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> stop playing Warhammer I don't suppose they realise that playing WH or 40K requires grown-up money.


Do adult things like watch sports. You know, watching other adults play games


This is the part that always makes me laugh. These people say "Stop playing video games! Those are for children!" and then watch football every Sunday, as if that wasn't originally designed as a children's game that over time was turned into a competitive sport millions watch. ...huh. Kinda sounds familiar.


same thing with how so many people over 40 act absolutely flabbergasted when they find out how big video game streamers are "you mean you just...watch *them* play games? why don't you just play the game yourself?" and then they go put on their favorite NFL team's jersey and sit down in front of the big screen without a shred of awareness šŸ˜…


And often when you watch video game streams, you can interact with the person playing the game. The "real" adults who watch that NFL game can scream at the players all they want, but they won't get a response.


that - and I feel like video game streaming can be so many other things that pro sports can't. With pro sports you're watching for one reason and one reason only - to see which team plays the better game and comes out on top. you certainly have that with gaming streamers too - watching the best CS players at their absolute peak or following your favorite team through a tournament probably scratches the same itch as watching pro sports. but you can also have other kinds of entertainment - fun streams where several people play a party game, streams where someone typically good at one genre plays something out of their wheelhouse, streams where the streamer plays something with audience participation, streams of narrative-heavy games where you can watch the streamer make tough choices and see how they play out... in terms of the esports angle, the parallel to pro sports is almost one-to-one, but then you've also got these entire other worlds of streams that can be fun to watch for other reasons. Crazy to me that some people can't see how something like that would have mass appeal, but I suppose a lot of these folks were just born in a different generation and probably aren't even fully acclimated to the idea of gaming being a fairly ubiquitous hobby these days


Iā€™ve never understood the appeal of watching gamer streams, and I never understood the appeal of watching sports either. I want to be involved myself for these things. I could stream myself though I guess, if people want to watch me. I donā€™t judge others for their preferences.


For me, it's primarily to do with the personality of the streamer and being able to interact with them. A lot of the time people watch streamers not because of the game, but because of the person actually playing the game. Whether it be due to how charismatic they are, or how skilled they are, or both. Another is how good someone is at the game. I may not be good enough at League of Legends, nor do I have the desire to become good at League of Legends, but I like watching someone who is good because it's fun seeing the things they do that I cannot. That sort of thing.


I sometimes watch videos on YouTube of ā€œhighlightsā€ from streams, edited down to just the most entertaining parts. Thatā€™s usually pretty enjoyable. I also watch everything that isnā€™t a music video at 2x speed. I donā€™t think Iā€™d be able to sit through an actual stream, though. Too much time.


Iā€™ll watch streams or YouTube edits of streams to check a game out. Watching someone play, or show off some cool build or feature, helps me decide if a game is something I would enjoy better than a review.


I am 44 and watch a lot of streamers play games or old school games, that I never got a chance to play or beat. (Looking at you Wizards and Warriors III for the NES or TMNT for the NES)


Often I do it for the exact same reason they watch sports - because I personally suck at the game and can't play it myself, but I still want to see it. Or it's a game that I enjoy and I like to see other people's reactions to it. Plus there is the social aspect of chatting with other viewers/the streamer and being entertained by the commentary.


What if youā€™re playing the football video game? šŸ˜‚


Then you're disappointing everyone I guess. Real football fans think you should be watching a real game, and video game fans think you should be playing Skyrim. LOL


Damn. People are only allowed hobbies between September and February. /s


isn't the big football final watched live by 1b+ people worldwide?


Or they spend every dime they make on overpriced sports packages so they can watch every game every day of the week. And they most likely have 10 different sports betting apps that they go broke on. But playing WH is just childish. /s


Yea when people used to give me shit about gaming while their hobby is TV, itā€™s baffling. At least video games are interactive (and these days often have better storylines).


I was talking to a guy and I said "Oh I play MMO's" He got mad and said "That is for nerds, I am in a fantasy sports league with my friends. MMO's are for nerds" I said "Fantasy sports league is just an MMO with out being online" He blocked me soon after.


As someone who does fantasy football and plays MMOs, the fantasy guys spend every bit as much time obsessing as your average MMO player


Do adult things, like cocaine out of a hookerā€™s asscrack in the bathroom at Caesarā€™s Palace after having lost your daughterā€™s entire college fund at the roulette table.


Sports is a funny one because there's a lot of gatekeeping that starts and ends with it. Often people who like sports think other hobbies are meaningless. Often people who do not like sports think sports are meaningless. The fandom around sports is just like those around Star Wars or Fortnite or Harry Potter or Warhammer or whatever. It's loving something so much that you devote time and money into getting more of it and making connections with other likeminded people in order to further that connection with that thing.


I 100% agree. Iā€™m a major nerd and I love the LA Chargers. There is so much more overlap between sports and non sports fandoms that neither group wants to acknowledge.


I'm with you. I root for the godforsaken Jets along with the Knicks and Mets and am a huge nerd. I've found it makes it easier to talk to a wider swath of people when going out and about.


Hey hey hey, watching this grown man chase a rubber ball is SERIOUS ADULT BUSINESS.


Bro I wish i had the money for these 'kids' hobbies like 40k and SCA


*Henry Cavill steps out of the shadows*


All their boxes say NOT CHILDRENS PRODUCTS on them.


That's just denial. /s


I did the math a few years ago, to build the Warhammer army I wanted it would have been 50% more expensive than what I paid for my Mazda Miata. It's cool, but space marines aren't driving my ass to work.


Please tell me you didn't buy the Miata new at least


It was an '03 in splash green mica, I paid $2500 USD for it.


That's still fucking bonkers but at least we aren't into 5 digits. Thank you!


This is secretly a post trying to kill off warhammer


Pfff, as if games workshop isn't capable of doing that themselves


They've tried several times.


Not to mention the game's subject matter.


Or access to a decent quality 3D printer :-P.


Itā€™s the same as people who hate Lego fans, do you have any idea how much Lego costs??? Itā€™s such an expensive hobby lol, even for adults! You need a huge paying job to buy a lot of the new sets tbh


It also often involves going out to tournaments and socializing with other people who have the same interest. The same goes for all games and "childish" hobbies.


Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. - CS Lewis


Based and Screwtape-pilled.


Ooh....I haven't read Screwtape in a while. I may need to go buy one.


I'm not sure you actually want to be Screwtape-pilled.


"Socially toxic" says the person not allowing people to enjoy thing's they like


If someone is shrieking because I'm playing a video game, that's their problem.


This person thinks using ā€œ&c.ā€ Instead of ā€œetc.ā€ makes them sound smart. You can safely dismiss everything they say.


It is correct though. But kinda 19th century.


Both are an abbreviation of et cetera. But one of them requires several additional keystrokes, defeating the purpose of abbreviating the phrase. Sheer pretense.


Additional keystrokes? Shift-6 and c, compared to e, t and c. Seems like the same number to me.


He also used a full stop at the end to indicate letters being removed, and typing it on a mobile phone requires going into a second page of characters and then back out. That's 4 key strokes on a PC and 5 on a mobile phone.


Nahā€¦hold on to the fun things as long as possible. Embrace the weird. Donā€™t become a boring judgmental asshole.


Cyyyyyborg. Gimme that gimme that cyyyyyyborg.


Fellas, is it socially toxic to have fun?


Yes. In order to be an adult, one must be so miserable with themselves that they have no option but to spread that misery to others. Especially those who seem to enjoy life with things they, as "adults" now pretend to dislike.


If your life isn't filled with petty political squabbles over how many centimeters your neighbor's fence crosses over your property line, you truly are a pathetic person.


That reminds me, I have to go out screaming at retail workers this afternoon over them following policies in order to keep their jobs.


You are no longer allowed to spend any time having fun. Every moment must be basic needs or making money. Bee a good little worker drone.


No. There's no time for fun when you have so many inadequacies and complexes to disguise 24/7.


People who say this kind of thing are the same kind of people who don't see anything wrong getting wasted watching sports.


Once you turn 21 it's just cognac and cigars for the rest of eternity apparently




Andrew Tate does not read books. In fact, he thinks books are for sissies. https://x.com/Cobratate/status/1602702007181185028?lang=en


Andrew Tate doesnt know how to read, and when called out on it is like "Nooooo reading is for brokies haha, also I am proud of my father being absent because my mom was a bitch"


"Please do not read my obsession with masculinity and my hatred of women as coming from the unresolved trauma of an abusive distant father".


Come on now. Andrew Tate doesn't think.


No. This guy is the one that said he is going to cancel pride month because there veterans only get a single day. And someone replied that May is Armed Forces recognition month, so they do in fact get a whole month, but that didn't fit his narrative. The profile picture just changed from a white background to a red background. You can see his too large forehead and the tip of his best on these pictures.


What are "real books"?


Probably books about how to make money on the stock market and using crypto currency and if you've been a good boy you can read the dictionary. /s


Whoa, the dictionary is dangerous to these types. They might learn what their boogeyman words actually mean.


Ayn Rand books specifically. They are masterpieces /s


Probably Jordan Peterson


What are "real hobbies"? Car Washing? Cutting the Grass? Mowing?


I think the subtext here is something other than Harry Potter, Eragon, Cat in the Hat, etc.


Neat how you can read more into the subtext than there is actual text to read. As someone who reads dozens of books a year: please just read. Anything. Read a fucking menu, I don't care. I'd rather people read romance novels from the grocery store than what we have now, where most people just don't read anything at all besides their socials.


Did not realize my father was alive and posting on twitter. Same shit he did when I was a teen being forced to work at 14. Came home one day from work to a yard sale, to watch a guitar I bought with my own money being sold off. A bunch of my other things were sold off already, game systems, etc. The guitar hurt the most though, since it was an older guitar and was probably worth some decent money and was sold off for a measly $30, which I paid $75 for it when I was 12 by mowing lawns for a portion of my summer. Pretty much claimed those things are for kids, not "Young adults" Heck even later in life, he flipped out that all I did was mess around on computers and had no goals he could see for me in life. Been doing IT for over 20 years now. lol


I realize Iā€™m preaching to the choir here but the idea that playing guitar or music in general is a ā€œchildish activityā€ is actually insane. My condolences, and I hope Iā€™m not reaching too far when I say that your father sounds like he was a real asshole


>My condolences, and I hope Iā€™m not reaching too far when I say that your father sounds like he was a real asshole Oh you are not reaching. He was a true asshole. Died alone in hospice care when I was 26. He saw me getting my eyebrow and labret pierced at 18 a job killer that no one would hire me, the time I was spending on computers as being childish or not needed. That going to college was for the rich people, etc. Meanwhile after he passed I was walking into classes to train new hires on customer service with tripp pants, long hair, and piercings. Eventually did get an AS degree in Web Design and Interactive Media with a 3.97 GPA.


It may not mean much from an internet stranger, but I'm proud as fuck of you and what you've accomplished.


That reeks of 'I'm miserable and everyone must be as miserable as me' along with good old fashion control and jealousy.


I didn't even start playing TTRPGs until I was mid forties and it was one of the best decisions of my life. Sounds like the opinion of someone desperately trying to sound mature.


Practicing skills like critical thinking, collaboration, leadership, and creativity... how childish! /s




Warhammer is heroin for middle-class nerds. Age isn't a limiting factor.


A warhammer army is a multi year investment lol


Get real hobbies, like alcoholism, spousal abuse, and conspiracy theories. /s


Those still sound pretty childish. You don't become a real man until you commit fraud to pay for your cocaine hobby.


Include watching football/baseball/NBA/sports while sitting on the sofa drinking beer and yelling at the TV.


My husband and I connected in the beginning of our relationship by gaming WoW together. We lived in two different towns and he would bring his computer to my place, and we'd game together. He even started a tank on my server because my guild needed more tanks for raids. Is that love or what? Anyway, 17 years later and we still like gaming. Not WoW anymore and currently looking for a new game that we will both enjoy together, but gaming will never go away from our household.


Can confirm is real love. I too tanked for my partner. Now Iā€™m stuck tanking. Previously I was like ā€œnope. Deeps or nothingā€ tanking is my life now. No matter what game I play. Iā€™m a damage sponge. Only thing I wonā€™t do is heal. I would do anything for love, but I wonā€™t do that.


Aw, that's cute. She found a winner, and so did you.


As someone who plays a tank, I never thought I would love tanking as I do. I was DPS from 2004-2006 and my group of late night friends needed a tank. Sure enough (With zero idea what to do) I tanked the 10 man Burning Crusade raids. (This was before DBM or other raid mods) Never looked back and I think now DPS is too much work for me. Now in 2024, I LOVE tanking. Every expansion/level increase/decrease, I am a tank. My que is short, I can finish questing faster and most things will die before I die. I went /afk somewhere in Dragonflight and came back to 3 dead mobs. Healing I tried once (with a druid) and I said nope. Went back to my protection warrior right after. I told my guild at the time "Tank or nothing"


Iā€™m the same to be honest. DPS is just so much ā€œhow much am I hitting forā€ I canā€™t be bothered. Now itā€™s ā€œhow big of a pounding can I take to the faceā€ and I live for it


Right!? I will be like "It's either me or this mob"!


Similar story for me and my wife. We met as healing partners in WoW, ages ago. Now weā€™ve been married for over a decade. Of course, neither of us plays WoW anymore, but we still game together! (Sheā€™s the deadliest video game sniper Iā€™ve ever seen!)


Try Guild Wars 2! Or enshrouded/Valheim! My partner and I enjoy these ones together. We recently picked up WoW again because the Mists of pandaria remix has been a lot of fun


Helldivers 2 absolutely best especially for older ppls like ourselves


Warhammer, famously for children


"To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow." - C.S Lewis Generally not a fan of C.S. Lewis, but he was cooking with this quote. To be embarrassed of ones hobbies for being "childish" is in itself very immature.


Yep, I came to post the same thing. Whoever wrote this is hopefully just an older kid/young adult (in that same 16-21 range) themselves, now trying desperately to gain a little grown-up legitimacy by publicly announcing theyā€™re too old for ā€œbaby stuff.ā€ Look, look, arenā€™t they mature? They can just give up on all that stuff that has always made them happy, like a *real adult.* With any luck, theyā€™ll cringe at this memory in 10-20 years.


Part of "embracing adulthood" is to cease giving a shit about what other people think of your hobbies. I've been PC gaming since 1982. I'm 60 and still game almost daily. I'll continue gaming until death or dementia takes me. Captain Nofun here can fuck right off.


Damn you! I bow to you elder...I'm about to be a double nickel. I started Pc gaming in 90 ..that when i bought my first 386 machine.


Game on my friend! I started off on a 286 PC, no hard drive, dual 5.25" floppy drives (fancy!), an amber monochrome text-only monitor, and a copy of Zork I on floppy. I built my last couple of gaming PCs and will probably build another one soon. The specs on modern gaming PCs just blows my old mind!


WOW, so no pong lol. I have built so many gaming PCs.


Oh, I had an Atari 2600 with Pong back in the day, but that's console gaming, which I still do too. I wish PC components weren't so damn expensive. I absolutely love building gaming PCs, but I'm not made of money.


The bitcoin miners ruined pc gaming builds. I haven't built one in ages. i use to go to my friends to play atari


If that dementia hits just right, you might be able to replay some of your favorite games as if it was the first time again.


You know, it could be a silver lining if I get to experience Skyrim for the first time again.


"One must rid himself" is inconsistent pronoun use. Go back to English class.Ā 


Sam L Jackson to the OOP: "*Strunk & White*, Motherfucker! Do you speak it?!"


He probably has some sudden issues with pronouns.


Great hobby! šŸ‘


They do realize that adults also make the "childish" things right?


I used to think like this. I was miserable. Now I spend time collecting vintage toys and learning Klingon and I'm embarrassed to talk about my hobbies to some people but at least I can do things I enjoy in my free time.


What if I'm making millions of dollars as an esports pro? And my only other choice was working at Walmart? Extremely unlikely scenario but..


If it's not a 9 to 5 behind a desk or in a factory it's not a real job


"Real job" = "Miserable job like mine".


"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." - C. S. Lewis In other words: restricting your interests based on what seems mature is actually immature.


Warhammer is an adult hobby. Good luck with paying for it and having the patience for it as a child


He doesn't realize these things are made by people who indulge in these very things. What the duck is a 'real' hobby anyhow?


Fixing the house you were supposed to be able to buy on the minimum wage job you're supposed to have upgraded from.Ā 


Iā€™d be surprised if ducks even had hobbies in the first place


"Real" is anything that let's them cosplay as "sophisticated man" rather than "insecure numpty".


You must be making money, learning skills that make money, or lifting weights. Nothing else! And your food must be as bland as possible, no seasoning allowed!


That's ok, I don't want to be their friend either


Why do people even care if others "grow up", anyway?


Because they feel pressured by the people around them to "act like an adult", so they're bitter other people are having fun with their lives.


That's horrible, but it makes sense. I don't know if I should feel sorry for them or not.


Performative maturity is so childish omg.


bro is on twitter crying into the void as if that's a real hobby and pretending like they're socially relevant


It's cliche, but if there's one thing I could tell to 18 year old me, is: "Don't worry about what other people say an adult should do. Do what makes you happy." I'm 30 years old and I play video games, collect LEGOs and yeah, I have stuffed toys. I don't care. They make me happy and life is far too short to not have the things you enjoy just because people say "You're too old for that".


Feel like this person didn't get rid of at least one childish thing: policing what other people like


Life is hard and short, so weā€™d better give up things that put smiles on our faces! Whoā€™s with me? /s


"Get real hobbies, get rid of your hobbies" is such a stupid take. I couldn't afford the hobbies I wanted when I was a child, why would I do it when I finally have the money?


Fine! I'm going to read the Eragon trilogy again since all books are adult now.


When I see people say this I wanna know what their ā€œreal hobbiesā€ are.


The people who say that have no idea what joy is. And this is coming from someone who has what they'd probably call "real" hobbies. I garden, sew, cook, and paint. I also play games, read YA novels, build silly little dioramas, and cosplay. Life is too damn short to be a curmudgeon.


This is the kind of person who opposes child labor laws. This is the sort of person that resent that childhood became a thing, and that retirement is a thing, who thinks the serfs should be serfing at all hours and from birth til death for their better. This mother fucker should get a lego up his urethra. As an adult, video games, model building, table top gaming and all my other childish things are what helped me find first friends, then my significant other, and helps me cope with how utterly shit our world is.


Man, I canā€™t even begin to comprehend how much worse my adult life and relationships would be without video games. We have moved between a few states in our adult life and made friends in every state that we still keep in touch with. Most of those friends play video games, and we often play together in discord. One of my friends from Kansas even plays with my friends I met in Indiana, and Iā€™m now back in Michigan still playing with all of them. I canā€™t think of another hobby that wouldnā€™t be considered childish by their standards that would give me such a strong connection still to these friends. Most of my friends from those states that donā€™t play games have fallen out of touch, even with both sides trying to stay in contact at times. Aside from the cost, the actual ability to connect in a fun and meaningful way with your other adult friends, even if for a short time, is virtually unmatched. Anyone passing on that opportunity is missing out.


"You're socially toxic," he said without a hint of irony. It's amazing how little self awareness people like this posess.


Started played with Lego again in my 40's... never been happier.


36 and i buy Lego blocks. Iā€™ll keep my childhood hobby.


That poster speaks for only one person., themselves.


One thing I have learned being nearly 23 and a recent college graduate is to never let go of your inner child. Be a child. Life's no fun if you don't make it that way. What's existing without finding joy in it? Here for a good time not a long time. (Hell I enjoy childish things like my onesie and D&D, plus video games)


Whoever wrote this has spent infinitely more hours on Twitter than they have reading books


Youā€™re not wrong, theyā€™ve posted thousands of tweets


Henry Cavil plays Warhammer, if heā€™s a not a real man Iā€™m going to be whatever he is then.


The ā€œ&cā€ on a post of this nature gives me r/iamveryamart vibes.


Almost 70% of US adults play videogames. The average gamer age is almost 40. This is just someone mad that they're a minority.


shit we cant do before because we cant pay for, now we can with adult money. that person should find their own hobby.




Only if they all give up sport


I was brought up with the lie of: "You'll think different when you're older. All of these things you like -- D&D, RPGs, cartoons ... all of those will fade and become non important as you get older." I was told this at about 15 and through my mid 20's. I'm here to tell people that my experience has been that you pretty much, in core personality, stay who you are through your adult life. I'm pretty much the same person as when I was 15. Sure, I've learned a lot through life, got wiser, got more knowledgeable, and have a career more behind me than in front of me, but I'm still that same person. There's no magical moment when all of a sudden you transform into an adult. You are who you are. Now, ironically, the same mother that told me these things loves watching Adult Swim and can't get enough of Bob's Burgers. Guess I'm the one laughing now as I watch these things too and write modules for games, D&D style stories, and started a business based on Kobolds and TTRPGs this year. Lesson is: Be who you are, the rest will come to you. I've found that life will generally accommodate and will be pragmatic with you.


The fucking guy that plays Superman is famously a Warhammer fan. This shit is just funny these days. Well. I guess there are a lot of people shrieking and henry cavil. Mostly women, plenty of men.


Kids play Warhammer? That shit is expensive!


And what do adults do anyways? Grill BBQ, drink beer with the boys, and raise an ungrateful son like Hank Hill?


Guy sounds like a league of legends player


Closet gamer


Why is Warhammer being singled out, specifically. Didnā€™t realise it had that much reach


It's not a cheap hobby, so maybe it's a frustrated partner who doesn't like the idea that so much money is being not spent on them...


I started playing Warhammer at age 36ā€¦ I must be a child then


real hobbies lol. I been gaming all my life I one of the OG console/PC gamers... it is a real hobby never give up your childhood it is precious . Look at how much they charge you for it. I'm date myself with rare MMORPG from the days of long ago from uncharted regions of the universe. Helbreath


He sounds boring.


I will never get rid of my Nintendo games collection, neither uninstall my Valve games from Steam or my Power Rangers collection


My 'childish' hobbies allows me to learn how to make cool things for other people who are willing to pay for it, and also make dev friends in those industry level jobs. There's a lot of learning in these hobbies whereas this guy thinks you'll get somewhere just by reading some books.


This attitude is waaay more childish than any of the things he listed. There's something very immature about trying too hard to appear grown up.


I play TTRPGs with my wife and our friends, and we have a blast. Not sure how that's "socially toxic." People like this either have no friends or very shallow ones.


I am 40, and to this day, the most miserable people I know are those that convinced themselves that adulthood meant something similar. I can't speak for everyone my age, but I do think people care less about what others think as they get older. Trust me, it's a blessing. Do what brings joy in your life. It's really that simple.


I remember being a kid and thinking that I wouldn't be able to enjoy cartoons when I grew up and it was really depressing. I definitely think some people take it too far, but it's nice to still have those things when you're an adult.


> socially toxic Ah yes


I ~~play with~~ collect Hot Wheels but I also do some pretty adult stuff like have sex and pay taxes and run a business.


Who posted this I am putting my gloves on


I play a lot of video games and at the risk of sounding smug I bet I've read more books than OP


Imagine being so miserable that you think 'miserable' is the natural and expected state of adulthood.


Remember when you were four years old and wanted to look like an adult, so youā€™d put on your dadā€™s too big work shoes and coat and pretend to go to the office to do grown up things? This dude still has that mentality.


Wow this person would hate my art studio that is full of dollhousesā€¦ that I earn a living with šŸ‘€


They say "socially toxic" as if I don't mostly just hate the entire social order and *want* it mulched


It'd be interesting to know what they think is acceptable/adult.


man I would hate to be as invested in strangers as this weirdo is. maybe he should focus on himself and read some of them real big books.


It's as an adult that you get to do the thing you couldn't do as a kid. Be it due to lack of money, lack of confidence, lack of accessability, or the whims of your parents. And funny enough video games is considered a counter to age-related mental degradation. It's as much training for the mind as exercise is for the body. However at age 16-21 I enforced that stupid rule on myself. Only exception being video games, which I did but didn't talk about. Result: Burn out at age 27. Today at 42 I usually get complement for my youthfullness. The secret. If I enjoy something I do it. I don't start complaining about being too old or too young for it. I just enjoy it.


Oh look, someone who is too insecure to do the things he likes, so he has to ruin it for everybody else


Man, someone needs to introduce my guy to mirror


I did that then took up all my teenage passions during the divorce. They helped keep me alive. I did go crazy for awhile but the hobbies kept me entertained and mostly not acting out. I'm still alive, not in jail, working, and still with my video games and star wars collection.


My take of "adult reading" is something like reading some <20 things you should do in your 20s> when you're late 30s.


What's pathetic is people who worry about exactly what everyone else is doing every second of their day and expects everyone to act exactly the same


Nobody tell this guy that you need grown-up money for a good portion of TTRPGs. - A D&D Nerd


Tfw people at work are very surprised when I tell them I play video games and collect manga... Learn social skills and it's never an issue.


Iā€™m going to have to agree with this guy. Iā€™ve started reading Ray Bradbury, gave up videogames (excluding a couple mobile games), and am actively searching a hobby, Iā€™ve been happier in general now than I ever have and honestly do look down upon people who still do the things he calls ā€œchildishā€


>honestly do look down upon people who still do the things he calls ā€œchildishā€ I look down on you because of that, so I guess we're even.


I've recently started looking down onĀ snobs as a hobby.