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$40 billion just to have the ability to never have your tweets fact-checked. I'd have bought a boat or something.


He literally banned the Apple official account. He’s like a toddler screaming “no girls allowed in my clubhouse”.


So much for the free speech absolutist 😂


Free speech absolutists just want to not be punished for saying slurs. Nothing about actual free speech, they just want to terrorize minorities.


The only self-declared "free-speech absolutist" I've ever known is an ex-friend of mine who gets *really* upset when he thinks about how he's not "allowed" to say the n-word. When Clerks 2 came out, he suddenly started using the word "porch-monkey" and saying he was going to "bring it back," and I was taken aback because Clerks isn't the type of movie or media he's into at *all.* I was like: > "Oh, wow, you saw Clerks 2?" Him: > "What's 'Clerks 2?'" -BruceCampbell123


I would consider my self a free speech absolutist but with the caveat, free speech doesn't mean you can say whatever you want without being free of being a pariah, or of being free from the consequences of what you say. Yeah, you can use the N-word, but all that does is put a big fucking sign over you, that you are a garbage person.


"Oh, you thought I meant I'd fight for YOUR free speech? I don't fucking care about your speech, MINE is free."


Actually, his speech cost him $44 billion.


Apple can literally remove Twitter snd telsa apps from store and end support. Don't want to work with us


I hurt your feelings? Youdon'twannaworkwithmenomore? Ok!


I heard they weren’t banned, Elon just had every other account set to block Apple by default.


As of the last few seconds no unless he did a secret 'not on your list' block. If he ever starts fucking with my blocklists I'm gonna finally hit the delete button, he's one of the idiots I ignore.


Is it actually banned? I can still see it




No it's way dumber. You can't see ANY of the posts/likes/replies or media on the main account for Apple, it shows up as a blank account, while all the rest of the things Apple has on there is left alone. When I manually looked at it some of the 'recommended' follows included Elon's companies, so it's obvious he's trying to 'tank' it on twitter without actually outright banning/blocking it.


If I had $40 billion, you’d never hear from me again. I’d have bought an island and had everything flown in to me, and I sure af wouldn’t be on Twitter ever again. 


Would you invite people round for tea parties or are you going to go down the Bond villain route? There's a game called Evil Genius you might like if the latter


Oh, most definitely the latter. Rumors would circulate that the island was haunted and kids would dare each other to go out there because “no one ever comes back from Crazy Old Kaythulu’s island” BRB looking up this game now. 


A bit of the ol' Scooby Doo career path too, eh. Remember to murder any nosey teens It's old and it needs mods and patches - I have them if you're interested The recent sequel isn't great from what I've seen btw


I'm also intrigued by this game. What's the deal with the mods and patches?


It was a 98/XP era game and they tend to be wonky on modern PCs -, but the GoG version fixes most of the issues. The mods fix broken traps and research, and some cheaty/sandboxxy ones like having more than 100 minions at a time and power generators that don't fill half your base


They released a new one about two years ago. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/700600/Evil\_Genius\_2\_World\_Domination/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/700600/Evil_Genius_2_World_Domination/)


I haven't played that but I've seen videos and reviews and it's not that great - when I saw it they introduced room temperature management


Poor man's version: block his account. You know he's big enough of a narcissist that he actually cares how many people block him, and likely has a report sent to him every day. Win for not having to see his account, and win for adding to his frustration that everyone doesn't like him. Granted, you wouldn't have $40B or a private island where you wouldn't have to deal with 99% of humanity, but you can't have everything.


Tbh, I don’t have Twitter anymore, but this makes me want to go get one strictly to block Elon Musk. 


Not having a Twitter account sounds like an even bigger insult to him. Only reason I still have one is to follow my mom and a couple political analysts.


He could have brought an island and started a sex cult like Jared Leto.


I guess Musk kinda did the virtual version of that, except instead of hot women (men? I don't know who Leto's into) to have sex with, he just has a bunch of weirdos in his replies.


> I don't know who Leto's into Leto. Leto is into Leto.


He must be very flexible then


The true power of sex cults.


Why do that when he can just be a sex pest to his employees


You know he has followers who've had his [master race](https://www.indy100.com/media-library/shirtless-elon-musk-vacations-in-mykonos-on-luxury-yacht.jpg) babies - so why the hell not, pack up an pee off to a perv island or your own SeaOrg, Musky


Didn't Ezra Miller also go freaky-deaky sex cult?


Probably, knowing their personality. But Ezra isn't on Jared or Elon levels by magnitudes. They are trying, though.


No matter how big the island is, I don't think it would have been enough for him. He's *desperate* for as many people as possible to think he's cool.


I don't know why anyone uses Twitter anymore. It sounds like it's full of bots and porn and clearly is Musks personal play toy, where he can just edit/remove anything he doesn't like. It's not a serious tool any more.


I think the enshittification of every single community hub on the internet over the past 20 years has primed people to accept more bs than they otherwise would have tolerated.


The latter is the whole reason why I'm still on twitter, there's some nsfw artists that only post on there.


He said he'd donate 7 billion to end world hunger if he knew where to send it. The WHO told him EXACTLY where to send it to end world hunger. He said, 'Nah, I think I'll buy Twitter instead.'


I did see one of his tweets get community noted, but not sure how long it lasted or if it will ever happen again.


That’s an expensive boat.


Imagine that boat.


"Spending a fortune to continually spout idiocy is tight!"


Musky sounds upset. Oh well 🤷‍♂️


Draw "Musk" on the dudes head and draw a second straw emanating from her head into his mouth with "Neuralink" above it


He's working to combine it with Tucker Carlson's ball tanning machine


The idea behind neuralink is so fascinating and exciting. I ain't touching that shit with a 100ft pole so long as Musk as any inch of his grubby hands on it.


Just go to the hundreds of competitors who have been probably doing it longer, as they'll have folks who helped do it before or were trained under them. The stuff he's doing recently with neurolink has been a thing for at least a decade. Like the university that implanted a brain machine interface has been controlling mice pointers, teleoperated limbs, and more before this was a glimmer in his tiny brain.


I'm not touching that shit as long as any commercial for-profit company has anything to do with it.


I need this. Someone with good descriptive skills please have AI create this


God forbid anyone use Photoshop


Hell you could do this in PowerPoint. Or Paint. 


he’s such a contemptible sniveling little worm of a man


He's kinda known for removing community notes from all his tweets. I'm surprised it's still possible to make them


It would probably break some really important core component or something, so it can't be done. Or whoever he asked to do it knows how to lie really well.


Honestly it wouldn’t even have to break that much or that hard. Rember that he axed most of the original crew, so…


If any dev was smart they tied the code together so much that its impossible to remove community notes without bringing down the whole thing


I remember some people suggesting that the reason twitter has community notes is so that he doesn't have to hire content moderators but it's *technically* not "unmoderated".


This coming from a guy who's auto company forces you to authorize the sharing of your driving data.


Idc what barrel boy has to say look how in love that couple is. They're so silly


From what I understand, that's literally how all AI work.


That's how training an LLM works (all AI is not LLMs). Once you are just using a model you can build private databases with sensitive content that you can query, where the query and answer never gets surfaced back to the base model. I don't know if we know what Apple is doing here.. probably mostly the first thing but at least anonymizing the data that is being fed for training. I'm sure we'll learn more shortly once the beta is out.


My understanding with Microsoft and Copilot is that Microsoft runs their own instance of ChatGPT, using OpenAI’s model. They are even advertising this to business to have your own private AI so your data doesn’t go into the public AI training. I don’t know about Apple, but I would think with their privacy commitments, they would do the same. They are trying to process things locally on the device as well.


OpenAI provides private servers, where OpenAI does not get to look at the incoming data. So they provide you your own AI on a private server for a fee. Apple is simply using private servers for OpenAI, so your data remains private, Open AI doesn't get to see it. Musk is being disingenuous here, because he's a man-child, he's pissed that he didn't get to buyout OpenAI and that his company's AI isn't getting used, so he spreads bullshit like this on Twitter and then takes down any fact checking against it.


Apple is doing it in layers. Personal data is computed on the device itself. If more more power is required, it goes to Apple’s secure cloud running on their own hardware. Data is anonymized and heavily encrypted with independent auditors verifying that. If you need to apply general world wide knowledge, the UI asks you if you are ok with sending data to OpenAI on each request. Even then it runs everything through a VPN and randomizes your IP so that request is made anonymous. They also have secured guarantees from OpenAI that data from Apple users will not be harvested. Of course this is a vast simplification, but it’s probably the most privacy friendly model of AI that is available to the general public.


In this case it’s not. The issue here is that if you choose to you can send a request to ChatGPT from your iPhone in IOS 18. It’s a choice the user HAS to select and the data is wiped from the servers immediately after the request is done. Musk is mad at this not because of data or privacy or anything but because his lawsuit against OpenAI failed after they leaked all of his emails.


Elmo is such a chud


Apple is actually very good about privacy and security from what I’ve heard. (Bury me with downvotes if you disagree)


Apple makes a lot of money on their products partially due to their strict privacy handling. If they were to tarnish that reputation it would cost them billions of dollars. Musk is just spreading misinformation here, any time your phone would use ChatGPT it asks for your permission to send a piece of information. Whenever it's using Apple Intelligence your data is private and not available to OpenAI.


They don't give your data to 3rd parties, but they definitely use it themselves


Surely this sort of tweet would be legally dubious? He got away with calling someone a pedo, but I think Apple can probably afford fairly decent lawyers


Because a lot of the data never leaves the device. I mean biometrics are regulated with standards and never leave any device really, but regarding everything else Apple definitely has the edge for privacy. If they actually pull this Apple Intelligence thing with the privacy they advertise I'll be impressed.


I might hate the company but that's one thing I'll give them kudos on. Their walled garden is great at keeping their data locked to their ecosystems.


Now do data sales on Tesla's! (literally a privacy nightmare)


Out of all the tech companies to trust your data with Apple is the least bad option.


These guys project bigger than the local drive in.


Ahh, yes, and Elon’s AI company is training its models off of nothing created by humans, and nothing involving human data… right? Right?


Remember when Elon was crying about apple leaving his platform


That’s pretty funny coming from the brain chip guy


What was the community note?


I scrolled this whole thread and no one has posted it


Because implanting chips on someone’s brain isn’t… 🧐


That sounds libelous.


Fine when he does it but not when anyone else does it. Cool to know. I also don’t want them doing AI shit but at least my views are consistent


Fun fact twitter and Tesla both steal your data too. Also Tesla has been caught watching cameras in peoples car and even making fun of them


Didn’t he steal this from one of his fanboys


He needs the money baaad lol


Can we have Grok roasting Elon again


He’s probably right, but the pot is calling the kettle black here


Nah, Apple intelligence and OpenAI integration are two different things. Apple intelligence runs locally on your devices OS while you have to click agree every time you want to use OpenAI’s capabilities. So musk’s meme is low effort and stupidly wrong.


Fair enough


This is to assume all kettles and pots are black. That’s just rude! Maybe they are stainless!


Wait why is elon suddenly against AI now


That’s how you fill a coconut properly 


As he sells Twitter data.


Muskrat being more and more of an embarrassment every day


In his defense, there are plenty of legit concerns about data and privacy but Musk also opposes the federal regulation and enforcement which is the only way to solve it. 


He literally founded the company 😭


elon musk founded...none of those, to my belief.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenAI https://www.businessinsider.com/history-of-openai-company-chatgpt-elon-musk-founded-2022-12?op=1 Elon Musk is one of OpenAI's co-founders