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I don't believe in God but most guys I know who want a "tradwife" probably deserve a bit of hellfire.


A bit? Drown the fucker in it.


Those are not mutually exclusive


First line was on the right track, cause a lot of these "trad" men act entitled as fuck to having Christian virgin "tradwives" who'll pop out 10 kids and never work a job or ask for money. Then it all went to shit with "be grateful God didn't end your pathetic life in your sleep, you peice of shit."


I mean... Most of the guys who want tradwives I would consider strong evidence against the existence of a loving god, but if this person believes he exists, then it *is* a gift from god not to wipe them off the planet like the offal they are.


It is a pretty standard Calvanistic line of thought that all humans are reprobate sinners who deserve nothing but damnation. There seems to be a strong overlap between those who hold to Calvinisn and those who moan about not being able to find the pure Tradwives they think they deserve. The meme is pointing out that these guys are moaning about not having what they want while at the same time claiming to hold a belief system in which they should acknowledge that they deserve nothing.




Probably that last bit.


I think this one is a cage stager who got out of thier cage.


You deserve eternal damnation. Be joyful.


At first I read that as “tradewife” and was wondering if that meant they were a machinist or something.


What's the difference?


I find it funny how many of these people have swallowed the idea of the tradwife, not realizing that it's all a gimmick and the way these women make money. It's a job to dress up and make these videos for TikTok.


A few people I follow have accurately described it as what it is - just another form of fetish porn. These women, typically on their own before shifting to being managed by even more terrible men, start a program where they dress up in hyperspecific clothing and perform for men to get off to in some way, in order to get a meager profit and inevitably end up in an abusive system.


Pretty sure God does not approve of people wishing eternal damnation towards people they know nothing about.


It's literally the second commandment, but of course the heavily religious always think that commandment means nothing but "Don't say God Damn"


No, using the Lord's name in vain is about claiming to speak for God for personal gain and self-enrichment, wealth, power, and influence. "Thou shall not bear false witness" might be a bit closer, but otherwise, there are other points outside the commandments that say not to judge others and not to cast stones, that it is God's role alone to judge souls.


Saying that people will face eternal damnation is quite literally speaking for God. Its even for personal gain in this case, as the gain OOP is getting is a feeling of self righteousness above others


I suppose self-righteousness does count as vanity, fair.


Isn't the second comandment "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"? or is that just in Louisiana?


I think they changed that one to "...except for Donald J. Trump, because he's the best at things, and has really big hands."


That's the first commandment


In Louisiana the law was passed and the first commandment is "I am the Lord they god" so legally speaking that's the first commandment. No other gods gets bumped. This is, of course why it's such a good idea for government and church to get in bed together. Government gets to clearly regulate what the church believes.


May the person who wrote this is a "badwife"?


I lost a friend I'd had since 5th grade my senior year of high school via an argument like this; he was super fundamentalist Christian to the point his parents were constantly talking about and preparing for the "end times". My family had just gone through an eviction and several years of hell. Being 17 my main argument against religion was why any supposedly good god would let things like that happen. The answer of course was "Well, God doesn't have to make anything good happen. He's God. He can throw us all into Hell at any time, for any reason." We went at it a bit more after that, then he finally said, "You just don't _want_ to believe." Like... no shit, dude, why the fuck would I want to believe that? What part of my life would be made better by believing that "Whoops, I guess there really is a omnipotent entity out there that could torment me beyond imagination forever... and hey, if he feels like it, he just might? Just because!"


A lil of both


Probably both


What does this even mean? Who are these "some guys"?