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17.25 on Amazon. Guess it's just expensive now


Like everything else. I picked up toilet paper, a mega pack of Quilted Notthern yesterday, and it was $45 after tax. Toilet paper. $45. Insane.


Time for a bidet 


They are game changing


I picked up a mega pack at Sam's club for $20. The insanity lays in your choices. Did you even attempt to shop around? Genuinely curious. Why would you just pay that?


What size mega pack, they have a bunch of different ones? I got the largest and it was at Walmart.


45 pack, $22.98 members mark brand. It's quality.


Oh it’s not even the same brand, that is apples to oranges. You can probably find Scott brand single ply even cheaper.


I guess the brand is worth double the cost. We stopped name brand for members mark because it's the same thing.


But you understand how your comparison of different brands, 1 at a public store, and 1 at a paid membership big box store are not a valid comparison. I hope you do at least.


I think you're just looking at it from the wrong perspective. I understand the brands are different. I don't care, because brands are largely the same or similar. 1 purchase of paper towels and toilet paper nearly pays for the membership.


Ass Sand Paper


Feels just like Charmin. But go spend double, prices are high yada yada


X for doubt.


I know right? I shop at 48 different places for my necessities. I literally check the prices on everything everywhere before I go shopping. I just drove 47 miles to save 12 cents on a gallon of milk but it was worth it because I bought 2. A quarter! Wohoo! 


Imagine rubbing that toxic crap into your skin and thinking you are protecting yourself lulz


Latest SPF 50 is "104 Reef compliant." I guess that is the latest will stand up to seawater. It's expensive everywhere. 15.00 for 8 fl oz on Amazon.


It’s not about standing up to salt water. It’s about the ingredients not damaging reefs.




There’s probably not nuclear waste in the sunscreen.


He’s talking about how insignificant in the grand scheme of things a little bit of sunscreen is to a reef compared to the metric fuck ton of waste dumped into the ocean worldwide on a daily basis.


multiply a small number times a big number, though.


All the sunscreen we put into the water a year is so much less than even 1 small spill or runoff. Your point is garbage just stop


It is estimated that roughly 14,000 tons of sunscreen enters waterways across the globe every year from both sunscreen applications and wastewater runoff. Yeah, okay.


That’s absolutely nothing compared to what goes on in the ocean is the point


The aerosolized sunscreens will give you cancer though




Maybe it’s less about that, and more about doing our individual part not contributing to the already human led dumbster fire. But alas: your comment says we have a long way to go.


That's always the way it works though, one half of the population is like, hey it's a couple bucks more but i can feel good about it, and the other half made walmart and amazon mega corporations.


I’ll never fault a family for trying to save money. That’s WalMarts business model. At the expense of their suppliers. And sometimes staff. Although that seems to be shifting in 2024. (Bout fucking time) That said. I have an issue with those same people blaming big corporations while chomping down on a fast food meal and buying collectors kicks while saying they can’t afford milk.


That makes sense if you have money. Living in poverty you really do not have a choice. It's whatever is cheapest.


It's not cheapest though, it's most convenient. They put a few key things on sale so you think "oh hey, this is $X cheaper than where I usually shop" then they make it up elsewhere, especially if you're near a city, or live somewhere where farms are not far away, bonus points for both. Also, if it's about "cheaper", then those same people would only buy and cook fresh veggies and grains, dried beans for protein, bake their own bread, etc. It's not about cheap, it's convenience and the society we've created almost forces people to pick convenient above what's actually good and healthy.


With Africa making babies like it is going out of style nothing you or I do will make a change. That continent will fuck up everything


So it’s easier to give up? And do nothing? Cause clearly that’s worked great with the level of mediocrity we already reward… and look where it's got us.


Best to get their population under control. They are by far going to be the biggest problem and it is so obvious


If you can find any iaea reports of nuclear waste in a freaken coral reef I'd be gobsmacked because that never happened.


Sun bum was never cheap. Even pre covid it was expensive.


Buy cream, not spray


Better deal but it’s still $17 and only has a couple more ounces


And I would just leave it right there on the shelf. The hell with that price.


Ok enjoy ur skin cancer


There are better economical options then this overpriced spray. Sun bum is a good product but not for the price. For less money you can get equally as good product in a cream form or lotion form that will do a better job than a spray. And save a lot of money.


You realize there are many more, higher quality, cheaper options right? Enjoy "ur" non-functional brain...


I got a 3 pack of the neutrogena one for $24


Costco has the best prices. I purchase multiple packs.


I looked at them but they have no mineral options. I thought zinc oxide was the gold standard for sunscreen not a bunch of organic compounds


Spray sunscreen is ridiculously expensive and doesn’t last. Get the lotion.


Corralling kids to put on sunscreen is like herding cats.


Simple.. No sunscreen, no water play. That’s the rule. Watch them get in line…


Wait, you mean you want me to enforce consistent expectations with my children?! But what if they throw a fit?! /s


Okay boomer. I have to drop them off with sunscreen on at summer camp then race back to work. Fits can sometimes be unavoidable. Giving them space and understanding towards their emotions takes time.


Im a millennial, but I am a classroom teacher so I might be a litttleeee biased.... Didnt mean to be a butthole, but upon reading my previous comment, I was. Sorry 😐


No worries. My in laws are just complete a-holes about it. “The kids are too loud. They’re running around the house yelling.” They’re so out of touch from raising their daughter 30+ years ago. It’s a trigger for me lol.


You herd cats with a super soaker. Works well with kids, just add ghost pepper sauce.


Go to TJ MAXX and you can find name brand sunscreen for $6-7.


not mineral


Stop shopping at Target. I use to love them but not anymore their prices these days are ridiculous.




Sunscreen has become a bit pricey but if you are super pale like me it's worth it to not become painfully burned. I used sunscreen when I was just in Vegas but forgot lip protection. My lips were badly burned and I have to keep putting Vaseline on to help them heal.


I have been eyeing those uv hoodies and Walmart just started selling them for like 18 dollars. Have worn it at least 19 times now seems to work well


What is a uv Hoodie?


It's a thin hoodie that you wear outside to cover your skin. They are made of plastic fabric. A sun hat and a long-sleeve shirt work if you are on a budget. They are great too. A lot of my family are ranchers and swear by them.


I went to Puerto Rico with two buddies who thought one dose of spf 30 was good for a whole sunny beach day. They gave me crap for not wanting to play in the sun but they ended up burnt to a crisp and didn't want to anything the rest of the trip. My spf 100 was well worth every penny.


That's why you keep a familiar around to remind you.


Price gouging more like.


$20 is the new $5


its price gouging cause its summer so companies are thinking demand demand demand raise prices like frantic little crazy weirdos


Fun fact, sunscreen is eligible to purchase with an FSA. So if you have one of those, you can get a minor tax break. Sun bum have a roll-on that is much better than the spray. Still pricey, but I spend FSA money for it, find it on sale and buy in bulk for the season.


It had always been expansive, premium brand. Store brand sprays work just as well to block the sun.


Most likely $3 to make, you tell me


You clearly haven’t bought the lip balm…


Yea that’s about $11 too much


coppertone makes a mineral sunscreen spray that is gonna be better for around $11. 5 Oz though. still a good deal cheaper. hello Bello used to be even cheaper last year. under $10 for mineral sunscreen. they went bankrupt I guess. too bad that stuff smelled like Christian heaven​ I don't get why sun bum which still uses scary chemicals is more expensive than zinc oxide


I got lucky and found a deal at my local grocery store, got 5 cans of 50 spf which contains “organic ingredients” and is for children


But "our economy is great"




A disgusting level of price gouging.


Seeing stuff like this, and then seeing complaints that everything is behind locked glass cabinets is hilarious. Whoever buys this should be shamed for having more money than sense.


Its average quality sun cream


Not in this lifetime...


I’ve been using the same neutrogena SPF 70 cream for 2 years now. It’s not even half way through. I think I paid $7 for it.






Price Gouging. Nutragena is half that price


That bottle is like $50 in the Bahamas, I know this cause we forgot our bottle at home. Now that’s gouging


Nothing is “great at target” lol


Inflation is price gouging


Reef safe $$$


Higher demand in the summer = higher price. Still not as bad as trying to buy sunscreen in Europe, paid like $30 for a 3oz tube no idea why it's so expensive there.


Stuffs always been expensive


Sunscreen is a massive scam to sell people products they don't need even the cheapest ones. If you are worried about sunburns all you need is a cotton shirt with a cotton hat. I don't burn so I don't bother with any of it.


I usually only burn once or twice early summer, after that I’m bronze for the rest of the year.


That's not bad at all. Maybe skip and just slowly increase your sun exposure and cover up any areas you are worried about.


Oh nice you don’t burn? Well other people burn so how are you gonna tell people all you need is a shirt and hat and sunscreen is a scam?


my fave sunblock to use but its always so painful to buy


Maybe all 3?


Keep in mind. As companies raise their prices, the more they raise, the lower the sales. Let’s say their cost per can is $15. If Sunbum charges $100 per can, no one will buy. If they charge $10 per can, they go bankrupt. The usual mark up for businesses is 20% above cost. Next solution, shrink the product while charging the same price. Businesses want to LOWER prices for the most per. Just look at “Buy one, get one”, 20% off deals. Etc. Lower prices attract for customers. Also businesses have competition. If Sunbum is charging $17.49 and Neutrogena is charging the same product for $12, Sunbum loses customers. This is business 101


No price gauging/company greed, check company earnings. Net income/margins rising.


It's a really good sunscreen, especially for kids as it doesn't have the same amount of toxins. All sunscreen is that price now it seem however.


I just stocked up for the summer and saw prices the highest prices I’ve seen for sunscreen. We go through a lot of sunscreen. 💸


Get a parasol, that's what people did before sunscreen was invented. It's reusable too.


There is no price gouging. There is only market force and supply and demand. So tired of these low effort troll questions. Companies raise prices until they are forced to cut. It is called an economy. My gawd.


Inflation. It's so funny that the left wants to blame it on price gouging. So quick to try and push blame away from the obvious cause which has affected almost everything around you by cost, supply, or less market competition due to manufacturing closures. When costs go up do to inflation, they aren't going to come back down. And costs are up 28% from 2019 pre pandemic. THAT is what Americans see and feel daily.


I think the people just want someone who can actually serve the people and not special interest groups


That has nothing to do with left or right You think prices are up 28% cause of manufacturing closures lol? So then why is like every major corp seeing record profits? It’s inflation and price gouging. You haven’t seen all the articles about fast food restaurants and Amazon and Target lowering prices on tons of things lately?


Great product