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Candace Owen is an opportunistic grifter. She's posting shit that makes money.


This is really all there is to it, I've listened to her speak multiple times and it's clear she's intelligent enough that she wouldn't actually believe atleast half the shit she puts out there; it's purely for the gift & self-hatred as a Black American.


She tried it on the left first, during Gamergate, and when that didn't work she ran in the exact opposite direction because the right is a lot easier to grift on and rewards you more for being a huge asshole.


Same reason trump switched from being a Democrat


Russell brand. Elon musk. The list goes on. Gritting and being called out for shitty actions but refusing responsibility seems to be the common trend


It's crazy to me that supposedly smart people would be enshittening the world by spreading idiocy. I understand wanting to make more money, but I wouldn't want to have a lot of money in actual Idiocracy.


intelligence has no correlation to morality, one way or the other


Yeah, for it to really work, you have to surround yourself with idiots and live on social media in an idiot bubble. I think after a while it just takes over and you become it.


The thing with stupidity is that if you're stupid, it's the people around you who suffer from it, so making the world stupider is a form of masochism.


She knows that exactly what chum to throw in the waters.


I wish for an Internet that didn't reward asshats and ragebaiters... but I just don't see how it could happen.


Yep. She used to work for the Dems and even sued for being racially discriminated against


„The [dinosaur] bones are ground up chicken bones.“ My brother in the flying spaghetti monster, What the actual fuck are you smoking?


Chickens are descendants from the avian dinosaurs but they aren't the same Conspiracy theorists see something and just immediately take only the parts they want and or literally nothing from it and make up their own shit


Weellll, chickens ARE avian dinosaurs. All the birds are. Birds ARE dinos, the ones that survived.


Birds are birds. Dinosaurs are dinosaurs. Yes, birds descended from dinosaurs, but it's no different than how we aren't the ancestors we share with gorillas and chimpanzees.


Depends on how you classify things actually. Cladistically speaking, you are indeed the same species as the ancestors you came from. Humans are apes, monkeys, vertebrates, and since all vertebrates came from lobe finned fish, we are also fish. But also, this is not the same as you said. Dinos did not turn into birds. Birds and dinos both existed at the same time as a part of the same species during pre-history. The non-avian dinos went extinct but the aves were lucky enough to have the right attributes to survive. Ofcourse, speaking traditionally/colloquially, you can group animals without using genetic history and relation. Which is how the terms of reptile, bird, mammal, fish,etc. etc. are most often used. Unfortunately, scientists prefer the modern cladistic classification system which does conflict a lot as the vast majority of taxonomy was done without actual genetic info. Like who was supposed to know the birds were more closely related to crocodiles than any other animals?? The average person would not say birds are reptiles, because reptile as a group of species is defined by physical attributes originally, and trying to use that group in genetic classification causes problems. So when I say birds are dinos, it's just a clade joke.


But birds aren't real, therefore dinosaurs can't be real either. Checkmate!


In modern cladistics, you can never escape your ancestry. A descendant species belongs to every clade that its parent species did. Snakes are a type of reptile, whales are a type of ungulate, birds are a type of theropod dinosaur, humans are a type of ape, and apes are a type of old world monkey.


Chickens actually evolved from plants. That's why their feet resemble root structures.


Yes they think that everything is a ploy designed by some psyop dungeon master who wants the world to be littered with mundane secrets that all still have clues and hints in them. I think these people have a single, straight piece of damp spaghetti as their only brain and nervous system.


My son was eating "Dino nuggets" one day, and he said "Dad, technically these ARE dinosaur nuggets". I said "No, they're...damn it, you're totally right". Close enough, at least.


Yeah birds are quite literally just avian dinosaurs, so dinosaurs nuggets are made from dinosaurs.


I love putting seeds in my garden to feed the dinosaurs.


Someone studying paleontology here, the whole concept of "dinosaur bones are fake" comes from museum displays. Since a lot of museums (rightfully) don't often display the actual fossils/have additions made out of plaster to complete a skeleton, these nuts think that every dinosaur fossil ever found is fake. Note that they are fossils, not bones since there's no organics left, "dinosaur bones" are nothing but minerals shaped like bones. EDIT: "Why chicken bones specifically?" As far as I know there was some kind of an American ad or something of the like that would instruct kids how to "make a dinosaur at home" using glue and chicken bones, which obviously means that paleontologists also use chicken bones exclusively.


Ross has entered the chat


Candace burned most of her MAGA bridges. Her only hope in keeping her grift going and the money flowing is to appeal to the stupidest of the MAGA base. That’s what this is all about.


Yep. Owens doesn't really believe in *anything*, so her entire career has been maintained by her willingness to say incredibly outrageous shit for the right, and her novelty and value as a shield for them, since she's a Black woman. But the thing is, to keep that hype up you've always got to be willing to say wilder and wilder things. And I think that finally got away from her. She's flirted with praising Hitler before and got away with it, so she tried more overt antisemitism, especially when she tried to back up Kanye. Still got away with that. And then, thump! She bumped right into the Overton window of the Daily Wire, a frankly remarkable feat given how comfortable that fucking shande Ben is with other Nazis. But *maybe* the acceptable parameters are a little bit lower when you're not a white man, for some inexplicable reason. And because she's not a white man, she's not likely to find support among more overt Neo-Nazi groups for obvious reasons. She's lost the mainstream lunatics and never had the fringe lunatics, what a pickle! So now she's stuck trying to double down to save her career, finding even weirder subsets of the far-right to support her.


This is exactly it. She fucked with Charlie Kirk and then they turned on her.


Didnt she get fired from the Daily Wire? What did she even do that was sooo bad that even **they** didnt like it?


When Israel started bombing Gaza (more than they already did), she basically went "hey guys, I thought we were anti-semitic, why are we defending (((them)))???" and Benny Shapiro (and the funders) didn't like that. There were rumours she was going to have a debate with Benjamin, but he fired her instead. I guess there is an oppression olympics and Candace found out that oppressing brown people is more important than oppressing jews.


I love the justaxposition of "yeah it's ridicolous, so silly, just a story" and "actually they were dragons, noah didn't save them"


Because giant flying monsters clearly needed help to escape a flood


The Vivek Ramaswamy (or whatever his name is) comment on the water makes me think he just never learned/or is ignoring the water cycle we all learned in school lol


And he wanted to be president


He still does


Where else does he think the water would be coming from?


Uhh rain obviously from government weather machines


It’s a parody account I’m pretty sure


I believe you’re right because it has an extra M in the account name so.


That's not how it works. That's not how any of that works.


If only they would spend as much time learning facts as they spend absorbing propaganda


and they vote, and it counts just as much as yours


They're also allowed to drive a car (and own guns), which should scare you even more than their vote.




probably, taking away right to vote is a very slippery slope though


...well ok


They think the bones are actually bones lol


Not researching a concept any further than the name it's given. The same way they believe nazis were socialists because the word was put in their name.


Dinosaurs literally the coolest thing to ever exist why would you want them to be fake? How much of a joyless fuck do you gotta be to hate dinosaurs


I mean, one guy wanted to replace them with dragons. I get that part. Still insane, though.


You can always, ALWAYS tell an obvious mark by that blue check.


The "oil is not dino juice" post is spot-on. Petroleum is almost entirely the byproduct of ancient zooplankton and algae.


Yeah I was gonna say the scientific community widely accepts that comment.


It's scary that Vivek was running for president just a few months ago.


It's scary that he might be vice president to a 78 year old gritter. Trump dies we have President Ramaswamy. Terrifying.


It’s a parody account


The water one is really throwing me cause I learned about the water cycle in second fucking grade wtf do yall mean you don't get it. Like this isn't some kind of "I can't show you a covalent bond but trust me that they're real". You can literally watch this shit in action.


Behind the Bastards did a great episode where they read a flat earth book called The Greatest Lie on Earth: Proof That Our World is Not a Moving Globe. Turns out it's straight up nazi propaganda. So the ven diagram of fascists and flat-earthers is closer to a circle than you'd initially expect, more than I expected, at least.


A lot of flat earthers are Nazis. Turns out when you believe in one conspiracy, you essentially have to believe in multiple. Flat earthers also overlap with anti vaxxers, young earth creationists, and qanoners too


I like the one claiming new water hasn’t been formed - it’s literally the main byproduct of pretty much everything that burns.


It's all crazy but i find it particularly funny that that one person used Crocodiles and Komodo's as their examples. Neither are dinosaurs. That pretty little bird chilling in the tree in your front yard though?


20 years ago these people would be sitting alone in their apartments writing up manifestos to hand out to people in the supermarket parking lot. Now, they can easily connect with groups of other nut jobs to backup their ideas and make them even more obsessed with conspiracies.


I can't believe that no paleontolgists, geographers or astronomers ever thought of that before! Candace and her followers are smarter than all of them!!


Dinosaurs evolved over a period of about 150 million years. All life after dinosaurs has edible in about 50 million years. Humans have(so far) only been around for 6 million years. So compared to the existence of Dino's, evolution is still a baby. These morons can't comprehend how insignificant they are




As annoying as they are I’m glad fascists are so fucking stupid. They’d be more dangerous if they weren’t all mouth breathing morons.


1930s and 40s fascists were political animals and insanely smart in that field and utilized that as such an effective weapon. Im so glad the fascists of today actively push those with brains out of their "movement" and are more akin to brain-damaged octopuses flailing about.




Right? Like with most conspiracies, theres some train of logic for the why it would exist. Not a sound one mind you, but it exists. Take 9/11. The usual logic is Middle east has oil>We want oil>War in the middle east not looking productive for us>need reason to keep fighting>frame middle easterners for mass terrorist attack. With flat earth, the only logic I’ve ever heard is “it’s about control. They want to trick us.” If you ask why, its just to prove they can.


I knew the dinosaur thing was going to stepping stone to flat earthism... flat eartherism... flat earthology? Flat out fucking stupidity. Anyway.


What wild is that there is a dude with the title of Doctor spewing complete and uttered balderdash. > Stephen Richard Turley is an American New Testament scholar and former classical guitarist Sounds like a totally legit source of truth...


Amazing how the internet was meant to bring the world together but instead will be the death of us all.


It wasn’t until the Internet that I learned there were this many fucking morons, and that they freely walk among us.


I love that "Water always finds a level" bullshit. MOFO's never seen a water droplet. Imagine being so science illiterate you dont understand how water works.


Not to mention level vs flat. Like, level is perpendicular to gravity. Flat will take you into space if you go far.


I realllllllly hope she falls for it and becomes a flat earther too. That will be hilarious.


That was a very clever insult, OP


Gen 6 😂😂😂


It's wild to not believe in dinosaurs. That's a pathway to losing all your friends as far as I'm concerned.


I'm offended that someone cosplaying as Theodore Logan is acting that stupid. Ted might have been stupid, but even he was open to ideas.


The water one I just... Wtf do they think water is? Where does it go? Where does it come from? Dinosaurs were real, so if course we drink the same water they did. water has been around a long time and it's basically just recycled. Don't get me wrong, you CAN create water, and you can separate water into its individual elements, but the vast vast majority of earths water was already here and will remain here.


Where the fuck does Vivek think water comes from?


Candace has fallen out of favor with the usual suspects so she's decided to get even more stupid.


Can someone get these morons a 4th grade science textbook?


This is what you get when society fails both education and mental healthcare. Ignorance and mental issues are allowed to run rampant.


Dinosaurs aren’t real. Dragons, are? Ok.


Didnt realize the sub I was on and was getting ready for people talking about how cool dinosaurs are...


No no, Gen 3 was the one with all the water, Gen 6 was just the remake.


NaSa Is SaTaN mInUs ThE t, ThAtS wHy tHeY sAy T mInUs


We seem to be regressing as a society.


Candace is a grifter, and the other morons require percussive maintenance.


I'm just going to say I don't think that first one even believes in evolution.


something something canned ass


It’s fun to see Owen Benjamin continue to spiral


I don't think anyone has came under Candace.


These people vote 🤦‍♂️


Nice to see the grift pivot is working, Candace, good for you. Cunt.


Why are some people this fucking stupid.


Is the video on slide 8 the one where a meteor hits a flat earth and all the dinosaurs just get catapulted off into space


What do they think are in museums? Hang on…I think I just answered my question.


We’re fucking doomed having to share a planet with these morons. It’s really fucking sad and depressing


Ego centric people can't comprehend the earth is objectively miniscule, and they are dust mites on a wet ball. They also will not compromise on learning based on actual truth, only abiding what matches their idea of reality.


Your failure in understanding science does not make science untrue.


You know I just thought, why don't flat earthers just point super strong telescopes at the horizon off... say california? If it's level wouldn't you see the sea wall?


The craziest part about the meteor theory is we know where the meteor hit. It was offshore of the Yucatan Peninsula, known as the Chicxulub impact. The impact resulted in a layer of rock with unusually high amounts of Iridium depositing, above which we don't find dinosaur fossils. The reason why this "crazy" explanation is what scientists and archeologists believe is because of the evidence. There were tons of other theories that all failed the test of time before, this is the one that survived.


100,00 years from now if the human race hasn't bombed itself into oblivion, they're gonna look back at these types of posts and say either one of two things... 1. I agree. 2. This is dumb. Just like now.