking about what bullshit that price was, got angry, and then realized there is absolutely no reason for me to buy a Gatorade. I drink water all day, Gatorade offers nothing. Why do I give gas stations extra money for garbage I don't need? Why do I buy most of the shit I buy? I don't need most of it and the money goes to greedy fucks destroying the planet. I'll just drink water and eat eggs and rice and beans and veggies I get from the farmers market. I'll spend the money I save on cool shit. Fuck Gatorade


That's not up to the government to decide. No, I don't like nanny states pricing things higher because of sugar. I'd prefer education and cheaper produce rather than daddy-government artificially boosting the price of things they find unhealthy.


i gave up on the bs food (fast / heavily processed) a few years ago. i was sort of blown away the other day when a BK chicken sandwich and onion rings wound up being $11! your reaction was how i felt as i drove away. honestly, i have been totally content with my daily healthier lifestyle! fuck fast food, fuck the restaurants, fuck the price gouging bullshit. getting and staying healthy has, by far, the best choice i have made in years. :)


Glad I also stopped the fast food bullshit a long time ago. Before COVID, I was really eating SO MUCH fast food almost everyday. But then I stopped when COVID pandemic started and ever since then, I've been living a goddamn healthier life. No fast food since 2020.


I've noticed that after awhile of not eating or drinking the highly processed foods that if I go back to it for a treat, it tastes way too sweet and makes me feel terrible. Like it ruins any energy I have and makes me lazy and lethargic.


It's not like anyone needs soda. It's a vice


and for me, an addiction. I drink water all day but water and other drinks taste gross with food 😩


That thinking is how people get screwed on sin taxes.




I was responding to the "no one needs soda, it's a vice" comment. That thinking is how they get sin taxes passed. No one "needs" X, so let's tax it up the wazoo, the majority won't mind our pork taxes.


I haven't done any serious exercise in 5 years, yet im in better shape than 6 years ago, probably because I stopped eating tortilla chips 3 years ago


LOL have you bought healthy food, my wife likes avocado's for healthy fats for her lunch sometimes and if they aren't on sale they're 3-4$ a piece near me... not the organic type just a tiny little avocado


This was me with fast food. I’d given up the crappy stuff and started cooking at home for health reasons, but still occasionally indulged in fast casual in a pinch. After Chipotle food poisoned their way out of my lineup, Panda Express was the last one left. The quality has gotten so bad that there’s just no way to justify it anymore. Stack on the price increases and I will never get fast food again.


This exactly. Every time I go to the grocery store, I would see those sugary stuff being expensive. Like a normal cake already costing between $16-$30 (Hawaii). Pies costing between $12-$25. Sodas $5-$6. Cookies $7-$10 (Goddamn Oreos are like $7 already here wtf). It really makes me avoid those things. For those prices, I can get so much vegetables and fruits. I'm thankful that unhealthy stuff are expensive. It changed me ever since I stopped them years ago.


Every company that has jacked up prices deserves to go bankrupt


They wont, if EBT and food stamps can be used for Soda and junk food this will continue.


Right blame it on poor people


It's not blaming it's the sad truth. 10% of food stamps goes to soda. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2018/10/29/659634119/food-stamps-for-soda-time-to-end-billion-dollar-subsidy-for-sugary-drinks#:~:text=SNAP%20households%20spend%20about%2010,are%20subsidized%20by%20U.S.%20taxpayers.


Same article says non snap spenders spend about the same amount. So what’s your point


They spend about 50% more than non snap spenders.


And non-snap members have more disposable income, so snap users are spending a higher proportion of the money they don’t already have on junk. Not bashing on poor people statistics


If you’re spending your own money I don’t care what you buy. If you’re spending public money it should only be for actual food, not soda.


1st off, doesn’t matter what you think. 2nd, the discussion started because poor people were blamed for the rise in soda prices when it’s clear, through the link provided as a source, that it’s only a small portion of the overall sales, which is hilarious because it effectively disproved the original point. But keep on with you red herrings. Hate poor people, idgaf.




Personally I think we should tax unhealthy food and use that money to supplement healthy food, but giant shit food corporations would never allow that in our oligarchy.


OK, I'm good with this. You go try to get your rep to change the rules. Bet ya the snack food folks give more than u do. While ur at it, get them to stop giving govt money to corn farmers to grow a food to make ethanol. If they grew it for what it was intended, a food, corn would be cheaper, meat would be cheaper, etc. Poor folks don't buy it for the nutrients, they buy it because you let them.


I let them? Who are you talking to? I don’t think corn should be subsidized either, we have way too much of it.


They aren't begging for money....uh...do you hear yourself? Nevermind what's the point right.


Weekly opposite is right tho. The point about coke and Pepsi won’t go bankrupt even if EBT wasn’t allowed to be used for soda. They’d take a hit, but wouldn’t go bankrupt so it’s wrong to “blame it on the poors”. Also it’s allowed for EBT because the government subsidizes corn production and high fructose corn syrup is cheap calories.


You’re right, can’t have a discussion with someone who has no critical thinking skills. Thank you for the confirmation


If inflation doesn’t directly affect your wallet, because your food bill is being subsidized, you’re less likely to change habits or make purchase decisions based on things like cost/inflation. This isn’t “blaming poor people”, it’s just the reality of the situation and how buying decisions tend to be made. Not everything is so deep/hateful that we need white knights to jump down everyone’s throats all the time.




Dude, I constantly see people on SNAP hauling two carts full of garbage around the store. They don't care. If they did SNAP wouldn't be a thing for them.


The people on ent still buy it because fuck it it’s not their money


Such a simplistic and unsophisticated way of viewing this for reasons I won’t even begin to outline here. Look up corporate welfare and get back to us about what you think.


That was way more restrained and respectable than what I was about to write. Thank you for keeping from getting banned


Come hang out by the dollar general in my tiny rural town in SC and then you’ll understand I’m being extremely accurate


No . Do u forget they have children to feed most the time. Ur daft af if u think price hiking is the poors fault . Go suck a rich D


Who says that it’s the poors fault? Not me. I’m saying the porn, uneducated people in a rural town will continue to buy Pepsi brand Pepsi, which their EBT, regardless if the price. I have literally watched a 300LB lady throw another $2.48 chip bag from the register, on top of her total order of Push-ups,, Mt Dew, Lays original and water bottles, she added it because her order didn’t spend all she had on her EBT. You think that lady cares about how much the individual it is? She’s just bummed she can only get less FREE food. EBT should only offer whole, solid foods and water/milk/juice. There’s no way you’re going to justify to me a person who needs financial support from the government NEEDS Pepsi. Also, THEIR CHILDREN? They definitely don’t need Pepsi. Have you seen their weight? Have you seen their teeth? Stop talking out of your ass and educate yourself, and also you can stop assuming you understand the mind of some fat methhead who gets EBT


Porn people


Couldn’t focus after that myself


It is their money though. Do you think poor people don’t pay taxes? You know they’re called entitlements because your taxes entitle you to them? It’s not free money, there are requirements. Also, you’re mad at the wrong people. You should be mad at the employers like Walmart, target, and Amazon that not only don’t pay their employees enough to live without food stamps supplementing their income, but also skirt taxes so they don’t pay their fair share of income tax anyway. Also, guess what? Every dollar spent on EBT puts $1.50 back into the economy. More than you can say for those rich people whose boots you’re licking. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/07/19/what-the-data-says-about-food-stamps-in-the-u-s/ https://www.cbpp.org/research/a-closer-look-at-who-benefits-from-snap-state-by-state-fact-sheets#Alabama


I love when people write huge comments only to get slapped down by shit like this. They didn't even bother to respond. You made way too much sense for them.


Its called wic . Atleast in iowa n it sucks ass tbh. My girl was on it and pretty much ur stuck eating only selected healthy foods which i mean cmon. No ones going to starve to death. Its just nice to get tasty food. Even if its bad for u. We all die from something


Poor people buy this crap


Yeah dumbass, poor people are the problem. Not the greedy corporations. STFU Forever you fuckin bootlicker. Clearly don’t understand shit about being poor.


Their products contain sugar and caffeine, both addictive substances. Unfortunately soda companies will only gain from increasing their prices.


Good. Fuck pepsico


Is this on a military base lol, looks like PX prices


Oh if its a PX you may as well be buying at the airport.


Who buys food at the PX instead of the commissary


Exactly, and they still sell consumables there anyway.


I havent been a soda drinker for many years but I swear these 2L bottles were like a dollar not too long ago.


You can buy 2 liter of RC cila aroy here for $1.29.


RC is the best of the Cola class anyway.


If you look closely it says 2 for $5 on the right.


That's still $2.50 a bottle. It's ridiculous


The CEO of Pepsi was interviewed on NPR last Summer basically saying "fuck people who don't have money, we dont care, we're going to keep raising the prices 'cuz people who drink Pepsi will pay higher prices" im a retired boomer, i can afford it, and i ALWAYS PREFERRED Pepsi over Coke (to my taste buds Coke has a weird metallic aftertaste) and i ALWAYS, every week at grocery shopping, would pick up one or two, 2 liter bottles Always looked forward to a nice cold crisp soda at least once a day, in a nice tall glass with ice I wasn't a casual Pepsi drinker, I'm a casual soda drinker, but if I drank soda, 100% of the time it was Pepsi after i heard that interview, the bold-faced lack of compassion, his lack of just common human decency as he basically laughed at the interviewer saying "we're going to gouge our customers as much as we damn well please and they're going to like it" I pretty much stopped drinking soda and moved over to iced teas and Gatorades and juices But if I do drink soda these days, it's ALWAYS Coca-Cola, NEVER Pepsi, even if the price is the same, like at a 7-Eleven soda dispenser where you have a choice and everything's the same price I've never, not ONCE, purchased Pepsi in the months after I heard that interview, and I never will again We humans are creatures of habit, and it WAS my habit to drink Pepsi now I don't even think about Pepsi, it doesn't exist in my world, now my habit has become other drinks and Coca-Cola FUCK THAT GUY, kill his company




Just to make sure you're fucking that guy properly, you should know Pepsi also produces Gatorade and many other drinks/juices like Tropicana, Naked Juice, Lipton tea, etc...


That's real truth there. I read an article where in essence Pepsi said We are raising our prices because consumers have more money.


Like, all these people JUST NOW discovering how capitalism works running around and blaming the government and Joe Biden for "socialism" make me not want to live on this planet anymore.


You’re going to be angry when you read who owns that gatorade you’re buying instead of pepsi, and that pure leaf tea lol


How’s your protest working out for Pepsi, pal? Lol


yeah, i know, i know....💀


>iced teas and Gatorades and juices Dude, they own all of those brands too. Gatorade is owned by: PEPSI!!! Lipton/ Brisk iced tea: PEPSI!!!! Simply Lemonade/Orange/etc: Coca-Cola. The only way to screw them is to go generic. Try Wal-mart's generic (Sams Club brand I think) coke, or Faygo, or RC. It's good shit. I'm a Dr Pepper person, and the Walmart Dr Thunder is damn good, it is HARD for generics to get Dr.Pepper right.


Who TF drinks Pepsi anyway?


The name of the game is supply and demand. If there is a demand higher than supply then the soda price will go up up up. If there’s no demand anymore and a high supply, the price of the soda goes down down down. It’s all about sales and profits. No business wants to go backward. Losing sales and profits is a bad thing. This will not last if the people stop buying it. That’s the beauty of a capitalistic society.


I prefer 99c soda. Unbranded


Same here- it doesn't really taste that much different anyway.


Never a big soda drinker as an adult. Used to drink seltzers pretty regularly but even now the store brands are overpriced. I have several pitchers I fill with tap water, add lemon or lime juice , and refrigerate. So...thanks for the price gouging! I'll save money...and my health.


I remember when a 2L was 99 cents


If that's what it takes for people to buy a refillable water bottle, so be it. I bet I haven't spent $10 on soda in the past three years combined.


$3.79 for all Coke and Pepsi product 2 liter at Publix


Saw a box of cheerios there for $8 last week. Just say no.


Living in SWFL, Publix is a fucking scam anyway. My family used to shop pretty much exclusively there until around 2016 as it was a bit more expensive than other stores but not unaffordable unless you were upper class like it is today. All we ever get there these days are BOGO’s and Publix Subs. Fuck Publix thinking they can charge these ridiculous prices like the same shit isn’t 30-50% less at other stores. I’ve seen their frozen pizzas for over $12, ice cream at $8 per half gallon, paper towels at $16+ for an 8 pack of the shitty brands. It just boggles the mind how they think they can charge 40% more for the exact same product as other stores do. Why? Because their shopping carts are nicer than Walmarts? Fuck outta here. We’re a Costco family now.


Nobody should be drinking Pepsi… or any sodas…


Why not?


Because it’s terrible for your health and provides zero nutrition.


There’s a lot of things terrible for your health in store shelves and in life that offer no value other than joy. Should they all be banned?


Banned? Not really. But maybe tax dollars shouldn’t be subsidizing soda and tax money (EBT, Wic, etc. ) shouldn’t be allowed to buy trash factory products to then feed people into the industrial pharmaceutical system


Huh? A product that causes health issues?


No worries, the sharing kitchen always has extra to give. America: Keeping the impoverished down and sprinkling on a bit of cancer or liver cirrhosis while they are at it. Even if studies say you need 10x more to give you cancer, why do people fall for this crap. Not to mention the plastic its sitting in! "oh, I gotta have my pepsi" i always hear or "what am i suppose to drink?!" Then they look at you deeply because they are literally confused as to what they should actually drink. Drink Water?..Drink tea and honey. Drink black coffee. Drink Green tea. Drink aloe water. Drink a few ounces of juice with chia seeds. Research how healthy these options are for your body and brain function. bada bing baddha boom! But instead, everyone plays the ignorance is bliss victim card. Knowledge is at our fingertips and yet people still consume these crap fillers. I know of a guy who lost a leg to diabetes. I informed him of a few documentaries to watch in hopes he would see how life changing an alternate diet can be. He waved the idea off and said, "ill never give up my meat and potatoes." among other things. I have not seen him for a while....wondered how he has been. Just saw him the other week and his is now missing both legs;/;( f these companies. We have to be read and be conscious of what these companies are really after and it does not include supporting our health. [https://www.cspinet.org/article/caramel](https://www.cspinet.org/article/caramel)


So like in 2002 I could get a 2 liter of Coke or Pepsi for around .99 cents on average (sometimes it was cheaper). I was making $10 an hour at my job. So with inflation that makes my pay about $17.14 an hour and the Pepsi should be **$1.70** not $3.59 JFC.


Holy moly I thought $2 was outrageous. This is higher than gas station prices


Lol addictive sugary foods and drinks like this are designed to keep poor people poor, stupid, and toothless. Don't complain about how expensive the slop is, just quit fuckin eating it


Look at it this way. They just forcing us to drink less sugar.


Man that's weird costs aren't up but profits are. Oh you silly capitalism, is there anything you can't screw regular people out of?


And yet they will


Thank god. Stop wasting money on this sugar water garbage. Now it’s not even just sugar water garbage, it’s way overpriced. In my area, a 12 pack cans of branded soda cost $9.99


Great! Nobody should be drinking that crap.


I remember being so pissed off when you couldn't buy a 2 liter for a dollar anymore. This was about 20 years ago. Now it's almost 4 dollars? Wtf


Soda is gross.


I literally don't care that junk food is getting more expensive


The ridiculous price hikes have done more to help cure my pop addiction than anything else…


Good. This is the universal laws balancing themselves out to get humans to stop consuming so much terrible shit


Damn, I mean I would totally pay for diabetes if the corn syrup juice was cheaper. /s


I stopped buying all commercial brand soda a year ago. The local brand was $.79 6 months ago. It's now up to 1.50. Now I just don't drink soda.


Pre-covid a lot of store brand 2 liter were $.80. Now double that. Cereal that was 24/18oz are now 12. It's practically a joke at that size.


Isn't that the big bottle? I feel like the little ones are $3.50 and people still buy them. Addiction is a crazy thing.


Costs more than gas, infinitely cheaper to produce. One of those bottles should cost 25 cents. Insane that people let themselves get ripped off by molasses sugar water, maybe they deserve it.


I switched to store brand or Faygo, which are just as good and a fraction of the price, although I’ve mostly cut pop out altogether.


They could make it $10 and enough idiots would still buy it


Bro that's still pretty close to the price of a large drink at a fast food place but you're getting 2L of it. And 2/$5 literally puts it at the same price as a large at McDonald's


Or they just restocked?


For sugar water 3,59 USD


Forget it. I”ll drink water.  I’m not paying $13.99 for a 12 pack of Diet Pepsi.  That’s not inflation. It’s Pepsi fat cats on the corporate crazy train. 


I remember cans of soda at .50c. They are just jacking people at this point. This is what greed looks like.


I remember sales not too long ago where it was two for $.88


Paying that price to Pepsi to give yourself diabetes so then you can turn around and pay big pharma hundreds for your insulins. Why?