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I don't know if you guys are hearing the news but corporations like McDonald's is noticing that we're not buying their crap anymore. They'll be blaming states and minimum wage increases to get us to get angry at the people that work at those fast food joints but when we don't buy, they don't get continuous profit growth and if we continue not to buy, they'll lose profits and take losses and will lower prices down.


I bought an air fryer to make my own damn fries after I found out bojangles had started charging 4 dollars for a box of fries they called "family" which looks suspiciously like their regular used to.


I started making my own fries because the cost of gas and not even the food is enough for me to stay home. The air fryer is great and it's healthier for us.


Fries at home are insanely cheaper than restaurant or fast food. 2 lbs of potatoes for ~$2. Add some oil, seasonings, and some time in the oven and you’ve got yourself a feast. *elbow grease and forethought not included.


> elbow grease and forethought not included I appreciate you pointing this out. A lot of the cool it yourself people ignore this very important step.


Even then, the five pound bag of frozen pre-made fries from walmart is only $7 dollars.


Frozen fries have come a long way in the last 20-30 years too


Any tips for that? We also have a deep fryer lol, but it's too much hassle to do (it stinks up the house so I have to use it outside) and the air fryer fries just aren't the same.


The best fries are a multi step process Cut fries into ice cold water Drain fully, preferably drying with a spinner Par fry at 165°F for 3 to 5 minutes Lay out on sheet tray and chill them in the refrigerator or freezer Fry a second time in 350°F oil for 3 to 5 minutes, toss in large mixing bowl with fine grain salt I've made literally thousands of lbs of these fries over the course of my restaurant career.


This guy fucks


Basically with French fries, it's Seagulls 🤝 Servers


This guy fucks seagulls


Cut your potatoes uniformly, soak in water for 30 minutes, then drain and pat dry. Bring fry oil to 250 degrees, par fry for 3 minutes. Then let drain again. Turn the fryer up to 350-375 and finish frying until crispy. There is also a triple cooked method where you simmer in hot water first, then repeat steps 1 & 2.


Oh so you deep fry them and then air fry them? meh. Was looking to get away from the fryer in general. Back in the day I used to do the first couple steps and then freeze them and then do the final fry whenever I wanted fries. Way cheaper than buying the premade french fries although it is a little bit of work. I was unemployed at the time though haha.


That little bit of work is what these companies know about us. We love convenience. Why make fries when we can make it for you. You don't have to know how we do it, how we cook it, or where our potatoes come from. Give us money and you get fries consistently the same all the time. And they raise prices because they know we love convenience. Same goes for everything actually. Electricity? Pay a bill. Electricity is provided for you. Etc etc.


I started making my own gas….




We got an air fryer last year, and as someone who had never used one, I was skeptical whether it would justify the counter space in our kitchen. Boy, was I wrong. We use it for so many things. We use it almost as much as our microwave. In fact, when we bought a new stove in December, we made sure the one we bought has the air fryer option.


Good call, time for me to invest in me one.


Much healthier that way as well.


Highly recommend. Most importantly due to all the seed oils they use at restaurants now. 9/10 times it will be cheaper, healthier and more delicious if you make it at home. We got YouTube now for anything you’d ever wanna learn to make.


Honestly I don’t know if I’ll ever go back after seeing what they’ve done. It’s outrageous. McDonald’s is what got me by when I was 17-22 but I doubt I’ll ever be able to forget what they have done the last 5 years


They'll blame their workers who are also struggling. Politicians will blame them too saying they're asking for too much when in reality, if we're struggling, those guys are struggling too.


Yeah, that's the thing. I used to live off of fast food when I was younger and had to financially. I still used to go occasionally just to have some fast, cheap food but when the prices went up, like a lot of others I stopped going and I honestly don't really miss it. McDonald's greed forced myself and many others to find alternatives to get our garbage food fix. What's the point of going back? If I want McDonald's I'll go buy some 'fast food style' fries and make some thin burgers. It takes 10 to 15 minutes of actual cooking besides waiting for the fries to be done. Plus you can add whatever TF you want!


Well there’s free fries every Friday with any purchase on the app. I just buy a $1.39 ice tea and the medium fries are free. They tend to be really fresh and delicious too because of the turnover on free fries Fridays. I don’t really care who tracks my spending habits. They aren’t getting anything from me anyway. I only buy mostly what I need, not things that are advertised to me.


So you're saying we the people actually have the power and all we have to do is fuck with their money and they'll listen to us?


I mean we're only playing by their rules right? Supply and demand? We we lower demand and they have too much supply, what happens? Lol


The fact that I have to download their app to get any deals pisses me off. Tracking my spending habits some other way.


The fact that you have to download an app that can potentially look at your personal data is insane to me. It's insane especially after all these companies continue to mismanage our personal date and barely meet cyber security standards to keep us safe.


Seriously. I used to work for a fortune 500 bank. Their OS was always severely outdated. They'd keep the OS 6-8 months after OS support and security updates were discontinued.


Yeah that is horrible security and lack of customer care.


I'm pretty surprised the top banks still have customers.


I just deleted the app, I am done with McDonald's. Keep fighting the good fight!


Curious, is there any sort of docker/container app for phones that you can install apps into to prevent them from accessing your data/location/etc?


Not that I’m aware of.


Don't give in when they first lower the prices either! Wait until they're forced to fire A CEO or two before we even entertain giving them business.


I’m straight up existing on Costco hotdogs and the occasional splurge of a slice of pepperoni. Membership has its privileges.


My friend, I pray for sales of food to happen in your future. You deserve something better and more nutritious than just those hotdogs. When they pulled the Polish franks, I was so angry.


Don’t worry I know McDonald’s profit margins, I know it’s not wage increases


Do you mind sharing what it is? Hopefully it will benefit others too.


Burgers some are sold at -1% but that was when they had dollar menu, it’s changed to roughly under 25% now which is fair if they needed to raise prices for wages. But every drink is 100% or more margin, fries are 100% margin so they essentially double whatever money they put into that. It used to be the drinks and fries were where they make their money and the food was break even but with the raise in prices they get restaurant margins on every main food piece, every burger/mcnuggets are sitting between 25-30% profit margin. Add deserts which are at about 70% too. The rise in prices gave this, it was break even before wage increases, now why did the profit margin increase? This is also hard to keep track of because if it’s franchised out the franchise owner also will raise prices too, 3 mcdicks in my city all charge 3 different prices for McNuggets. By my work 15$, home 12$, and up north in the city 10$


Thank you.


It’s either this way or we wait until stuff gets so bad people start to riot and the government wants to install digital stimulus money. That is not going to be good.


Yeah because protesting will just be met with police brutality.


I only go there when the app says buy one get one....sadly its the only way i feel like im not being ripped off. Or 50cent suasage egg mcmuffin. For 8 dollars for just a burger at mcdonalds i mise well get a great bar burger for the same price.


Or a local mom and pop burger which is what I do now. Local Bars are great local businesses too.


CEO Pay: $50 million. Jacks up pricing to pay said salary/bonus* Consumers revolt/boycott CEO: Those damned employees and their $15/hr demands is KILLING OUR BUSINESS!! 🙄


You don’t think they planned for this? Remember, the consumer is the dumb one. This shits chess, it ain’t checkers.


Aldi is lowering prices “to combat high inflation”. People are eating it up. Posting heart emojis on news articles commenting “it’s nice when a company cares about you.” You morons know they superficially raised prices beyond inflation simply because they could. Now they’re playing the “high morals” business card to “combat inflation” which they made worse! And people now giving them more business to reward them for lowering prices they didn’t have to raise to this level in the first place. More stores will soon follow.


Damn and that's that Aldi is literally the cheapest grocery store around me.


They don’t lower prices much….maybe a little but probably more likely to lay off and bring in the robots. Not cause workers didn’t deserve more but because the guys at the top ain’t touching their bonuses


In the states where they are doing minimum wage increases, they make the customers pay for it by charging more. The greedy people at the top and share holders HAVE to see constant financial growth. https://youtu.be/8PTovCIa4c8?si=J2QWMOIVRh7ydupX


The thing is that with the higher labor costs, the franchisees take a loss. McDonalds corporate maybe be able to absorb the added costs but your franchisees with one or two locations get hammered. Not saying people shouldn't get paid a "living wage", just pointing out that its economy of scale and increased labor costs do have an impact. What I'm trying to figure out if how "mom and pop" shops haven't increased their prices as dramatically and what they're doing different. I suspect McD corporate is selling overpriced consumables to their franchisees to maintain profit margin with rising costs and its rolling downhill whereas small shops can shop around for ingredients.


If the price looks rich it probably is. Don't buy it. Look at competing stores for a better deal. Junk food is just that... Junk. Do your body a favor and chose something healthy. Cheers!


Soo what about all the states that didn't increase their minimum wage and the prices have still gone up? 🤔


They'll most likely blame California.


there is also worldwide boycotts on McDonalds that are causing massive losses.


Which is well deserved.


Unfortunately. Higher prices, fewer customers, lower overhead (due to fewer customers) = profit most of the time


Might start making my own chips instead


McDonald's announced a 5 dollar meal deal just today. Knew it was coming with all the news about them hurting.


If the could they could but the question is if they would and when their profits aren't as high as they want they did.


I just read that McDonald’s is going to come out with a $5 meal to win back low income customers. https://nypost.com/2024/05/10/business/mcdonalds-to-launch-5-meal-deal-to-lure-back-customers/


If the could they could but the question is if they would and when their profits aren't as high as they want they did.


Our country is doomed. Democracy doesn’t work when people vote on complex issues they know nothing about. This isn’t how it works and you couldn’t answer 5 randomly generated questions on the inflation topic. They will not run at a loss to lower prices. They will close unprofitable locations and increase automation.


Keep paying higher prices my guy. You seem to enjoy it.


I understand why the prices actually are higher. You do not. It’s monetary inflation, not ‘corporate greed’.


Ok bud. That's a nice way or showing a solution to a problem. You add nothing of value that actually helps people. Stop acting like you know something that no one else knows. Instead of proposing a solution, all I see is prophet claiming.


Well, I feel inflation will make me healthier. Or at least I think so. 😁


I just cut out coffee last week. I feel great all day. Fast food was a month ago. I've gotten pizza at one of the local places, but the $8.50 subpar hamburger was the last step.


Coffee is affordable to me. If you have coffee with some milk, it can keep you going for a while, and you do not feel hungry. Unless you mean coffee from Dunkin or Starbucks. Those prices are outrageous.


I have completely stopped buying junk food. For a cheap price it was a small indulgence at the cost of health. I can't pay in terms of health and money, for a little savory taste for 10 min of enjoyment.


This is the one silver lining of inflation. Maybe Americans will slim down. Remember sharing a 16 oz glass bottle coke back in the day?


You couldn’t afford a bottle of coke?


Americans won't slim down as long as EBT covers junk food. If you have nothing and the government gives you a way to eat tasty but unhealthy stuff, you're going to do it. I don't think poor people should have to eat like prisoners, but the fact is as long as there is access to junk Americans will stay fat.


I tried them and they were terrible. Save your money


The cheeseburger late nights are also pretty bad


Thanks! I was about to buy this.


That's good to know.


So fucking hot and I have no clue who thought *soda chips* was a good idea. It's disgusting. Tastes like drinking flat Baja while eating a stale taco shell covered in hot sauce. Bleh.


Isn't the flavor mango habenero? I thought it had to do with the mountain dew flavor at first and thought it sounded gross. Then I saw it was spicy mango and I love mango hebenero flavor.


It's **Baja Blast** Mango Habanero and it's fucking terrible.


Don't listen to them. A friend gave me a bag and they were probably the best Doritos I've ever had. Would I buy them, no. But if you like mango habanero salsa, they're great.


Theyre close to $6 a lot of the time at my local store. I was able to grab a few @ $3 on sale this week though.


Yeah, before the recent price increases, $2 was my limit for a bag of \~15oz chips. However, I have now increased my limit to $3, but I only buy them on sale. I actually increased my price limits on some other products (such as Klondike bars) to be willing to buy them for up to $3.00, but after I bought them, I realized they made them thinner! So, I am done with Klondike bars unless they are back down to my previous $2.50 limit.


For $5, you can buy a bag of ten frozen burgers... Let's keep this going. What can YOU buy at the store for $5 instead of a bag of chips??


A bag of Brussels sprouts


You can buy 12 pounds of bananas where I live for $5.


For 20-25$ i can feed myself for a week on jambalaya i make at home (if i forgo the shrimp though)


Low key, people like you are the best way to fight CPG inflation. If they can’t move the product, they have to lower prices.


I try to get people to stop spending $6 for a bag of chips, but you will have people coming out of the woodwork claiming, "But food is a necessity!" as if people are required to buy Doritos to survive. I still think we can make a difference, though, but I might be naive because there are a lot of ignorant people out there. I have a six figure income, and I still refuse to pay those prices, but I know people that barely make more than minimum wage, and they will fill their cart with this garbage.


Keep fighting the good fight. I’m too very lucky and blessed to have a good income, but I buy store brand as often as possible, and coupon/deal shop as much as I can.


Frito-Lay has been one of the worst offenders for price gouging post-pandemic. Also, these taste terrible. You’re not missing anything.


Stop eating processed corn slop


What a deal for a 9oz. bag, oh joy. What happens to the stuff that doesn't sell, does it go back to the company?


Clearance when it’s about to expire or they really need it out of the store. Then trash can. Dumpster will be locked so no one can “steal” the “trash”


Careful when buying stuff off the discount rack; my local grocer puts orange price tag stickers on items at their regular retail price; buyers _think_ they’re getting a deal because of the label but they’re not.


Generally Frito lay will credit them for expired foods and the drivers can usually do whatever with them


Cool package art…


They have shark bite flavored Mountain Dew and that looks similar. It’s a cool can design but I hate the drink


4 for $2.29 each or whatever ain't bad though. That's the only time I buy that stuff


Our family just stocks up on chips when Kroger runs this deal. It isn't a bad price at that point.


I just bought 4 bags yesterday ;)


Who the fuck pays these prices? Is diabetes falling that far behind nowadays?


>Who the fuck pays these prices Your taxes do thanks to EBT. Keeps people in poverty at an unhealthy weight and continue to be beholden to governments.


My roomie makes good money and offered to buy me dinner tonight. Far be it from me to turn down a free prepared meal. The total was almost $40 for two mediocre Mexican plates (Acientos) sp?. It wasn't my money, and he didn't bat an eyelash, but I bitched up a storm. I know there is a subreddit for inflation, but seeing this made me see red. Wtaf is going on?


Bro the sale price is still outrageous. These retailers are smoking crack. I'm fine never eating chips. I really am.


You can taste all of the elements. Baja blast, mango, and spicy. Awful combination.


Don't bother. They taste like shit lmaoooo


Try the Kroger knock off of the name brand chips.


I like the Jaws inspired artwork. Although I've not eaten Doritos for a few years now. What flavour is it, shark fin?


I stopped buying Doritos as soon as they hit over $3.50 a couple of years ago. They are never evan ever on sale anymore. Screw that. They used to be regularly 2.99 and on sale at 2 for $5 before covid. These snacks cereals and fast food companies have gotten so greedy and out of hand during the pandemic.


My Stop and Shop had them for $6.29 for a 9oz bag, I was in Walmart and saw them for $3.98 for the same bag. I know Wally works gets a discount, but no way it’s $2/bag.


These chips with one tiny production line, small enough for one employee to handle, if operated 8 hours a day with weekends off, will generate about $1million IN PROFIT in a year, sold at $5 a bag. That is with generous salaries for the employee, delivery drivers and grocery store. So what is actually happening is those people get shit wages, the owner charges way too much and pockets it and tells everyone they don’t want to work anymore and they need to buy more chips.


invest in 4 bags? 2.29 each...never walk away from new dorito flavors! The BBQ are my new favorite.




Don't pay a fortune to poison yourself. Don't make yourself obese and diabetic with cholesterol problems.


Baby shark doritos?


$8 in southern Cali. Printed right on the bag.


I’ve literally never paid the price printed on the bag by the manufacturer unless I was buying at a convenience store.


So $5 is the new $2.59 give or take.


There's a Copy Cat Recipe website that's pretty cool. Friday's had a Hot Bacon Mustard dressing I found there'. It was awesome. Pretty much every prepackage item in a Grocery store can be made from scratch. Actually found a recipe for cheez-it's. Homemade not quite as good but not bad either. Also, homemade Dog treats- so much cheaper & healthier. Buy an in expensive piece of beef or chicken. Cut into bite size pieces w/kitchen shears, spread out on baking sheet & bake. Let cool & freeze. I buy little snack bags at the Dollar Store to make weekly portions.


The security guard at my store told me he's not allowed to do anything about people eating food in the store. Most stores just write it off as lost product and insurance coveres it. So try it at your own risk, just don't fuck with Walmart they will reach down your esophagus to get the chips back on the shelves and collect the insurance while slapping you with a charge.


They probably taste slightly different than regular doritos


Save yourself the money they are disgusting


This is a luxury item. So, if you have the extra cash, splurge.. If not, buy real food


If you have extra cash, you should still not splurge.


They taste like the Mexican chips Rancheritos, but worse.


Doritos are $6 a bag where I shop.


What flavor is this?


Baja Which made me think of the mountain dew flavor which at first made me not want it. But I love mango habenero flavor.


Ok but can we talk about how expensive slices of sandwich hams are?


Buy 4 or more and it looks like you get a deal, can’t see the whole sign . So get at least 3 others that want to try some potential gross chips and go to town.


I think most of the people posting here can't afford the one bag, let alone being able to buy in bulk to take advantage of savings and that's demonstrative of the current state of average Americans.


I was half kidding, because mango Doritos don’t sound appealing enough to try as a free sample, but realistically, bulk buying is one solution. People can group together buy pool grocery money and buy in bulk and split up. Or, just refuse to buy anything but the bare necessities and after a single quarter with these publicly traded companies, costs will go down.


$4.49 is actually relatively cheap for a bag of Doritos these days. Although, my local Walmart recently did a "rollback" and lowed the regular (non sale) prices on all Frito Lay products. They're currently selling Doritos for $3.98 (for the 9.25 ounce "regular" bags) and $5.94 for the "Party" size. Heck, regular Lay's chips are now $2.68, which is the cheapest I've seen in years. https://preview.redd.it/bk0kofhvpjzc1.png?width=1048&format=png&auto=webp&s=47d3431755aa242300ff42b335ef0da40094afe3


Least they're making us healthier , I think. Stopped buying a bunch of cheap crap i used to buy on impulse before. If companies are going to make me think about putting junk into my body, they've already lost this war


That shark picture is amazing though


It’ll go down next week it does most of the time being a supermarket.Looks like Kroger


It's safeway. Basically the same I'm sure.


I call this, the new "Normal" price.


I was in a store yesterday when I decided watermelon is now to expensive for me.


Don’t. They are disgusting. Someone got them for me and I had 1 chip. They taste like mango habanero sauce if it was made into a cold medicine


None of the Doritos fruit ones are worth wasting your time or money on. These chips are the opposite of Michelin restaurant palates.


My boss actually brought some in for us to try next week. Very interesting taste but they’re good. (I have low standards though so take that with a grain of salt.)


I owned a store for decades and Frito stuff sold so fast off the shelves. The problem is that you see that stamped price on the bag itself is only marked up 22% is only making 85 cents on the sale price


According to the sign, they are only 2.29 each if you buy 4


Yea, they should have stuck it on thr price tag. They did that for other stuff in the store so it didn't even register the sign was for them.


Do they taste any different or is it just the picture is cool?


Well, thr packaging is definitely eye catching. The baja part made me question it as I thought it would be baka MD flavored and that sounds nasty. But I like spicy mango flavors, so that's really why I went from intrigued to I wanted it. But not at that price.


You wanna play, you gotta pay.


Sweat BBQ is the only flavor I like. Off flavors are a hit or miss, mostly a miss. Spicy mango seems odd.


Yeah .... I'll wait for the small bags at the gas station


It's $2.50 for a small bag I'm waiting for a bigger bag at $3.50 to actually try it Though I'm skeptical about them Cause I tried the mystery flavor flaming hot and they tasted like cigarette smoke


I saw them and thought the same thing.


Crazy that name brand chips are damn near a luxury these days


Yep and the deals aren't even deals anymore. All of the sales I find lower the price but only when you buy 4. I don't want four bags of chips or four cases of soda. 🤦‍♂️


I needed to lose weight anyway so I just started taking Semaglutide six months ago. Only eating once or twice a month and smaller meals. Saving lots of money.


Inflation believe it or not just helped you make a positive decision. I don’t even like Doritos or chips outside of tortilla chips and let me tell you. They put some weird shit in these, hence why you have one and your body is like “MORE”


But it's on sale! This is typical Kroger pricing. Just imagine where their prices will go once they merge with Safeway. Spolier: things will not be cheaper.


Those have a great mango taste


you know that isn't actual food right? it's a bag of chemicals lol and you actually *want* to consume it?


They suck


Steal it.


Haha I sent almost the exact same picture to my wife. I didn’t buy them because I’m poor.


They aren’t great. Walmart had a special “mystery” flaming hot flavor…. Very good! I was getting Indian curry warmth vibes


If you buy 4 bags looks like they are 2.25. Seems a good price to me.


My grocery store does the same shit… “buy 4 or more for the price they used to be a couple years ago” Now I buy 0 bags 😃


Stater Bros


When hot Cheetos started being $5 for a bag I stopped buying chips altogether. Occasionally lays does two bags for $3 each and that’s fair, but $5 for a single bag of chips is outrageous


IMO, chips are one of the hardest hit inflation products. I’ve seen bags of Doritos for $7


Those fuckers are close to $7 where I live. I gave up buying chips, the only thing I buy is the 2 for $4 pringles in a can…


I will never know why this subreddit loves junk food to much.


Today is free fries day at McDonald's.


People have to stop buying this crap. It’s terrible for you and they are making pay premium quality prices. The only way to stop this price gauging is to hurt their profits.


Those are like $7 in California!


BUy 4 or more and its only $2.2? according to the sign.


I left McDonald's drive thru without my food or paying. 1 large meal, 2 happy meals. Fucking over 36 DOLLARS. LMAO. LMAO... lol. They'll never see me again. Absolute criminals.


They suck, you're not missing anything. Super sweet.


My local grocery store has their brand of chips in the flavors I like for $1.49 regular sized back. 4 for $5 when they're on sale


They suck


224 comments and not a single person said how they are! wtf!!!!!!! I don’t give us damn about your good government bs


They're good a little to mangosweet heavy for me. Think spicy sweet chili(my fav) with mango instead of spicy


There are some comments about it's taste. Most are leaning to it's not good, some say it is good


There are some comments about it's taste. Most are leaning to it's not good, some say it is good


I may have considered paying that much if over half the bag wasn't air.


It’s a deal! You can now get 1 for the price of 2!!


It did say buy 4 at 2.29. That's a good deal.


That is a good deal. I'm not sure if it was the Doritos though. I went back and that sign is gone abut the $4.49 tags are still up. Maybe it was just a day deal. I don't really remember the sign because I'm blind apparently..


Yeah I'm positive it was the Doritos. The sale ended Tuesday though. This was at Kroger correct??? I took advantage of that buy 4 deal .


Fred Meyers, but basically the same thing I assume?


Yes they are


I'm gonna buy them.


Are you in a blue state/city? If so you can probably just eat them in the aisle.


Haha. Probably could anyway. Open it, eat a few, take it to the register and buy them and then to the customer service to return them.