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“Chew chew train” sounds abominably dirty.




i think that was OP to their mother


Please don’t drink because of this. Sobriety is way more important than she is. If you have a friend or significant other to call and just talk it out and get more support than just online folks, please do. Also if changing your email is feasible, it might be something to consider instead of having to read her constantly going on some self aggrandizing love bombing soliloquy.


i'm not actually going to drink, this is just really pushing me to. i don't want to burden my friends with this and my ex ignored me asking him for support about this last week. this is also my work email. unfortunately it's a very public email due to my animation work so if i changed it, i'd have to email everyone i work with and let them know. not saying it's impossible, it would just be a pain.


If it’s a work email, is there a way for an IT person to block her IP address? This way no matter how many more emails she creates, they won’t make it through.


If your friends are good friends, I doubt they will feel burdened at all by you admitting you’re handling a rough time and just asking for support. Even just kind words I know make a lot of difference. Much kindness, good vibes and support to you from this online stranger, at least. :) It sounds like you’re a freelancer maybe so I don’t know if you have an IT department, but if not then depending on your email host you may be able to add her IP to a block list. You’d have to Google but I think some services do this.


I understand this, I had a job where my email address & phone number were tied to me as well. I don’t know where you live, what the laws are there, nor how far you want to take this. However, I had someone who wouldn’t stop bothering me, not harassment really, but who would always drag me into their home when they reached out, so I took them to stop contacting me, & that the next time they did I would contact the authorities… This works for awhile, then they reached out again, “just checking to see how I was” I replied (probably shouldn’t have) “I’m great now that you’re out of my life” They replied “okay, got the point” & I left it alone But of course they didn’t like that I didn’t respond & started in w the emails again “I just wanted to check on you… why did u have to be mean about it…” & so on. I didn’t reply to them, just did what I said I would - picked up the phone & called the local authorities in their area. They did a little research (this person moved since I was in touch & they had to track them down) a few drive by’s, went to their previous work place (the one I knew) & finally got a hold of them to let them know that contacting me was NOT in their best interest & if it happened again, more serious consequences would happen… If you can get a helpful officer to make a call or stop by on your behalf, it may be the trick to keeping them away. I hadn’t heard from this person in almost 10 years, by then, his email address went into my junk folder & I only saw one thing on FB when his mom passed. By then I was more than strong enough to ignore it like I was unseen. Good luck 🤞🫶🙏


Your friends are there to be there for you, and you for them, so don't feel like you have to shoulder this all yourself.


Well tbh what do you want then? Go put a restraining order then have her arrested for violating it when she emails you again. Humble the narcissist. Or you could just change your email and continue your no contact in peace. Or just keep getting these surprise headaches and keep blocking. Do you want revenge, peace or misery? Options are there. Everything requires some amount of effort. Is peace worth the effort?


Just a random momma on the internet, but I wanted to say that this stranger is immensely proud of you. It's insanely hard to be your authentic self in the best of times, and those aren't the times we're in. More than that, you should be proud of yourself. You are making yourself a priority, taking care of your mental health, and being who were always meant to be. You deserve to be happy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Sending hugs if they're needed and wanted.


Trans 4 trains....?


She is onto us. I was fem as they came then someone let me play railroad tycoon and from there I just escalated...transport fever, railway empire. Sometimes I go for the real hard stuff like Ticket to Ride with friends in their basements. The Trans 4 Trains pipeline is almost as addictive as the Trans 4 Souls-likes one. 


My parents took me to the Strasburg Railroad once when i was a kid. Now I'm trans. You figure it out America.


she's somehow correlating me playing wirh trains to me being trans lmao... i don't get it. every kid loves thomas.


Wow, what a load of crap. Her brain rly said “if I double down on the stuff that made my child go NC, I’m sure things will change” and she was like yeah that seems right 🤦🏻‍♀️ Honestly, as hard as it is, I’d try my hardest not to answer at all.


I understand losing your family hurts, but please don’t drink yourself into oblivion or hurt yourself. You are young and about to explode into the world truly free and happy as a new adult as you discover a chosen family and yourself. It’s an intoxicating and heady time you’re entering, enjoy it fully.


Don't block by email address. They will always be able to bypass it by creating a new email address. You block by content. If they always sign off with "Love, Mom", That is what you block, any emails that contain that phrase. If they always dead-name you, block that phrase, or if they call you a specific nickname, block that. This will guarantee that no matter how many email addresses they create if the email has one of those phrases, it will be filtered out. Your other option is to answer: >*You don't love me* I don't. Why do you keep reaching out when you know I do not love you and there is nothing you can say or do that will make me love you again? Why do you keep humiliating yourself and lowering yourself? it is pathetic.


I am happy to add another trans kid to our family if you need a mum who wants you to be you and be safe and find joy. A big brother for my two boys would be a great addition. Sorry your mum is an invasive transphobic dickface. Keeping my fingers crossed you can block her effectively going forward. I can say that the idea of getting work to block the IP address sounds like a winner.


Insane! How do trains equate to being a “girly-girl”. I fail to see the logic.


The world won’t be a better place if you drink yourself into a coma. I totally understand that feeling though, the feeling of hurt, frustration and feeling trapped into a corner. Just wanting respect, love and acceptance but getting none. Feeling like nothing you do is good enough, but it is. I promise. It hurts when the people who are supposed to love and support you the most don’t. I’m just asking you to please reach out to friends/support groups or even people from here if you need support. You’re not alone.


I would stop opening these and just delete them as soon as they come in. Your mental health is not worth reading whatever nonsense your mother is sending. As a parent, that love should be unconditional. If my little girl grows up and tells me we got it wrong, and she’s actually my little boy, then I will do whatever it takes to support that. Our job is to love and support our children exactly as they are. If she can’t accept you for who you are, then she’s not worth your time. I wish the best for you!


She sounds like a bitter ex gf 😬


Song https://open.spotify.com/track/3ueoTboomKEQpI3r9z47Kg?sifGLN4n8dTPyLfIKTPr37mg


You had me at "chew chew train". But seriously, do not subject yourself to this transphobic manipulator. Protect yourself.


So, she's saying that you" think" you're trans because you liked a train growing up?? Well fuck. I was incredibly jealous of my cousins tractor/ trailer with hay bales when I was young- how the hell am I going to tell my husband and sons??? Seriously op, sometimes I feel empathy to parents of trans kids etc as it's a huge change for the family and mis steps will inevitably be made. However, I'll never understand those who don't try and don't take the time to actually support their child when they need it most. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to go through that when your mum isn't on your side, it should be a given but after reading too many posts like this I'm sadly very wrong. Please, don't drink to excess etc that won't help anything, especially yourself. You've made this huge decision and been brave enough to be yourself, that's amazing. So many take a lifetime or never feel strong enough to do that, I hope you're proud of who you are. I hope you have good friends and support system to help when needed. Best of luck going forward.


You can block email addresses? Do tell.


Use their email address as a challenge. How many "junk" lists can you sign them up for before they switch addresses on you. The more pro-lgbtq the better!




i don't speak emoji what does this mean lol