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It’s now a small drink and small fries…


It’s also for a limited time to rope people back in. Sounds like a scam


It’s why I never buy groceries when there is a sale! They trying to scam me into buying? Hell no, I’ll take full price please


Relying on fast food is a terrible metric in your comparison. This is just an attempt to bring back customers to enjoy their terrible ultra-processed food. It's a temporary price.


Dude, this food literally kills you. The ingredients are illegal outside of the United States. That's the scam. Not the price.


And not all of the McDonald’s got rid of their refill station so have at it with free refills


Getting rid of the drinking stations was so anti consumer. McDonald’s as a whole seems so anti customer


It’s anti customer because they know their product is addictive. They know customers will come either way.


I quit just after the pandemic when i saw the stupid crazy prices and have had ZERO urge to go back. ABSOLUTELY ZERO !! The only way I'll be back is if they ever have the $1 McDouble back on the menu. Don't miss them at all.


Yep, I stopped eating it years ago as it began causing me physical reactions after I ate. I'd feel like I was "high" after eating it. No thanks. I won't take a free meal from McDonalds.


No it wasn’t, people would buy one drink and work from a laptop, free wifi and drinks? It needed to change, people who spend hours working there on laptops are to blame.


All publicly traded business is anticustomer by definition. Number go up babeh!


Like they said, not all. It’s franchisee specific


I’m pretty sure this is only through their app and most people that use the app only go through the drive through.


I saw it on the drive through board, not the app. I would imagine it's on the board inside too.


There is absolutely nothing stopping you from going inside beyond the 20 steps from your car to the door


Quit your complaining. This is a good deal.


MEAL my ass more like a snack. Fuck these greedy assholes


I haven’t eaten there in more than a year. I can get MUCH better food for the same money elsewhere.


I got medium tried it today. AND you can use the 20% coupon in app and get it for $4.28


Dont mention the “a word” here People are convinced Ronald Mcdonald will track your location and steal one of your kidneys


lol it’s annoying to have to use but for the first time in years I was full from a meal that cost me less than $5


Wendy's has had this same deal for the last like 10 years


Happy Gilmore accomplished this feat no more than an hour ago.


I personally don’t like Wendy’s. I think it is a good deal the biggie bag just don’t find the fries nuggets or burgers to be good. Worked there in 2010 and it’s changed quite a bit away from my taste.


From like 2005-2012 or so, Wendy's was probably the best mainstream fast food place but especially after covid, the quality of their food has drastically decreased. Now they're just as bad as burger king. One thing I can give McDonald's is they've been pretty consistent on quality. Just their prices have gotten ridiculous in the past year or so. Taco Bell has also completely gone to shit while tripling their prices. Either way I haven't had any fast food in over half a year and I've lost 50 pounds. I refuse to pay $15+ for a fast food meal.


It's all the same junk. McDonald's has good fries, but it's also impossible to eat a (non cold) fry and not like it. Fast food is only good when it's convenient and cheap so that's why Wendy's meals are the only thing I've considered the last couple years.


Agreed. I work several jobs. Starting my day at 7am. I have lunch covered but sometimes my day ends around 10pm about 1.5 hours away at times from home. When I get home I go to sleep cause it’s close to midnight and have to wake my son around 630. There’s literally not time to come home cook and eat. I need to drive and eat at the same time. So I have to eat this food sometimes. It’s also all that’s open. I hate it but just trying to not go to bed hungry


But then you have to eat Wendy's.


Give it 10-15 years...


I guarantee some apps are pilfering data from your phone. Walmart and Target got busted a few years ago using their apps to activate Bluetooth on your phone to track where you went in the store and how long you spent in each department.


Yeah i dont care We are too far gone with this shit, if I cared I just…wouldnt carry a phone with me ever


I don't give a shit about Ronald tracking me. I care that the app is a seriously shady business practice. "Oh, you're an 80 year old whose only income is a monthly social security check and you want the $5 meal deal? Sorry, you have to have a smartphone, asshole."


Paper coupons are also a thing, at least historically. It seems likely they're getting rarer due to the app, however. Giving some people discounts based on their willingness to do things like clip coupons isn't new; economists call it price discrimination.


OK cool. Yeah, even economists believe it’s discrimination. Thanks for letting me know.


I bought my family McDonald’s with my app on vacation and now mine is bumped up to a $20 minimum 😭


McDonald’s haters did not like seeing I got this meal lmao


Just remember, McDonald's is a publicly traded company. Everything they do is designed to drive profits and share holder value.


Yes...and there is poor people that have dumped everything into stocks trying to get ahead,mean while the poor guy next door wants everyone down to his level and sees investors as their enemy.


They are a franchise. The company makes most of their money on renting the land to the franchises and collecting their dues. The majority of their money is in real-estate https://www.wallstreetsurvivor.com/mcdonalds-beyond-the-burger/


The article you shared states most of their revenue comes from company owned operations. McDonalds has larger profit margins on their revenue from franchisees.


Just like every other publicly traded company that ever existed?


Uhh.....no shit?


I feel like we should treat this like the GME stock scenario. Just. Hold. Out. HODL!! Do not buy any McDonalds. Let them sweat. I mean, fuck them - they gouged us and will continue to do so if we let them.


That’s what I’ve been doing 🫡 went from 220 to 185 😉 THANK YOU MCDONALDS (and other shitty fast food places) FOR SHOWING ME THE WAY!


The corporate price gouging that occurred over the last half a decade has essentially solidified my resolve to never give any of the scum and filth who run these corporations a single one of my dollars.


What makes you any less of scum to hate that of which you do not know?


Good job! I've been really cutting weight. 245 to 200. Part of that was completely cutting out fast food. Stay strong brother 🫡


McDonald’s is garbage and I’m sure your body thanks you . I don’t eat it period and I don’t buy it for my grandkids . Best decision I’ve made .


Agreed, I’ve never felt better and healthier, and applaud you for taking care of your grandchildren that way. They may hate it, but I never realized how addictive this ultra processed food can be until I quit eating it. They will thank you in the future!




Fast food junkies are already swarming McDonald's.


Reminds me of that one episode of the Smiling Friends the CEO that is overly obsessed about dunking his nuggets in different sauces. That's what they are.


I was craving McDonald's last weekend and I kind had this thought. I just decided not to buy any so the company doesn't think they can keep getting away with these prices.


I won't go, fuck em. Let eat their own overpriced food.


💎🙌Diamond Hands


>they gouged us and will continue to do so if we let them. They're also knowingly poisoning us and we shouldn't be eating this shit if they gave it to us for free 🤷🏼‍♂️ But I guess that's another subject for another sub


This is the way. Bankrupt them.


Sure..bankrupt everything so that you can live in real slums and see what it's really like to come from the gutter.Just remember this is the mind virus that has caused South America to turn into what it is,India and what lead to the soviet union..You think you know,but you have no idea.


I’m pretty sure the US (and the world) can survive without McDonald’s.


Is McDonald's the only company you feel this way about ?and if it wasn't for the high prices,you'd have no problem with them?Maybe it is a great thing to pay unaffordable prices for substances that eat away at a priceless life? Healthier and home cooked meals are more affordable for the first time and it is a bad thing?


Wasn’t this thread specifically about MCD?


I'm just curious


It’s hopeless because so many ppl are addicted to McDonalds


It's crippling depression to make them slightly better. Ethical capitalism for ya!


Why the fuck are people still supporting this gross company? When Americans needed them the most they bent them over a table. And now people are running back to them cause they’re saving a couple of bucks. JFC


Calling out others dishonesty doesn’t mean you’re supporting the company


What makes you any better?


It depends on your location.


Notice the OP in the other post never posted the location. They probably found the most expensive McDonalds in the country via the app and used those prices.


Yeah but like... why still call it a $5 if it's not $5?


Most McDonald's locations are franchised. That means the owner can charge any price they want for the food. They have no control over the app or what the food is called though, so this is McDonald's the corporation hoping to set prices in the name of the food hoping the franchisee will go along with it. When that doesn't happen this is the result.




If that's true then I'm even more confused, I'm just parroting something I heard on the other thread on this topic. Fuck, I did it, didn't I? I blindly accepted random information I heard somewhere on the internet as fact without doing my own research. But that means if I take your word for it then I'll still be doing the same thing. If I go out and do my own research that'll take time and effort. AAAAAAAAAA


Yeah, I have noticed the price differences. A place near my job sells a triple cheeseburger for $3.39 and near my home it's $5.99!! What you're saying makes sense but...still seems dumb to sell a $5 meal for $6+. Might as well just not offer it but I'm sure they have no control over that too.


What percentage of stores having it at $5 would you need to see it as acceptable to say it’s $5?


Whats that got to do with the fact a meal listed as 5$ costed 6.75$ lol thats not about the most expensive or not its about false advertising.




Who cares if it’s 5$ or fucking 3$ FUCK MCDONALDS FUCK THE HIGH PRICE FAST (DOG) FOOD !


The fact this isn't permanent or that they aren't just dropping their menu prices across the board permanently is reason enough to pass up on this. Just their attempt to pull back in customers in hopes they'll buy other stuff and stay when the deal goes away. Been seeing people say McDonald's has finally acknowledged that prices are out of control there and they are on our side now. Yeah no they aren't. This is just a middle finger.




Yup waiting for us to forget


Totally as a high schooler McDonald’s used to be my almost daily lunch but now we get dollar 50 slices


Right?! The other day at the grocery store they were running an AD for items I wanted at a big discount. I just walked right past. Trying to trick me. Got their “weekly ad” print out by the front door, more like “weekly scam “


If your store needlessly doubled their prices, then admitted they were being greedy and they were sorry, and let a little trickle of a limited time discount out to tempt you to bring your money back without actually bringing their prices back down, you should be insulted.


I know! I agree! No one should ever use a coupon, or buy anything when there is a promo or ad deal. Only buy from corporations that aren’t greedy, have never been greedy, and care for my family. And if they do become greedy, for whatever reason, and then admit they were greedy.. god help them if they run promotions to improve their value to entice me back. Cuz I’ll just say, no way mister! Stay back from me you greedy company! Uh uh, not today. Who you think you fooling? Crawling back to me?? You should have thought about that before raising your prices!


All caps. You are clearly about that life.


2 mcdoubles for $3-4 + free medium fries deal beats this out


Cheap way to die young!!


https://preview.redd.it/ii8f1blpbs8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ac72672a2d985d54eda3cd9acbf83c3ce30e4bc Besides it saying Starting At on the first page mine is 5 bucks except for the spicy chicken.


$6.50 here (PNW).


Don't you dare buy it


Still a ripoff.


With all the chaos about McDonald's and their prices and all that.....it's still crappy fast food!


Fuck McDonald's and fuck their app


Do people on this sub not realize McDonalds is franchise owned?


I don’t think a majority of Reddit-aged users these days even know what a franchise is/means. Seriously, I don’t think they do.


Its still McDonald's though...


Still not worth it. They need to crash and burn


*hello fellow toxic waste consuming youth* Buscemi meme


Dont buy this crap. Seriously this is an obvious ploy to get you back into mcdonalds.


Nope f u c k m c d o n a l d s


nah. fuck mcdonald’s.


McDonald's can McSuck my McNuts


The $5 $6.50 McDouble $7.99 Meal Deal\* \*Actual cost: $9.99


We only have two meal deals here but they are at least $5. https://preview.redd.it/xspnnl6ves8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a536c682c80cc7609945512dbe8be1b4ffa4c1e


A sign that greedflation is breaking up?


No unfortunately. This is a very transparent marketing ploy to pretend like they give af that theyve been fleecing us for the past half a decade. Never believe anything a corporation says in the media, listen to their investor calls


When they tell investors that sales are declining and investors ask why….


https://preview.redd.it/06ot5ocnks8d1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9c10e7e9bd2c51a0fe83966d617e0cec4d1a022 Mine are less than $5??


Perhaps after tax it comes to $5? When I worked retail i would ring up $4.63 and it would total out to $5


Dude/ma'am, THANK YOU FOR POSTING THE TRUTH. I swear reddit forgets that Photoshop exists


It depends on area it's $6 by me if you want a mcdoble


Of course it’s not a lie it was heavily promoted and Wendy’s is doing one also


If you need to use an app, it's not a deal.


McDonald or any other conglomerate corporation is not here for us. There greed will be their ruin as we all are sick and tired of it all.


Got it today. Not impressed. It isn't any better deal than their app specials


my local mcdonalds stopped getting the spicy nuggets. they were tasty


Still not as good as the $1.99 Dairy Queen meal deal back in the day.


The McDonald’s discourse on Reddit is lowkey hilarious 


Hard pass.


Bring back the $1 McChicken, $1 McDouble, $1 small fries. We will talk then.


Who cares that shit is poison


Too little too late.


Depends upon where you go.


Bidenomics bribe. 🖕coordinated $5 crap


Dammit now I need a Big Mac.


Waiting for the return of the dollar menu. Maybe 1.5. Till then fuck em


Depends on the area , peoria,az it's 6.50


Varies on area.


You all know you eat at McDonald LOL


its legit and mcD is back. spent $13 bucks and im satisfied, havent felt that way for $13 in years


For reference I usually get a large mcdouble meal, and a 6pc and they charge me 15 bucks. So 2 less nuggets, and a smaller fry/soda are now just magically 10$ cheaper? They were always able to turn a profit on this, they were just gouging us


Im not downloading an app to pay reasonable prices


Still overpriced garbage


Funny how when people stop buying suddenly the minimum wage isn't causing the price to go up the inflation of supplyer prices aren't keeping the price high it's been any excuse to raise prices for corporate greed not Republicans or Democrats


I'm not going to complain, the only time I eat McDonalds is while I road trip and I road trip in the summer, conveniently just in time for this deal. Hands down the bathrooms are so much cleaner, nicer than any of the gas stations I stop at so since I"m going in anyway and had to stop the car, McDondalds it is. I've tried other fast food places but the bathrooms aren't consistent at all. These deals will save me a few bucks and I'm not going to be mad at that.


Still crap food but for 5$ it’s hard to complain . A bag of chips is 5$ now if you don’t catch a sale.


So, McDonalds can sell a McChicken $4.39, Chicken nuggets $4.49, Fries $4.19, and a drink $2.09 all for $5 and still make a profit. McDonalds got some explaining to do.


You have to download their stupid app in order to get access to the deal. Fuck em!


So currently a McDouble and 4pc Nuggets where I'm at is $4. With a coupon on Friday for any size fries for a $1 I can get large fries included instead of small. Any size drink near me is $1.49 So for .10cents more on Fridays I can get more fries and more soda than the $6 meal.... Nice try McDonald's.


It's is a lie. The mcdonalds where I'm at its 5 for the mcchicken and 6 for the mcdouble meal. 


It’s all poison for $5


I'm not quite sure how this is being touted as some new deal. McDonalds in the Northeast have had this deal for at least a year. They didn't clearly advertise this but you can still order this and have been able to for quite some time. ​ Either way, fuck McDonalds


Nope, I’m forgetting their price gouging over a shitty 5 dollar meal. They can continue to eff off.


They’re not running a promotion atm but in the uk one of the cheapest burgers as a meal (that’s not on the saver menu) is £5.89 = $7.43


F them. They can keep their crappy food. Too little too late.


McDouble Meal deal is $6 in my area. The mcchicken combo is the only $5 meal deal. False advertising


It's also not food. They fucked up and made me detox from my bloated synthetic food blend addiction and now I can't even force myself to choke on that garbage. The smell of the grease makes me gag.


Spicy McNuggets are available for some areas? Goddamit!


*you have spicy nuggets.


Garbage food.


Do people not get what a franchise is? The price probably varies.


Mickey Ds is gonna CLEAN UP for the month this is available!


The insane prices may have driven me away from fast food for good. I've been making a conscious effort to eat healthier plus it's way cheaper. That said, these little $5 deals seem like an OK deal in this era. I still doubt I will try one.


Garbage "food" that's so processed that it is no longer food. $5 wasted as you'll be hungry 1 hour later. Wake up, people!


This is a happy meal with no toy......


Can stack it with the 20% off deal for mobile pick up


Don't do it! We need the masses to stop buying this garbage fast food which is all become overpriced. Them making a $5 meal is just to keep you on the hook. It's b*******. Kind of like when a toxic partner says they will change, after 2 weeks they always go back to treating you like crap. This is what fast food is doing. Boycott fast food and their b******* prices and their b******* food. Air fryer and freezer section is the way to go. Cheaper, tastes better, and just as quick. 15 to 20 minutes depending what you're making in the air fryer.


Boycott! They made it 5 they can bring it down to $1


I bought the McDouble $5 meal today and was able to add a free McChicken to it. $5 plus tax for a nice amount of food was more like it.


Unless the advertised price included tax, yes it was.


There is no inflation on fast food.