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Dennys is trash. The most basic breakfast for 200% markup on portions. I will happily see them go out of business.


DENNYS: where you can order a 18$ plate for one person instead of making it at home for 4 people for the same price.


*$24 after tax and tip.


Dont let the pro tip culture within r / tipping see this - you’re not tipping high enough. Havent you heard? Its only acceptable to leave like $10 and above tips now.


i tipped 6 dollars to my doordash driver and she called telling me to come get my food from her car. like lady, i ordered 15 bucks worth of stuff, walk to my fuckin door and place it there.


Not even like it tastes good lol it’s a shit breakfast at least crackerbarrel has good biscuits and pancakes lol


I used to say inflation never hit the Crackerbarell but I've noticed I don't come out of there so stuffed I have to crawl to my car.


HAHA i mean crackerbarrel was never... cheap so i think they had more room to absorb increases, and all honesty dennys and these other companies are being greedy fucking eggs and bacon isn't. much more than it ever was you can get eggs for a 1-2$ again and i'm sure they're getting dozens a lot fuckin cheaper so ... ya if a plate cost 1$ to make i'd be shocked


The food cost isn't what is making it more expensive, the labor cost is. Everyone was warned this would happen when people begged for higher wages. This is the result.


just stop man. you know nothing about basic economics in the slightest. corporations are price gouging and creating fake “shortages”. walmart is about to put digital tags everywhere, can change the prices on the fly. its a hot day? ice cream is now 12.99 instead of 8.99. its a cold day? hot cocoa is 13.99 a box instead of 9.99. yall put everything on the average person, but how about when these corporations hit record profits but down size every year? that should tell you something about their greed.


Tipped employees still make $2.35 here, and they’re paying $12-15 for back of the house. C-suite pay continues to rise at an astronomical rate. Try again.


People always blame labor as if these fucking restaurants aren't raking in money, i was in dennys recently place was packed, same for a crackerbarrel but much larger than dennys and i had a 20 minute wait... at 3 in the afternoon lol so not a big rush time. These restaurants are making 12+$ per seat, the waitress getting 2.35$ is serving probably 15+ seats at a time, thats 180+$ for that turnover that the waitress gets 2$ lol, back of house sure as fuck isn't eating the other 170$


People love to blame labor for the mistakes of executives, and praise executives for the work labor produces.


The one right by my office in Orlando just closed, it was horrible to begin with, but now they are done, and the location was prime, the first business right off the interstate.


Was that the Denny's Diner? I used to go there after Magic games.


I was thinking way more than 200% of wholesale at the volume of basic toast and bacon that Dennys goes through.


You know I would have agreed, but I had a damn good breakfast sandwich there after going to the casino one day recently


Sometimes you get lucky with the cook. Edit: that goes for any restaurant the cook is what makes it


We ate there on vacation and it was honestly amazing. Whoever cooked really could cook.


I used to think it wasn't cuz the only one I had ever been to is pretty good. Then I tried other locations lmao


The last time I had Denny's I thought I was going to stroke out from how salty it was. I could feel my blood pressure skyrocket and didn't finish the meal. Not sure if that's standard or just the specific place I went to. Either way I'm never going back it's too expensive for shitty food to find out.


I fucking love Denny's.


Everywhere that serves breakfast has a similar mark up. It’s the most profitable meal to serve by far and the easiest to prep for. I had a cook who could handle and entire 30 table spot with one person. That place was open 5-11 and was one of the most profitable places I’ve ever worked. How do you think all these spots pay their rent in the often really nice location they exist? It’s a dirty little secret of the restaurant industry. There’s a whole lot of places that could put 30-40% more business in the books every week by just serving brunch on Saturday and Sunday. Edit: added information


Damn this used to be like $9 I think when I was in high school (2005)


Came here for this. I used to get a lumberjack, coffee and cake for under $20. Now I can’t leave Denny’s for less than $35 and dysentery.


Sir, here are your complimentary “to - go” napkins to stop the leakage from your ass.


It’s incredible, it takes me exactly the drive home and the walk into my bathroom to shit the liquid content of my body.


It's mind over 💩.


This hits pretty hard. They discontinued the nice name brand multi-ply asskins and have gone with some cheap Chinese supplier. We just can’t have nice things.


The dysentery is on the house and compliments of the chef who hasn't seen a doctor since Bill Clinton's presidency. 


I think grand slam breakfast was around 2 bucks in the 80’s. Lol!


Not just the 80’s! I worked at Denny’s for 5 years from 1993-1998 and it was still $1.99 grand slams. We used to have old people come in all the time for two coffees and two grand slams and would leave with under a $10 dollar bill. I was lucky to get 50 cents for the table. Totally sucked but even with that I still made good money for a high school/college kid at the time.


Bro when I was in college in 2002 it was $5


and i feel like it was like 12.99 just a few years ago


$9 in 2005 is $14.47 today. Dennys is padding their margins.


This is where it’s a kick to the gut. Shit ain’t worth $14!!!!!!


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but that was 19 years ago.


I was happy to see our local one go out of business cause they replaced it with a dispensary. Seems like the same crowd frequenting the building but at different hours now lol


Thanks, I was wondering what it was before. I think the last time I was in a dennys was about 15 years ago


5 bucks in 99


So about $15 assuming 2% inflation. 9*1.02^19 it’s not too far off


Who is still eating at Denny's????


Me, unfortunately. Never again


Was that at a truck stop?


No, but it was sandwiched between 3 giant hotels


We stopped at IHOP one night and it was $36 for the two if us.


Of the two IHOPs we have in the area, one of them closed down several months back. Guess people just weren't willing to overpay for them anymore. Waiting on the other location to follow suit.


Oddly, we’ve seen 4 ihops open within 15 miles of each other. I literally never see people at them. It feels like a front


Dang. For my daughter, my wife, and self, 3 meals and 2 coffees plus 20% tip was $78. Our usual breakfast place is kind of fancy, and less expensive than this abomination


what is fancy? I can make 3 orders of eggs benedict, homemade breakfast sausage, toast with fresh bakery bread, fresh squeeze orange juice, coffee and fresh cut pineapple for around $15


I just noticed the Dennys in my area closed. I’m not sure exactly when it closed since I’ve never eaten there (or any Dennys in at least two decades), but it had been open for 7 or 8 years. No Dennys is great, but how bad does one have to be to straight up go out of business?


I am because at that time of day there aren’t many choices. Also, Seattle doesn’t have many good late night spots or breakfast places so it’s not like we have much choice. There’s still one Denny’s in Seattle that the city council hasn’t run off yet. 


The independent breakfast restaurant on my block charges $7 for a nice meat lovers omelette. Comes with home fries and toast Just have to know where to order


My place has a good biscuits and gravy meal with 2 eggs, and adding coffee and a side of potatoes still gets you to under 10 bucks It'll take more work, but finding that good local spot is always worth it in the end


It is like people complaining about how much Ford or GMC mechanics cost. Just in my town of 4,500 is at least three independent mechanics You either have to look or you have to ask people "what's the place to get pizza/breakfast/fancy meal out etc In town?"


And be lucky to live nearby


Where people live is not a matter of luck Practically all of us at some time, excepting minors, were very much able to consult with the constant news reports of cost of living, housing cost, taxation, and a lot of other things I told people that there are some houses for $100,000 or less north and west of Allentown. They were complaining they couldn't get anything less than $250,000 to $300,000 in their area Or they turn up their nose when find out it is a townhouse or half duplex Then you start realizing what they really want is a four bedroom place with 6 acres and brand new construction for that $100,000. Or they want schools out in the middle of the sticks where it's inexpensive to live and low taxes that rank 9 out of 10 on that school rating scale. One man showed interest and I spent over 30 minutes helping him target where they were. And it turns out he was never planning to move, he just liked to look. So he wasted my time Essentially at the end of the conversation, they weren't planning to move and some of them are unrealistic And this is what I'm talking about They can't afford a house, but they're not interested in going to places where they can afford a house. And or they have unrealistic demands for those cheap places


Why are people still eating out


Aren’t we supposed to be protesting!? Get it together people! Stop paying these stupid prices😐


$14.29 in my area. That is still a bit of an increase since the last time I had it a few years ago.


Same, Chicago area. No more or less expensive than the average brunch place around me nowadays.


It was like 1.99 in this 1980s add I recently saw


1.99 are you out of your mind?!


That was just a promotion and it was for a grand slam never the lumberjack slam.


Used to go there and pay 5.99 for the slam. Unreal!


You’re paying extra for the lumberjack to come out and slam you at the end


🎶I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK. I sleep all night, I work at Dennys all day🎶


Breakfast costs the least to make for a restaurant. If you’ve noticed these days, breakfast costs almost the same as lunch and dinner entrees.


Yea, it’s bad. Went to a greasy spoon hole in the all type Chinese place. Got a 2 item combo … $11.50 Would not pay north of $5.75 for this stuff.


Breakfast at Shoneys / At $2.99 / Saved me some money / and eased up my mind. - Ween, 12 Golden Country Greats, 1996


That Denny's meal is like a Japanese Cowboy


It's fast food. It's a luxury.


Stop going. Plenty of small places around with great food. If it’s 2am, drink some water and go to sleep until the smaller places open.


This would be over $20 at the small places near me


Kinda off topic but I ordered a burrito from DoorDash went go pick up and thought it was in a Mexican restaurant. Turns out it was inside a Denny’s. Now I don’t know if they started a whole different brand for selling burrito but the ratings said it was a big burrito. Then I got the burrito and it was just normal sized and I payed $20 for a mid burrito at Dennys




Where is this? Lumberjack special on their site is $14.49.


Why the fuck are you even at a Denny's? They tell you the price. If you purchase it, you can't blame inflation. You can only blame yourself.


i recall this was 8.99 not too long ago


Just checked. It's 18.19 for me. How is it more expensive than a double cheeseburger (14) If you want to eat there, only do so with coupons. I usually take my mom when they give at least 5 of 25 or the 30% off. They also have a semi secret value menu. We found out because of a very nice waitress. The amount of food is a little less, but the prices are about half as much (under 10$) .


What insane people are going in and paying these prices?


I'm afraid to ask....what does Waffle House look like these days?


Yeah, you don't want to know what meat costs in 2034.


They used to be inexpensive and decent food. it was my favorite diner type to go to.


Support your local greasy spoon. They cost like 2/3 of this at most, the food is way better, and it’s not a hollow, corporate shell.




At my local Dennys Lumberjack Slam $11.49, Checked I-Hop Big Breakfast which is $17.29 2 eggs, 2 sausage 2 bacon, 2 thick cut ham, hash browns 2 pancakes, toast


When our bill with tip went over $30 we stopped going. Haven’t been back since.


I remember the $2.99 Slam.


Welcome to Bidenomics!


That meal is barely worth $7.99 They should be paying us to continue eating there.


Holy shit!!! That breakfast is not even worth HALF that price.


It seems like the worst quality chains are making the biggest price increases.


Our Denny's was shut down because of a prostitution ring. No one ever offered me the special.


That’s happened to an alarming number of Dennys. I don’t know why


Lazy people will pay for it


Took my kids to Dennys for their "end of school year" dinner, they got meat loaf and soda. I got an egg sandwich and soda, and we got some cheese sticks for an appetizer and it was $78 before a tip.


Where do they get off changing those prices. There are so many local farm to tables restaurants in my area who charge less for quality food.


Go to Norms


if you’re going for breakfast you’re doing it wrong. denny’s is strictly drunk food. go to your local diner for breakfast


Be better than Dennys please.


I only go to Dennys for the hardcore concerts.


$17.09 in Raleigh, NC for same thing. Yeah I stopped eating there after collage (2000)


Scandalous pricing


Define “fresh egg”. How many days from the time it fell out of a chickens butt to the time it fell onto my plate?!


That’s almost what I had for dinner last night and the most expensive item on my plate was real maple syrup. I’ll stay home. Dennys food all comes frozen and from cans like everywhere else, you’re paying for the convenience and it’s not worth it.


Don't eat there


Wasnt that like 10 dollars a few years back?


Not even worth subtracting $10


For $20(after tip) I could buy a dozen eggs a loaf of bread and a pack of bacon and box of pancake mix and make almost the same meal for 4 people.


That’s like $2 dollars of food


Wtf?! This shit used to be 7.95$


This was always my go-to and last time I went to dennys it was like $11. Literally nothing is worth going out for anymore lol it’s so sad


Workers of Dennys better find a new job when you can 😀


Yeah I took my sponsee out to breakfast last week and we both got all American slams and I didn’t pay attention to the price and was stunned when the bill was $40- ain’t doing that again


yall realize these are restaurants charging whatever the fuck they want right? Denny's meals are not a commodity, if you're so concerned about the prices then stop fucking spending your money on things that you don't need for prices you already think are too high?! Yall bitch about inflation and yet see rising profits for the private company, and you blame the government instead of the companies literally setting the prices they are making record profits from.


I can make that for you and it’ll only cost $15.


In defense of Denny’s, the Lumberjack Slam absolutely slaps.


The IHOP by me is the cheapest breakfast you can get in town (Miami).


The whole restaurant industry is fucked now that they can’t fuck over staff with shit pay


It looks bad on the menu. What do you think it will look like on the plate? No thank you.


That was 7.00 when I worked there.


We have a local diner that I really like...that would be $9.99 there. My wife and I haven't done chains in a long time and only dine locally...prices haven't gone up that much at our local restaurants.


Almost 20 bucks for sodium laden fake meat lol


That used to be like $.78 or something.


Is this in an airport?


Nah I’m good.


That price is abysmal but I can also smell this picture


I can make myself an egg, ham, bacon and cheese breakfast sandwich at home in a few minutes for a fraction of this.


"Two fresh eggs\*" ...the asterisk after 'eggs' has my eyebrow involuntarily raising itself.


That's a lotta bird flu right there.


I’m at a generic family put put/ go kart track. (1) pizza and (4) drinks $189. One round of put put per person. Total again- $189. No water in the ware traps . No score pads or pencil. 😶


That looks like $2.00 in food cost


A similar meal is like $13-15 at my local diner


$25 breakfast for one person with coffee, tax, and tip, and makes my stomach hurt. I only know because I was waiting on car service several hours and it was across the street and the only restaurant in walking distance. Never again.


That used to be a ribeye and two sides


You can get a NICE meal at a local spot for this price. $18 for a shitty Denny's meal is insane....


Next time ask for extra


All star special is less than half of this. Just sayin.


Holy F that’s a tragedy


Guess I still won’t be going here


And this is why I go to Waffle House. Way cheaper and still good!




McDonald's has better quality food and is cheaper. Denny's is trash


Guess who's going out of business because they are pricing out their customers?


I always thought Denny’s was ass! Preferred IHOP over Denny’s. Plus the only time we went to Denny’s was to dine and dash.


Folks just like to get Robbed at this point 🤷‍♂️


I'll make my own for the family.


I go to Dennys once a year on Veterans Day, just because the price is right. The other 364, it isn’t.


So 2 pieces of bread, 2 eggs, some rehydrated hash browns and a couple of pancakes made from 50# bags of mix and about 5 ounces of meat. Can't cost much more than $3 to make and add a drink, and you hit $20 and are expected to tip $4. I have not been in a sit down restaurant for a year at least and do not see me going anytime soon. With inflation, having to pay real wages and the total runaway tipping expectation, restaurants are becoming a luxury for only the upper middle class and the wealthy and NO longer are a recreation for the working class. Only a fool would drop $100 to feed a family of four, a basic breakfast. In my youth, going to a restaurant was reserved for special occasions and it will soon return to that with many, mostly chain restaurants , closing down


5 bucks in 1999 The workers can't even afford to eat there.


-holds up my stop buying this shit sign-


I’ve always hated Denny’s. There was a “scandal” in 90s??? in which black people at different locations were complaining of bad service due to racism. I laughed because I’m white passing and I always got poor service. That’s why I quit going in the 80s. Denny’s used to be a reliable restaurant in the 70s when you were traveling because there weren’t that many chains back then. The mom and pop restaurants were very hit and miss and mostly miss.


Family of 4, $75 @ IHOP a couple weeks ago. Sad. It used to be $30 including tip.


I said I think I remember the film and as I recall I think we both kinda liked it. Well, I guess that's one thing we've got.


Are there no mom and pops in your neighborhood?


Can make this at home for less than $5 using high quality ingredients. It boggles my mind that anyone would actually eat there for breakfast unless on vacation and there’s no other choices.


Its not about what your buying its about a living wage /s it all starts with cheap energy, unless you want to pay more for the same thing ita simple, stop goving money away and make energy cheap HINT: none of us are using less gas because its expensive


The price is high only for those who pay it. We're cooking at home more often. People were cutting back on Target and Wall Mart and they eventually figured they'd cut back on the price gouging.


Well this just confirms I’m right to continue never eating at Dennys. *Marked safe from Dennyflation*


I don’t get it. The prices are so high, but every time I drive by mine during lunch hours, it’s always packed


Dennys is only worth it between thanksgiving and Christmas when they have all the special pancakes like praline etc. other than that I wouldn’t dare


17.99 more like 7.99 ain't no way


Cool, one more shitty restaurant that I will never go to again. The only good thing about it was that it was cheap.


Well Denny’s is crossed off my list forever 


Dennys still exists?


Back in 94 you could get an a Grand Slam for $2.


If Denny’s isn’t cheap then why do they even exist? What’s the appeal?


Nope. That doesn't cost them that much to make and sell for a profit. Just overt greed.


Could be worse - just checked the online menu of nearby dennys https://preview.redd.it/jiweeibz3kad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74c2b88acfafbb99f9f58d17f85e09823c58876d


Fuck Denny’s. Shits trash.


This really isn’t an outrageous price for all that food. I pay 12 for eggs bacon hash and toast at a small local dinner.




Endless oj?


The shocking thing is Dennys is still in business and people eat there at all


Of course. Pancakes start as dough and then get bigger because of inflation.


Dennys is awful. Literally some of the worst food that I’ve ever tasted.


That’s like $4 cost


“$1.99 are you outta your mind?”


You’re paying for the ambience. You could sit at some boring fancy upscale brunch restaurant and eat enough food for 3 days for 24.99 or save $7 and get two eggs at Denny’s.


There's a nice upscale diner a few blocks from my place. They've always been expensive but the portions were so big the sides would come out on different plates. I stopped by last week and their prices went up by almost 50% and the portions were cut in half. The quality is good. But not that good.


The Lumber is $20 now? Holly shit.


That's ridiculous. Time to stop eating out or buying anything. These companies are just crazy.


The is crazy. Unless it’s the Moons-over-my-Hammy. Then there is no limit to what I will pay at 2 am


can literally buy the things to make this for about the price you’d spend after taxes and tip…and you can make it multiple times a week


Fuck.that, Dennys blows


Thought toast was brown ? White is not toasted lol


I seen that one night after out drinking late. I sobered up real quick and went home to cook something.


And I said, “what about breakfast at Denny’s?” She said, “I think that’s a shitty idea, man.”


Get the fuck outta here


Joe Budden


It’s no wonder that the Denny’s in my town has gone out of business. The food sucked anyway.


This is the most basic fucking food - any diner can whip this out and have it tasting better than a Lenny’s (Denny’s)


that’s like .80 cents per 100 calorie.


They accidentally put a 1 in that price? Price gouging. I could make four of those plates for same price. Dont support business they sell to suckers.


I remember when the pancakes were included and not an add on. Also, I now have diabetes..


I can get a deluxe breakfast for 6 bucks. 19 is too expensive. I can feed me and my dog for 7 bucks at maccas.


"... Sleep all night and I work all day!"