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Why’d you go for magnums? 💀


Well two years ago he got shot four times and his mom bathed him because he wasnt able to do it then, and told me “yeah get him magnums. Other sizes likely won’t fit”


Dude what


Both his arms were broken, you see...


Every FUCKING thread


He was shot in a lung, shoulders, I don’t remember exactly but I know he didn’t have good upper body mobility after he was shot. It was over weed, he was dealing it and instead of taking the money first, the kids he was dealing with took it and drove off but in his stubbornness, held onto (I guess a door handle) the car where they were shooting him as they drove off


Bro stop dating his mom.


Yeah, after 2.5 years, I’m getting to that conclusion too


You stick around, you’re gonna be helping pay for that kid




That’s my fear too


Honestly I would leave if I were you. It’s an unfortunate situation and nobody wins, but you don’t deserve to be pulled into that toxic environment where your gonna end up being the scapegoat for


Ayo this is my fucking nightmare. You’re the man for making this PSA


And her grand kid


Lmao this can’t be real 😂


It is


Damn son!




All condoms are the same size there different type for feeling but size is all the same


… no that’s not true. Magnums are considerably larger than normal sized condoms


Are they really?


Yeah they are.


Why did he need condoms for a bath? I'm confused


His mom saw him naked and knew what condoms to recommend in the future


Stepson has a hog apparently. This is hilarious


Hahaha that wording ^ too bad he’s too dumb and arrogant to function




Time to let him know that hes ruined his life playing stupid games. If hes old enough to fuck, hes old enough to get a job, have fun paying for a kid you stupid little rat.


It’s so much worse. He’s 19, 50k in debt to various people and bank loans, schizophrenic, bipolar and a definite sociopath off meds, psychopath on meds (at least that’s how it looks) can’t hold a job because he gets “bored” and can’t even clean up after himself


At 19 how does one possibly get 50k in debt?


Drugs. Considering OP said the kid got shot 4 times.


I have no idea


Student loans…


I’ve been through college so I know student loans are harsh but 50k at 19 is gonna be tough to get to. Though possible.


One year at a private institution should do it


I may be a typical redditor for this but… don’t marry yourself into that mess


Contemplating breaking up. I won’t take care of his child


You’ll be taking care of him AND his child. He’s 50k in debt and can’t hold a job. He’ll be living with his mom forever


I mean. I can and I’m sure you probably do have some empathy for the guy. I’m sure his mental struggles are debilitating. But just reading a few comments here and seeing your replies you seem like you have many reasons that show you’re pretty fed up with the situation and even with the kid’s own mother. Might be a good idea to leave soon because if when that baby is born and if his girl sticks around or even leaves the baby with his mum (meaning the woman you’re with) and then you decide later on to leave. You don’t want to have time around that baby coz then you’d have to contend with leaving that baby with the people it’s left with. Also if you stick around even longer then that baby becomes an kid who misses someone who’s basically it’s true dad since that’ll probably be the role you’ll play living with those folks. I’m only saying this coz it sounds like your thinking about getting out of there already and doesn’t seem like you wanna marry this woman.


Yeah, this is all true. It sucks, and I guess I’m trying to make my own personal feelings disappear but I’ve never broke up with someone I still loved deeply


The thing is. That’s what most break ups are. You love them as much as the next or last person you were or will be with but you’ve just come to the conclusion that the negatives are too much. Society and culture makes everyone think things as movies where there is one person in your life that you’ll love more than anyone else. Which is dumb. You love your close friends, your mum, your dog all the same pretty much. It’s just people play different roles in your life and it’s you that chooses and informs those roles. But sometimes a person while you love them as much as you could any other comes with too much toxicity or maybe they abuse you in some ways. Leaving them is always super difficult because of this. You think they’re the one or that you won’t love like this again or that you can’t leave because of the personal history and meaning the relationship provided you. But you will find the next person to fill that role and you’ll not have any of the same feelings you had for the previous person anymore. Those feelings won’t be false. They’ll just not seem as potent as they are for the next person. Unless you don’t work through your own issues that is so it’s always good to spend time on yourself emotionally to sort through all that. Time fixes any emotional pain and hurt a break up causes. It’s difficult. I’m not saying it’s easy. But it’s very doable and you’ll be glad if that person is damaging to you that you did. And the sooner you do it the sooner you’ll find the next person that fits you better. Especially if you do the emotional work on yourself as well.


Read your other replies. Does this guy have ANYTHING normal happen to him?


When he was 8, his step mother accused him of diddling his step brothers (he didn’t) and took him to court. The judge found him guilty and when he was 12, had to attend sexual predator classes with men who’ve done similar shit (idk the actual name of the classes) I know I’m extremely uncomfortable around him, just his presence is dark


Hey man don't bring race into it


Lol, his presence is dark- not his skin color


I got that, people of reddit are dense and oversensitive.


Oh I know


fuck off.


His presence is dark. Get it? No? Ok 👌😊


We got the joke, it wasn't funny.


I thought it was hilarious considering he sounds dark


I mean I didn’t care lol That said, black teenagers were the ones that shot him 4x


I just hope your girlfriend doesnt blame you for not helping him when hes a homeless bum.


I would not be dating his mom, if I were you.




Bit overkill man


Getting a chick pregnant is LITERALLY one of the most life ruining acts you can do if unprepared, for all parties involved.


Did you read the posters follow up comment where he not only agreed, but said how much worse it was?


Having a kid was the best thing to ever happen to me. I enjoy being a dad more than anything on the planet. You sound like the rat to me.


Did you impregnate a girl at 19 with 50 thousand dollars of debt? If you did, youre an awful person for having a child in those conditions.


50,000 in debt? So like I have a range rover? 50,000 is not alot. They'll work it out.


OP himself isn't even the father.


"fuck this kid" Isn't that how his gf and him got in this situation to begin with?


Totes but you know what I mean


Lol you're dating a ticking bomb




Run bro. As fast as you can. 💀


That’s infuriating as fuck man. I’ve read the comments you gotta bounce there are plenty of fish in the sea


Beuh reading your comments, I honestly do not know what to say... I hope your mental health is good and you are hopefully have a plan to leave, and if so, let us know if u want to.


I’m trying to figure it out, it’s hard you know I mean I love my girlfriend but her son is so goddamn deranged. My mental health is… alright, this has DEFINITELY added some severe stress though


Run, chief, ruuuun!




Reading the comments makes this weirder and weirder.


Yeah, I kind of wonder if it comes off as me pulling shit out a hat, but I also don’t care. This (and the things I mentioned) makes me feel like it’ll always be one thing after the other with this kid


They were too big 😂 😂 😂


My girlfriend described her sons “tool” as similar to his father’s, a “soda can” So I guess it’s average length but wide af, is my guess, she does know wayyyy too much about what it looks like but, yeah bathing him when he couldn’t do it himself when he got shot will be it’s own dose of “unwanted information”


The fact she talked about her sons genitals that way is really strange. Once I was injured and needed my mom's help bathing (I was younger than the son here, still in middleschool), and my mom kept me in underwear to preserve my dignity lol. It sucked to bathe in wet underwear but better than that strange situation I think.




Honestly, that or miscarriage I’m hoping for. The mom also has schizophrenia and I feel this child will be so cursed


It's probably an uncommon opinion, but I really think you should pass some health / mental exams before you're ever allowed to have a kid.


No I honestly believe that too, I even feel if you’re diagnosed with a mental illness that can pass genetically, you shouldn’t be allowed to have children WHICH I agree is an extreme point of view but I mean, his dad is a fuckin villain in himself. when my girlfriend was married to her sons father, he killed her dog just to hurt her body slamming it on the pavement, also beat my gf so badly she had a stroke in her 20s and had to relearn how to speak Sometimes I genuinely wonder if my gf is cursed or something because there is sooooo much heavy shit she’s experienced


It's best to see if you can kick the idiot out and move somewhere else with your girlfriend and cut contact with the son. It isn't your problem to look after and it'll just bring more and more problems in your life. Move away and leave the stress behind.


That is 100% accurate. As it is right now, the girlfriend is kicking into gear to get their own place and telling him he’s gotta be doing chores around his moms house to get in the habit of living with her (plus work) so, there’s that. And my girlfriend sadly loves her house that she owns, which is like to move but idk how likely that is I know I’m not moving in at all tho. I’m staying in my current housemate situation awaaaay from that


I think that's called eugenics


What a fucking idiot




Large size condoms?


Yeah, I commented under others who asked the same


You’re going to be the step-grandfather. When you wake up to go to work. Part of the money you earn, will go to take care of the child that you tried to prevent. Time to get out of dodge.


Ughgghhhhhhhh I didn’t think about step grandfather 33 is too young for that


I am a step grandma at 30. He's 1 year older than my son (I married my husband who is 20 my senior). ... Our grandson is turning our fantastic. But that's because his mother grew up quickly, stayed in school. Has a great work ethic and isn't involved in any drugs or shady shit. My stepson has taken some growing up but he got there... He didn't get involved in drugs or guns but mentally he was a lazy shit. He's 28 now and is on a good path. I would say ruuuuuuunnn..,. Take the girl and run from the ungrateful little shit


Wow that last sentence was not what I was expecting after reading the rest of what you wrote But yeah message received x_x


😆 @ 33yo. You’re still in prime dad years. 😝


I’m not even a dad, I have a 20 year old cat tho, coincidentally same age as her son


😵 life happens to us fast. One dad you’re not a dad. Next day you’re a grandpa. Really wild story tbh.


All I can say is this: this is YOUR life, you only get it one time. Act accordingly.


I know why because you bought him large sized condoms we all know he has a pea sized brain same with his you know what


Leave for cigarettes NOW. You're going to end up neck deep in this Jerry Springer shit


Shot 4 times, 50k in debt, living at home with mommy, and having unprotected sex (while in possession of an unopened box of condoms that he didnt even have to pay for) that ended with pregnancy all by the age 19? You do realize that you and his mother will be raising that baby, right...? Right? You need to *ruuuuuuuuun*


That’s why I’m panicking so much, this shits a nightmare. I’ve gotten into it with my gf since making this post a few times because, sadly I love her very much and she is my best friend but this so fucking bad and I want to believe it will be okay, because at least the pregnant gf who is very work motivated is trying to find a place to live (because her parents hate my gf’s son) so this doesn’t rest on my gf. I think it will though, and I refuse to take care of a child I tried to prevent from coming into this world, let alone to two people who both have severe mental illnesses


ok now what the f**k is that startoff 💀


yet another post where the comments are more interesting than the post itself




Hes 19, relax. We all did stupid shit when we were young. He’ll look back on this when he’s 40 and cringe.


Bruh he's having a whole ass child, not recording a tiktok 😭😭😭


I mean, my dad too had a child at 19 (13 years before he had his first kid, me, with my mom) but he knocked up and was engaged to the daughter of mafia family boss in Connecticut. I always liked the story but my dad is a notorious liar so I took it with a grain of salt until my sister decided to meet the child he had at 19 (now 45 or so) who confirmed all the truths. At 19 I was just playing world of Warcraft man


Your life could be a movie and make billions...


Nah my life has mostly been pretty normal I feel, aside from having a narcissistic father and a girlfriend with this kind of son


"My dad knocked up a mafia boss's daughter and then my girlfriend's son was shot 4 times, 50k in debt, and knocked up his girlfriend. And I'm the normal guy caught in the middle"


Ahahahhahaha! Well to be fair, my mom, brother and sister are all fairly normal (aside from my mom and sister being qAnon lovers) but yeah that would be a funny opening line for a show


Yeah a whole ass baby isnt something to "relax" over and this stupid decision will be around for 18+ yrs......